Even if they didn’t understand it at first, when everyone saw the means by which this black man finally disappeared, it was easy to put him … Connect with the two Quicksilver that appeared in the previous video!

“There is still a difference.”

Black Widow sighed softly:

“That Quicksilver of Universe X not only has super speed, but also allows his brain to speed up and slow down the passage of time around him.”

“This black man clearly doesn’t have that ability, and… He also seems to have a bad control over his speed. ”

“Can’t stop?”

Bruce Wayne’s face had become extremely ugly.

“Let such a guy who is countless times faster than a bullet run around the street!”

“What’s the difference between this and killing?”

“These superpowers are really too dangerous!”

At this moment, among all … The most shocking thing is Starlight!

Starlight: Locomotive! How can it be! How can a locomotive kill ordinary people? He’s a hero. ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Wayne: So, has he killed criminals like this before?

Starlight: This… At least I’ve never heard of it.

The more he said it, the less confident he was, and Starlight only felt dizzy in his brain, and even his breathing was a little disordered.

At this moment, another newcomer who joined the chat group at the same time as her was already completely angry.

Agent J: What happened? That black man in tights, did he kill that girl?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It seems… It was he who couldn’t control his super speed and inadvertently killed her.

Agent J: Abominable! How could this happen, this guy… Dare to escape after killing someone!

Seeing the girl killed by the locomotive, the black guy James suddenly became angry, and his angry forehead was bulging with bruises.

As a police officer, his duty is to protect the people!

And this bastard called Locomotive, who did such a terrible thing, actually dared to walk away?

At this moment, James can’t wait to rush to the world on the screen and arrest this bastard with his own hands!

Deadpool: A speedster who commits crimes, this is really troublesome.

Deadpool: If he really wants to escape, how do you catch him?

Agent J: Speedster, what do you mean?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): refers to the super-powered person who is particularly fast.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): In the multiverse, two similar abilities have appeared, and one of them, when he activates his abilities, can even freeze for four weeks!

Agent J: Stagnate time?

Starlight: You’re not kidding, are you?

Hearing such terrifying words, Starlight’s mouth opened wide, and he almost couldn’t believe his eyes.

In his opinion, the extreme speed of the locomotive is already unimaginable.

But…… Enough to stagnate time?

How fast is that?

At this moment, Starlight only felt that his cognition was about to be subverted, and the whole person fell into a state of chaos.


The black guy James also gasped when he heard it, and his face was faintly pale.

Such a terrible speed, I am afraid that it is a hundred times faster than a bullet … No! Thousands of times it!

If such a superpowered person becomes a criminal, then even if the police and inspectors from all over the world are gathered, they will not be able to catch it!

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Abominable! How so, people who have the ability should use these powers to benefit others!

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): This speedster not only kills people, but also has his own ability to escape! It’s so hateful.

Wanda Maksimov: Huh? You are…… Another Peter Parker?

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): yes, lately I’ve been going out a lot at night fighting crime, so… Maybe missed a live stream or two.

Starlight: Fighting Crime? Are you a superhero too?

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): I’m just someone who wants to help! But the guy called the locomotive is just a super criminal! (▼ヘ▼#)

Starlight: This… The locomotive is one of the Super 7 people, and I don’t know why he is… It will be so…

Bruce Wayne: Super 7? That’s in your world… Some group of superheroes?

Faced with Young Master Wayne’s question, Starlight took a deep breath and finally calmed himself down before replying.

Starlight: Yes, although the popularity of the locomotive is not as good as that of the Motherland, it is also the undisputed 2nd echelon of the group of 7! There was just a movie featuring him.

Starlight: How can such a heroic person kill innocent people…

Deadpool: The movie is out, what does it mean? Is he also alive in his own movies?

Starlight: No. The superheroes of the Walt Group will all be commercialized by the group, including film and television songs, peripheral areas and even theme parks.

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): Peripherals? What are you talking about?

Starlight: It’s the hero’s clothing brand, pendants, and even model toys and so on.

Bruce Wayne: What is this operation? Think of superheroes as commodities?

As a super tycoon, Master Wayne is no stranger to this operation.

It’s just that he can’t imagine at all, why would a strong person with superpowers cooperate with some company to do such a boring thing?

With this skill, is it bad to save the world?

Deadpool: It sounds like you can make a lot of money.

Starlight: Yes, Walt just released a video game featuring a group of 7 people, and it sold more than 5 million in China alone.

Captain America: Electricity… Video game? (⊙_⊙)

Tony Stark: I see. In another world, all superheroes have turned into some kind of commodity.

Tony Stark: They are employed by the so-called Walt company and everything they do is to make more money!

As a Chinese son, Tony Stark has also mixed in the entertainment circle before.

So after listening to Starlight’s words, his brain turned, and he immediately saw through the truth of this “black robe universe”!

Starlight: What do you say? No way!

Deadpool: Little girl, don’t be too naïve, after seeing what that locomotive did, do you still believe in these heroes?

Starlight: This…

Wanda Maximov: Little girl? Is this Starlight a girl?

Deadpool: That’s right, it’s pretty, hehe.

Starlight: You!! How do you know? Do you… Can you see me? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maksimov: Don’t be afraid, although this Deadpool is a pervert, he already has a girlfriend, and he can’t travel between universes!

Starlight:………… No matter what you say, I still don’t believe it!

Starlight: Even if there is a problem with the locomotive, the other heroes……… It is indeed fighting crime outside every day!

Tony Stark: Oh? Let me guess, how they fight crime… It should be “coincidentally” photographed every time, right?

Tony Stark: All this should be just a means for them to put on a show and gain popularity.

Tony Stark: The real goal is to make these heroes as famous as possible and make more money!

Tony Stark: To put it bluntly, this is a morning star, and then harvest and divide silk.

After being in the entertainment circle for so long, Tony has long been aware of these abusive methods.

Starlight: This… (⊙_⊙)

Upon hearing this, Starlight’s eyes suddenly widened, and an unconcealable look of consternation appeared on his face.

She’s not stupid, she’s just never thought in this direction before.

But as soon as he heard Tony’s reminder, Starlight immediately remembered it!

As long as she turns on the TV, it seems that she can see the news of the superhero shot all the time!

Moreover, you can always see the live video of the scene at the first time!

Every time a hero fights a criminal, there is always a camera waiting next to him?

Where in the world is there such a coincidence?

As soon as he thought of this, Starlight only felt dizzy, and the whole person was smashed by this terrifying thing, and his thinking became chaotic!

Do you say… The “superhero” she wanted to become since childhood, was it a lie and a scam from the beginning?

“It’s actually like this!”

In the underground base, Clark Kent’s expression suddenly became serious.

If just now, he was still a little envious of the Motherland who was admired by the world, but now… Only vigilance remained in his heart!

Doing chivalry and righteousness, punishing evil, the ultimate goal is actually just to become famous and make money?

It’s so sad.

Shaking his head lightly without a trace, Clark’s eyes already showed a trace of regret.

It seems that there should be no common language between him and that native countryman.

At the same time, Clark is interested in Tony, who talks in the chat group… It’s also a little more vigilant!

This man, so familiar with running superheroes, is he also engaged in a similar business?

At this moment, the picture on the screen turned and came to a family somewhere in the beautiful country.

[A beautiful girl is doing morning exercise, but her exercise method is different from ordinary people. 】

[Ordinary people’s exercise is just long-distance barbell running, but this girl named Starlight likes to use cars as barbells! ] 】

“This is … I? ”

Looking at the young girl on the screen who exuded infinite vitality, Starlight suddenly felt a little panicked in her heart, and involuntarily swallowed her spit.

Appearing on the screen yourself, what the hell is a good thing… Or is it a bad thing?

The black “locomotive” before was revealed to be something terrible!

【Image continues】

[Next, Starlight put on his exclusive superhero uniform, took a video, and sent it to Walt Company.] 】

[Recently, the “lamplighter” in the superhero “Group of 7” was retired. 】

[So, Starlight wants to compete for this vacant position! ] 】

[Once you become a member of the Super 7 group, it means supreme glory and popularity. 】

The selection process is similar to some kind of talent show, where superheroes across the country send out videos of their campaigns and then use popular support to select the winners.] 】

[Soon Starlight got the good news that she was chosen. 】

[On the second day, Starlight was taken to the headquarters of Walt Company by special car, and as soon as she got off the car, she was welcomed by countless people. ] 】

[Feeling the continuous spotlights and cheers in front of me, Starlight suddenly became intoxicated. 】

[This kind of scene is like a big star walking the red carpet.] 】

[The reason why Walt Company chose Starlight to fill the position of the lamplighter is not because of his strength, but because of her young and beautiful image, which is very popular with the public. ] 】

At Water’s shareholder meeting, a female vice president introduced the remaining six members of the Super 7. 】

[Motherlanders! 】

[Queen Maeve! 】

【Gense! 】

[Invisible Man! 】

【Deep sea! 】

[Locomotive! 】

[Together, these people are the greatest League of Legends in the world. 】

[Now, another new person has joined them, that is, Starlight! ] 】

[After participating in the shareholders’ meeting of Walt Company, Starlight came to the building of Walt Company under the leadership of Shen Hai, one of the 7 people. 】

[In the conference room of the super 7 group, Starlight was very excited and expressed his admiration for his idol, Deep Sea. 】

[But as soon as she finished speaking, she looked back and found that the deep sea had actually taken off Ku Zi! ] 】


In the live broadcast room, little Wanda let out a scream, instinctively wanting to cover her eyes, but a palm covered her face first.


Little Wanda’s body was slightly stunned, and soon relaxed.

And Tony’s expression at this time is very ugly.

From the previous locomotive killing, to the later business operation model of Walt Company, he has long felt that this world is a hero… There may be a problem.

But Tony really didn’t expect that those so-called “Super 7 people” had actually fallen to this point!

This is simply a group of criminals with superpowers!

“Deep Sea!!”

And seeing this ugly scene on the screen, Bruce Wayne’s pupils also shrank suddenly.

According to the video, Deep Sea is a hero who can move freely in the sea and communicate with marine life.

In other words, he can live freely for thousands of meters under the sea!

“Could it be… The reaction I found in the depths of the seabed through the combat power probe is the deep sea of our world? ”

As soon as he thought of this, Young Master Wayne immediately thought of it… Clark Kent and Diana Prince he met before!

When he associated these people together, Bruce Wayne’s heart suddenly jumped!

Could it be that this superhero in the black-robed world… Are they all variants of those superpowers in their own world?

“The Motherland corresponds to that Clark Kent?”

“This Clark is not only powerful in combat, but when he appeared at my base, he wore almost the same clothes as the people of the motherland.”

“It can’t be a coincidence!”

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and Young Master Wayne only felt his heart beat faster, and even his body began to tremble slightly.

“Then, Diana Prince is Queen Maeve! And that mysterious man at the bottom of the sea … It’s the deep sea! ”

“Besides, who is the invisible person? And that locomotive!

“Could it be… Is there a speedster in my world? ”

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