Merlot Heavenly Court.

“This… That’s incredible. ”

Looking at the scene of the scarlet light curtain sweeping around on the screen, Queen Kesha’s divine wings were all stunned.

Angel Yan and Angel Yan’s face was full of horror, his heart beat faster, and the shock in the depths of his eyes could not be concealed!

Although this red light does not kill, it will completely change the shape of the people, things, and things involved, and even modify people’s consciousness and memory!

These two divine wings also followed Queen Kesha to conquer the universe and saw countless big scenes.

But such a strange and terrifying scene in front of them almost shocked their eyes!

When I think of being rolled up by this red light, I don’t know what it will become! Angel Yan almost shuddered for a moment.

Tianji Wang Hexi, who had just come to the Celestial City, nodded slightly, and his usually light and casual expression actually became solemn:

“Such a powerful anti-void force, which can modify reality on such a large scale in an instant, has surpassed my sub-biological engine!”

While speaking, Hexi’s eyes also showed a hint of surprise.

Seeing this, he also knew in his heart that what the woman in red on the screen mastered was not the power of technology, but magic!

That is, she does not have the support of a celestial computer behind her, just by herself … That’s what it did!

“This is Chaos Magic? It’s really unbelievable. ”

At this time, Queen Kesha, who was sitting on the throne, also gently sighed:

“The earth humans of the Chiwu star system can actually reach such a realm just by cultivating spells!”

Although Divine Kesha is known as the strongest in the known universe, behind all this, hidden is the thousands of years of technological accumulation of the angelic civilization, and the king-level supercomputer built with countless resources!

But the woman on the screen is only in her twenties!

“yes, today was a real eye-opener for me.”

Hexi shrugged, and the expression on his face suddenly became relaxed again:

“If I had the chance, I would really like to study this so-called magic.”


Karma Taj.

All the mages were stunned.

The red light curtain on the screen that swept the heavens and the earth enough to tamper with everything almost shattered their world view! Also trample it under your feet and keep stepping on it!

“This… This… Where did this woman get such strong magic? ”

Archmage Wang simply lost his voice and exclaimed:

“Did she start learning magic from her mother’s womb?”

As the manager of the Kama Taj library, Wang is also well-read and knowledgeable.

But such a terrifying large-scale magic, he has hardly seen it in his life!

At this time, the ancient mage gently exhaled, and suddenly unfolded the folding fan again and shook it:

“For ordinary people, even if they practice magic for a lifetime, they still want to reach one ten-thousandth of this woman.”

“After all, she’s a scarlet witch.”

“Scarlet Witch?”

Hearing this, Master Mordo asked suspiciously:

“Ancient Mage, does this title have any special meaning?”

Ancient Master Yi said lightly:

“The Scarlet Witch, the chosen son of the god of the underworld, was born with the chaos magic of Sithorne.”

“And. Her magic does not require cultivation, it will automatically become stronger with age, and how strong can it be in the end… ”

Gu Yi slowly shook his head:

“Even I don’t know.”


Archmage Wang, Mage Mordo, and the rest of the magic apprentices in the square were all dumbfounded at the moment.

Gifted, automatically stronger, and even the upper limit does not know where.

Is the chosen son of the God of Dark Magic really so awesome?


“It’s amazing…”

Looking at his own variant on the screen, he didn’t even move his fingers, just standing in place, he released earth-shattering magic waves, destroying all the enemies of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and Xiao Wanda’s whole person was stupid.

A deep sense of shock lingered in her heart, like a monstrous wave, which could not be calmed for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy is turned into a clown, and even the memory is washed away, what a horror!

Compared with such an amazing modified reality, killing the enemy or something, it is simply weak.

Looking at Little Wanda’s shocked look, Tony shook his head slightly, suddenly turned his head to look at Black Widow, and asked in a deep voice:

“Do you think that Quicksilver is really someone from another parallel universe?”

Black Widow’s expression did not change in the slightest, but she sneered:

“How is that possible?”

“No matter who is behind it, if he Shinichi has the power to cross the multiverse, where else does he need to play so many tricks with Wanda? As soon as he reached out, he could take her down. ”

“No matter how strong her Chaos Magic is, it will never be able to resist!”

Tony nodded thoughtfully:

“And this Quicksilver’s performance is also very strange, and the personality is also very different from the Quicksilver in the X universe before.”

“But one thing I never understand is that the faces of Quicksilver in these two universes are completely different, how can Wanda recognize her brother?”

Black Widow said indifferently:

“There is too little information now, so I can’t be sure of anything, let’s continue reading.”

“Look at standing behind the scenes… Who exactly? ”

【Image continues】

[On the second day after Halloween, Wanda woke up and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with last night’s furiousness. 】

[And her mood has become extremely unstable as a result.] 】

[In this way, the situation in the whole family has become very strange.] 】

[The gamepad in the hands of the twins who were playing the game suddenly turned into cards, and when Wanda was eating breakfast, fresh milk suddenly turned into milk in cartons, and after a while it actually became bottled again. ] 】

[After breakfast, the twins asked directly… What did Uncle Quicksilver mean last night? 】

[Thinking of what Quicksilver said yesterday that “the dead ghost husband will not die again for the second time”, Wanda was angry and simply responded: “That Quicksilver is not your uncle! ] “】

[And the twins immediately asked: “Then who is he?”] “】

[At this moment, Wanda was immediately asked. 】

[At this time, Monica Rambo, an agent of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, risked her life and successfully broke through the magic barrier set up by Wanda and entered the interior of Westview Town again. ] 】

[Next, Monica approached Wanda and tried to convince her to restrain herself from the precipice and face her inner pain. 】

[In the face of Monica’s heartfelt words, Wanda seems to be a little shaken. ] 】

[But at this moment, Agnes suddenly appeared and took Wanda away. 】

[Coming to Agnes’s house, Wanda suddenly found that Agnes had brought the twins to her house before, but now… They were gone! 】

[Agnes said that the twins were playing in the basement, but Wanda always felt that something was wrong and immediately entered the basement. 】

As soon as Wanda entered the basement, she immediately noticed that something was wrong. 】

[This place is actually an extremely spacious underground palace, and the surrounding of the palace is inlaid with strange golden runes. 】

“This is a rune?”

Loki looked at the golden runes on the screen, and a hint of bitterness suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Rune runes are the foundation of Asgardian magic, and this is how the queen of heaven Frigga taught him an introductory lesson in magic when he was a child.

But now his magic power is completely lost, and even if his mind is still full of a bunch of magical knowledge, he can no longer use it.

“You can read these runes?”

Peter asked curiously next to him:

“Then do you know what these runes mean?”

Norki glanced at Peter with contempt and said coldly:

“Of course I know! When these runes are combined, they can produce an extremely strong blocking effect! ”

“As long as the other party remains in this forbidden space, he has no way to receive even the slightest trace of magic from the outside world!”

Little Wanda also listened very seriously next to him, and seemed to be very interested in magic.

Finally, she even asked directly:

“What does it mean to receive magic?”

“Isn’t the mage’s magic power cultivated by himself?”

“Little girl, you don’t understand, don’t talk casually.”

Looking at this little ghost who has always had sharp teeth and loves to fight with himself, he had to ask himself for advice. Loki also showed a hint of pride on his face:

“Human beings have a short lifespan, and they simply don’t have time to practice magic like these immortals like me.”

“So, as humans, the way they learn magic… Basically, they borrow mana from the demon gods of another dimension! ”

At the mention of magic, Loki became more and more vigorous.

“That Supreme Mage Strange in the previous image, his mana comes from Trinity Visanti.”

“If one day Visanti abandons him and refuses to supply mana, then… This Supreme Mage could become mortal overnight! ”

“Hiss… No way? ”

Hearing Loki’s words, little Wanda couldn’t help but gasp. The longing for magic in his eyes suddenly faded.

To be honest, seeing the great power of Scarlet Witch on the screen to modify reality at will, to say that little Wanda is not envious at all, it is also a lie.

But…… If this power was all given to her by some demon god, and a single thought could be taken away, then the situation would be completely different.

And Strange next to him, his face also became serious at this time.

He really didn’t expect that human cultivation magic would have such drawbacks!

【Image continues】

[Wanda had just entered the underground palace when she saw a spooky book on her desk. 】

[The most incredible thing is that this book is emitting the magic of blood red all the time. 】

And while Wanda was staring at the book, Agnes walked in with a smile. 】

[At this time, she finally revealed her true face. 】

“My name is Agatha Harkness, and I’m glad to finally meet you officially, darling. “】

[Originally. This Agatha is a witch who has lived for hundreds of years, and she took the initiative to blend into the enchantment set by Wanda. 】

[Killing the twins’ dogs and luring Vision out of town are all her handiwork. 】

[Even that Quicksilver of the X universe is inextricably related to Agatha. ] 】

[Using the runes on the wall, Agatha easily restrained Wanda, who had lost all her mana. ] 】

[Next, Agatha confessed her motives to Wanda. 】

[It turned out that he sensed the powerful magic running in Westview Town, so he specifically mixed in. ] 】

[Agatha wants to know where Wanda’s ability originated. 】

[And the reason why she made that fake quicksilver is to take the opportunity to explore Wanda’s foundation, but unfortunately she can’t ask anything. ] 】

[Next, Agatha showed the most basic distortion of reality magic in front of Wanda. 】

[Changing matter into other forms is called “transfiguration”, while changing the thinking of the human brain is a “mind control” spell.] 】

[For Agatha, she can only cast this small distortion of reality at best. 】

[But Wanda can change the entire Westview Town! ] And let the town run on its own! 】

[Agatha was simply amazed by this, and at the same time full of envy and jealousy. 】

[So, she has to get an answer anyway.] 】

[But in the face of this ill-wisher witch, Wanda claims… She herself didn’t know how she did all this. 】

[Seeing this, Agatha decided to use her mana to go back in time to find the truth of Wanda’s magic. 】

[Next, she pulled out one of Wanda’s hair, cast a spell, and conjured a door.] 】

[Behind this door is Wanda’s past.] 】

[Although he didn’t want to face the tragic past, but thinking that the twins were still in Agatha’s hands, and he was completely lost mana at the moment, Wanda finally gave in. ] 】

[After opening that door, Wanda suddenly became her childhood self and returned to her childhood home. 】

[At that time, Sokovia was still in the midst of a civil war, and it could be said that the people did not talk about life. 】

While the war was raging outside, Wanda’s family seemed to have become accustomed to all this. 】

[It seems that for the sake of bitter fun, Wanda’s father showed the American sitcom tape he brought home to his family. 】

[Against the backdrop of this chaos, the Wanda family began their usual TV night. 】

[Looking at the black-and-white image on the screen, the family laughed happily.] 】

[But just then, a shell landed on their home, killing Wanda’s parents.] 】

[And before Wanda could come to her senses, the second shell fell again.] 】

[On this shell, you can clearly see the words Stark Industries.] 】

[The shell flashes with dripping red light, and it seems that it will explode in the next moment.] But the terrified little Wanda raised her right hand at the shell. 】

[At this moment, the illusion of the past turned into reality.] 】

[Looking at Wanda, who still had a look of horror on her face in front of her, Agatha asked coldly:]

“At that time, you used your magic to stop the explosion of that bomb! “】

[“The spell you use is a ‘Possibility Hexagon’! This directly modifies the probability of the bomb exploding! “】

“Otherwise, you would have been killed by a bomb when you were a child!”] “】

“What? That’s impossible! ”

In the live broadcast room, seeing this scene, Xiao Wanda’s pupils contracted violently, and his cold hair stood up, only to feel a chill instantly soaking his heart and lungs!

How so?

Could it be that he had mastered magic since he was a child, so he could survive that bombing?

But…… Why?

Why has he never shown any mana for so many years?

PS: In Marvel Comics, Doctor Strange offended Trinity Visanti, and as a result, all his magic power was zeroed, and the Supreme Mage became a mortal overnight.

PS2: Thank you for all kinds of votes and tips! ^_^

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