Merlot Heavenly Court.

Hexi directly froze in place, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes showed an incredible expression,

“That was… A fire phoenix? ”

Looking at the blazing wings behind Qin Gray in the video, Hexi actually felt an inexplicable chill hit his body, and an inexplicable sense of fear directly rose in his heart.

It was as if that fire phoenix not only existed, but also represented some kind of irresistible extinction energy!

But when she came back to her senses, her heart was even more shocked!


One of the three kings of angels!

Unexpectedly, it was a flame phantom located in other universes… Frightened!

How is this possible?

You know, when he was in Lieyang Star, Hexi had also met Lieyang King Emperor Hongkun!

Even this king-level powerhouse who can control the solar flare, destroy a star with his own hands, and directly cause the collapse of the entire Deno galaxy… It didn’t bring such a strong sense of horror to Hexi!

Moreover, across the video, what she could feel the momentum and coercion of the fire phoenix was definitely greatly reduced.

But even this power, which weakened an unknown amount, could actually bring her such an amazing pressure!

And when he thought of this, Hexi’s heart set off an uproar, and he couldn’t calm down at all.

The “body” of this strange fire phoenix turned out to be even more terrifying than a long-established king-level powerhouse like the Flaming Sun King.

How could such an amazing energy live in that little girl’s body?

That girl… What exactly is going on?

“Such terrifying energy! What is that thing? ”

“Impossible! In the human body… How could there be such a strong energy reaction? ”

Looking at the earth-shattering fire phoenix on the screen, low-level angels like Angel Burning Heart and Angel Yan, even their bodies were trembling with shock, and their eyes were wide for a while, almost unable to speak.


With a long exhale, Divine Kesha suddenly felt that her heartbeat was slightly faster.

At that moment just now, she was almost shocked by the fire phoenix on the screen.

That strange flame seems to carry some kind of coercion that can break through the multiverse! It’s scary!

And after personally feeling the coercion of the power of the phoenix, Keisha also had an incredible idea in her heart.

This strange flame can burn that blue-skinned man apocalypse to complete annihilation, how powerful is the destructive power?

Is it at the cellular level, at the molecular level or… Atomic level?

In the end, Keisha only felt a shock in her heart, and she could hardly continue to remain calm.

In the known universe, as long as the divine body is promoted to the 4th generation, it is already almost indestructible.

And the divine body possessed by Divine Kesha itself can be automatically aggregated at the atomic level.

If the damage of this strange phoenix fire can only reach the level of cells or molecules, then Keisha does not need to worry at all.

But if it is an atomic-level destruction, then … It is enough to pose a threat to her own life!

As soon as this thought arose, Divine Kesha almost did not dare to think about it anymore.

“Impossible, how can a backward nuclear pre-civilization that has not even entered the universe have an existence that can destroy even atoms?”


“The apocalypse… Actually died like this! ”

“This guy is not simply dead, completely destroyed! Not even slag remains. ”

“Good fellow, what exactly is that flame?”

“Notice no, the apocalypse was not even directly burned by those flames, it was only affected by the shock wave, and it was burned out!”

“Hiss… It’s terrifying, such a little girl… How could it be so strong! ”

Seeing the apocalypse on the screen, turned into dust in the screams, everyone in front of the screen seemed to be in the scene, feeling the horror and despair that the apocalypse felt before death.

That unspeakable horror. It almost made their bodies tremble.

After a long time, everyone really came to their senses, and immediately after that, the chat group also exploded all of a sudden!

Wanda Maksimov: God, I can’t believe my eyes! Such a big apocalypse, in the blink of an eye, it is gone!

Ghost Knight: This flame is too terrifying, I’m afraid even the Hell Lord may not be able to withstand it!

John Constantine: Shhhh No kidding! How could that little girl release such a strong flame all of a sudden?

John Constantine: Is she some reincarnation of the king of the devil?

Charles Xavier: This… I don’t know.

Charles Xavier: According to her parents, what Jean Grey has mastered is mental power and telepathy.

Of all the people, the most shocked… Probably Professor Charles!

You know, he still has the business card left by Jean Gray’s parents in his hand!

But thinking of the image he saw on the video just now, Professor Charles only felt that his scalp was a little numb, and he actually hesitated for a while.

In the field of education, he is not a newcomer, and he has taught many students.

But a student with such terrifying energy in his body, he didn’t preach, he hadn’t even heard of it!

Thinking of the end of the apocalypse, Professor Charles swallowed lightly and suddenly felt a little panicked.

Such a child, can he really control it?

You know, once a child starts a fire, it is never as rational as an adult!

If you are not careful… If you make that Qin Gray angry, will it also end up the same as the apocalypse!

Just when Professor Charles was trembling, Strange suddenly bubbled up in the group.

Stephen Strange: Everyone, the Ancient One Mage just told me that what resides in that girl’s body is the most primitive and terrifying power in the multiverse!

Stephen Strange: The essence of this power is even enough to regenerate, or destroy everything in the universe! Even the universe itself!

John Constantine: You say the god horse? (⊙_⊙)

Loki Oddingson: This… This…… This……

Hearing such an amazing news, almost all the people in the chat group were shocked beyond words.

Even the universe itself can be destroyed?

Exaggeration, what an exaggeration!

It’s hard to even think about it!

Bruce Wayne: ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

At this moment, Young Master Wayne could be said to be completely frightened.

Destroy the entire universe!!

Oh, my God! Is the water of the multiverse so deep?

Any girl may have the power to destroy the universe itself.

That’s brutal!



At this moment, Young Master Wayne was really shocked to breathe, even his eyes were shaking, and his heart was beating wildly, and he couldn’t calm down at all.

In the live broadcast room, Tonis Dak and Black Widow looked at each other and could see the horror in each other’s eyes.

Even that Thanos, who mastered 6 Infinity Stones, with a snap of his fingers, that is, wiped out half of the people in the universe.

But according to Strange, this phoenix can even destroy the universe itself!

Such a terrifying existence is simply going to subvert everyone’s imagination!

Many people only feel that their brains can’t think, and the three views are about to explode.

“O my God!”

In the tavern, Charles was so shaken that his body was tilted, and he almost slipped under his chair.

At this moment, he felt that his heart was about to jump to his throat, and he almost couldn’t slow down in one breath, and the expression on his face was even more like seeing a ghost.

My God!

O Satan!

O Saint Mother Mary!

He actually wanted to… Accept a “being” who is enough to destroy the universe as a disciple.

Is he looking for death, looking for death? Or look for death!

Just when Charles was so terrified that he almost suffocated for a while, Strange began to relay the words of the ancient mage again.

Stephen Strange: The essence of the power of the phoenix is indeed a “multiverse-level” existence, and the power is far beyond our imagination.

Stephen Strange: However, that Jean Grey should be just one of the countless hosts of the Phoenix in the multiverse.

Stephen Strange: The limit of her strength should only be “monolithic cosmic level”.

John Constantine: Yes… Is it?

Deadpool: Even though you say that, I’m still scared.

Charles Xavier: Ahem, allow me to ask. That “monolithic cosmic level” … How strong can it be?

Stephen Strange: The limits of the “monolithic cosmic level”… It should also be possible to destroy a universe.

John Constantine: Groove… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Deadpool: I think my Kuzi is wet. →_→

Loki Odinson: Did I make a mistake? What the hell is that Universe X? How can a random girl pop up and destroy the universe? (艹皿艹)

Carol Danverse: The Multiverse… Is it so terrifying?

At this moment, Captain Marvel also obeyed.

No matter how high she thinks of herself, she can’t compete with the kind of existence that can destroy the universe.

Dr. Manhattan: Oh… Can it destroy the existence of the universe? Interesting, if I had the chance, I would really like to meet that Jean Grey in person.

John Constantine: You want to meet the girl who can destroy the universe?

Dr. Manhattan: Even if she can destroy the universe, she may not be able to destroy me.

John Constantine: Shhhh Is this the world of the big guys! Can’t afford to mess with it! Can’t afford to mess with it!

Wanda Maksimov: I was shocked and trembled by the words of the big guy!

Deadpool: Shivering +1!

Wolverine: Bah! Now is not the time to talk about this nonsense.

Wolverine: Charles! You just said that the parents of that Chingray are going to put their daughter… Leave it to you to teach?

Charles Xavier: I think… I should be able to refuse them. (⊙_⊙)

Magneto: Don’t! Charles, don’t do that.

Magneto: Such a dangerous girl, who else on earth can teach her but you?

Magneto: Even if it’s to save the planet, no! To save the universe, you must also teach that Jean Grey to be a good and kind girl!

Magneto: Otherwise, everything could be over!

Before this, Magneto simply couldn’t dream that he would persuade Charles to save the world!

After seeing Jean Grey easily crush the apocalypse, he was also a little scared.

Such a terrible woman, if she learns badly because no one teaches her, it is no joke!

Maybe in the blink of an eye, the entire earth will be like that apocalypse, burned and not even ashes left!

Charles Xavier: This! This…… This…… Eric, you are a strongman!

At this moment, Charles really wanted to cry without tears.

He just wanted to be an educator, how inexplicably, he shouldered the earth … Even the survival of the universe!

“Destroy the universe ???”

After exclaiming, Divine Kesha looked at the screen with stunned eyes, her face was full of confusion, and she looked particularly distracted.

At this moment, she only felt that her cognition had been refreshed.

Just now, Keisha was still guessing the destructive power of that flame phoenix… Can it reach the atomic level?

And now it seems that her guess is like a joke!

The essence of people is above the existence of the multiverse!

Can easily destroy the universe!

As soon as she thought of this concept, Kesha’s heart suddenly set off a monstrous wave, constantly tumbling, and it was completely impossible to calm down.

Compared to this unimaginable existence, Keisha felt that the so-called void creatures she had been worried about were really not worth mentioning.

But in addition to the shock, Kesha’s heart was momentarily ignited with fighting spirit.

It is the strongest god in the known universe!

Even in the multiverse, a much more powerful existence than him appeared!

So…… This just gave him a new goal!

“Monolithic cosmic level… Multiverse level? ”

Whispering these two names, Queen Kesha’s eyes also showed a trace of exclamation.

Such an existence, even the strongest she in the known universe, is unimaginable!

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[With the ashes of the apocalypse, the remaining three knights, Spirit Butterfly and Angel chose to leave. 】

[Storm Girl joined Professor Charles’s camp. 】

[Charles, who was seriously injured, opened his eyes at Chingray’s call. 】

[In the end, X Academy was quickly rebuilt with the help of Eric and Chingray. 】

[And this battle with the apocalypse also made Charles realize that in the face of unknown strong enemies, he must train his students more seriously. ] 】

[This point of view was originally told to him by Eric. 】

[However, Charles and Eric, a pair of friends, eventually separated due to the conflict of ideas. ] 】

[“X-Men Apocalypse” ends. 】

Seeing Qin Gray and other students on the screen confronting the training robot in the simulated fighting room, everyone was a little speechless for a while.

This girl’s power burst out, that can destroy everything!

These robots, that is, 100 million are not enough for him to fight alone.

After being silent for a while, Magneto sighed softly, still immersing his consciousness in the chat group.

Magneto: Charles, let me ask you, that girl named Jean Grey, the only one in the world can take care of.

Wolverine: Hah! I used to think about how I died, but it definitely didn’t include … Because a little girl got angry and ended up turning into dust with the whole earth!

Wolverine: If you can really die like this, it’s quite interesting.

Charles Xavier: Enough, don’t say any more, I’ll just pick her up? The big deal is death! o(▼皿▼メ;)o

Stephen Strange: Ahem, I think… You’re exaggerating, too.

Stephen Strange: No matter how strong the phoenix is, at least until she is an adult.

Loki Odinson: Oh… I remember the last time Charles mentioned that the girl seemed to be 10 years old now.

Charles Xavier: Yes…

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! Congratulations, your planet will exist for at least 8 years! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Charles Xavier: Stop! You crow mouth!

The screen that had been dark suddenly lit up again.

【Ding! Start playing the next on-demand round. 】

【Ding! Dr. Manhattan consumes 100 live streaming points! Start playing the multiverse】

[Start playing “Watchmen”! ] 】

Wanda Maximov: Watchmen? This name sounds so strange.

Dr. Manhattan: Watchmen, the name of a group of vigilante heroes in our world, and I am a member of this group.

Captain America: Vigilante heroes, are there many strong people with superpowers in your world?

Dr. Manhattan: No! It’s just me.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Some parallel universe】

[Decades ago, a large number of street criminals began wearing masks on their faces and giving themselves various nicknames. 】

[In this way, it will be difficult for them to convict even if they are caught, because no one can recognize their true colors and can be released quickly.] 】

[In order to deal with these masked criminals, some police … Cha simply returned the favor in his own way, and also put on a mask himself and became a volunteer hero to fight crime and protect the street. 】

[In the 40s, the first vigilante organization “Militia Regiment” was formed. 】

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