Seeing that Bucky on the screen was arrested by the police, but his life was not in danger, the captain couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the captain is saddened by the killing of Bucky in his own world by Tony Stark, he is powerless to do anything.

Deep down, he still hopes that in another universe, Bucky can get rid of Hydra’s brainwashing and live normally!

But looking at the situation of the world in the video, the captain’s mentality at this time is also extremely complicated.

At that time, he was a loyal soldier during the war, and under the orders of the superiors, even if he was asked to sacrifice his life, the captain would never hesitate.

But when I woke up, the whole world changed.

No one can believe that everyone may have a different face!

As a soldier, the captain is now… I can’t find a boss who can follow orders with peace of mind.

At this time, seeing the black panther who hit Bucky almost without parrying, taking off his mask and revealing the appearance of Prince T’Challa, many people in front of the screen were a little surprised.

John Constantine: How can this black prince fight so well? And what’s going on with that suit on him, it looks so high-end.

Bruce Banner: Such a thin suit is not only extremely strong, but also resistant to impact? How is this made?

Looking at the high-tech battle robe on the panther’s body like a tights, Tony Stark’s eyes also moved.

Although the steel suit he made was not low in defense, it all added up to hundreds of kilograms!

And what the panther in front of him is wearing… It seems to be a black dress!

What kind of high-tech is this, to create such a magical suit?

“Wakanda … That’s right! ”

Tony’s mind flashed, and he immediately thought of one more thing, and couldn’t help but blurt out:

“Vibranium, his suit is made of vibranium!”

Captain America: Vibranium? Is that the metal Howard used to make my shield in the first place?

Nick Fury: Incredible. So hard metal, how can it still be made into clothes?

Wanda Maksimov: Weaving cloth with metal? It can’t be!

Natasha Romanoff: Nick, do you know anything about Wakanda?

Nick Fury: I’ve done some research recently, but nothing has come to fruition.

I was in the secret base, and the halogen’s face was slightly gloomy.

According to the intuition of his intelligence king, the brine egg instinctively felt that this country might hide deeper secrets!

Stephen Strange: Well, one thing suddenly occurred to me, isn’t the price of vibranium very expensive? How much does this Prince T’Challa in a vibranium suit cost?

Nick Fury: Vibranium is not expensive, but it has no market, and money can’t buy it.

Nick Fury: As for T’Challa’s suit, I’m conservatively estimating… It probably also needs more than a billion meters.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): More than a billion !!!

Deadpool: Mi Yuan!!!!

Wanda Maksimov: Just this outfit??? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Nick Fury: I only calculated the cost of vibranium, and if I also include the high technology contained in the suit, I am afraid that it will be several times more!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Poverty really limits my imagination.

John Constantine: I hate rich people…

Bruce Banner: It’s amazing that such a pampered prince actually has such a strong combat power and has become a superhero!

John Constantine: Humph! Rich children don’t have a good thing. I look at that T’Challa, just rely on that high-tech suit to fight!

John Constantine: If he doesn’t have that outfit, look how he pretends to be!

Tony Stark: Ahem, to be honest, high-tech can be considered part of the combat power.

Divine Kesha: Of course, as a high-civilization race, do not rely on high technology to fight, do you still fight with your teeth and claws like an animal?

Captain Mi: No, that T’Challa doesn’t rely entirely on his suits, and his fighting skills are also very strong, at least not below me.

Wanda Maksimov: It’s a pity… This prince is not my type.

Tony Stark: Huh? Wanda, what do you say?

Wanda Maximov: Sigh, Stark, do you really not understand? What girl doesn’t have a prince dream?

Tony stark:…………

Bruce Wayne: You seem to have some misconception about rich kids.

Bruce Wayne: With this prince’s identity and status, if he wants to learn martial arts, he can find the best teachers and coaches in the world!

John Constantine: I hate rich people even more… (艹皿艹)

Bruce wayne:…………

Forcing himself to stop paying attention to Konstantin’s sour words, Bruce Wayne begins to reminisce… The performance of the previous Panther T’Challa during the fight.

“High-tech battle suits, can they exert such great power?”

Thinking of this, Bruce turned his head to look at the bat suit hanging on the side of the bat cave, and there was a trace of emotion in his eyes.

As the head of the Wayne Group, he also did his best to create a suit that can be called the world’s high-tech essence.

But if compared with the Black Panther suit in the video, the gap is too big.

“Could it be that these are two worlds… The gap in scientific and technological standards? ”

Thinking of the battle of the Black Panther, Bruce Wayne also rose with envy in his heart.

He has only just become Batman, and there is a lot of confusion about how to be a superhero.

But after watching the video just now, Bruce Wayne found that he had faintly found his way.

As long as you have the money and create equipment that is powerful enough, you can also compete with real superheroes!

This is the banknote capability!

【Image continues】

[After his arrest, Bucky was sent to prison under close surveillance. 】

[The equipment was confiscated, and the captain was sent to the base, where he met Tony, who had signed the Sokovia Agreement. 】

[Tony throws an olive branch to the captain, claiming that as soon as he agrees to sign the agreement, Tony will go back to lobby the top brass to save Bucky from jail and instead transfer him to a mental hospital in Pretty Country.] 】

“Trust me, Captain, a mental hospital is better than a prison in Wakanda. “】

[Thinking of Bucky, although the captain was still full of reluctance, he still picked up Tony’s pen and prepared to sign the agreement. 】

[But at this moment, Tony lost his mouth and said that he sent Vision to lock Wanda in the Avengers base. 】

The captain was furious and accused Tony of depriving a child of his freedom. 】

[Tony defended himself, claiming that he was trying to avoid a worse situation for the other Avengers members.] 】

[Seeing this, the captain said nothing more, angrily threw down his pen and turned away. ] 】

[Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have finally officially broken up. 】

“Stark, are you really going to ask a robot to lock me up?”

Little Wanda frowned and looked at Tony, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.


Tony instinctively wanted to shake his head, but after thinking about it, he still gritted his teeth and said:

“If you really do something terrible, then even for your own good, I have to lock you up at home!”

“But… I will look at you myself and will not use any robots! ”


Unexpectedly, little Wanda just snorted and didn’t say anything more, seemingly satisfied with Tony’s answer.

Seeing that the little girl did not continue to furious, Tony also took a long breath, and secretly said in his heart:

“With your strength, there are no robots other than me who can see you.”

【Image continues】

[At this time, a psychiatrist came to the base to enlighten Bucky, but he was actually a mysterious person pretending to be! ] 】

[This mysterious man used Hydra’s special brainwashing language to brainwash Bucky again! ] 】

[Bucky went crazy again and rushed out of the prison. 】

[The captain noticed something strange and came to stop Bucky, grabbed the mysterious man, and questioned him what he wanted to do.] 】

[The result mystery man answered:]

“I want to destroy an empire!”] “】

[After a tumultuous battle, Bucky got into a helicopter and prepared to escape. 】

[But the captain showed up in time, dragged the helicopter down with his bare hands, and fell into the lake with Bucky.] 】

[After this ordeal, Bucky seems to have regained his senses. 】

[He told the captain that the mysterious man wanted to go to Siberia, where several super soldiers like him were frozen! ] 】

[And this mysterious man has mastered the method of controlling super soldiers. 】

[The captain listened with a solemn expression. 】

“He said he wanted to watch an empire destroy! “】

Bucky said seriously. “If he had the help of these super soldiers, he could do it.”

“These soldiers speak thirty languages and are good at infiltration! Assassinate! Subversion! They can destroy an empire overnight and catch you off guard! “】

[After learning the truth, the captain and Falcon felt that the situation was serious. 】

[The captain originally wanted to inform Tony, but due to the existence of the Sokovia protocol, even if Tony believed them, ZF might not allow them to strike.] 】

[Faced with this situation, Falcon told the captain that if there was a shortage of manpower, he could also recommend someone. 】

[At this time, the picture turned, in the base, Secretary of National Armed Forces Ross began to pressure Tony, claiming that the captain escaped with the criminal Bucky, and both of them were unforgivable! ] 】

[Ross has limited Tony to bring the captain back within 36 hours, otherwise special forces will be sent to capture them.] 】

[In the face of Ross’s ultimatum, both Tony and Black Widow realize that they will not have enough manpower to capture the captain and Bucky within 36 hours. 】

[Tony still had the wound on his face from the battle with Bucky just now, and asked a little helplessly:]

“If the Hulk is there, that’s fine, do you have a clue about him?”] “】

[Black Widow has a wry smile on her face:]

“Do you really think he’s going to be on our side?” “】

[Tony’s expression stiffened slightly, and he whispered: “No”]

At this time, Black Widow suddenly said. 】

“I have an idea! “】

Tony nodded as well. “I have it too!” 】

Seeing this, most of the people in the live broadcast room have already understood.

“So… Is this a civil war? ”

Strange frowned and said:

“The entire Avengers split in half, headed by Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, against each other?”

Black Widow slowly shook her head:

“I’m afraid it’s not just the Avengers, these two continue to recruit people and expand the scale of the war.”


Peter asked a little nervously: “Didn’t it come to that point, I don’t think there is any hatred between them?” ”

“It’s not about hatred, it’s just a battle of ideas.”

Tony waved his hand with some annoyance, and the expression on his face became a little ugly.

By now, he could fully understand what his variant thought.

After all, in Afu Khan, he blew up his variant into a serious injury… It’s Stark Industries’ bomb!

And the Ultron incident is not to mention!

It’s really self-inflicted.

After all these things, the other Tony will inevitably doubt his abilities!

I will worry that if no one supervises, next time… What kind of Louzi will he poke out!

At this moment, Black Widow suddenly said coldly:

“Frankly, I think that variant of yours needs a psychiatrist.”

“It would have been a good thing that all kinds of problems were caused by his conceit and arrogance that made him feel that he needed regulation.”

“But he came to the conclusion … But everyone else needs regulation just as much as he does! And also handed over the supervision power to those who are right! ”

“In this case, it is as if he himself is sick, but he wants everyone else to follow him and take medicine!”


Listening to the metaphor of the image of Black Widow, black lines appeared on Tony’s head, but after thinking about it, he still closed his mouth and was speechless.

At this time in the bat cave, Bruce Wayne also nodded thoughtfully.

“Can’t you let your ideas be imposed?”

“This woman… That makes sense. ”

Bruce Wayne has a lot of obsessive-compulsive ideals, but he also doesn’t think everyone else in the world should be like him.

Ghost Rider: Humph! Has extraordinary strength, but the heart is unusually fragile! This is billionaire Tony Stark. Is it? It’s ridiculous.

Tony Stark: Listen to your tone… Do you know me? Or do you and I live in the same universe?

Ghost Rider: Hey, why should I tell you?

Dr. Manhattan: I don’t think you need to criticize Tony, no matter how powerful, as long as we live on Earth, then… We are still bound by the human psyche.

Dr. Manhattan: It’s hard to get avoided.

Bruce Wayne: I think that’s a good thing! If a superhero with great power completely loses his human heart, he will only turn into a monster in the end!

Dr. Manhattan: Monsters, hahaha…

Just then, a new change appeared on the screen.

[When the camera turned, the picture came to Queens, New York. 】

[Tony Stark. Arrived at the home of high school student Peter Parker. 】

[Fooling Aunt May with rhetoric, Tony enters Peter Parker’s room.] 】

[Next, he took out his phone and released a three-D projection in the air, which projected a video of Spider-Man walking on the street. 】

“Peter, this Spider-Man is you, right? “】

[“No, what do you mean? Peter Parker’s eyes showed panic, but he still shook his head to deny it.

“That’s you! Tony showed a hint of teasing on his face, looked at Spider-Man in the three-D image and smiled:]

[“Look at your movements, wow, you can catch a car at 40 miles per hour and 3,000 pounds, it’s not easy, you’re amazing!”] “】

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Peter’s whole person was stupid.

I saw that his eyes were round, his mouth was slightly open, and the more he looked, the more incredulous his expression became.

“In this universe, there is also a Spider-Man? Also called Peter Parker? ”

“And… Still so young! ”

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