[Seeing Mjolnir coming towards him, “Odin” finally couldn’t bear it and shouted in panic:]

“I admit defeat! “】

[Immediately afterwards, “Odin” changed back to Loki’s real body. 】

[Seeing this, Thor pushed Loki aside and reached out to catch Mjolnir that flew in. ] 】

[And seeing that the god king of Asgard turned out to be Loki, the people in the square were immediately shocked. ] 】

[Looking at Thor holding the hammer, Loki said with an unhappy face:]

“Without you, Asgard would have prospered and everything was fine. “】

“Do you have to come back and ruin it all?”] “】

[“Where is the father? Did you kill him? “】

[Thor was so angry that he held Loki down on the couch with a hammer and forced Odin’s whereabouts. 】

[Under the coercion of his angry brother, Loki had to confess. 】

[It turns out that he used magic to seal Odin’s power and exiled him to a retirement home on Earth. 】

And seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

John Constantine: Magic! Even the God King of the First Realm can be sealed… What kind of spell is that? Is there really such a powerful magic in the world?

Mage Mordo: Impossible, even if the ancient mage personally made a move, it was impossible to seal Odin so easily!

Master Mordo: Something must have been wrong.

Thor: Loki’s spells were taught by Queen Mother Frigga herself, but… I really don’t think he can beat his father.

Rocky Oddinson: ………

At this moment, Loki himself was speechless, and his heart was also full of doubts.

What’s going on?

Does this self in another universe really master such powerful magic?

【Image continues】

[When Thor takes Loki to Earth through the Rainbow Bridge, the two of them discover that the nursing home where Loki was used to exile Odin has been demolished.] 】

[At this moment, the two brothers were all dumbfounded. 】

[Just when the two were helpless, a golden circle of light suddenly appeared under Loki’s feet, which surprised Thor. 】

[“Loki! What are you doing? “】

[Loki’s eyes widened, and his face was full of surprise. 】

[“I didn’t do anything…”]

[Before he finished speaking, Loki disappeared in front of Thor’s eyes as if he had fallen into an invisible deep hole. 】

[And on the ground where Loki disappeared, a business card appeared with an address written on it.] 】

“177A Brick Street? Isn’t this the New York Temple? ”

Seeing this, Strange’s pupils contracted, and his face showed surprise.

The golden aperture just now was obviously Karma Taj’s teleportation magic.

But to be able to pass on the god of trickery Loki so easily, is it… The person who shot was the ancient mage?

【Image continues】

[Thor follows the address on his business card to the New York Temple, where he meets a man wearing a levitating cloak. 】

[Doctor Strange… Steven Strange! 】

[With the Eye of Agomoto around his neck, Doctor Strange moved Thor to a chair at will, and unknowingly poured a cup of tea into his hand. 】

[Glancing at the teacup in his hand, Thor said that he never drinks tea. 】

[The next moment, the cup of tea in his hand turned into a cup of beer. 】

[Just when Thor was a little confused, Doctor Strange began to introduce himself. 】

[It turns out that Strange is now a Supreme Mage, so he has to monitor people and things from other worlds. 】

[Because, these aliens may pose a threat to Earth.] 】

[Doctor Strange wants to know, what is the purpose of Thor and Loki’s coming to Earth this time? 】

[After all, Loki had led the Chitari to invade Earth. 】

[When he learned that the two were looking for their father, Doctor Strange decided to take them to Odin. 】

[Then the Doctor said to Thor:]

“Your father chose to banish himself for a while… He is now in Norway”]

Then, in an instant, Doctor Strange teleported himself and Thor to the side of the bookshelf.

In the face of such a magical magic, Thor only felt dizzy, and unconsciously reached out to hold the bookshelf, which stabilized his body.

“This… Am I so strong? ”

Looking at himself on the screen, raising his hand to play Thor on the palm of his hand, Strange swallowed lightly, and his eyes showed surprise.

Although through the previous images, he already knew that he would replace Gu Yi in another universe and become the Supreme Mage!

But Strange still has some doubts about whether he can take this burden.

Seeing Doctor Strange’s means of manipulating time and space at will on the screen, Strange was shocked, and a trace of excitement surged in his heart.

Originally…… I can really become so powerful!

On the other side, Loki noticed what Doctor Strange said.

“Self-exile, what does that mean?”

Loki’s face was gloomy, and an incredible thought suddenly popped into his mind.

Do you say… Was Father deliberately banished to earth by me?

How is this possible?

After thinking about it, Loki never thought of any reason for Odin to do such a thing.

But beyond that… There seems to be no other explanation!

That’s Odin, the god king of the Nine Realms, no matter what kind of magic his variant uses, it is impossible to defeat him!

[Just as Loki was pondering, the image on the screen changed again.] 】

[After consulting several spell books, Doctor Strange turned to Thor and said:]

“In order to teleport to where your father is, I need a hair on your head. “】

“What? “】

[Upon hearing this, Torton suddenly changed color:]

“I can warn you, no one can touch my hair!”] “】

As soon as Thor’s words fell, Doctor Strange suddenly appeared behind him and reached out and pulled down one of his blonde hairs. 】

Next, the two were teleported to the main hall of the New York Temple.] 】

[But compared to Doctor Strange’s leisurely stroll, Thor actually rolled down the stairs.] 】

[Some embarrassed got up from the ground, Thor said a little unpleasantly:]

[“Mage? Can’t we just come over? “】

[Dr. Strange ignored him, but cast a spell with Thor’s hair and unfolded a golden portal in the main hall. 】

[Pointing to the portal, Doctor Strange said indifferently:]

“Your father is waiting for you outside the door. “】

[Next, Thor asked Doctor Strange where Loki had gone. 】

“Oh, right. “】

[Doctor Strange stretched out his hand, and a golden aperture suddenly appeared in the air, and Loki fell out of it and smashed the ground. ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[Lying on the ground in embarrassment, Loki clenched his hands into fists and roared:]

“I just fell for a full 30 minutes!”] “】

[Looking at Loki, Doctor Strange said calmly:]

“This guy will be handed over to you in the future. “】

[“Leave it to you? “】

[Loki got up from the ground in anger, glared at Doctor Strange with hatred, and “Oh” revealed his two daggers. 】

[“Little wizard, you dare to be disrespectful to the gods…”

[Before Loki could finish speaking, as soon as Doctor Strange stretched out his hand, a circle of light swung out, and he and Thor were all teleported to Norway. ] 】

Seeing this, Master Mordo couldn’t help but laugh out loud in the chat group.

Master Mordo: Haha… When encountering an enemy, the first reaction is to show the dagger? Is this the most powerful mage in Asgard?

Mage Mordo: Loki! I think you should still be a promising profession as an assassin, and mages are not suitable for you at all.”

Rocky Odinson: Damn human warlock? What did you say??? Convex (艹皿艹)

Loki Odinson: I’m the Archmage of Asgard and the First Warlock of the Nine Realms!

Stephen Strange: I’m sorry, the First Warlock of the Nine Realms, now the Ancient One Mage, and in the future it will be me.

Loki Odinson: Bah! You magic apprentice! Dream less!

Although he is still hard-mouthed, Loki is already a little frightened at the moment.

On the screen, the means shown by Doctor Strange are really shocking.

This kind of arbitrary control of time and space has simply surpassed those guys in the Time Administration!

Faced with this kind of opponent who controls time, Loki really doesn’t know… How to win!

After all, any attack you make against Doctor Strange may not make sense!

Perhaps, only by relying on the power of the world and using the “Time Stop” to fight the “Time Gem” will there be a chance of victory! ”

Thinking of this, Loki suddenly felt a little distressed.

Although his stand-in, got upgraded. But the “time” at which time stopped rose to only three seconds.

If you encounter a strong enemy, this time… It still doesn’t seem to be enough.

But Loki quickly put the matter aside and focused on the screen.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

Odin, did you really choose to be banished yourself?

【Image continues】

[After coming to Norway, the two brothers found Odin standing on the edge of a cliff facing the sea. 】

[He affectionately called the two brothers “my child” and said to Loki with a smile:]

“It took me a while to get rid of your magic. “】

“Frigga will be proud of you. “】

[Next, Odin bluntly said that his time of death is approaching, and Ragnarok will come. 】

[But Thor did not understand what his father meant, claiming that he had knocked out Soulel and that Ragnarok had been terminated.] 】

[Only then did Odin tell the truth.] 】

[It turns out that the one who will really bring destruction to Asgard is Odin’s first child, Hela, the goddess of death. 】

[Hela is a child born when Odin fought in the Nine Realms and his hands were covered with blood. 】

[After becoming an adult, Hela followed Odin and experienced countless bloody baptisms on the battlefield. 】

[Therefore, Hela’s Godhead contains endless killings and conquests, which can never be stopped. 】

[Unable to stop Hela’s killing, Odin had to seal her in the underworld. 】

[But as Odin’s lifespan approaches, Hela will also break the seal!] 】

[Moreover, Hela’s power comes from Asgard, and as long as Hela returns to her home, she will gain endless power! ] 】

[In the end, Odin hopes that the brothers Thor and Loki can work together to stop Hela. 】

[Finally, looking at the origin of Norse mythology in front of him, Odin said:]

“Remember this place, this is home. “】

[After speaking, Odin’s body turned into light particles and dissipated in front of these two. 】

Seeing this scene, Loki’s heart was shocked, and the whole person was stunned.

At this time, little Wanda suddenly blinked his eyes and asked:

“What’s going on? Why did that old man Odin banish himself here? Doesn’t he want to be a god king? ”

Black Widow sighed faintly beside her:

“After the death of the queen of heaven, Friga… He must have been a little discouraged. ”

“More than that.”

Surprisingly, Tony Stark also looked a little serious at this time:

“Think about what happened during Odin’s last reign as God King?”

“Not only did he lose his wife, but one of his two sons chose to rebel and the other did not want to inherit his throne.”

“And his life seems to be coming to an end.”

Tony Stark shook his head slightly

“In this case, does he have any better option than to cede the throne to Loki?”

“You mean… Did Odin deliberately fall for Loki’s magic? So that you can take the opportunity to give the throne to him? ”

Peter listened dumbfounded.

Looking at the dumbfounded Peter, Black Widow said calmly:

“If you stand in Odin’s place, wouldn’t you consider giving Loki a chance to try?”

“Remember, he doesn’t have a few years left to live.”

Strange also understood at this time:

“So… Odin later unlocks the magic Loki cast on him, but still chooses self-imposed exile instead of returning to Asgard! ”

“He probably just wants to give Loki a chance to try to see if he can govern the country well.”

“After all, this son, although not his own, really loves Asgard.”


Listening to Strange and others judging themselves so brazenly, Loki snorted coldly, but surprisingly did not speak.

Hearing this, Tony spread his hands and said:

“However, from the final result, it doesn’t seem too bad.”

“After a few years of Loki’s reign, Asgard turned into a big theater.”

“There is no war and killing, and the people seem to be satisfied…”

And at this moment in Asgard, Odin himself sat on the throne and was completely sluggish.

“How so?”

In another universe, he actually had to pretend to be banished to the atrium by his adopted son… In a nursing home?

How could there be such a thing?

But when Odin thought about it, he found that… It seems that I really have no other choice!

Thor is not material for kings at all, and it seems that he does not want to do it either!

And he Odin is about to die!

If you don’t sell a bitter meat plan and take the opportunity to pass the throne to Loki, will you have to wait for your death and give the throne to Hela, who has escaped from trouble?

Thinking of this, Odin only felt that his mouth was full of bitterness, and his head was a little dizzy.

He has been a god-king for thousands of years, and he thinks that he can be considered a good governance of Asgard.

But in the end, why did it end up like this?

And when he thought of his three children, Odin’s heart became even more bitter.

Do you say… You may be successful as a king, but you are a complete failure as a father?

[At this time, a new change appeared on the screen.] 】

[Watching his father pass away, Thor was full of grief and anger and began to blame Loki, thinking that he caused all this. 】

[At this moment, a turquoise portal appeared behind them. 】

[A murderous woman walked out of the portal. 】

[She was sealed by Odin because she killed too much, so she was sealed by Odin…]

[Hela, the goddess of death! 】

[In the face of Hela, Thor and Loki all made a gesture of imminent battle. 】

[Hela is full of arrogance, and she directly ordered as soon as she appeared:]

[“Before your queen … Get on your knees! “】

[“What do you say? “】

[Hearing such arrogant words, the two brothers were extremely surprised. 】

[Next, without saying a word, Thor directly copied Mjolnir and threw it at Hela! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[The divine hammer that is enough to shatter the stars, tearing through the sky with unimaginable power, and shooting away! ] 】

[But in the face of this amazing attack, Hela just stretched out a hand and caught the hammer. 】

“This, how is this possible? “】

[Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, Thor’s face was stiff, and cold sweat even oozed from his forehead. ] 】

[Looking at the stunned and inexplicable looks of the two younger brothers in front of her, a sneer appeared at the corner of Hela’s mouth. 】

“Little one, you can’t even imagine what I can do. “】

[As soon as the words fell, Hela’s right hand jerked hard! ] 】


[Mjolnir, known as Asgard’s number one artifact… There was a crack! 】

[Then…”boom” cracked! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying thunder light swept in all directions, shaking both Thor and Loki to close their eyes. 】

[Just as the thunder light gradually extinguished…]


[Countless Ulu metal fragments were scattered on the ground. 】

[This is exactly Mjolnir… All that’s left of Myrnir! 】

[Hela, the goddess of death, actually crushed this divine hammer alive with just one hand! ] 】

PS: With Odin’s strength, it’s hard to imagine Loki being able to banish him unless it is voluntary.

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