[Peter had just arrived in his hand with the cosmic spirit ball, and several people armed with firearms rushed in from outside the door and surrounded him. 】

“Put that thing down for me!”] “】

[Facing the muzzle of the black hole hole, Peter directly threw away the cosmic spirit ball in his hand without saying a word. ] 】

[After picking up the spirit ball, the leading black man still asked unrelentingly:]

“Who are you?” How do you know about this stuff? “】

[Also, how do you wear the uniform of a marauder? “】

“Hey… I’m just a waste picker, and I’m just wearing a piece of clothing. “】

[Peter said without resistance:]

“My name is Peter Quill, brother, you have to calm down. “】

[Although Peter Quill seems harmless to humans and animals, the black man still wants to take him away. 】

“Ronan may have something to ask you. “】

[Seeing this, Peter Quill suddenly spoke again:]

“Maybe you’ve heard me by another name. “】

[“Huh? “】

[Seeing that the other party turned back again, Peter showed an unfathomable smile on his face and said lightly:]

[“Star-Lord. “】

[But surprisingly, the black man just asked with a puzzled face:]

[“Who do you say?” “】

“No! The expression on Star-Lord immediately collapsed:]

“Haven’t you heard? It’s that Star-Lord, the famous legendary Rogue.”

The black man spread his hands and showed a caring expression on his face, apparently he had never heard the name. 】


[Star-Lord, who pretended to fail, smiled bitterly helplessly, suddenly burst into trouble, and killed two enemies with props. ] Then fled all the way. 】


As soon as he heard this familiar name, Captain Marvel’s eyes widened at once.

Behind these aliens… There is actually Ronan the accuser hiding!

If you think about it further, can it be said that the “Kree Empire” is also involved in this matter?

At this moment, the chat group also became lively.

John Constantine: Although this man named Peter was kidnapped by aliens, it seems that he is doing well.

Captain America: He seems to be a rogue? This kind of outlaw … Where is it good?

Bruce Wayne: Even if you become a criminal, you only need to go to jail at most, but if you are caught by aliens and used as an experiment, there may not even be a grave.

Deadpool: Experiment? Your mind is too dark, who will come all the way to Earth, just to catch a little ghost to make experiments?

Bruce wayne:………… What you said also makes sense.

Wanda Maksimov: I’m still curious to know, who is that Roland? And, what kind of treasure is the cosmic orb?

Nick Fury: Roland? Well, cough, I think you should ask Captain Marvel.

Natasha Romanoff: Nick, do you know anything?

Nick Fury: When I was young, this guy named Ronan led an alien fleet that tried to invade Earth.

Captain America: What???

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! A real alien invader!

Stephen Strange: What happened?

Nick Fury: Captain Marvel strikes and fights off all these aliens.

Wanda Maksimov: Is it the same as the Battle of New York in the previous video?

Tony Stark: That’s not right! If there has ever been such an alien invasion, how come I haven’t heard of it at all?

Nick Fury: It’s because this fight… Takes place in space beyond Earth!

Wanda Maximov: This… You’re kidding.

Deadpool: No, the woman who looks like a man’s mother-in-law is so strong?

Carol Danvers: Bastard! What do you call me? Convex (艹皿艹)

Deadpool: I’ll take another look… I’ll go! This woman really floated in space to watch the live broadcast!

Bruce Wayne: What do you say? Does she not need oxygen to survive in the universe?

Bruce Wayne: Is this true? Don’t…… Are you an alien?

Carol Danvers: Ha, I’m a dignified former captain in the U.S. Air Force, just… It’s just a little bit of superpower. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Vaguely feeling the shock of Young Master Wayne, Captain Marvel’s heart finally rose a sense of superiority that had been separated for a long time.

Since joining this group, she has hardly encountered anything good, and even deprived her of a third of her superpowers!

Carol Danvers: What is survival in the universe? I can even travel through the universe faster than the speed of light!

Carol Danvers: And my fist can easily destroy the Kree warship!

Carol Danvers: Otherwise, how can I maintain peace and order in the universe?

Bruce wayne:!!! (⊙o⊙)

At this moment, Young Master Wayne’s pupils suddenly shrank, his expression instantly froze, and his eyes were even more vigilant and guarded.

A woman who can travel through the universe and defeat an alien fleet with the power of one person.

What a horror!

If such a terrifying strong man really appeared in reality, would he still abide by the laws and morals of the earth?

Who can stop the person if he doesn’t want to?

Speaking of this, Young Master Wayne couldn’t help but swallow his spit, and his heart thumped and accelerated.

No way!

Whether it’s with technology or something else, you have to become strong as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you really encounter such a powerful, almost indestructible superpower…

So what to do?

Carol Danvers: That Ronan is a cosmic civilization… The accusers of the Kree Empire wielded enormous military power.

Carol Danvers: If such a character wants to capture that ball, there may be a secret in it.

Wanda Maksimov: Don’t you know what that ball is?

Carol Danvers: The universe is so vast, how can I possibly know everything.

Carol Danvers: But I recognize the clothes that Star-Lord is wearing, it’s the marauder’s outfit!

Bruce Wayne: Marauders? The black man under Roland also mentioned this term, who are they?

Carol Danvers: Interesting, you don’t seem to be from our universe, why are you so obsessed?

Bruce Wayne: I want to learn more about the races of the universe, so I want to broaden my eyes.

Carol Danvers: Ha, studious boy, then I’ll satisfy you.

Carol Danvers: The so-called marauders are actually space pirates, killing and setting fires, and doing all kinds of evil!

Captain America: It seems that the universe is not safe either…

Carol Danvers: How can it be safe, kill someone in space, you may not even find the corpse! There are no enforcers at all, and there are no laws! It is a chaotic world that survives by strength.

Divine Kesha: ………… Therefore, a just order established by the strong is absolutely necessary.

Carol Danvers: Order, I’ve heard of something similar, the Nova Legion of Shandar Star!

Carol Danvers: But these legions don’t have many superpowers, and they’re not even as strong as the Kree.

Stephen Strange: The universe… It’s complicated.

At this time, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Star-Lord returned to his spaceship, and soon, the marauder leader Yongdu made a video call. 】

[It turned out that after getting the news, Xingjue secretly came to take the cosmic spirit ball with courage on his back. 】

[Faced with the accusation of courage, Xingjue had no intention of returning the spirit ball at all. 】

[After turning off the communication, Yongdu was very angry and issued a bounty for Star-Lord. 】

[And in the conversation between him and his subordinates, a message was revealed.] 】

[At the beginning, someone entrusted Yongdu to go to Earth to kidnap Xingjue! ] 】

[But Yongdu seems to have disobeyed the client and privately put Xingjue in his own team. ] 】

Carol Danvers: Humph! Betrayal of subordinates? It is worthy of being a marauder, a combination of a group of thieves and criminals.

Bruce Wayne: There’s one more thing that’s worth noting.

Bruce Wayne: That kid named Peter Quill was actually designated by aliens to kidnap him! Could it be that this man is hiding some secrets?

Wanda Maximov: The secret? At that time, he was a little P child, what secrets could he have?

Bruce Wayne: It’s hard to say, but looking at what these marauders look like, I have an idea.

John Constantine: What?

Bruce Wayne: Although these aliens look strange, their bodies are not far from us earthlings. Some are even identical.

Bruce Wayne: I guess… That Peter Quill, maybe a descendant of some alien?

John Constantine: You this… The brain hole is too big! ( ̄△ ̄; )

Tony Stark: Interesting, Wayne, according to you, the man who commissioned Yongdu to kidnap Peter was actually his father? Does he want father and son to be reunited?

Bruce Wayne: Other than that, I can’t think of any reason for an alien to send someone to Earth and kidnap a little boy.

Bruce Wayne: And, do you remember what that Peter Quill’s mother said before she died?

Bruce Wayne: She said Peter’s father was an angel and he was the light! And…… He’ll come pick up Peter!

Carol Danvers: Light? Is she talking about the light of the spaceship?

Wanda Maksimov: Spaceships and angels falling from the sky… Wow! How do I think, this Bruce Wayne said very reasonable?

Stephen Strange: Indeed, it’s hard to find other explanations.

Deadpool: Oh, Wayne boy, do you have a fast brain? It seems that you are not the usual stupid child of rich people! ^_^

In the face of Young Master Wayne’s precise reasoning, many group members expressed their surprise.

Even Tonis Dak was a little surprised.

Although he is a scientific genius, he relies on clues to search for the truth, which is not actually Tony’s specialty.

“Isn’t this Wayne boy a rich man, how can he act like a detective?”

At this point, the screen turns.

[Kree Empire battleship. 】

[Ronan the accuser executed a Shandar on a battleship. 】

[As an ardent believer in force, Ronan was very dissatisfied with the peace agreement signed between the Kree Empire and the Shandar Nova Legion. 】

[Because of this, Ronan and Thanos reached an agreement: he was responsible for capturing the cosmic spirit ball for Thanos, and Thanos would destroy the star of Shandar for Ronan. ] 】

[For the sake of the cosmic spirit ball, Thanos even sent his two daughters, Gamora and Nebula, to Ronan’s command. 】

[After listening to the report of the black subordinate, Roland sent Gamorato to recapture the cosmic spirit ball. 】


Upon hearing this familiar name, almost everyone in front of the screen was shocked.

They really didn’t expect that behind Roland, there was actually this big devil hidden!

“This cosmic spirit ball is even coveted by Thanos, it seems that there must be an incredible secret hidden inside!”

Captain Marvel’s brain quickly runs and begins a frantic attempt to recall the so-called “abandoned planet Morag”.

But no matter what she thought, her mind was always blank.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Tony Stark and Stephen Strange suddenly raised their heads and glanced at each other, and for a while they saw the solemn look in each other’s eyes.

Becoming a first-class smart person on Marvel Earth, they quickly thought of another possibility.

“In order to clean up half of the living beings in the universe, Thanos has been collecting six Infinity Stones.”

Black Widow also muttered at this time:

“Could it be… Is there one hidden in this spirit orb? ”


Little Wanda was taken aback when she heard this, and unconsciously clenched her fists:

“So what to do? We don’t know where that Morag is!

“Even if there are Infinity Stones hidden there, we don’t know how to get them.”

Hearing this, Tony’s expression froze slightly.

Now, he has the ability to build a bridge between planets.

But to do this, you must first get the space-time coordinates of another planet.

Otherwise, the universe is so big, who knows where your worm bridge will open?

And at this time in Asgard, Odin, who was sitting on the throne, raised his eyebrows sharply, stood up abruptly and shouted:

“Heimdall! Hurry up and search the books of Asgard to see if there is a planet called Morag! ”

[At this time, the picture on the screen turned to the capital of the Nova Empire again… Shandar Star. 】

[On this civilized planet, the bounty hunter Rocket Raccoon is observing the Shandar people and spitting on them. 】

[“These Shandar people are a bunch of waste firewood! “】

“All of them are either busy doing boring things or they don’t do anything, what a bunch of pathetic guys. “】

[In his field of vision, a gray-haired old man is actually still pursuing a young woman. 】

[Rocket raccoon saw it and cursed:]

[“Damn old pervert, where is your wife? “】


Looking at this white-haired Hua Gongzi, almost everyone in front of the screen was stunned.

“Isn’t that Stan Lee?”

Peter’s mouth was wide open, his expression was a little numb, his eyes were also in a trance, and the whole person was like a dream.

This elusive Stan Lee, this time… I actually ran to another planet!

PS: Tony can’t get the Cosmic Spirit Ball now, is the gem in it for Captain Marvel, or for Odin? ^_^

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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