“Restart the universe?”

“I heard you right!”

“This… Can those god-level civilizations of the three-body world really do such a thing?! ”

“You ask me, who do I ask?”

“It’s incredible!”

In the live broadcast room, everyone saw the image on the screen and heard the questions raised by the system, and for a while they only felt that their scalps were numb, their eyes were wide, and their voices were full of amazement.

It’s like restarting your PC. Reboot the entire universe!

Such a shocking thing is simply unimaginable to them!

At this time, in their minds, only one word remained.


Unspeakable… Shock!!!

“Oh my God! These aliens are simply not human! No! They are the devil. ”

Little Wanda was a little incoherent, her heart was like a roller coaster upside down, her body was slightly trembling and tilted, and she looked a little shaky.

And around her, including Tony and others, they were all shocked by this terrifying fact, and they couldn’t say a word at this time.

Even Magneto opened his mouth wide at this time, and his breathing almost stopped.

Even the most paranoid and stubborn he was stunned at this time, and his brain was almost crashing.


The muscles on Loki’s face trembled slightly, and he involuntarily swallowed his spit, and his body couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

To be honest, seeing that now, Loki has some understanding of the horror of those strong people in the three-body universe.

After all, it’s a dangerous universe where even a low-level cleaner can turn a galaxy into a two-dimensional picture.

But…… Even the universe can be restarted?

That’s terrifying, isn’t it?

Even Loki is considered to be the prince of Asgard who has seen the world, and at this time he feels… Even his own worldview has been subverted!



Odin’s expression changed drastically, and he stood up from his throne.

By this time, his majestic posture had completely disappeared, and his one-eyed eyes gradually widened. His face showed a hellish look!

As a Nine Realms God King, a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, he was also completely dumbfounded at this time.

Reboot the universe!

If these aliens can really do this kind of thing, then isn’t their strength already equivalent to…

“Monolithic cosmic level… And it’s still the pinnacle of it! ”

“Even, it may be close to the multiverse level!”

Muttering these words, the shock in Odin’s heart only increased.

The so-called single cosmic level is the existence that can affect and even destroy a universe!

If these guys, known as zeroizers, were really able to reduce the entire universe in dimensionality and then restart it completely…

Even if it’s the power of technology. It is also qualified to be called a single universe-level powerhouse!

The most obvious feature of the multiverse level is that it can affect various parallel universes!

Thor, the god of thunder standing in His Highness, is completely stupid at the moment.

He couldn’t imagine that in other universes, there was such a perverted existence as the Zero!

No matter how arrogant Thor is, in his mind, his enemies are still those who can be seen and touched.

Who would have thought that someone would actually … Get ready to reshape the entire universe with your own power!

Such guys, if they become enemies, Thor does not know how to fight them.

Perhaps, the other party will take out some new weapons casually, and his whole person will be reduced to “zero dimension”.

Although, Thor didn’t even know what the term meant.

But…… It’s definitely worse than the “point” of “one-dimensional”!

“You can’t win, there’s no possibility of winning.”

Thor’s face was pale, his expression was extremely stunned, and even his eyes darkened.

He has always been rough and belligerent, but at this time, in the face of such a mysterious and terrifying existence as the Zeroer, even the courage to challenge has disappeared.

The pride that arose after awakening the Thunder Godhead and regaining the Meow Hammer was even more gone at this time.

Karma Taj.

“Zero dimensional? What is zero-dimensional? ”

Master Mordo’s eyes were round, his body trembled, and he fell into a messy state.

As a high-level mage, he knows very well the beginning of the universe and even the history of the Infinity Stones.

But…… Zero-dimensional universe?

This is completely beyond his imagination.

“Is it possible to reduce the universe to zero dimension?”

Archmage Wang’s whole person froze in place. The throat was dry, a fat face was instantly sluggish, and the whole person became soulless.

The rest of the magic apprentices were all silent and speechless at this time.

In the face of this great force that is enough to shape the entire universe, everyone feels a sense of despair.


Ancient Mage’s face was a little stiff, and his pupils dimmed even more, and he involuntarily said silently in his heart:

“Monolithic cosmic level?”

She was at the same level as Odin, and she came to the same conclusion at this moment.

But even if it is judged … Possible “ranks” of zeroers. Gu Yi still looked frozen and speechless.

At the same time, the shock in her heart has long been monstrous!

From the Heavenly Father level to the Single Cosmic Level.

This is an unimaginable gap.

It can only feel suffocating…

If the other party is a Heavenly Father-level demon god like Dormammu, Gu Yi can still shake his spirit and fight with all his strength!

Coupled with the power of the Time Gem, she even has a chance to win.

But…… This kind of “monolithic universe-level peak” that can be shaped even by the entire universe???

Then she doesn’t even have a chance at all, she will only be completely crushed!

Supergod Universe, Merlot Heavenly Court.

“Kay… Your Majesty Kesha.”

“Could the universe really be restarted?”

Caesar’s divine wings, Angel Yan and Angel Burning Star, were all stunned at this time.

At this moment, the shock brought to them by the image was comparable to thunder, it was as if the sky was falling!

And Tianji Wang Hexi stood on the side, his face also changed greatly at this time, and his terrifying beautiful eyes widened, and his eyes were round in an instant!

Even the universe can be reduced to zero dimension!

Even the speed of light can drop you to zero!

It can even go down!

Drop to minus for you!

What exactly is this scientific principle?

It’s just subverting the laws of science.

“It can’t be! Drop the universe below zero dimension, and it will restart? ”

Divine Kesha’s pupils contracted violently, and her pretty face was as white as paper, and her face showed a ghostly look.

At this moment, she was really frightened.

How powerful are the aliens in this three-body universe?

Isn’t there an upper limit to their scientific research strength?

First the solar system was reduced to two dimensions, and now it is simply necessary to reduce the entire universe below zero dimensions.

That’s an exaggeration!

Are those beings called zeroers really so powerful?

Although she is known as the strongest in the known universe, Queen Kesha’s mentality is also a little broken at the moment.

If she really encountered a perverted enemy like Zero, she couldn’t even think of how to defeat it.

I’m afraid that there is no other way than to obediently wait to be reduced to zero dimension by the other party, or even below zero dimension!

Thinking of this, Queen Kesha actually had an urge to vomit blood for a while.

She is the head of the three kings of angels, the holy Kesha, how could she have the idea of waiting for death?


Clenching her fists, Keisha had a trace of viciousness on her face, and secretly swore on the throne:

“No matter how powerful the enemy is, I, Kesha, will definitely fight to the death! Never wait for death! ”

And after being silent for a while, the chat group in the live broadcast room also exploded!

John Constantine: God, how could that three-body universe be so calamitous?

John Constantine: First it was reduced from ten to three dimensions, then it was about to be reduced to two dimensions, and now it is even more likely that the entire universe may be restarted!

John Constantine: That world… Is it cursed by some cosmic-level great demon?

Divine Kesha: I don’t think any demon can be so powerful. But…… That world is indeed the coldest, most evil, and worst universe I know!

After being frightened by the Zero, Keisha was full of intense emotions in her heart and couldn’t wait to vent them.

Divine Kesha: What the hell is the Dark Forest? A group of high-dimensional civilizations who have mastered dimensional technology will even search for other cosmic civilizations everywhere all day, and then destroy when they see it!

Divine Kesha: Even if those lower civilizations are allowed to develop, is it really enough to threaten your high-dimensional civilizations? Where is your self-confidence as a strong man?

Stephen Strange: Well, I feel like you’re a little too excited.

Stephen Strange: In the video, that Guan Yifan also mentioned that the laws of the dark forest are just some scraps of those god-level civilization wars.

Nick Fury: Yes, if the resources of that three-body universe are really scarce to the extreme of progress, it is not incomprehensible to derive something as strange as the law of the dark forest!

Nick Fury: In the previous image, several Earthling warships fell into a chain of suspicion without supplies and had to destroy each other!

Divine Kesha: I mean! Those god-level civilizations did not shoulder their responsibilities as strong people at all!

Divine Kesha: Not only that, but they destroyed each other like a bunch of madmen, beating the entire universe from ten dimensions to three dimensions. Maybe there will be a reboot in the future!

Divine Kesha: It’s all God’s’ fault!

Wanda Maximov: Well, how do I sound a little bit of a point?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Justice and order, I think it’s a bit like “the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.”

Divine Kesha: Oh, boy, that’s a good point.

Divine Kesha: In the dark world, if the strong do not stand up, but join forces with the darkness, then the final result is that dark forest!

Captain America: I also agree with the words of this Queen Kesha, the strong are born with the responsibility to protect the weak!

Rocky Odinson: Che, you idle hypocrites, call it your name!

Rocky Oddinson: I’m more concerned about which answer to the system’s question this time!

Stephen Strange: The Zeroer reboots the universe. Is it for destruction, salvation, return, or war?

Stephen Strange: This multiple-choice question is really troublesome.

Tony Stark: I think you can rule out “destruction” first!

Tony Stark: It’s obviously illogical that they spent so much effort to restart the universe just to destroy it.

Wolverine: Could it be for war, as mentioned in the video, the war between these god-level civilizations has collapsed the entire universe!

Stephen Strange: Collapse? You mean dimensionality reduction.

Stephen Strange: According to Guan Yifan, these zeroers may not be a civilization, but they may also be an organization of several civilizations.

Stephen Strange: Perhaps, they and those other god-level civilizations may not have such a deep grudge.

Rocky Odinson: Cut! Isn’t it a grudge that the Zeroer wants to restart the universe and kill all life in the universe by the way?

Wanda Maksimov: After the restart, will everyone die?

Loki Odinson: Little ghost, what kind of cold joke are you talking about, it has been reduced to below zero dimension! You come and tell me, in this case, how else can you live?

Tony Stark: I can say responsibly that if these Zeroers had such powerful technology, if they wanted to go to war, they would not use such troublesome means as restarting the universe!

Stephen Strange: In this way, destruction and war can be ruled out.

John Constantine: All that’s left is return, and salvation.

Stephen Strange: Return! Wait a minute……

Stephen Strange: Do you all remember? Those god-level civilizations are likely to have continued all the way from the original ten-dimensional civilization!

Stephen Strange: As a three-dimensional civilization, we can’t imagine how a two-dimensional paper man would live.

Stephen Strange: Are these high-dimensional creatures really willing to live in a three-dimensional world?

Magneto: Makes sense, anyway, I can’t think about how to live as a paper person!

John Constantine: In other words, these were once zero-returners of ten-dimensional creatures, wanting to change the universe back to their familiar form! That is, the ten-dimensional world?

John Constantine: I think that makes sense!

Dr. Manhattan: Ha, you all seem to have forgotten what I just said.

Stephen Strange: What?

Dr. Manhattan: In that case, let me just make it clear.

Dr. Manhattan: According to my guess, those really powerful god-level civilizations should have used their own methods to create the so-called Pocket Universe.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Pocket Universe? What is this?

Dr. Manhattan: You can think of it as a miniature version of the universe, where everything in the real universe exists, but on a smaller scale.

Bruce Banner: Mini universe? God-level civilization… Even this can be made?

Dr. Manhattan: This is the most economical and effective way to resist dimensionality reduction.

Dr. Manhattan: Just create a high-dimensional pocket universe before the dimension of the universe falls, and then move into it.

Dr. Manhattan: Then these high-dimensional creatures can live freely in the pocket universe!

Divine Kesha: Even the universe can create miniature versions! The technological power of these civilizations is truly incredible.

Wolverine: Wait, if those god-level civilizations can really create miniature universes! So what else is necessary … What about fighting around in this universe that has been reduced in dimensionality?

Wanda Maksimov: Yes, they have all been removed, why is there any need to linger on this world that has been reduced to three dimensions.

Dr. Manhattan: Making a pocket universe is not as easy as you think. And…… Have you forgotten that with the continuous reproduction of civilization, after hundreds of millions of years, the pocket universe will definitely be filled!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Did you say…!!! ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Tony Stark: Is it necessary to expand because of insufficient resources? Now it’s back to the chain of suspicion.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): If that’s the case, then god-level civilizations also have the motivation to return the universe to ten dimensions.

Dr. Manhattan: Oh, so I can’t give you the right answer.

Tony Stark: Wait… Chain of suspicion… Dark Forest… Cosmic dimensionality reduction, restart! Just Order! I understand.

After going through everything in his head, Tony cleared up all his doubts, looked up and shouted:

“I choose Answer B: To save!”

“The Zeroers are meant to create a new universe that is relatively peaceful and has order! That’s why I chose to restart the old universe. ”

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded.

【Ding! After Tony Stark answered, the Q&A system began to decide…]

【Ding! Tony Stark answered correctly. 】

“Is this guy really right?”

“Peace? Order? Are you kidding me? ”

Hearing the sound of the system, everyone’s faces showed incredulity.

Seeing now, the darkness and cruelty of the three-body universe have long penetrated into their hearts.

In their opinion, this unfortunate universe seems to be immersed in this endless war forever, unable to extricate itself!

Don’t…… Will things really change?

“What exactly does this ‘salvation’ mean?”

Loki looked at Tony with a frown, his eyes full of doubt and incomprehension.

Tony smiled and shrugged, and before he could answer, the system’s voice sounded again.

[Tony Stark gets 100 live points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse, as well as any “video playbacks” previously played]

[Tony Stark gets a random reward…”Two-way foil manufacturing drawings! “】

“Two-way foil?”

Hearing this amazing term, everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked!

Under everyone’s gaze, a thick stack of drawings suddenly appeared in front of Tony.

The drawings floated in mid-air, as if waiting for him to take them.

PS: Two-way foil is not so easy to make. Even if it is really created, Tony will not use it indiscriminately, let alone make the Marvel Universe two-dimensional.

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support! ^_^

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