[Even, even the earth under Godzilla’s feet began to dissolve and turn into something like magma! ] 】

[From a distance, Godzilla seems to have opened a terrifying “Red Lotus Realm” around him! ] 】

[Within the realm, everything is boiling and burning, and finally melting and evaporating! ] 】

[What a terrifying existence this is! ] 】

[At this moment, everyone who witnessed this scene…]

[All of them are terrified and trembling! ] 】

[Where is this still a creature, it is simply a living natural disaster… Come to earth! 】

[This… It’s Godzilla’s “Red Lotus Form!” “】

[In this state, Godzilla is just standing there. It can’t stop emitting a visible heat wave all around! 】

[Under the terrifying heat wave, the ground and buildings within kilometers are rapidly melting. Even the clouds in the sky were evaporated by the high temperature. 】

【“!!! “】

[Feeling this pressing heat wave, Ghidorah’s three heads turned around, and there was actually a hint of surprise in his eyes. 】

[I saw Godzilla at this moment, as if standing on the fire, mountain, and mouth, within a radius of one kilometer, it had been turned into a sea of fire. ] 】

[Due to the extreme heat, the air around Godzilla was madly distorted. So that Godzilla, who was covered in red light, looked… Even more terrifying, as if the devil came from another world! 】

[The next moment.] 】

[Godzilla did not hesitate, and the Hara Zi furnace inside his body ran wildly, releasing a strange sound! ] 】


[Godzilla’s dorsal fin lit up with a terrifying golden-red light, and finally began to spread golden thunder and lightning outward! ] 】

[Red lotus mode, full power! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[A terrifying heat wave visible to the naked eye surrounded Godzilla, and the blazing high temperature that was already enough to melt everything actually climbed upwards again rapidly! ] 】


[Godzilla roared, the huge body shook, and an ultra-high temperature light curtain covering 360 degrees instantly burst out from the body, bursting out with the momentum of destroying the world and the earth! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[As far as the eye can see, everything within tens of kilometers! ] All swept away by this overwhelming heat current! 】

[A circle of red qi waves visible to the naked eye set off a terrifying storm, madly impacting in all directions! ] 】

[“Squeak!!! “】

[In the face of this attack covering 360 degrees, Ghidorah could not avoid it at all, and was directly hit. ] 】

[In the face of tens of thousands of degrees of ultra-high temperature flame impact, Ghidorah is extremely hard… The wings that even Godzilla’s atomic breath could resist were burned to pieces in an instant and shattered in an instant! 】

[Godzilla didn’t even touch Ghidorah to inflict such damage on this powerful enemy! ] 】

[Godzilla in Red Lotus Mode… It’s that powerful! 】


[Seriously injured in an instant! ] Forced into a desperate situation, Ghidorah tried his best, all three heads opened their mouths, and spewed out powerful gravitational rays towards Godzilla! 】

[“Boom! “】

[Godzilla didn’t dodge at all, allowing the golden gravitational light to hit him. 】

[But… This giant beast, which exuded ultra-high temperatures and was like a living natural disaster, actually continued to move forward without hesitation! 】

[It’s as if Ghidorah’s gravitational rays are just tickling him!] 】

[In the face of the old enemy in front of him, Godzilla’s eyes were full of murderous intent, the energy in his body began to work again, and the sound of “buzzing” resounded in the world again. ] 】

[“Click! “】

[The terrifying “Red Lotus Outbreak”, like a crimson and red field, exploded again! ] 】

[The golden-red flame wrapped in a terrifying temperature swept around, revealing all the earth that had been melted! ] 】

[Where the flames of the “Red Lotus Outbreak” passed, the light in the air was distorted, the ground exploded and roared, and the monstrous flames surged up! ] 】

[In an instant, the city seemed to be doomsday, containing a terrifying high temperature shock wave, sweeping away with the momentum of destruction and decay, and everywhere it passed, everything was melted and even vaporized! ] 】

[“Howl! “】

[At close range, when hit by the “Red Lotus Outbreak”, Ghidorah let out a miserable scream, and two of the three heads were actually dissolved by the flames, and then turned into nothing! ] Completely evaporated! 】

[Facing the seriously injured old enemy, Godzilla did not hesitate at all, directly raised his big foot and stepped on it fiercely. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, the third wave of “Red Lotus Outbreak” was activated again! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[A dazzling golden light wave marched on the ground, and for a moment even the sun in the sky was eclipsed! ] 】

[The ultra-high temperature energy condensed to the extreme suddenly burst out, and amazing light and heat were born! ] It can dissolve almost everything in the world. 】

[In the middle and core area of the eruption, even the oxygen has been consumed, and the burning flame cannot be seen at all! ] Only the distorted heat wave and the intense heat radiation! 】

[On the flying machine, everyone in the imperial organization hugged their heads, their bodies trembled, and for a while they didn’t even dare to look directly at the scene in front of them! ] 】

[Who would have thought that Godzilla, who was originally scarred and seemed to be dying soon, would not only be instantly resurrected with blood, but also become so terrifying! ] 】

[And that alien monster Ghidorah, who can even regenerate its head, in front of the reborn Godzilla… He didn’t even have the power to resist, and he was completely crushed as soon as he came up! 】

[By the time the flame outbreak finally ended, Ghidorah’s body had been completely burned by the flames, leaving only the last head. ] 】

[Godzilla stepped on the earth that had turned into scorched earth, held Ghidorah’s head in his mouth, raised his head and released the last atomic breath to the sky! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Alien monsters… The last head of the three-headed Ghidorah was completely shattered, leaving only countless residues, scattered in all directions. 】

[At this time, Godzilla has already exited the red lotus mode, but the ground under his feet is already full of green smoke! ] 】

[In some places, it is even dissolved by high temperature, and then condensed into crystals similar to glass again! ] 】

[Just after Godzilla completely shattered the three-headed Ghidorah who was said to be unkillable, the earth roared again. 】

[One giant monster after another came from all directions. 】

[It even includes a Muto!] 】

【Squeak! 】

[Sky Demon Raton who was defeated by Mozilla, the first to fly to Godzilla’s side, bowed his head to him, and made a subordinate salute! ] 】

[After Ratton, one titan behemoth after another bowed his head to Godzilla, even that Muto! ] 】

[“Roar!!!!! “】

[Facing the subordinates around him.] The newborn king of monsters stepped on the ground that was still smoking blue, and raised his head to the sky and let out a roar. 】

[This is the proof of the king! ] 】

[From now on, there will be only one king of monsters on this earth, and that is Godzilla! ] 】

Immediately afterwards, the big screen in front of everyone’s eyes dimmed down.

Seeing this, there was a little silence in the chat group, and then there was a sensation!

Carol Danvers: What is this ability? How is it so destructive?

As Captain Marvel across the universe, Carol has also suffered countless terrifying monsters over the years.

But a killing move as powerful as Godzilla’s Red Lotus Outbreak was really unheard of.

At this moment, Captain Marvel’s heart also throbbed a little.

“If I don’t use the double new mode, under normal conditions, I may not really be able to fight this monster!”

“This guy… What exactly is it? ”

At this time, those whose minds were turning quickly also remembered what Godzilla had just said.

Tony Stark: Godzilla, do you mean this horrible “explosion mode”?

Godzilla: Exactly.

Wolverine: Wait, if you had such a powerful trick in the first place, why didn’t you use it earlier, and one died as a result…

Tony Stark: It should be Mozilla’s scales.

Tony Stark: Godzilla himself was seriously injured, but after Mozilla’s scales crawled all over her body, he not only healed from his injuries, but also awakened such a terrifying new power!

Wanda Maximov: So, it was Mothra who fought for his life to help Godzilla… Defeated that three-headed monster!

Tony Stark: Not wrong at all!

Tony Stark: And you should all remember that Godzilla’s body returned to normal after performing three “bursts” and did not emit flames.

Tony Stark: So this particular pattern is not sustainable.

Bruce Banner: Need to… Can I use the scale powder again? That’s a bit of a hassle.

Wolverine: yes, that moth… Mozilla is dead, and it’s impossible to find another one.

Godzilla: No problem, now I can freely enter that mode even if I don’t rely on it!

Godzilla: It’s just a limited duration, but there’s no limit to the number of times.

Wanda Maksimov: Why is this so powerful, then aren’t you invincible?

Godzilla: Not necessarily, I’m still a lot smaller than I think.

Godzilla: So… Even the destructive power unleashed by entering that mode may be inferior.

Wanda Maximov: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Tony Stark: No, you can’t possibly want to… Black bombs? (⊙_⊙)

Wolverine: Black Bomb?

Bruce Banner: Godzilla himself was seriously injured, but after being blown up by Professor Serizawa’s black bomb, not only his body healed, but his body size also swelled greatly! Even the destructive power of the atomic breath has increased!

Bruce Banner: So, Godzilla, do you want humans to bomb you with a black bullet once?

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! This is interesting.

Loki Odinson: Godzilla, I’ll give you an idea, you don’t even need to attack humans! As long as it appears on the edge of human cities, the human military is ineffective after attacking with conventional weapons. I’m afraid that the black bullet will be used directly.

Captain America: What? Don’t mess around!

Hearing this, the captain’s surprise was really extraordinary.

If this happens, God knows what a catastrophe it will cause!

Divine Kesha: If the pre-Black civilization wants to evolve, it is possible… This is also an inevitable step.

In the supergod world, one of the reasons why intelligent life is so eager to evolve super soldier genes is to survive the Black War.

Captain America: Evolution? Are you kidding?

Godzilla: No problem, I’ll get the attention of humans first, and then land on some small islands. In this way, they will naturally launch an attack on me.

Wanda Maximov: yes, I remember, this has happened in the past!

Captain America: You… You’d better not do anything stupid.

Godzilla: I’m leaving now, everyone, and I’ll see you later.

It seems that there is no expectation at all for everyone to understand themselves,

After leaving the last sentence, Godzilla turned directly and dived into the sea without hesitation.

Now, his primary purpose is to find Mozilla and give her the phoenix feather!

Stephen Strange: Okay guy, this Godzilla is still so fierce, just go.

Bruce Banner: That’s the power of the Ancient Titans.

Captain America: Alas, I just hope that his actions will not cause disaster for humanity.

At this moment, the screen in front of everyone went black, showing that the words “Godzilla 2 – The End of the King of the Beasts” appeared on it.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system suddenly sounded.

[Start inviting special guests to join the live chat group! ] 】

[Dr. Manhattan has joined the live chat group! ] 】

【Ding! Start the second random stream. 】

[Ding… New features have started to start…】

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected Target: Wanda Maximov]

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Wanda and Vision”]

At the same time, in a modern laboratory, a strange man with blue skin all over looked at the huge screen that suddenly appeared in front of him, and his indifferent eyes showed a rare surprise.

“Unbelievable, there are things in this world that I can’t parse!”

PS: Blue Fat Manhattan has joined! Next is Scarlet Witch’s modified reality! And two-way foil for the three-body body! ^_^

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