“The most effective way … Stop the global behemoth? ”

Hearing this question, everyone in the live broadcast room fell into deep thought.

“Isn’t the best way to stop these monsters and subdue them all one by one?”

Little Wanda whispered:

“You can’t… Go and reason with them. ”

“In the world of monsters, there is absolutely no doubt that the winner is king.”

Tonis Dak said slowly:

“However, one by one, it is definitely too late in time.”


Strange’s brows furrowed.

It was clear on the screen that the monsters were going crazy and constantly attacking the most densely populated towns.

If this continues, it will not be long before the number of humans deteriorates dramatically.

Even if Godzilla can really be cured quickly… Injuries caused by his own injuries caused by oxygen destroyers. Wait for him to defeat all these titan behemoths one by one.

By then, there will be hundreds of millions of dead humans on the earth.

“Wait a minute, don’t you think it’s a little strange?”

At this time, Black Widow suddenly interjected:

“Why did those monsters all suddenly wake up, and they all seem to attack humans in the same way!”

“And most of these titan behemoths feed on radiation, and there is no need to eat people at all!”

Stanch also moved his eyes when he heard it, and said involuntarily:

“Yes! This mode of attack is almost as if receiving some kind of order. ”

“Order? Could it be the “Oka” device? ”

Tony frowned slightly:

“Is that Dr. Emma really crazy to this extent?”

“Could it be that she used the form of an Internet radio to transmit the sound of that Oka device to the whole world, and gave some kind of order to the monsters of the world?”

“It won’t!”

Hearing this, most of the people in the live broadcast room gasped, and even Magneto, who has always hated humans, had a little change in his eyes.

This Nima is simply dead!

Does that woman hate humans that much?

“That’s not right!”

Black Widow suddenly shook her head and said with a solemn expression:

“Listening to Dr. Emma, she still seems to want the monster to reduce the population of the earth, not to exterminate the human race”

“Bah! What cuts the population, this woman is a madman. ”

Peter said with a look of disgust:

“Why is her a word, thousands… Wrong! Is it that trillions of earthlings must die? ”

“What did she think of herself? God? ”

Tony lowered his head and thought carefully, and said to himself as he thought:

“Something is wrong, the average human is unlikely to do this, unless… Not human! ”

Hearing this, Xiao Wanda’s face suddenly showed a look of crying and laughter.

Please, the other party is a monster, not a human in the first place, what is the point of you saying this?

But as soon as they heard Tony’s words, Black Widow and Strange’s eyes lit up at the same time, and then the three said almost in unison:

“Alien monster!”


“It’s the order from that three-headed Ghidorah!”

Although the words of the three people are different, the answers are all similar.

Tony and the other three looked at each other, and then laughed almost simultaneously.

But at this moment, there was suddenly movement in the chat group.

Godzilla: My answer is: the most effective way to stop a dozen titans. It is to bring down the king of the monsters who ordered them… Ghidorah!

Godzilla: As long as I defeat him, I have these monsters, and I will be quiet.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded.

【Ding! Godzilla finished answering, and the question and answer system began to decide…]

【Ding! Godzilla answered correctly. 】

Hearing the announcement of the system, several people in the live broadcast room were not surprised.

Tony Stark: Oh, it’s Godzilla, I really know the psychology of monsters.

Godzilla: I’m a monster, so naturally I know what a monster thinks.

Godzilla: But you humans can guess that Ghidorah is behind it, and that’s not easy.

Tony Stark: Actually, it’s not unusual, there are probably only two monsters that can command the whole world.

Tony Stark: Or is it the one who owns the Oka device? It is other monsters that can communicate with each other using echolocation.

Natasha Romanoff: And that Dr. Emma, just a fool with a brain problem, can’t do such a thing as exterminating all of humanity.

Wolverine: Do only women understand women?

Stephen Strange: It’s nothing to do with women, it’s just a simple human judgment.

Stephen Strange: After excluding Emma, all that remains is the monster.

Tony Stark: That’s right, and the one who can command all the monsters is definitely the strongest of them! That is, Ghidorah the King!

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Godzilla gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse related to himself]

[Godzilla gets a random reward…”Fragment of the power of the phoenix! “】

Soon, a huge feather surrounded by firelight appeared in front of Godzilla.

Looking at this feather, Godzilla’s eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

Out of the instinct of the ancient titans, he could feel that there was incredible energy in this and almost invisible feathers!

Compared with this energy, the atomic breath it releases is nothing! .

At this moment, a series of information poured into its brain.

【”Phoenix Power”】

[The power of the phoenix comes from the primordial universe, born at the beginning of all things, is a chaotic and immortal, eternal but impermanent existence, and is the child of the universe. It is the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the primordial universe, symbolizing life and emotions. 】

[The phoenix is one of the most formidable beings in the multiverse, and its enthusiasm can be turned into a phoenix’s ruling to respawn or destroy everything in the universe, even the universe itself.

[The power of the phoenix is the conceptual embodiment of life and emotion. The Phoenix’s verdict burns out the sin of desire, because it carries all the emotions of living beings. 】

[The power of the phoenix carried in this feather is only one billionth of the original phoenix. ] 】

[Creatures that absorb the power in the fragment will gain two abilities. 】

[One: Phoenix Nirvana, infinite regeneration. 】

[Surrounded by the flames of the phoenix, any injuries will heal quickly. 】

[As long as the power of the phoenix is not exhausted, the host will never die. 】

[Two: Phoenix flame, burn everything. 】

[The flame of the phoenix can be used to burn all enemies, and the destructive power of the flame is determined by the spiritual power of the host. 】

[The stronger the host’s spiritual power, the stronger the phoenix power that can be exerted. ] 】

“Spiritual power?”

Although extremely confident in his strength and physique, Godzilla never believed that he possessed any extraordinary spiritual powers.

And at this moment, a beautiful figure flashed in Godzilla’s mind.


Goth stretched out his stubby little hand and carefully held the huge flaming feather in his palm.

At this time, he had already decided.

After watching the live broadcast that he was interested in, he would go to the south of the Eastern Dragon Kingdom to find the mysterious stone temple!

And this phoenix feather is his gift to an old friend who has not seen him for many years.

At this point, the image that was originally frozen on the screen starts playing.

[In the face of the monsters raging wildly around the world, the military is in a state of anxiety. 】

[At this moment, Professor Russell and the female Oriental doctor finally saw through the truth of the matter. 】

“These monsters are hunting. “】

[Russell stood in front of a military boss and said loudly:]

“All the beasts, from wolves to killer whales, obey the chief’s orders directly. “】

“And this Ghidorah is the new leader of these monsters. “】

“All the monsters are just obeying Ghidorah’s orders. “】

[Looking at the military boss, Russell said with a serious face:]

“As long as we can stop Ghidorah, we can stop all the behemoths. “】

[But after reaching the final conclusion, everyone suddenly desperately discovered that Godzilla, the only hope of defeating Ghidorah, had been killed by the humans themselves. 】

[It seems that all hope has been extinguished! ] 】

[And at this darkest moment, the sea suddenly lit up with a bright light like dawn! ] 】

[It’s Mozilla! 】

[It turns out that under the summoning of Ghidorah, Mozilla has also broken out of the cocoon and turned from a caterpillar into a complete moth form! ] 】

[Mozilla, who became a complete body, stayed on the surface of the sea and kept releasing songs of unknown meaning. 】

[Soon, the professor’s colleagues received Godzilla’s response to Mothra, but they were extremely weak. 】

[Seeing this scene, everyone finally found that Godzilla, although severely damaged by the oxygen destroyer, did not die. ] 】

[After research, humans quickly came to conclusions. 】

[Godzilla must be sleeping in the depths of the sea at the moment and healing his injuries, but the recovery time is uncertain. ] 】

[If Godzilla takes many years to heal his injuries, then humanity will be extinct by then.] 】

At this point, Russell proposed a more radical approach. 】

[That is to carry a black bomb to the deep sea, and then detonate the black bomb next to Godzilla! ] 】

[For Godzilla, who feeds on radiation, the black bomb is a great tonic for him! ] 】

[Only with this method can Godzilla be resurrected as soon as possible, and then fight against Ghidorah, thereby saving humanity.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group is lively again.

Wanda Maximov: Wow, Godzilla, you can really use black bullets as a tonic.

Godzilla: I don’t know what that black bullet is, so I can’t answer your question.

Tony Stark: Simply put, it is a weapon created by humans that emits strong light and heat while also emitting a lot of radiation.

Godzilla: Light and heat? If it’s too strong, it might hurt me.

Godzilla: So, if you don’t experience this black bomb yourself. I don’t know what the consequences will be.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Godzilla, what you said is so rigorous, it is worthy of being an ancient boss who has lived for tens of millions of years. In admiration…

Divine Kesha: Hahaha, interesting and interesting.

Divine Kesha: Seeing now, I actually really think that on the earth of that monster universe, the most reliable is Godzilla’s monster! And not those humans!

Divine Kesha: So… This beast life. Are you called Godzilla? Perhaps, you can really consider becoming the ruler of those earthlings, or treat them as pets!

Divine Kesha: Maybe it will make their lives better. Hehe……

I was on the throne of the Meilu Heavenly Court, and Queen Kesha suddenly covered her mouth with her hand and let out a silver bell-like laugh.

Standing in His Highness, Angel Yan and Angel Yan looked at each other, and they could see the astonishment and puzzlement in each other’s eyes.

Queen Kesha has always attached great importance to justice and order, and she hates the life of beasts.

This was the first time they had seen Queen Kesha against an orc… Make such a high rating!

【Image continues】

[The screen turns and comes to Dr. Emma’s side.] 】

[Dr. Emma’s daughter finally woke up after overhearing a conversation between her mother and Tywin Lannister. 】

[These two people will definitely lead all mankind to the abyss of destruction. 】

[And in order to save humanity, the daughter stole the Oka device from the laboratory.] 】

[Then she went to a huge stadium and broadcast a radio signal with an Oka device.] 】

[At this time, the sound waves released by Oka made all the titan behemoths within thousands of kilometers become docile and no longer attack humans. 】

[The daughter’s action invisibly bought time for Professor Serizawa and others. 】

[In order to resurrect Godzilla, the submarine on which Professor Serizawa and others rode entered the deep sea]

[Here, they found a huge temple ruin. 】

[Originally. This place was originally a shrine used by humans on land to worship Godzilla. 】

[Judging from the mural, in ancient times, Godzilla was once called the patron saint by primitive people. 】

[It was only later that the earth’s crust changed and the entire temple sank into the deep sea. ] 】

[At this moment, Godzilla is in the deepest part of the temple, absorbing the radiation emitted by the earth’s core to heal his injuries. 】

[Because the radiation in the depths of the temple is too powerful, once humans step in, they will definitely die. 】

[However, since the mine device was damaged during the submarine’s dive, the only way was to bring the black bomb to Godzilla and detonate it manually.] 】

[In this case, Professor Serizawa decided to personally carry out this mortal mission. 】

[Next, the submersible piloted by Professor Serizawa entered the bottom of the sea alone and came to Godzilla’s side. 】

[After pressing the countdown button of the nuclear bomb, the already enlightened Doctor took off his protective hood and gloves. 】

[He touched Godzilla lying on the ground with his hand and said with infinite emotion:]

“Farewell, old friend. “】

[Next, there is an earth-shattering undersea black explosion! ] 】


[The shock wave caused by the black explosion washed the submarine on which Russell and others were riding back to the sea level. 】

Before they could catch their breath, they noticed that a blue vortex suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea. 】

[Right under the astonished gaze of Russell and others.] Godzilla, full of blood and resurrected in place, actually stood up on the sea! 】

[I saw that Godzilla at this time not only healed from his injuries, but also almost doubled his size! ] It’s just enough to go neck and neck with Ghidorah! 】

[No one expected that the black bomb that Professor Serizawa was desperate not to trigger would have such an amazing effect. ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[With a violent roar, the fully resurrected Godzilla raised his head. An unprecedented superatomic breath was launched into the sky. 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying blue light rushed straight into the sky! ] For a time, the entire heaven and earth were dyed blue color! 】

[The power of this atomic breath is not known how many times stronger than before! ]

PS: At the request of readers, Wanda and Vision will be played immediately after the end of Godzilla II Monster King! \(^o^)/~

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