“What? Clark kent? ”

Upon hearing this name, Young Master Wayne’s pupils suddenly contracted.

Variant of that Motherland … Coming in too?

Soon, with a light lit up, Clark Kent, who was printed with a huge S in front of the murderer and a cape on his back, appeared in front of everyone.

“Here… Is that the live room? ”

Clark first calmly looked at the surrounding environment, and then his gaze suddenly fell on Bruce Wayne’s body.

The two looked at each other for a while, their gazes almost intertwined with sparks in the air.

Finally, it was Clark who asked first:

“You sent someone to investigate me, what exactly is it for?”

Bruce Wayne’s expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly:

“You have already seen that image on the screen in my base.”

“Do you still think that I don’t need to investigate those superpowers on Earth?”


Upon hearing this, Clark’s gaze flickered, and he seemed to have understood what Young Master Wayne meant.

In that “black-robed universe”, superpowers have completely become some kind of social hazard.

They do whatever they want with their superpowers and the Walt company behind them!

On the surface, he wears a superhero mask, but behind his back he does the same thing as a criminal!

From this perspective, it seems understandable that Bruce Wayne investigates superpowers on Earth.

“Are you worried… Will I do evil like those guys? ”

Clark pointed to the large screen in the air, and suddenly shook his head slightly:

“I would never do that! But I must also admit that my abilities are indeed very similar to that native man. ”

“Sure enough!”

Bruce Wayne was energized to hear this, and his right hand gently clenched his fist.

He guessed correctly!

The universe he is in and this black-robed universe are in a certain correspondence!

And the so-called super 7 people in the black robe universe are likely to correspond to the 7 people in his universe!

Thinking of this, Bruce Wayne suddenly clicked in his heart.

If Clark Kent’s corresponding variant is a native of the motherland, is there a variant of its own in the Super 7?

So far, the only one of those 6 superpowers who didn’t make a move… It’s the color of dressed in black!

“Dressed in black? Is it really him? ”

As soon as Wayne thought about this, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[On the other hand, after attending his girlfriend’s funeral, Huey’s father advised him to let go of the matter and start over. 】

[But at this moment, Huey saw that the locomotive was actually turning black and white upside down on TV, saying that he was busy arresting a group of criminals who robbed and robbed silver, and Huey’s girlfriend happened to be standing in the middle of the highway, which caused the tragedy.] 】

Hearing this, Huey was immediately furious. 】

[He remembers very well that his girlfriend was on the edge of the sidewalk when she died, how did she suddenly become the middle of the highway? ] 】

Just as Huey was furious, someone rang the doorbell of his house. 】

[It turned out that someone from Walt Company came to the door. 】

[The person claimed that as long as Huey signed an agreement and promised to keep his mouth shut, he would receive 45,000 meters.] 】

[But don’t say responsible, the locomotive didn’t even say a word of apology! ] 】

[Huey’s heart was full of anger, and he wanted to beat the person in front of him. 】

[But he still lacked the courage to do so, and in the end he could only make a random excuse and prevaricate the other party. ] 】

[After the other party left, Huey was ready to sue Walt Company, but his father bluntly said that Huey couldn’t do it at all.] 】

“Walt is a big company, you can’t fight them alone. “】

[Dad said calmly:]

“What’s more, you’ve never been a very courageous person. “】

[Hearing such true words, Huey was shocked. 】

[And just when Huey was so beaten that he almost doubted his life, a man who called himself an FBI detective suddenly approached him.] 】

[He heard about Huey’s rejection of Locomotive’s deal and admired his hatred of superheroes.] 】

[This man, named Butcher, directly claimed… The so-called superheroes are actually more terrifying beings than ordinary criminals. 】

[Every year, superheroes kill hundreds of innocent lives! ] 】

[But because the Walt company behind these heroes is too powerful, the truth has been concealed, the public knows nothing about it, and superheroes have never been responsible for these innocent lives! ] 】

[Huey follows Butcher to a hidden nightclub, where he sees the ugliness of those superheroes.] 】

[This is the favorite pastime of the Super 7 group.] 】

[But only the Motherland has never come here, according to Butcher, this person not only has invincible strength, but also does not have any weaknesses! ] 】

In the monitoring room, Butcher showed Huey a surveillance video. 】

[In the video, the locomotive drinks while mocking Huey’s girlfriend who was killed by him, and even describes her as a little bug on the highway! ] 】

[Seeing this scene, Huey was finally angry, and he must make this murderer pay. 】

[Seeing Huey move, Butcher also told him his plan. He suggested that Huey accept the settlement proposed by the Waters Group, but with the proviso that the locomotive apologize to him in person. 】

[Since this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to see the light, the other party will definitely choose to do it in the headquarters building of the group of 7! ] 】

[In this way, Huey has the opportunity to install the bugging device in the headquarters building of the group of 7! ] 】

[But as soon as he heard this question, Huey, who was still angry, immediately provoked. ] 】

[In the headquarters building of the group of 7, it is Longtan Tiger’s Den, even the motherland may be in it! ] 】

[If he wants an ordinary person to sneak in and install a bug, isn’t that looking for death?] 】

Seeing that Huey directly rejected Butcher, little Wanda sneered with disdain:

“This man is also too cowardly, he seems to be very angry just now, vowing to avenge his girlfriend, why did he provoke so quickly?”

Tony stood behind her and shrugged slightly:

“You’re saying this a bit too much, this kid is just an ordinary person. The other party is a guy who shines laser light and can fly in the sky! ”

“In the face of such an enemy, if you are not afraid at all, it is not normal.”

Peter Parker, who was standing on the side at this time, also said with a doubtful face:

“That Motherland is also too powerful! Not only is it extremely strong, but it also has no weaknesses! Even wine… The color is not stained! ”

“Does he like to kill people?”

Hearing Peter’s words, Bruce Wayne’s face suddenly became gloomy again.

Just a few minutes ago, Clark Kent had just admitted… The Motherland is a variant of it!

In other words, what the people of the Motherland can do, he can do too!

“Extremely strong, no weaknesses?”

Young Master Wayne controlled himself and did not look in Clark’s direction, lest he notice something strange.

But his mood slowly sank.

A guy who is so powerful and has no weaknesses, but is in the same universe as him!

What if this Clark had thoughts of committing a crime one day, or simply degenerated into a supervillain?

【Image continues】

[On this day, Starlight, dressed in civilian clothes, was wandering in the park, and suddenly received a call from her mother asking how her life was in the Super 7 group. 】

[I wanted to cry to my mother, but in the end… Starlight still swallowed the bitterness in his heart and lied to his mother that everything was fine. 】

[After hanging up the phone, Starlight sat on the bench and couldn’t help crying. 】

[Under the ghost messenger, Huey actually sat next to Starlight. 】

Seeing the girl’s sad look, Huey whispered comfort to her. 】

[Both of them have encountered a lot of troubles recently, and under the same illness, they can actually chat very well! ] 】

[Huey encouraged Starlight with his girlfriend’s words before her death, and also encouraged herself! ] 】

[After leaving the park, Huey approached Butcher again and decided to install the bugging device in the building of the group of 7 according to his plan! ] 】

Huey finally got his wish and entered the building of the group of seven, but under the tension, he had to run to the washing room to sort out the bugs. 】

[But no one expected that Huey’s behavior was all seen by the perverted transparent person hiding in the bathroom! ] 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

“This… What’s wrong with this guy? ”

Peter Parker reached out and scratched his head, and the expression on his face became extremely wonderful.

This is a man, wash, hand, room!

He ran to such places stealth… Is there a problem with the brain?

Tony spread his hands and a look of disgust appeared on his face.

“Who knows, maybe this super 7-person group is the perverted 7-person group, and the people inside are all some mentally disturbed madmen!”

Hearing this as if to vent her anger, Black Widow suddenly lowered her head and said thoughtfully:

“Maybe there is some truth in it, other superheroes have some quirks, or vices.”

“But only the people of the motherland, it seems that they have no hobbies…”

Young Master Wayne’s eyes changed slightly, and he suddenly interjected:

“There is no abnormality, maybe it is the biggest abnormality.”

“This native … Probably the craziest of the 7 people! ”


Listening to everyone’s discussion and speculation, Clark Kent did not say a word, but his eyes also changed slightly.

These few people in the chat room don’t seem to be simple…

【Image continues】

[When Butcher drove Huey home, Huey was extremely excited, she never dreamed that she actually stepped out… Step 1 of revenge on superheroes! 】

[But Huey didn’t expect that Butcher directly gave her a check for tens of thousands of meters, and was ready to part ways with him. ] 】

[It turned out that Butcher felt that it was too dangerous to fight against superheroes, and he should not involve an ordinary person like Huey. ] 】

[Feeling looked down upon, Huey swallowed his anger and tore up the check in front of Butcher.] 】

[At this time, in the Walt Group building, Madeleine, the female vice president of the group, was entertaining Baltimore’s chief shi. 】

[It turns out that the Walt Group has installed its superheroes all over the country, and almost every famous city has heroes of their group. ] 】

[And this chief is here to ask for a superhero who belongs to their city.] 】

[The female vice president chose a new black superhero…”Prince Nu Bia” introduced the chief shi. 】

[And the superhero’s rent is 300 million a year.] 】

[Chief Shi directly killed the price to 200 million, not only that, but he also highlighted the surprise soldier and threatened the female vice president with something called “compound No. 5”. ] 】

[The conversation between the two broke up unhappily, but on the way to the airport, the female vice president called him again and took the initiative to reduce the price to 230 million, and everyone was happy. 】

[But no one expected that the motherland who was also in the building would hear the threat of the chief of Shi with their super hearing! ] 】

[Next, the chief of Shi, who successfully made a deal, took his son on the plane home. 】

[His son is a big fan of the people of his homeland. 】

[On the plane, the child suddenly saw a man flying in the air through the porthole. 】

[“Dad, look at it, that’s a native of the motherland! “】

Hearing his son’s excited voice, Shi Chang also looked out the window. 】

[But all he saw was the laser light in the eyes of the motherland. 】


[The scarlet laser light, like a red-hot knife cutting butter, cuts the entire private jet in half! ] 】


[Accompanied by a terrifying explosion, everyone on the plane died.] 】

[Looking at the plane that turned into wreckage and fell to the ground, the motherland people floated in the air with a smug smile on their faces. 】

“What? This Motherland turned out to be …”

“Is this crazy?”

“What a powerful laser!”

Seeing the fierce means of the motherland, everyone in the live broadcast room was taken aback.

Even Clark Kent’s expression froze instantly, his eyes were round, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

At this moment, he stood in place stunned, and his body appeared exceptionally stiff.

Seeing now, Clark has also become clear that this super 7 is not a superhero.

However, there are still children on this plane!

What shocked Clark’s heart even more was that the heat rays released by the people of the motherland were exactly the same as himself!

This guy… Really a variant of it, with the same abilities as him!

But this man is a complete supervillain!

“This is the Motherland … Isn’t that right, Clark Kent’s abilities? ”

Bruce Wayne’s face turned livid, and he finally couldn’t hold back and glanced in Clark’s direction.

Fly through the air as you like, and with your eyes you can release laser light that cuts off everything.

The combat power that surpasses ordinary people by 700 times is so powerful!

If one day, this Clark becomes a second motherlander, how can he be defeated?

“Damn it, this madman! Why did he suddenly attack that plane? ”

Little Wanda’s face was swollen and red, as if she was angry at the child’s death.

He obviously worshipped the people of the motherland so much, but in the end he was killed by his own idol!

This kind of death is too sad.

“Compound five!”

Tonis Dak whispered:

“The female vice president’s face changed significantly when she heard this.”

“The Motherland people may well be for this … Only to kill and extinguish! ”

PS: Marvel animation “if” this live broadcast will be written! ^_^

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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