Seeing his miserable appearance lying on the ground on the screen, Starlight sighed softly, and did not show any special expression on his face.

For the truth, she really can’t understand it.

Even if she had never had a boyfriend before, there was no need to fancy a man like Huey!

Look at the guy on the screen, obviously see that he was knocked to the ground, but he is still stupidly led by Butcher to run.

To have a boyfriend like this… What’s the point, exactly?

Next, a new change appeared on the screen.

[In an operation against criminals, the motherland people fell from the sky and killed all the criminals in the house with laser light, even the hostages. 】

[And after venting, the motherland announced in public that he also found a tube of compound No. 5 in the house.] 】

[This news immediately caused panic at the top. 】

[Now, I don’t know how many villains in the world already have compound No. 5! ] And transformed into a super villain! 】

[In the face of such a huge threat, the army ·· Although Fang knew that the Walt Company was hiding a terrible shady scene, he could only pinch his nose and cooperate with them. 】

【Army·· Fang cooperates with the Walt Company, and the Black Robe Picket gang becomes a victim. 】

[French and the others in the safe house were soon attacked by surprise, and all of them were arrested, only Butcher and Huey, who were out of the house, escaped. 】

[At this time, the picture turned and came to Starlight’s home. 】

[It turns out that their family has always been a single-parent family, and Starlight’s father ran away from home when he was very young. 】

[Originally, Starlight thought that his father had abandoned their mother and daughter, but after learning about compound No. 5, Starlight already had doubts in his heart. 】

[Under Starlight’s questioning, her mother finally did something.] 】

[The mother accepted the proposal of Walt Company when Starlight was very young to inject Starlight with compound No. 5 to make her daughter a superpower. ] 】

[And the mother did this only to raise a different woman, and then make the world think that his daughter was a gift from God.] 】

[It’s all about vanity and fame. 】

[I think that I have to get up at five o’clock since I was a child and receive all kinds of strange training. Participate in countless stupid beauty contests, all to fulfill a mother’s dream! Starlight was suddenly furious. 】

[Mother’s dream may have come true in her, but what about her own dream?] 】

[Finally, under Starlight’s questioning, my mother said something worse. 】

[It turns out that Starlight’s father did not leave with his family’s savings because of the failure of the investment. ] 】

[He is increasingly unable to accept this… A life in which he had to lie to his daughter every day, so he finally ran away from home. 】

[And even if the truth is told, Starlight’s mother still thinks that everything she does is right, and it’s all for Starlight’s happiness. 】

[Looking at his mother, Starlight’s face was full of disbelief, and the sadness in his eyes finally turned into despair, and he turned his head and left the house. ] 】

And seeing this, whether it was in the live broadcast room or the chat group, it fell into silence.

For Starlight Mother’s twisted love, basically everyone disapproves.

But this kind of thing between mother and daughter, who is qualified to say more?

“This… Father! ”

Sitting in his room, Starlight’s eyes had become red, and his whole body trembled slightly, almost crying.

At this moment, she really regretted it, maybe she shouldn’t have watched this video from the beginning.

If you have been kept in the dark all the time, you will not have to bear such horror and pain!

Now the idol in his mind, the goal of life, and even the image of his only relative, have all collapsed!

Everything in his life seems to be just a series of jokes! Or the most clumsy one!

Just when Starlight was in a stirring mood, he wanted to rise up and snatch the door and escape, and never looked at it again… Suddenly someone in the group spoke.

Carol Danvers: That little girl named Starlight, don’t make any stupid thoughts.

Starlight: What… What did you say?

Carol Danvers: You know… What year did I become an airspace, army, pilot?

Starlight: Huh?

Carol Danvers: That was the ’70s! At that time, everyone persuaded me, saying that I should marry a girl early and run to become a pilot?

Carol Danvers: Now that I think about it, it seems that only the position on that fighter jet was really won by my own hard work and sweat.

Carol Danvers: Later, although I obtained superpowers by chance and became Captain Marvel across the universe, but… To tell you the truth, the happiest time of my life was spent on that fighter!

Starlight: What exactly are you trying to say?

Carol Danvers: Humph! Quite simply, if you want to truly feel the joy of life, chase what you want!

Carol Danvers: Otherwise, no matter how successful you are, you won’t be satisfied.

Deadpool: Huh… I didn’t expect you, a fierce woman, to be able to say such a reasonable thing.

Carol Danvers: Ugly, shut your mouth, I’m not talking to you!


Although his heart was still agitated and could not be completely calmed down, seeing Captain Marvel’s speech, Starlight actually calmed down for a while.

At this time, she asked herself, and suddenly there was only one question left in her mind.

“I don’t know anything but be a superhero, but is this goal really what I want?”

“Will I be happy to be a real superhero?”

Slowly, the troubles and pains on Starlight’s face gradually disappeared, replaced by a thoughtful look.

【Image continues】

[Starlight chose to come to the church in frustration. 】

[But she didn’t expect that Huey also ran over, and Huey was still bold and asked New Light to help them deal with the Walt Company. 】

[Faced with this nonsensical request, Starlight refused without hesitation. 】

[“Huey was almost killed by the Motherland because I knew you! “】

“Finally. Or because they believe… I’m a fool who you use up and throw away! Just let me go! “】

[Starlight became more and more angry the more he spoke, looking at Huey and shouting:]

“And now you want me to help your perverted killer friends? By what? “】

[In the face of the angry starlight, Huey somehow raised his mouth power to level 10 in an instant! ] The ghost looked at the god and said:]

“Because Walt is doing some very nefarious things. “】

“And you’re a superhero!”] “】

[Listening to Huey’s gushing mouth, Starlight was also stunned for a while. 】

[But Starlight is now angry, and he doesn’t want to help at all, so he still refuses. ] 】

Seeing this, Loki suddenly showed an intriguing smile on his face:

“This kid is good, I’m starting to like him.”

“It looks like he can make a good liar.”


Little Wanda stood next to him and took a sip with an unhappy face:

“What the hell? Do men nowadays only cheat on girls? ”

“And this starlight too!”

Little Wanda stomped her foot lightly, and her face was full of hatred that iron was not steel:

“Have you forgotten what that Butcher did to you before? He didn’t hesitate to shoot you. ”

“And what was this Huey doing? Didn’t do anything, but ran away with that Butcher! ”

“Such a scumbag, you should have killed him when you met!”

Tonisdak gently touched Little Wanda’s head at this time, and said seriously:

“Well said, Wanda, you have to remember what you said today, if you meet this kind of man who likes to talk in the future, you must hit as soon as possible… Well, don’t fight to death, just leave half a life. ”

“I’ll help you solve the problem of the lawsuit!”

Listening to the accentuation of Tony’s tone of “man”, little Wanda rolled her eyes, and a groove rushed to the mouth of her throat, almost vomiting.

Such a man … There’s one standing right next to me!

Shall I beat him half to death right away?

Ask online!

It’s urgent!

【Image continues】

[In the evening, a grand celebration banquet was held in the Walt Building. 】

【Walt Group and Jun·· The party officially reached an agreement, and the superhero can be with the army from now on… Not only that, but the military also provides $40 billion in lease fees for the Walt Group every year. 】

[For this achievement, the number one person in the Walt Group, the black boss Edgar, is very happy. 】

He was so pleased with the female vice president’s job that he invited her to move to her office on the 82nd floor. 】

[And Edgar also promised that as long as he retires, the female vice president will take his place and become the head of the entire Walt company.] 】

[After Edgar left, the Motherland pulled the female vice president aside and told her that she already knew about Rebecca.] 】

[Moreover, compound No. 5, which keeps appearing all over the world, is also emitted by his order locomotive! ] 】

Next, the two came to the sofa. 】

[After a period of time, the motherland told the female vice president that they should never hide anything from him in the future. ] 】

[The female vice president gently said that there would be no second time, and she was also very sad about Rebecca’s miscarriage that year. 】


As soon as he saw this, Tony’s expression immediately changed slightly.


He remembered very well, just now, the old man “Falcone” told the people of the motherland that Rebecca died in childbirth during childbirth!

How did it become a miscarriage when you got here?

These are two completely different things, okay?

At this time, Tony only listened to Bruce Wayne whisper:

“It seems that the situation of that baby is not simple…”

Hearing this, Black Widow, who had been silent, also nodded slightly:

“If that child really died, whether it was a miscarriage or a difficult birth, there is no need to lie.”

“But the white-haired old man and this female vice president’s statements are so inconsistent, I’m afraid there is only one possibility…”

Tonis Dak and Bruce Wayne looked at each other and called out almost at the same time:


“That kid isn’t dead!”

Little Wanda was dumbfounded:

“Amazing! If the Motherland still has a child who falls into the hands of the Walt company, then they … Do you want to take this child hostage? ”


Surprisingly, Clark Kent suddenly shook his head:

“Your personality as a native of the motherland, coupled with his superpowers, if he wants to kill, no one in that black-robed universe may be able to resist it.”

“Threatening such a terrifying person with a biological child, unless the people of the Walt Company want to find death…”

In the end, Clark’s face was also a little gloomy.

With such a crazy variant of the anti-design meeting, his mood is not better.

【Image continues】

[Without Starlight’s help, Huey actually sneaked into the prison alone, wanting to rescue French and the others who were locked up here. ] 】

[But they soon found out and were surrounded by guards.] 】

[At this moment, Starlight in an old-fashioned battle suit suddenly appeared, quickly knocking out all the guards! ] 】

[But at this moment, the locomotive suddenly appeared! ] 】

[In the face of this veteran superhero, although Starlight tried his best, he still fell behind! ] 】

[Who knows… Due to the recent large use of compound No. 5 by Locomotive, the side effects in the body suddenly broke out and I completely fainted. 】

[Immediately after, the picture turned to the home of the female vice president.] 】

[In order to take revenge, Butcher tied bombs to the female vice president and took her hostage to meet the motherlanders. 】

[But no one expected that the people of the motherland actually ran over with the child of the female vice president. ] 】

[This moment, it immediately scared that woman to death! ] 】

[But that’s just the beginning.] 】

[The people of the country already know that Butcher hates him because of his wife Rebecca. 】

[Moreover, he even guessed Boucher’s revenge plan:]

[It is to blow up the female vice president in front of him, hoping to hurt him by killing this woman loved by the motherland! ] 】

[No one expected that the hearts of the people of the motherland were also full of anger at this moment. 】

[He also found a flaw in the words of the female vice president a long time ago, and went back to confront that “Falcone”! ] 】

[Moreover, now the Motherland has figured it out … A woman never loved him at all! 】

[From beginning to end, she just treated him as a tool man! ] 】

[Next, the people of the motherland did not hesitate to directly burn the female vice president alive with laser light. ] 】

[Seeing this scene, Butcher was completely stupid. 】

[He didn’t expect to hurt anyone in the slightest, he just hoped to hit him by killing the woman he loved the most.] 】

[But now, this woman was killed by the motherland first! ] 】

[This is still hairy?] 】

[Faced with a desperate situation, Butchel was heartbroken, and directly pressed the detonator to detonate all the bombs on the female vice president. ] 】

[After a flash of white light…]

[Butcher found himself waking up on a lawn. 】

[Unexpectedly, the motherland actually rescued Butcher and brought him outside this house. 】

[Soon, a mother and son came out of the house. 】

[That boy is not only blonde and blue-eyed, but his eyes can actually emit laser light! ] Undoubtedly the son of the Motherland. 】

[And the boy’s mother turned out to be Bucher’s wife Rebecca, who had been missing for 8 years! ] 】

[Watching the motherland and the child standing together, Butcher, lying on the ground, only felt like a thousand horses galloping in his heart, and he seemed to wear a green hat on his head. 】

At this point, the picture on the screen suddenly dimmed.

[End of “Black Robe Picket 1”]

“Oh my God, this man is too miserable.”

Seeing that Butcher on the screen was like being struck by lightning, his face was like dead ash, and it seemed that the whole person had been completely destroyed.

The expressions of the adult men in the live broadcast room became a little strange.

This kind of thing, for a man, is almost the ultimate blow!

If you don’t get it right, this Butcher will really not be able to get up again in the future.

At this time, Peter, who was standing on the side, asked weakly:

“You guys said… Why did that motherland man save Butcher, was it just to see his desperate appearance? ”

“Who knows?”

Tony shrugged slightly:

“That motherland person may not have a normal head, maybe … He felt that breaking Butcher’s spirit was more interesting than killing him. ”

Little Wanda gritted her teeth and said.

“Abominable! In that world… Why is there no real hero who comes out and kills this madman? ”

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! The second random live stream starts. 】

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected object: Captain of the United States.] 】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “What if”]

[The second live Q&A will start in one minute! ] 】

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