Godzilla: This monster actually uses blasters!

Seeing the EMP released by the leatherback turtle, Godzilla was also extremely unhappy for a while.

After being strengthened by black fusion transformation, Godzilla now has full confidence to destroy everything in the world with his atomic breath!

But he really didn’t know if he ran into another guy who could use EMP electromagnetic pulses, would his atomic breath be like when he faced Muto… Can’t send it?

“Abominable! I am the last descendant of atomic dinosaurs, how can I be again and again… Reprimanded by this shock? ”

Thinking of the image, the other himself was also restrained by Muto’s electromagnetic wave impact, causing the atomic breath to be released for a long time, and finally almost killed!

The anger in Godzilla’s heart grew stronger!

At this time, the infinite evolution ability inherited from True Godzilla in his body was also activated again!


Godzilla’s body temperature rose rapidly, and his rough skin began to turn red and emit steam, and the surface looked like magma!

And at this moment, the nuclear black fusion in its body began to operate in another unprecedented way! Create unimaginable terrifying heat!


The terrifying heat energy began to frantically overflow from Godzilla’s body and walk in all directions, melting and disintegrating the ground under his feet.

At this moment, Godzilla looked like a flame, and the air around him was distorted by the terrifying heat wave.

“What is this thing? What happened to my body? ”

Feeling that his whole body seemed to be burning, Godzilla was also shocked for a while.

But soon he discovered something strange.

Although his own body temperature began to rise, he didn’t seem to feel hot!

“Forget it, let’s hurry up and cool down.”

After some hard work, Godzilla finally calmed down his body.

The terrifying heat wave began to subside, and the flame-like heat gradually returned to normal.

And Godzilla, who took a breath, did not know at this time that the model he had just inadvertently evolved was the famous Red Lotus mode!

But fortunately, Godzilla stopped the Red Lotus mode in a state of confusion.

Otherwise, once the Red Lotus Mode enters the second… Even in the third stage, the original sub-furnace in its body may be melted down!

At that time, it will be jade and stone burning.

“Hmm… This system, once claimed. To evolve to a stronger and more perfect state, I need to eat something called black ingredients. ”

A flash of light flashed in his huge eyes, and Godzilla looked up at the screen in front of him, already having a decision in his heart.

He was still a little curious about the monsters on the screen invading the earth.

But after watching this video, Godzilla will leave the island and go to the outside world to find the “nuclear power plant” and “nuclear submarine” that the group learned about!

Moreover, Godzilla’s sixth sense clearly tells it that Muto has woken up from sleep!

Now that you have gained new powers, let’s test them on these old enemies!

After killing the two male and female Muto, Godzilla will go in search of his greatest natural enemy… Supreme Muto!

In the chat group, the rest of the group did not know that Godzilla had made such a determination.

At this time, they were still discussing the battle situation on the screen with great interest.

Wanda Maximov: To hell with it! Weren’t these mech hunters very majestic when they first appeared? How did you get killed so quickly?

Bruce Banner: It’s so strange, the monsters used to be hand-to-hand combat, but how come to now… Even the EMP shock can be released!

Bruce Banner: If it’s evolution, these guys are evolving too fast.

Tony Stark: In my opinion, that Muto must have evolved for thousands of years to gain the ability to restrain Godzilla’s electromagnetic pulse.

Tony Stark: And the evolution of these monsters is really extraordinary.

Natasha Romanoff: There’s only one reason why this is because the abilities of these kaisy-opening monsters are not evolved, but created.

Tony Stark: Manufacturing? Really! These Kaiju monsters are some kind of biochemical weapon!

Tony Stark: No wonder, the monsters that appeared this time all seem to be specifically aimed at the weaknesses of those mech hunters, which is why they can cause such a quick second kill.

Bruce Banner: But now there’s only one Mech Hunter left!

Bruce Banner: It’s really bad that the enemy has developed a special weapon against mech hunters, and in various situations, he has to be 1-on-2.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Could it be that this last one will also…

Loki Odinson: Haha, not necessarily.

Tony Stark: Oh? Loki, you guy, you didn’t actually pour cold water this time?

Rocky Odinson: Humph! When you say there is no hope, I prefer to say there is hope.

Loki Odinson: The three mechs that were restrained in front are all veterans who have experienced battles.

Rocky Oddinson: So, their strengths and weaknesses must have been investigated by the enemy hidden behind the scenes.

Loki Odinson: And the “Dangerous Wanderer” that this kid drove was just fixed! In previous years, there was no attack at all.

Wanda Maksimov: Yes! In this way, it is impossible for the enemy to target this mecha and let the Kaiju beast evolve any special functions… Come specifically to restrain him.

Loki Odinson: Dead girl, you seem to be really getting smarter lately.

Wanda Maximov: Well, I don’t need you to compliment me.

At this moment, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Facing the fierce leatherback turtle, the dangerous wanderers fought bravely and fought all the way from the sea to the port. 】

[Since the electromagnetic pulse is ineffective against the “dangerous wanderer” driven by black energy, the leatherback turtle attacked desperately, but finally lost at the hands of the mecha hunter. ] 】

Seeing this scene, many people in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

“Haha, sure enough!”

Little Wanda nodded proudly:

“These Kaiju monsters fought so smoothly before because they… The weakness of those mech hunters has been caught. ”

“And now in the face of dangerous wanderers without weaknesses, it is their turn to be unlucky!”

Seeing this, Loki snorted coldly in secret, but did not say anything.

“Even if you defeat these monsters, what’s the point?”

“If the mastermind behind the scenes is not eliminated, he can still send more monsters infinitely, and eventually drown the entire earth!”

【Image continues】

[At this time, the tailed rat had already rushed into the city, and just as it stuck its tongue into the interior of a shelter, a fierce roar suddenly sounded from behind. 】

[The tailed rat looked back and saw the mecha wanderer, holding a long ocean-going giant ship, walking all the way towards him. ] 】

[This mech warrior… He was actually preparing to use this giant ship as a samurai sword! 】

[This is the real slash ship knife! ] 】

PS: The adventure of the real brother will start soon, if you want to watch it, there is even a chance to make it a personal live broadcast in the future!

PS2: Since so many people want to watch “Sherlock Holmes” starring Iron Man, then after the Pacific Rim is over, broadcast this!

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