“Gabriel, this guy, is so crazy!”

Looking at the triumphant archangel on the screen, Konstantin couldn’t help but gasp,

In fact, since just now, he has always had some doubts in his heart.

The legendary gun of Longinus, that is, the “Spear of Destiny”, has been missing for decades, how could it be so coincidental … Just dug out of the rubble by a scavenger?

And Angie and her sister Isabella were also locked up by demons so simply.

These all seem to be too coincidental.

But by now, Konstantin suddenly understood everything.

All this turned out to be the mastermind of this archangel Gabriel.

As the archangel of heaven, it was too easy for her to find the holy spear stained with the blood of God.

But even after guessing the cause and effect, Konstantin could not understand

…… Why did Gabriel do such a thing?

What good is it for heaven to let demons take over the world?

And more importantly, in another universe, how can I defeat her?

At this moment, the chat group also became lively.

Deadpool: Ahahaha! This angel is so beautiful, and it is so majestic.

Deadpool: If only she could step on me with her foot. Cough…… It’s nothing! Vanessa, I’m kidding…

Wanda Maximov: Vanessa? Is that his girlfriend?

Stephen Strange: I remember it very well, that’s the name.

Wolverine: This idiot actually praises another woman next to his girlfriend.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Anyway, even if this Mr. Wadewierson becomes like that, his girlfriend is still willing to get back together with him, which is also a rare thing.

Wolverine: Such a guy who is covered in mud and has a girlfriend to watch the live broadcast, this world is really crazy!

Bruce Banner: Maybe that’s life.

Wolverine: If you want to talk about women, this Gabriel is too ruthless! She actually wants to introduce demons into the world, does she want to destroy the world?

Gen-la Mordo: Angels are not human at all, not even men or women.

Master Mordo: The image they show in the eyes of humans is actually all changed.

Stephen Strange: Master Mordo! Do you know so much about angels?

Mage Mordo: To be a good mage, in addition to magic, a wealth of knowledge is also a must.

Master Mordo: There are many books on knowledge from all walks of life, and you can also check them out if you have time.

Ghost Rider: Humph! Whether it is an angel or a demon, as long as there is sin, everyone should be judged!

Divine Kesha: An angel who colludes with demons? It’s really interesting.

On the throne of the Merlot Heavenly Court, Queen Kesha supported her cheek with one finger and an inscrutable smile on her face.

In fact, Queen Kesha has been this expression ever since the angel Gabriel and the demon Baal and others appeared on the screen.

She did not speak in the group, but carefully observed the existence of these ectopic planes.

And the reason is simple…

Safety first.

After seeing images such as “two-way foil” and “Thanos snapping his fingers” that were enough to shatter the three views, Kesha’s mentality also underwent earth-shaking changes.

Before that, even though Caesar had always been wary of the so-called ultimate fear, the mysterious “fear” had never really appeared, at least.

And from these videos in front of you, those terrifying existences in the multiverse are undoubtedly certain!

Some of them can even destroy a galaxy with a snap of their fingers, or erase half a universe with a snap of their fingers!

And more importantly, not long ago, that Manhattan doctor, also by answering questions… Got a traversal card that allows you to travel freely between the multiverses!

The shock that this card brought to Queen Kesha was simply beyond everything!

Since such a thing exists, then the powerhouses of other universes may even come to this universe where she Keisha is!

Therefore, after that, Queen Kesha’s speech in the group became extremely cautious.

She didn’t want to unknowingly… Leak the information of the angelic civilization, or the universe you are in, to other multiverses!

Otherwise, who knows if it will lead to any disaster?

Thinking of this, Keisha suddenly looked down at Hexi standing in the hall and asked softly:

“Hexi, do you think this Gabriel angel in the video joined forces with demons to deal with humans?”

“Also, how can that human named Constantine defeat her?”

Hearing these two questions, Hexi frowned cutely and pondered for a while, before saying:

“Queen Kesha”

“According to my observations, in the other universe, the so-called ‘angels’ are not an independent civilization, but belong to a god called ‘God’.

“And this ‘God’ seems to be very interested in the earthlings of the Chiwu star system.”

“From the words before Gabriel and that Constantine … It can be inferred. As long as these earthlings believe in God sincerely, coupled with some self-sacrificing good deeds, they have the opportunity to enter the so-called ‘heaven’. ”


Hearing this term, Angel Yan, who was standing on the side, asked with some curiosity:

“Is that a place similar to our Merlot Heavenly Court?”

Hexi nodded slightly:

“I don’t know what the specifics are, but if you stand from the perspective of those other angels…”

“They probably don’t like to see that.”

“Humans who have entered the Heavenly Court?” Queen Kesha pondered for a moment, and immediately understood.

Among the countless planets under the jurisdiction of the angelic civilization, occasionally there are some talented female humans, who are finally endowed with angel genes and become guardian angels after many selections.

Just like her divine left-wing angel hiko, she also grew up as an ordinary person on other planets as a child.

However, ordinary human beings, just because of their religious piety, can be promoted to the Heavenly Court?

Faced with this kind of thing, the angels of another universe… It’s weird if you don’t dislike that!

Just after saying this, Hexi’s face suddenly showed a puzzled look.

“However, I don’t know how strong that Gabriel is, so… The second question I can’t answer. ”

Queen Kesha’s face remained unchanged as she listened, but there was a trace of regret in her eyes.

After seeing Dr. Manhattan get the crossing card, her interest in answering questions also increased!

If she answers the questions correctly, will she also get a reward such as a crossing card?

And what will other multiverses look like?

At this time, in a dilapidated apartment, Konstantin’s brow was tightly locked.

And in his eyes, there was already a lot of nervousness.

Out of some instinct, Konstantin felt that this time the problem… Probably his only hope!

After all, who else could know the angels of this world better than him?

With such a unique advantage, he is the most likely of all to answer this question correctly!

But if you miss such a good opportunity, you don’t know when to wait next time!

“Abominable! What to do? With what props and weapons can you defeat that Gabriel? ”

Thinking of the end, Konstantin even had a cold sweat on his forehead.


Gabriel is not a motley angel!

She is God’s right hand in heaven! With great power!

In the face of such a strong person, even if 10 Konstantin come, they will not be able to win.

“Abominable! Such a powerful guy, why did she go to collude with the devil, is she crazy…?? ”


At the thought of this term, Konstantin was shocked, and then a bitter smile immediately appeared on his face.

“No, this… Would I actually do such a thing? ”

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

Loki Odinson: Abominable! This time the problem is too headless and brainless, how do I know, how should that little white face win?

John Constantine: Oh, actually… If you figure it out, it’s not that hard.

John Constantine: In the previous video, there were already hints.

Stephen Strange: Hints? I remember all the plots clearly, not even a single line! Where are the tips?

JJ: Well, I’ll tell you. System, here’s my answer!

John Constantine: To avoid hell, Konstantin’s only solution is to commit suicide!

John Constantine: In this way, in order to take his soul with his own hands, the King of Hell… Satan will appear before him!

John Constantine: That’s the only way to beat Gabriel!

Loki Odinson: Divine Horse?

Upon hearing this, everyone in the group was stunned.

Konstantin’s words were like thunder, echoing in their minds!


By committing suicide, use your soul to lure out the Hell Demon King!

Wanda Maksimov: Summon the Demon King?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): … This, this, and this operation?

Stephen Strange: That’s exciting!

Just when everyone was stunned and inexplicable, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! John Constantine finished answering, and the question-and-answer system began to decide…]

【Ding! John Constantine answered correctly. 】

Wolverine: God, you actually did such a thing!!

After doing this, even Wolverine, who crisscrossed countless battlefields and was not even afraid of death, was shocked.

If Konstantin really did such a thing, wouldn’t it mean… Will his soul fall into the hands of the demon king Satan?

This is simply countless times more terrifying than death.

Bruce Wayne: Konstantin, I didn’t expect you to be such a great person!

John Constantine: Great? Bah! Don’t use this word to describe me! Even if I do such a stupid thing, I am not for your praise!

After hearing the sound of the system, the most complicated mood is Konstantin himself!

He really never dreamed that in another universe, he could really make such a noble self-sacrifice!

“Wait… Self-sacrifice? ”

A thought suddenly flashed through Konstantin’s mind, his eyes were round, the expression on his face was completely frozen, and he even involuntarily opened his mouth.

No way?

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[John Constantine gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse! ] 】

[John Constantine gets a random reward……… Superpower: Coola Pika’s Contract Chain! 】


Konstantin was shocked in his heart at this time, and he didn’t react for a while

Soon, a flurry of information poured into his brain.

【”Contract Chain”】

[Using the ability of the mind with the manifestation system, a finger chain is created as a weapon, and there are 5 chains, each representing different abilities.] 】

[Note: It has been systematically strengthened.] 】

[Middle Finger Binding Chain: Trapped – When an enemy is locked, it can force the opponent’s enemy to use magic or superpowers. But the power of the other side itself is not limited. 】

[Thumb’s Chain of Healing: Healing – Heals instantly, but the defense is sharply reduced when healed.] 】

[Ring Finger Soul Chasing Chain: Guidance – Tracking, Lie Detection]

[Chain of precepts of the little finger: Measure – pierce the opponent’s heart to make the opponent comply with some kind of constraint, otherwise he will die. 】

[Index Finger’s Chain of Predation: Absorption – Piercing into the opponent’s body, temporarily extracting and keeping the opponent’s magic or superpower, and continuous extraction can make the opponent enter a “powerless” state. 】

“Just kidding, this chain is too strong, right?”

Feeling the information in his brain, Konstantin’s face was sluggish, stunned in place, and the whole person was stupid.

Just locking up the enemy forbids the opponent from using magic… This is already strong against the sky!

Not to mention, things like ‘Chain of Plunder’ can even absorb enemy superpowers for their own use!

If this ability can be used without restrictions, it is simply indescribably strong!

In addition, what Konstantin pays the most attention to is the “chain of healing of the thumb”!

At this moment, he just wanted to know, does this ability to cure have any effect on cancer?


Swallowing with difficulty, Konstantin carefully carried the newly acquired mental ability, and a series of necklaces appeared on his right hand.

“Chain of Healing, activate me!”

Just as Konstantin trembled slightly and aimed the chain of his thumb at his lungs, a new scene appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Gabriel grabbed Constantine’s throat with his hand, causing him to roll his eyes, and said with a smile:]

“Mankind, the Creator has given each of you the opportunity to atone for your sins. “】

[“Murderers, interpersonal criminals…”]

“As long as these people sincerely repent, God will welcome you to heaven with outstretched hands. “】

“In the entire universe, only the human beings on your earth have such privileges and privileges. “】

[“By what? It’s not fair! “】

[Looking into Constantine’s eyes, the smile on Gabriel’s face disappeared.] 】

[“If you are among … If someone can survive the hell of Manmon, then they are entitled to God’s love! “】

After speaking, Gabriel lifted Constantine up and gently exhaled at him. 】


[In just one breath, it turned into a raging wind, blew Constantine’s body out and slammed into the door of the hospital! ] 】

[This is the power of the archangel! ] 】

[But in front of Gabriel, Constantine was simply like an ant, and there was no resistance at all. ] 】

[After being seriously injured, Konstantin prayed desperately, hoping that God would reach out to him and help humanity, but received no response. 】

[Seeing that God ignored him, in desperation, Konstantin had to take the last move! ] 】

[He used the glass shards that he had shattered to cut the big movement and pulse of his hands.] 】

[Meanwhile, Gabriel has taken out the Spear of Destiny in another room and aimed it at Angie, who is unconscious on the ground. 】

[As long as it touches the Manmon in Angie’s body with the Spear of Destiny, hell will descend on earth. 】

“Hurry up. “】

[Watching the blood of his hands continue to drain, Konstantin, who was in a trance, only had time to say the last word, and the time around him suddenly stopped. ] 】

[“Tick! “】

[Along with a large amount of black liquid, a man in a white suit fell from the sky. 】

[Satan the King of Hell has come. 】

[Looking at the demon king who turned into a human form in front of him, Konstantin said coldly:]

“Why is it so slow?”] “】

“Hello, John. “】

[Satan moved a chair and sat in front of Constantine, and said with some sigh:]

“But I must personally reap your soul. “】

[Looking at the happy Satan in front of him, Constantine directly told him about Gabriel and Manmon’s alliance. 】

“The two of them are in the other room, go see for yourself.”] “】

[Watching the smile on Satan’s face gradually disappear, Konstantin said indifferently:]

“Lu (Xifa), you’ve been waiting for me for 20 years, why wait another 20 seconds? “】

[“Hmph! “】

[Satan, or rather… Lucifer, the original fallen angel, turned and walked to another room. 】

[“Bang! “】

[He didn’t seem to do anything, and the gate in front of him was instantly shattered into thousands of pieces. 】

[And when Lucifer saw Gabriel holding the Spear of Destiny and stabbing at Angie, he immediately understood everything. ] 】

[In the still time, Lucifer reached out and hugged Angie, who was possessed by Manmon, out. 】

[Then, time began to turn.] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Gabriel stabbed into the air. Pierced the spear of destiny to the ground,

[And she herself collapsed to the ground all of a sudden, looking at Lucifer with an expression like seeing a ghost! ] 】

[“Lucifer! You…”

[At this moment, the confident, haughty expression on Gabriel’s face instantly collapsed! ] Turn into unquenchable fear! 】

PS: The Matrix trilogy starring Zakang has been out for many years, does anyone still like to watch it? \(^o^)/~

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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