[“Squeak! “】

[In the face of human hostility, Mothra seems to finally be a little angry! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Seeing a human raise a stun gun against him, Moss stretched out a claw and slammed it on the floor, knocking the human to the ground. 】

[But Mothra’s aggressive behavior only further stimulated humans!] 】

[“Aaaa Monster! “】

[A guard shouted and aimed his stun gun at Mothra, pulling the trigger hard.] 】

[“Shhhh “】

[The electric shock bullet shot into the body of Mothra’s larva, and a strong electric current instantly spread throughout her body. 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[Pierced by electricity, Mothra’s body shone red light, obviously a little angry! ] 】

[“Poof! “】

[A web like spider silk erupted from the mouth of the Mothra larvae, and in an instant, several guards were glued to the web. 】


[In the face of the angry monster, the remaining guards were all frightened, turned around and desperately fled. ] 】

[But Mozilla’s body is so huge that she just grabbed one of the guards as soon as she lowered her head!] 】

[Then, with a slight flick of her head, she threw the guard out, firmly glued to the net on the wall.] 】

[And in the face of the furious Mothra, the head of the imperial organization is ready to launch the termination procedure and destroy her. 】

Seeing this, Dr. Emma quickly picked up the homemade “Oka device” and rushed in. 】

[“Oka equipment” is to simulate echo communication between titan behemoths, so in theory, it can allow communication between humans and Mozilla. 】

[By debugging the frequency of these sound waves, you can achieve the multiple purposes of “awakening”, “scaring off”, and “calming” monsters.] 】

After adjusting the signal frequency, the Oka device worked magically. 】

[The red glow emanating from Mothra’s body disappeared, replaced by a warm blue light. 】

[She finally regained her composure. 】

Not only that, but Mothra also gently lowered her head and let Dr. Emma’s daughter touch her, and her attitude became extremely friendly. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I didn’t expect such a huge monster to be so cute.

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! I want to touch it too, and Mothra looks really funny.

Godzilla: Since time immemorial, Mothra has been loved and respected by humans.

Godzilla: Probably… It also has something to do with her personality.

Captain America: Wait! What’s wrong with this, it’s a monster! What a terrible monster!

As a person in the forties of the last century, the values of the captain can be said to be very traditional.

In his opinion, between humans and monsters… Even if you are not an enemy, you are unlikely to have any intimacy, right?

Otherwise, it’s too weird.

Bruce Banner: Captain, maybe I said this… Will be considered heresy by you.

Bruce Banner: However, these titan behemoths have lived for tens of millions of years, and their intelligence is definitely not inferior to humans, and maybe even smarter than humans.

Bruce Banner: So, simply treat all the monsters as enemies… I think this attitude is debatable.

Captain America: …………

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, I just want to ask, among the other monsters… And a good monster like Mothra?

Godzilla: Of all the behemoths, Mothra is the only one who can be so friendly to humans.

Godzilla: As far as I know, the humans who worship Mothra have given her many nicknames.

Godzilla: What “guardians of nature”, “queen of life” and so on …

Captain America: Humans… Worship monsters?

Natasha Romanoff: I don’t think it’s hard to understand.

Natasha Romanoff: It’s also clear in the images of the target that Mothra is really a very gentle monster.

Carol Danvers: Gentle monster? You’re not kidding, are you?

Natasha Romanov: Although as a monster, Mosla did not attack humans immediately after being reborn.

Natasha Romanoff: Not only that, but even after the guards fired stun guns at her, Mothra didn’t kill her, but just spewed out the wire mesh and glued the guards up.

Wanda Maksimov: Yes! I remembered it too.

Wanda Maksimov: Mothra bit a guard later! But instead of killing him or eating him, he threw her into the cobweb.

Tony Stark: Haha, use the elasticity of a cobweb’s to defuse the impact?

Tony Stark: Even at this point, the monster was avoiding human injury.

Bruce Banner: No wonder… Mozilla would eventually allow the little girl to touch herself.

Bruce Banner: Maybe she really sees humans as objects to protect.

John Constantine: The Queen of Mercy? Hey…… Much stronger than that old woman in our country.

“Monsters? Queen of Mercy? ”

Falling in the throne of the Merlot Heavenly Court, Queen Kesha’s eyebrows were raised, and there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

Sure enough, the screen was just showing him images of another universe.

So far, these images look quite interesting.

【Image continues】

[And just when everyone in the base breathed a sigh of relief, an ecological void named Tywin Lannister led a group of thugs to rush in. ] 】

They took Dr. Emma and his daughter. 】

[Not only that, but they also snatched away the Oka sonic device.] 】

[The picture turned, and I came to the beautiful country. 】

[At a hearing, the high-level leaders of the beautiful country are discussing how to deal with ancient titan behemoths such as Godzilla, and whether these monsters pose a threat to the survival of mankind. 】

[At this hearing, the military of the beautiful country brazenly claimed that it planned to use armed forces to eliminate all these monsters. 】

[In the face of this absurd dream, Professor Serizawa of the Imperial Organization calmly claimed:]

[The reason why the ancient monster will wake up is because of human black experiments and chemical pollution, which has caused the radiation and radiation concentration of the earth to rise. ] 】

[And in ancient times when these titan monsters were born, the radiation of the earth was much higher than it is now. 】

[In this case, if the black bullet is further used against the monster, no one knows… What unpredictable consequences can happen! 】

[At this time, a congresswoman asked:]

[“Professor, so… Do you want Godzilla to be our pet? “】

[Professor Serizawa replied with a grim face:]

“No, we will be his pets. “】

[In the face of this shocking statement, the people at the hearing all laughed.] 】

[At this time, Professor Serizawa also received the news that the air elements attacked the base and Dr. Emma was taken away, and quickly left the hearing. 】

Seeing this, someone in the chat group bubbled up again.

Captain America: The … Godzilla, what exactly do you think of humans? Is it to protect humans like Mozilla? Still is…… Want to treat humans like your pets?

When he asked these words, the captain’s heart also mentioned the eyes of his throat.

If this Godzilla monster chooses the “pet” option, he may only choose to leave the place immediately and never see any images related to it again!

The captain really wants to have a … Deal with monsters that treat humans as pets!

Godzilla: Not interested, don’t care.

Captain USA: ???

Wanda Maximov: It’s called “It’s none of your business, the Lord doesn’t care!” “O(∩_∩)O haha~

Divine Kesha: Is extreme contempt ignorance? Interesting, I didn’t expect that a monster could reach such a realm.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): A small monster?

Wanda Maksimov: This newcomer, you probably don’t know how powerful Godzilla is.

Wanda Maksimov: When you see it in full swing, even if you are an alien, you may be intimidated!

Divine Kesha: Oh? Is it? That’s really exciting.

Bruce Banner: Don’t mention that, I’m more worried about the ecological void in comparison.

Tony Stark: …”Oka Device”?

Bruce Banner: That’s right, they came in and robbed Dr. Emma’s mother and daughter, and this device! It can be seen that they came prepared and knew what they wanted.

Natasha Romanoff: The kidnapping of Dr. Emma was to use her to manipulate the device, and the kidnapping of the daughter was intended to use her to threaten the mother.

Natasha Romanoff: Sure enough, it was well planned.

Wolverine: What are they trying to do when they rob this device?

Loki Odinson: Hehe, it’s not easy, in this case, it’s probably right to think the worst!

Wanda Maximov: The bad direction, is it … They want to use this device to awaken other titan behemoths?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Just kidding, are these guys crazy? Last time, the battle between the three monsters alone destroyed an entire city!

Natasha Romanoff: According to the information in the video just now, the Imperial Organization has set up dozens of bases around the world, most of which are used to observe dormant monsters.

Bruce Banner: In that case, conservatively, there are more than a dozen Titan monsters!

Wanda Maksimov: A dozen !!! Hiss…… These people are really crazy!

Natasha Romanoff: If these monsters have similar strength to Godzilla, then they are all immune to black bullets.

Natasha Romanoff: Then once they are really awakened, the end of humanity may be coming.

Captain America: Why? Why do these humans… Will it want to destroy humanity?

Bruce Banner: No way, who calls them eco-void.

Bruce Banner: Captain, you’ve probably been asleep for too long, so you don’t know that there are a lot of strange people on Earth right now.

Bruce Banner: They claim that human beings are the cancer of the earth, and in order to protect the environment and Mother Earth, they must be completely eliminated.

Captain America: Huh? Are these people crazy?

Godzilla: Don’t panic too much, although there are more titans, only one can really pose a threat to me.

Wanda Maksimov: It’s so light and breezy, it’s amazing, it’s worthy of Godzilla!

After speaking in the group, Godzilla, who was standing on a small island, had a solemn look in his eyes.

If those stupid humans … Really reviving that alien monster in the Arctic, that’s really troublesome.

Thinking of this, Godzilla suddenly looked back again.

I saw that on the edge of this small Atlantic island, a tattered … Black submarine, on which you can also see the emblem of the beautiful country.

The power plant of the submarine has been completely dug up, eaten.

【Image continues】

[After leaving the hearing, Professor Serizawa immediately found Dr. Emma’s husband … Mark Russell]

[After Russell arrives at Base 54, he learns that Mothra has escaped from the base and is cocooned again in a nearby waterfall. 】

[And the Imperial Organization has also investigated clearly… Intelligence of Tywin Lannister. 】

[This guy is the leader of the ecological void organization, committed to restoring the earth to its most primitive state of health. 】

[In other words, all they want is to awaken all the titan behemoths and use them to destroy humanity!] 】

[Just as everyone was worried about how to find the enemy, alarms suddenly sounded in the ground. 】

[It turns out that it was Godzilla, who had disappeared for a long time, who swam over! ] 】

[After Godzilla swam around and left, everyone quickly began to calculate its course of action, and finally determined that Godzilla was preparing to go to Antarctica. 】

When Professor Serizawa heard this, he was immediately shocked. 】

[Originally. In the Antarctic base is frozen a top-level ancient behemoth. 】

[In ancient times, that giant beast was a monster that was on par with Godzilla and even above it! ] 】

[At this moment, Tywin Lannister took Dr. Emma’s mother and daughter hostage, and also came to the Antarctic base of the imperial organization! ] 】

[Next, the reinforcements of the imperial organization also killed Antarctica, and there was a firefight with the ecological space organization, and the two sides started a melee. ] 】

[Mark Russell saw his wife and daughter from the monitor, and rushed out directly in a hurry. ] 】

[He rushed all the way to the deepest part of the base, found that the enemy had suffered heavy casualties, and picked up a pistol from the ground and tried to save his wife. 】

[But no one expected that at the moment when the rescuers arrived, Dr. Emma did not call for help, or throw herself into her husband’s arms, but picked up the detonator that Tywin Lannister had fallen to the ground and pressed the button without hesitation. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[A series of explosions blasted the solid ice to pieces, and the terrifying ancient monster king Ghidorah broke through the ice violently! ] 】

[This monster is actually a dragon with three heads, and its body is full of fierce and evil aura. 】

[“Roar, roar! “】

[This terrifying three-headed monster flapped its wings, and the three heads spewed terrifying gravitational rays in all directions. 】

[For a time, human losses were heavy, corpses were strewn across the field, and blood stained the ice red. 】

[Just as King Ghidorah wantonly destroyed everything, a shining blue light suddenly lit up under the ice. 】

[A giant beast shining with dazzling blue light slammed through the ice and rushed up! ] 】

[It’s Godzilla who has arrived! ] 】

[Two giant beasts confronting each other on the ice of Antarctica, it seems that a vicious battle is about to break out! ] 】

PS: After the end of the King of Monsters and Death immortality, the next thing to play is “Wanda and Vision”!

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