[Facing Scarlet Witch, Ultron saw in an instant that she deliberately let Iron Man take away the Psychic Scepter. ] 】

[Scarlet Witch glanced at Ultron:]

“I didn’t expect him to make you. “】

“But I did see the fear in his eyes, and I knew… Giving him the scepter of the mind will only hasten his self-destruction. “】

[As a robot, Ultron’s crimson eyes actually reveal a hint of deep meaning:]

[“Human beings always invent what they are afraid of”]

【”Peacetime Man Creates War Machine”】

“The invaders created the Avengers. “】

[Seeing this, Scarlet Witch directly asked Ultron, did he want to destroy the Avengers? ] 】

[Ultron said in a sincere tone:]

“I’m here to save the world, but you’re right. “】

Seeing this, little Wanda frowned and said:

“What’s going on with this robot? Is there a problem with its program? ”

“When that Stark made it, he obviously let it protect the world.”

“Why does it turn against the Avengers?”

Upon hearing this, the expression on Tony’s face suddenly became a little ugly, as if he had thought of something.

Loki suddenly sneered:

“Little ghost, didn’t you hear that Ultron say? It is coming to save the world! ”

“Huh?” Little Wanda was still confused when she listened. Strange next to him had already said thoughtfully:

“Saving the world, but not saving humanity?”

“What?” Peter listened beside him, shocked, and horror shot in his eyes.

“Pitting humans against the world, does this robot want to…”

Black Widow shook her head slightly next to her:

“This Ultron entered the network after its birth, frantically absorbing information from the human world.”

“It must have been at that time that it understood the true meaning of peace and war.”

Tony was silent, but Loki said coldly:

“All wars on earth … It’s all caused by humans. ”

“So if world peace is to be guaranteed, the only way is to completely destroy mankind!”

“Destroy humanity?”

Hearing this terrifying conclusion, Little Wanda was shocked, and his eyes widened at once.

Is there such an operation in the world?

At this time, Strange suddenly frowned slightly:

“Something is wrong, if Ultron really wants to destroy humanity, then why not just hack into the black weapons of the world and shoot them all?”

At this time, Tony finally let out a long breath:

“If it really does this, I should find a way to stop it in another world.”

Black Widow nodded slightly as she listened:

“That’s right, the Avenger will definitely rise up and hinder his plans as much as possible.”

“So… Ultron decided to kill the Avengers first! ”

【Image continues】

[Next, Ultron took the twins to Baron Strack’s robot factory. 】

[Ultron claims that the so-called Avengers are nothing more than a piece of scattered sand. 】

“Stark has already made them infight. “】

[“Next, you just need to use your powers to control their minds…”

[Hearing this, Quicksilver said a little unpleasant:]

[“How is everyone’s plan… Doesn’t that include killing these avengers? “】

[Ultron asked rhetorically:]

“You are preparing to kill them all, and then make them heroes and spirits…” Taxi? “】

[In the face of Ultron’s questioning, Quicksilver tells the story of the day their parents died and their hatred for Stark.] 】

[Scarlet Witch said coldly:]

“We were stuck there for two days, and the people outside were trying to save us all the time. “】

“But every time they try to save us, even if it’s just to remove a broken brick, I think it’s going to detonate a bomb.” “】

[Finally, Scarlet Witch gritted her teeth and said:]

“We waited for Tony Stark to kill us, two days. “】

[Ultron nodded at the twins in front of him. 】

[“I didn’t know at first why only the two of you completed Baron Strack’s experiments”]

“Now I know! “】

“We will get our justice back!”] “】

[Ultron looked at Quicksilver first: “You and I can hurt them”]

[Next, it reaches out and points at the Scarlet Witch:]

“But you can disintegrate them from within!”] “】

Seeing this, Little Wanda lowered his head and didn’t say a word, and the whole person seemed to have lost his spirit.

Seeing this, Tony also sighed secretly and was speechless.

After Pepper’s investigation, both he and Wanda already knew.

It was Obadiah who secretly sold the arms of Stark Industries to the Sokovia rebels.

Tony himself was unaware.

However, seeing the Wanda siblings on the screen described… The two days of horror that he was trapped in the ruins, Tony himself felt frightened, and the cold hair on his back stood up.

He felt… If you change to yourself, not only will your parents be killed, but you will also be locked up with a bomb for so long, I am afraid that there will be mental problems!

At this time, the chat group became lively again.

John Constantine: No, this robot is an amazing liar.

John Constantine: If its real purpose is to destroy humanity, then the twins are definitely included.

John Constantine: But this Ultron not only concealed the secret, but even lured the two humans into serving it!

Deadpool: Wow! Doesn’t this sell people and ask them to count the money for him?

Wanda Maksimov: ………

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This… The twins didn’t know that Ultron was so crazy.

Charles Xavier: Yes, we are now in God’s shoes, and it is very simple to blame others like this.

Charles Xavier: But if you’re in the middle of the game, can you really do better than them?

Godzilla: I don’t care if humanity is destroyed or not, but if I destroy my world, then… I will never say yes!

John Constantine: Huh? What kind of bizarre is this?

Wolverine: Oh, this Godzilla guy, but a man over 100 meters tall. A big monster with a body of more than 100,000 tons!

Wolverine: If it wants, it can destroy a city or even a country in minutes!

Wolverine: Do you think it cares about humans like this?

John Constantine: What do you say?

At this moment, Konstantin’s heart twitched, and the whole person was stunned.


How…… Are there still monsters in this group?

Stephen Strange: In the eyes of such a big guy, the survival of human beings may not be worth mentioning.

Deadpool: Huh… Whether you are a monster or not, you can’t kill me anyway.

Tony Stark: Oh? Are you really that confident?

Tony Stark: Godzilla’s body has black fusion, transformers, and sub-furnaces! It can also spew ultra-high temperature proto-seed breath from the mouth.

Tony Stark: In an instant, you can burn your whole body to the point of not a single cell left!

Tony Stark: In that case, I see how you can come back to life!

Originally, Tony felt extremely depressed because of Wanda’s plot, and now he found an opportunity to spray Deadpool hard to vent his emotions!

Deadpool: Black Fusion ???


Swallowing his spit with difficulty, Deadpool stiffened, and for a while he really felt a little panicked in his heart.

God, isn’t this destructive power a little too much?

Even if he likes to die, but Deadpool really doesn’t know, if his whole person is gasified, can he still come back to life?

Charles Xavier: Without mentioning such a grand proposition as the survival of mankind, I also admire the spirit and will of those two twins.

Charles Xavier: No wonder they… Can survive such a cruel human experiment.

Magneto: Hmph, but it’s just hatred for a certain human that sustains them!

Magneto: When I was in the concentration… When I was most desperate, I also survived by hatred.

Wolverine: The twins are full of hatred and are afraid they will do something irrational.

Wanda Maksimov: ………

John Constantine: I probably understood that the Scarlet Witch’s ability should be some kind of illusion, plus mental manipulation.

Magneto: But this woman should not be able to completely control another person’s mind like Charles.

John Constantine: Complete mastery of thinking!! Are there still such terrifying people in your universe?

Deadpool: It’s scary indeed, and it’s a big bald head! Hahaha…

Charles Xavier: I have a lot of hair right now…

Deadpool: Wow, then I really want to see it for myself.

Deadpool: Also… What do you think of the robot Ultron’s plan?

Loki Odinson: It was supposed to be Scarlet Witch… Go control that green monster!

Bruce Banner: !!!

Stephen Strange: Sigh, I thought so too.

Stephen Strange: From the previous images, this Hulk is mentally unstable, and of all the Avengers, he is the most vulnerable to losing control.

Loki Odinson: That’s right, since Scarlet Witch’s abilities are limited, it should be the easiest strategy to stimulate this green monster and make him go crazy!

Bruce Banner: ………

Sitting in the living room of Stark’s mansion, Banner suddenly took a deep breath.

Don’t…… Are you really that fragile?

So much so that it was regarded as a weakness by everyone?

【Image continues】

[At this time, on the side of the Avengers, everyone got information. Ultron kills Baron Strack while in prison. 】

[Team Mi guessed that Ultron wanted to kill people and bury some information. ] 】

[As soon as everyone went online, they found that all the information about Baron Strack on the Internet had been deleted. ] 】

[However, the original S.H.I.E.L.D. still kept some paper documents. 】

[Next, the Avengers began to use the most primitive means to try to find clues from these documents. 】

[It didn’t take long for Tony to discover that one of the people around Baron Strack was a man named “Ulysses Crowe” with a mark on his neck. 】

[Bruce Banner investigates and discovers that this imprint means “thief” in the Wakanda language.] 】

[Under Banner’s questioning, Tony said that Wakanda contains the hardest metal in the world… Vibranium! 】

[Back then, his father, Howard Stark, made his shield for Captain Mi with vibranium. 】

[Next, the screen turns to Ulysses Crowe’s ship.] 】

[And Ultron and the twins also found him.] 】

[It turns out that Ultron wants to get more vibranium from Crow, and then use this hardest metal in the world to create a new body for himself! ] 】

[Crowe claimed that his vibranium was worth at least a few billion, and Ultron directly hacked into Crowe’s account and injected him with billions of funds. 】

[After transferring the account, Ultron said a little smugly:]

【”Finance is a strange thing”】

“But I often say: Make your friends and enemies rich. “】

At that time, it is natural to distinguish between friend and foe. “】

[Originally still shocked by the amount that appeared on the account, when Crow heard this, he suddenly looked up and said:]

“Tony Stark once said this to me. “】

[He looked at Ultron and said with a surprised look:]

“Are you a robot he built?” “】

“What? I’m not. “】

[When Ultron heard this, he immediately became furious. 】

“Do you think I’m a Stark-controlled puppet? “】

[“Stark is a fart! “】

[“Oh! “】

[The more he spoke, the more angry he became, and Ultron’s hand rose and fell, and he cut off Crow’s left hand in one fell swoop. ] 】

[And after venting, Ultron seems to regret his anger just now. ] 】

[“Oops! I’m sorry. “】

[Ultron actually started apologizing:]

“I don’t want to hurt you. Only, don’t compare me to Stark. “】

“Stark… That guy he’s a disease! “】

[At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind Ultron:]

“Oh… Wu’er. “】

“You really broke Dad’s heart. “】

[As soon as Ultron turned around, he saw that Iron Man, the captain, and Thor had arrived and blocked his retreat. ] 】

[And the person who claimed to be his father just now was Iron Man… Tony Stark. 】

Seeing this, everyone’s eyes in the live broadcast room focused on Tony again, and Loki sneered and shook his head:

“Sure enough, it is worthy of having a father and a son.”


Tony was uncomfortable being seen by everyone, and when he heard this, he directly glared back:

“Loki, what are you talking nonsense, I obviously want to stimulate that robot monster? It’s sarcasm! ”


Surprisingly, Black Widow actually nodded, then looked at Tony and said meaningfully:

“Didn’t you find out? I don’t know why, the character of this Ultron … Or personality, really similar to you. ”

“Maybe… He is another dark version of you. ”


Tony’s face wrinkled together when he heard this, and he quickly shook his head and said:

“What nonsense are you talking about? This monster is a being in the Mind Gem! What does it have to do with me! ”

Looking at Tony’s angry and corrupted look, little Wanda’s originally low mood actually improved.

She turned her head and looked at Ultron’s arrogant look on the screen, and suddenly the corners of her mouth curved:

“Huh… It really looks like…”

Charles Xavier: In this case, is Ultron’s hatred of Tony Stark also driven by a father-killing complex?

Stephen Strange: Only if you surpass your father is you really an adult? I have also heard such theories.

Tony Stark: Enough, how are you talking more and more outrageous. (艹皿艹)

【Image continues】

[Iron Man wanted to question Ultron, but Ultron started fighting directly without saying a word, and the others were also fighting together. ] 】

[Next, Quicksilver knocked out the captain with his super speed, and Scarlet Witch also took the opportunity to control the spirit of the captain and the others, making them fall into memories. ] 】

[Black Widow sees herself trained in the Red House, and the captain sees a dance he attended with Peggy Carter decades ago. 】

[Thor, the god of thunder, met Heimdall, who was blind, during a drinking party in Asgard. 】

[Although Hawkeye knocked out Scarlet Witch with Superman’s sixth sense, the witch was still saved by Quicksilver. 】

[Rescued by Quicksilver out of the cabin, Scarlet Witch says she can continue to fight. And she is also ready to control the weakest link of the Avengers according to the original plan… Bruce Banner! 】

[During the battle, Iron Man chased Ultron outdoors. 】

[But he soon discovered that this Ultron was just a doppelganger, and it had already sent other robots to transfer vibranium.] 】

[At this moment, Iron Man received another terrible news. 】

[The Hulk suddenly appeared in the city not far away, and seemed to be crazy. 】

Seeing this, Bruce Banner’s heart shook violently, and he unconsciously clenched his fists.

Sure enough, that big monster really got out of control again.

Don’t…… Is there really no way to control this inner demon?

[Destroyed Ultron’s doppelganger, Iron Man rushed to the city,]

[Only then did he learn that everyone in the Avengers except himself had been overturned by Scarlet Witch’s superpowers. 】

[In desperation, Iron Man had to choose the last resort. ] 】

“Veronica, send me the armor!”] “】

[At Tony’s command, Veronica, a support satellite outside the atmosphere, launched a rocket toward the ground. 】

[In this rocket, contains the most powerful suit of Tonis Dak. 】

[“Anti-Hulk Armor! “】

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