Hearing the announcement of the end of the live broadcast, everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and the expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

After a while, little Wanda whispered:

“That Watchmen World, finally… Or is it back to square one? ”

No one answered for a long time.


Loki snorted coldly, his face seeming a little annoyed.

Then he waved his hand, didn’t even say goodbye, and disappeared from the live broadcast room.

Just now, Loki was still arguing… How careful the Pharaoh’s plan was, he would eventually save the world.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, the kung fu was slapped in the face by the facts!

In this case, he was arrogant and naturally did not want to stay.

Watching Loki disappear into the live broadcast room, Tony Stark sighed softly and said:

“Even if Rorschach’s diary is published, this is only his side of the story, and there is no conclusive physical evidence.”

“And the traces left by the explosion of the ‘Manhattan Energy Bomb’ will not be fake.”

“In this case, it should not be possible for the Winter Kingdom to restart the war for the sake of a diary.”

“After all, the big threat of Manhattan is still there.”

Little Wanda seemed relieved to hear it, but the expression on her face was still not good-looking:

“Abominable! It was obviously the pharaoh who killed people, why did Dr. Manhattan have to be this bad guy? ”

“What’s worse is that Rorschach didn’t do anything bad, why did he have to die?”

And at this moment, there were also people bubbling in the chat group.

Stephen Strange: I don’t know if you remember, but I remember very well that Rorschach was a wanderer… While he stayed on the street, upstairs was holding a resistance ·· The brand of the righteous black war.

Wanda Maksimov: Anti·· Righteous Black War?

Stephen Strange: In the Watchmen universe, black clouds fill the globe, and there are even people who set up the so-called doomsday clock, which is to describe… The world is only minutes away from the end times!

Stephen Strange: Rorschach fights crime as a superhero at night, and during the day, he acts as a normal person, resisting ··· Righteousness is the threat of black war that can destroy the world!

Stephen Strange: That’s who he is.

Captain America: In that social environment, all the watchmen either retired or became lackeys of ZF! Rorschach is still fighting alone for his own justice.

Captain America: Even in the face of the end of the world, he will not compromise!

Captain America: If that’s not a hero, then I don’t know what a hero is.

Bruce Wayne: This man is definitely a hero! I have high respect for him.

At this moment, Young Master Wayne really felt extremely emotional.

As the eldest young master of the Wayne Group, he has hardly experienced the feeling of scarcity in his life.

Therefore, Bruce Wayne can hardly imagine how Rorschach still did not give up fighting for justice when he was at the bottom of society, and finally even gambled his life!

Wolverine: I can see that in the end, that Dr. Manhattan can’t bear to kill Rorschach.

Nick Fury: Do even gods have moments like this?

Holy Kesha: God also has feelings, what’s so strange.

Charles Xavier: If that Dr. Manhattan really had no feelings, Pharaoh’s last secret weapon wouldn’t have worked for him.

Magneto: Hehe, if he really has no feelings, then he will not even return to Earth, he will only leave humans to fend for themselves!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It’s a paradox, whether Dr. Manhattan has feelings or not, it seems that he always doesn’t get good results.

Magneto: Huh… You are also too sentimental, after all, the black crisis of the Watchmen universe evolved to this point, isn’t it because of him?

Magneto: If it weren’t for his service for ZF, where would there be so much going on?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This…

Magneto: The most ridiculous thing is that at the end of the video, Dr. Manhattan actually said something… Black wars break out because of human nature!

Magneto: But he obeyed the orders of the general barrel and ran to Vietnam South to fight, directly changing the strategic balance of the two camps, is this because of his nature?

Magneto: If humanity is really destroyed because of the Black War, this Dr. Manhattan will definitely be the most responsible!

Magneto has always hated human ZF.

Moreover, now he and Charles Xavier are in the middle of the Cold War! That is, in the 60s!

Therefore, for Dr. Manhattan, the character who almost turned the Cold War into a “hot war” and led to the end of the world, Magneto is even more disgusted.

Nick Fury: Well, I think Dr. Manhattan… At that time, I must have just wanted to serve my country.

Dr. Manhattan: No, I just didn’t say no, so I didn’t say no, but now it seems that the butterfly effect of this decision is a little too great.

Magneto: What’s the point of you regretting it now?

Dr. Manhattan: I can go back in time and fix this error. But in that case, a whole new timeline will only be born.

Wanda Maximov: What? Wear…… Travel back in time?

Master Mordo: O God of magic, there are actually people… You can travel through time without relying on time gems!

Dr. Manhattan: As I understand it, all the time gems should be the essence of time in your universe.

Dr. Manhattan: I just gained the same power by parsing the laws of time in the universe.

John Constantine: That’s all??

Stephen Strange: This… Is this the world of the big guys?

Wanda Maksimov: I’m already shaking. (⊙_⊙)

Magneto: ……… ( ̄△ ̄; )

In the live broadcast room, Magneto suddenly felt that his head was a little heavy, and his head was dizzy for a while.

This Dr. Manhattan… What kind of monster is it?

Don’t want anything, you can travel through time and space at will on your own?

At this moment, Magneto only felt that the cold hair on his back stood up, and he didn’t even dare to breathe for a while.

He was really scared.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Manhattan guy, you’d better not travel through time casually, otherwise, if more timelines are born, maybe there will be… The Time Authority came to the door.

Dr. Manhattan: I don’t care when the Authority comes, they come when they want.

Dr. Manhattan: But… Modifying the past really doesn’t seem like a good idea.

Dr. Manhattan: Well, it wasn’t war that destroyed the world, but black weapons? Maybe try this.

John Constantine: Black Arms? Big guy! Don’t mess around.

Dr. Manhattan: It’s okay, that Carol Danvers, please make sure you find the location of the Soul Gem within 20 days and wait there for the next live broadcast.

Dr. Manhattan: If you miss it, I won’t be able to help you get out the Soul Gem.

Carol Danvers: ……… I…… I know.

Since obtaining superpowers through the Cosmic Cube, Captain Marvel has never whispered so much to anyone!

But in the face of such a powerful figure as Manhattan, Carol Danvers finally relented.

Dr. Manhattan: Very well, guys, see you in 20 days.

After doing this, Dr. Manhattan directly withdrew his thoughts from the live broadcast room.

Then his eyes flashed slightly, as if he was looking for something.

A few seconds later, Dr. Manhattan laughed softly:

“The cause I planted myself, now I will collect this fruit.”

“Are all the black warheads in the world distributed in these places? It doesn’t seem too much trouble…”

After speaking, a blue light flashed on Dr. Manhattan’s body, and his body disappeared from the laboratory.

Seeing Manhattan just go, the rest of the chat group was also stunned.

Wanda Maximov: What the Manhattan bigwigs won’t do… Dangerous things come on.

Stephen Strange: It’s useless for you to tell us.

Tony Stark: In my opinion, he must want to make up for his mistakes, so he is ready to destroy all the black weapons in the world.

Wolverine: Destroy Black Warriors? This kind of thing… It’s really unreal to think about.

Divine Kesha: What high-dimensional observers want to do, people in the low-dimensional world have absolutely no room to resist.

Divine Kesha: It’s like a character in a novel who is absolutely impossible to rebel against the author.

John Constantine: Shhhh Listening to your explanation, I am even more afraid.

Tony Stark: Forget it, people are already gods, where do we need to worry?

Tony Stark: Bruce Wayne, the wasp suit you got by answering the questions is best not to use casually.

Tony Stark: We’ll talk about it when I figure out how to get the Pym particles.

Bruce Wayne: With that Hank Pym’s personality, I don’t think you can buy his stuff with money.

Tony Stark: Che, do you really think I’m good for nothing but money?

Tony Stark: Just wait for my good news!

Bruce Wayne: Okay, then I just wish you all the best.

Bruce Wayne: @John Constantine, I also hope you’ll be in Gotham City soon.

Bruce Wayne: In addition to cultivation, we also have a good medical institution under the name of Wayne Group, which can draw up a perfect lung cancer treatment plan for you.

John Constantine: Che, I know, but don’t expect me to owe you favors!

Charles Xavier: Eric, when you return to our world, don’t approach the apocalypse!

Charles Xavier: If you do release this madman, it could be a disaster.

Magneto: Charles, you don’t care about my business.

Charles Xavier: Eric !!!

Not long after, after saying goodbye to each other, the people in the live broadcast room silently left in their minds and disappeared one by one.

“Young Master, you have finally returned, you scared me to death just now!”

After returning to the secret base, Wayne first calmed the worried Alfred.

Next, he looked at the reward he got back from the live broadcast room, and sighed a little for a while.

After a while, his gains can be said to be amazing, in addition to the Crane Immortal Flow Martial Arts Cultivation Method that he obtained first, he also got the wasp suit, the combat power detector, and the “Manhattan Energy Generator”!

In Young Master Wayne’s opinion, among all these rewards, the most precious is the “Manhattan Energy Generator”!

One day, if he could completely analyze this mysterious energy, what he could do was simply unimaginable!

“Wait a minute, let’s test the use of this combat power detector first.”

After finally calming down, Bruce Wayne picked up the small detector and carefully hung it on his right ear.

And the first thing he looked at was Alfred, the butler standing on the side.

“Is the combat effectiveness 15? I don’t know what level this is. ”

Next, Bruce Wayne began experimenting with the “search” feature on the monitor.

He wanted to see if there were any hidden superpowers in the beautiful country and even on the entire earth.

“Hmm… Gotham City really has some guys with abnormal combat effectiveness. ”

“11,13…… This guy actually has 21. ”

。 After inquiring for a while, Bruce Wayne’s expression suddenly froze.

I saw him staring at the value on the detector. His expression was full of shock and shock, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

“More than 3200 points! How is this possible? ”

“Could it be… Is there a problem with this instrument? ”

“How can there be such a powerful creature in that place in the metropolis?”


Malibu mansion

After returning to his mansion, Tonisdak’s attention was immediately attracted by the strange dark divine book.

I saw two gorgeous golden words “dark·hold” on the cover of the book, which looked shining with a strange color.

And looking at the book, a faint voice sounded in Tony’s head.

“Great seeker. Can you hear me? ”

“Open this book. It contains the ultimate knowledge in this universe that can help you unlock all the mysteries in your heart. ”

“Come on!”

“Pick it up!”

“Open the book!”

At the moment when these voices sounded, Tony’s eyebrows raised slightly, and the Void Engine started automatically.

[Warning, unknown spiritual energy is invading, automatically activate the spiritual defense wall? 】

【Start activation… Activation complete. 】

[Concept rewrite starts, programming… Onboarding complete. 】

[The spiritual defense wall was successfully built, and the intruding energy began to be analyzed. 】

[Detection of the target energy source to define it as the Dark God Book.] 】

[Do you initiate reverse intrusion?] 】

Feeling the faint voice in his head disappear instantly, Tony said without hesitation:

“Initiate a reverse invasion and give me a thorough analysis of this strange book!”

[Obey! ] Engine starts, target locks, database simulation starts]

【Start searching… Current progress: One percent… Warning, meet target resistance! 】

[Redefine the algorithm, import advanced programs, start verification… Start to fit…】

[Advanced program fit… Current progress: 10 percent… Fifty percent….. One hundred percent! 】

[Anti-void has been activated, disintegration resistance, concept suppression of targets, cracking target defense programs! ] 】

[Void No, remove the target defense posture, start building the Void Barrier…]

[The construction of the Void Barrier is completed, all resistance concepts in the Void Barrier will be removed, and the suppression of target defense measures will be completed… Forcibly parsing the target! 】

At the same time that the Void Engine was running at full strength, a scarlet light suddenly bloomed from that dark divine book, as if something strange was rushing out from inside!

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