[Vulture Tumbs drove to the outside of the school dance and suddenly turned back to his daughter and said:]

“Baby, you go first. “】

“I’m going to give Peter a ‘father’s message.'” “】

[Maybe thinking that her father was ready to warn her little boyfriend, Liz reached out and patted Peter indifferently:]

“Don’t let him scare you. “】

[After his daughter got out of the car, Toums’s expression immediately changed.] 】

[He reached out and took out a pistol, looked at Peter with a frosty face, and asked coldly:]

“Does she know? “】

[Peter was still in shock at this time, looking at the pistol in Tumbs’ hand, but instinctively asked:]

“Know what? “】

“So she doesn’t know, it’s good. Toombs nodded slightly. 】

“The secrecy work is well done, and I admire you. “】

[“I have some secrets myself…”

[Then Toombs suddenly shrugged:]

[“I have so many reasons to object to my daughter going on a date, but I didn’t expect it…”

[“Peter! “】

[Tooms’ eyes have shown a sharp color, and he said in a deep voice:]

【”Nothing is more important than family! “】

“You saved my daughter’s life, and I will never forget it. “】

“So, I’ll give you a chance. “】

“Listen, you walk in now and forget everything that happened. “】

“And then forever… Never, don’t interfere in my business again! “】

“If you come again… I’ll kill you… And all the people you love. “】

“I’ll definitely kill you!”] “】

[Hearing Tumbs’s words, Peter’s whole heart instantly tightened, and his brain was instantly chaotic. 】

[Oops, this vulture… I actually saw my identity! 】

【What should I do now?】 】

[Are you fighting him here, but… He’s Liz’s dad? 】

[And… He also said he wanted to kill my family,

[If that’s the case, what should Aunt Mei do?] 】

[Despite his extraordinary strengths, Little Spider is essentially a 15-year-old child. 】

[Intimidated by a supervillain like Tumbs, who has seen countless storms and waves, he was stunned all of a sudden! ] 】

[At this moment, Peter’s mind was in chaos. Even the thinking stiffened, and even lost the ability to think, and could only stay in this messy state. 】

[Seeing that the little spider fidgeted and seemed to be completely shocked by himself, Toombs softened his tone:]

“This is all I can do to protect my family, Peter, you see?”] 】

[Seeing Peter nodding his head, Tooms suddenly raised his tone:]

“Hey! I just let you go, what should you say! “】

[The rhythm of the conversation has been completely controlled by Toombs, and in the face of his questioning, the little spider can only raise his head in a daze and say:]

“Thank you. “】

[Seeing this, Toombs smiled with satisfaction:]

“No thanks. “】

“Go in, spend time with my daughter, but don’t go too far. “】

[Peter, who was still stiff, got out of the car like a robot and walked into the dance. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was full of sighs.

John Constantine: This kid is really… The world has seen too little. I will definitely be bluffed by such an old man!

Captain America: Yes, in the civil war, he can take down Bucky the Winter Soldier and the Falcon so easily, and he should be stronger than me.

Captain America: That vulture has no combat suit, only a pistol, and he can’t even hurt him.

Ghost Rider: Humph! At the end of the day, this kid is still worried about his girlfriend.

Bruce Wayne: Still too little social experience, I was shocked by this old villain.

Seeing Peter’s eyes on the screen blank, seemingly soulless, Wayne also shook his head helplessly.

Even with great power, he is still a child.

Insight, city government, social experience, all crushed by the other party, will cause such consequences.

Wanda Maksimov: But this kid won’t really… I was brainwashed by that vulture.

Captain America: No way. In my opinion, this little spider is definitely a kind child.

Captain America: As long as he comes back to his senses, he will definitely catch that vulture and eliminate harm for the people!

Loki Odinson: Huh… Captain, you are actually so confident in this kid?

Captain America: What I believe is the justice in this child’s heart!

Captain America: But even if he has extraordinary power. But I don’t think that, at his age… Fit to be a superhero.

Bruce Wayne: I can also see this, although this little spider is powerful, but the mind and experience are obviously not mature.

Bruce Wayne: But have you ever thought that he has shown a willingness to be a hero!

Bruce Wayne: And, with his super power, what do you think… Is it possible for this child to return to school and become a regular student?

Captain America: This………

The captain has never been married in his life, let alone had children, so Wayne’s words. It just happened to ask about his knowledge blind spot.

Loki Odinson: Ha! It’s funny, just now you guys were still discussing… Will this imp be in the same league as that vulture!

Loki Odinson: And now, you’re changing again, and everyone seems to be an education expert!

Bruce Wayne: If you don’t believe me, just wait and see. This kid will definitely not let us down.

【Image continues】

[The little spider was in a trance, and walked into the dance party with a numb expression, his brain was in chaos, and it seemed that his brain was about to crash. ] 】

[But when he saw Liz’s face, the little spider finally woke up and decided to arrest Toombs with his own hands! ] 】

[Change into your old battle suit, the little spider rushes out of the school! ] 】

[He was about to look for the whereabouts of Tumbs, when suddenly, a heavy fist flashing with thunder hit him fiercely! ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[Caught off guard, the little spider was shot far away and flew out, and his spider silk launcher also fell to the side. ] 】

[It turned out that Toombs was wise and calculated, and immediately after driving away, he summoned his black subordinates. 】

[The little spider was beaten coldly, and was suddenly pressed and beaten by the black man holding a high-tech fist, and actually fell completely into the downwind. ] 】

[At this moment, he fell to the spider silk launcher on the ground, was picked up by the fat Jiyou, and released the spider silk to entangle the enemy. ] 】

[“Yay! “】

[After getting the spider silk launcher he made himself, Spider-Man hit it casually and firmly glued the black man to the car. ] 】

[Meanwhile, on the other side, Harpy packs the anti-Hulk mech invented by Iron Man, the new shield model of the captain, and Thor’s magic belt into a transport plane ready to be transported to the Avengers base on the outskirts of the city. ] 】

[And Vulture Tumbs’ new plan is to hijack this plane and snatch all these high-level equipment! ] 】

“What? This guy is so daring! ”

In the live broadcast room, Tony’s pupils shrank slightly, and his face suddenly showed irritation.

He really didn’t expect that this group of fur thieves would be so daring that they would hit the idea on these equipment!

In addition to being angry, Tony was also a little frightened.

These equipment include Asgard’s treasures and anti-Hulk mechs!

If it really falls into the hands of these lawless madmen, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Tony gritted his teeth secretly:

“It seems that in the future, we must further strengthen security in all aspects, and we must not leave any chance for those madmen!”

【Image continues】

[Next, the little spider tracked his mobile phone and found the vulture’s whereabouts. 】

[It turned out that when he was in the vulture car just now, although he was shocked by the other party for a while, he still relied on instinct and stuffed his mobile phone in the car. ] 】

[Following the mobile phone signal, the little spider came to a secret warehouse. 】

[And the vulture is waiting for him here.] 】

“Hey! Peter, I didn’t hear you come in” Looking at the little spider, the vulture’s face showed no fear. 】

[The little spider said in a firm voice: “It’s over, I’ve caught you.”] “】

“I know, I’m going to tell you, Peter… I really appreciate your courage. “】

[The vulture said with a sigh:]

“I know why Liz likes you, I really understand. “】

“When you first arrived at my house, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be this little furry boy?”] “】

“But I understand now. “】

[The little spider didn’t want to listen to the vulture’s nonsense anymore, and directly launched the cobweb, gluing his hand to the desk. ] 】

[Looking down at his hands, the vulture sighed:]

“Peter, you’re too young to understand how the world works. “】

[Little Spider said unconvinced: “But I know that it is wrong to sell weapons to criminals. “】

[The vulture snorted coldly in disdain:]

“Then do you think your friend… Stark, where did you get the money to build that building? And those little toys of his? “】

[“Those people! Peter, those people are high, rich and powerful! They do whatever they want! “】

[The more the vulture spoke, the more excited he became, and seemed to think of his difficult career in the past:]

“Ordinary people like you and me… They don’t care if we live or die! “】

“We pave the way for them!”] Give them life! “】

“But they don’t care about us at all! “】

“We had to go and clean up the mess for them! Eat their leftovers! “】

“That’s how the world works!”] “】

[Hearing this, the little spider suddenly felt that something was wrong:]

“Why are you telling me this?” “】

[Vulture smiled proudly:]

“Because I want you to understand that. “】


He picked up a remote control on the table. 】

“I need some time to get it to take off!”] “】

[“Boom! “】

[Vulture’s steel suit flew over violently, destroying all the wall pillars around the secret base. ] 】

[In an instant, the ceiling of the base smashed down, pressing the little spider underneath. 】

[And the vulture put on his battle suit and flew away.] 】

[Pressed under the ruins, the little spider could not move for a while, and was not lightly injured. ] 】

[“Help, who will save me, I’m stuck.”) “】

[The little spider panicked and called for help, but no one came to save him.] 】

[In the midst of this absolute adversity, the little spider suddenly saw the Spider-Man hood that he had fallen in the distance. ] 】

[At the same time, he also remembered what Iron Man had said to him.] 】

[“If you don’t have this suit, then you are useless… Then you don’t deserve it. 】

[In the midst of this absolute adversity, Peter finally woke up! 】

[The reason why he is Spider-Man is not because of that suit, but because of himself! ] 】

[After awakening, Peter poured out power from all over his body! ] 】

“Come on! Spider-Man. “】

[While cheering himself up, the little spider used all his potential! ]

[He even ignored the physical pain, and abruptly lifted up the remains of the ceiling that was pressed on his body! ] 】

Seeing this, many people in front of the screen were stunned.

Bruce Banner: This kid’s strength is just a few tons! It’s unbelievable!

Captain America: Amazing! His strength is indeed far better than mine.

Looking at the little spider on the screen, he lifted several tons of wreckage, and the captain also sighed for a while.

Although he is a super soldier, his strength is only a few times that of ordinary people at most!

If the wreckage of a building like this were pressed on him, the captain would never be able to lift it.

Not to mention, the little spider also has agility and speed far beyond ordinary people!

Divine Kesha: It doesn’t matter what strength is, what I value more is this child’s determination to uphold justice.

Ghost Rider: Well, although he was confused by the evil man for a while, thankfully, he finally came to his senses.

John Constantine: But this kid… But being pressed under such a large pile of ruins, could he really still fight in this situation?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): After being bitten by that mutant spider, his whole body should have been reborn. But……

Seeing that the little spider’s movements seemed to be a little sluggish, obviously not lightly injured, but still struggling to rush out, Peter also frowned and sighed.

Desperate for just purposes, is it … Is this also Spider-Man’s fate?

【Image continues】

[At this time, the vulture had spotted the transport plane flying through the air and chased after it. 】

[And Peter seized the opportunity, glued the vulture’s suit with spider silk, and secretly followed behind.] 】

[Just when the vulture successfully sneaked into the inside of the transport plane and was about to attack and steal the equipment, the little spider triggered the alarm on the transport plane. ] 】

[Seeing that Spider-Man actually followed him to the sky, the vulture quickly flew out and started a fierce battle with Spider-Man in the air. ] 】

[During the battle, the engine of the transport plane was damaged, and finally the entire transport plane fell. 】

[In order to prevent the plane from falling into the city, the little spider used spider silk to control the direction of the base and forced the plane to land on the beach. 】

[Even though the plane made a forced landing, the vulture still did not stop, but shot again, knocking the spider down hard. ] 】

[After the previous injuries and melee, the little spider was already exhausted, and soon fell to the ground, seemingly unable to stand up. ] 】

[Seeing that he finally defeated the enemy, Vulture was also ready to take the opportunity to take away Iron Man’s various precious equipment. ] 】

[But the little spider can see clearly that the battle suit on the vulture’s body is tattered, even electric, and may explode at any time. ] 】

[After the warning is ineffective, the little spider uses its last strength to spray spider silk, sticking to the box where the equipment is stored, trying to stop the vulture. 】

He didn’t want Liz’s father to die like that. 】

[But the obsessive vulture still cut the spider’s silk and flew into the air desperately. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[At this moment, the vulture’s tattered battle suit exploded! ] And fell to the ground, and burned. 】

[Seeing that the vulture Tumbs was about to be burned to death, the little spider rushed into the fire with his last strength and rescued him. 】

[Now, the supervillain Vulture was finally caught by Spider-Man! ] 】

“Well done!”

Looking at the little spider, and finally managed to catch the vulture, Tony let out a long breath and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

On the other side, The Amazing Spider-Man… Peter Parker also nodded with a sigh.

Although the little spider on the screen is a few years younger than him, and even just a high school student, he is already a qualified hero!

Even in the face of his girlfriend’s father, he did not favoritism, but upheld the justice in his heart and caught the criminal.

Not only that, for the life of this criminal, the little spider even risked his life to save the vulture!

It’s hard to imagine that these things… It’s a 15-year-old who can make it!

PS: Next up is Ant-Man 1 and Guardians of the Galaxy 1!

In the on-demand phase, there are also Helldetective, Watchmen, Deadpool 1 and X-Men! Which one is better to broadcast first?

PS: Favorites! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support! ^_^

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