“Observer shot?”

Hearing Tony’s words, everyone in the live broadcast room was a little stunned for a while.

See here. Everyone also had some basic understanding of the strange bald head on the screen.

This observer claims to be only observing the movements of the universe and will never interfere.

But…… Being able to see through the multiverse itself is already very powerful!

Moreover, the observer’s skills are clearly more than that!

“This bald head seems to have teleported the real body or projection to various multiverses.”

Black Widow whispered:

“This ability to travel freely in the multiverse is already very remarkable!

“If what it transmits is not a projection, but a real body…”

Black Widow did not continue, and Bruce Wayne and the others listened with a cold look.

Up to now, the “old man” in this live broadcast room has seen a lot of videos.

But enter and exit the various multiverses with your own power! Such a character … So far, it’s the first time it’s appeared!

“Is this big bald head really powerful?”

Little Wanda looked at the observer, who was hazy and couldn’t see clearly on the screen, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

So far, there is too little information to make a judgment, and Tonis Dak stretched out his hand to mold his chin and said in a deep voice:

“At the beginning, the Time Authority was also known as… Can bind the multiverse into a sacred timeline! It’s a big breath!. ”

“But now it seems that there is clearly an element of exaggeration.”

“Similarly, this observer claims to be able to observe countless multiverses, but… Whether this can be done or not, we can also continue to observe. ”

“Observe… Observer? ”

Peter Parker whispered these words, and his eyes suddenly became a little strange.

In other multiverses, the observer is hidden behind the scenes, observing everything.

But he probably never dreamed that his actions… Also secretly observed by these people in the live broadcast room!

【Image continues】

[Using the Time Gem to freeze his own time, Doctor Strange, who does not age, frantically absorbs the energy of various evil gods and demons in the depths of the library. ] 】

[His appearance became more and more hideous and terrifying, and his body released a dark and evil aura. 】

[But no matter what, he has not forgotten his original intention, that is, to become strong enough, and then go back to destroy the absolute point in time and save Christine! ] 】

[Time flies, countless years pass in a hurry. 】

[After devouring countless demons, Doctor Strange, who was convinced that he had become powerful enough, finally decided to face that weird and terrifying tentacle monster again. 】

“It’s time to meet an old friend!”] “】

[Countless octopus tentacles shot up from the blood-red summoning array. 】

[This tentacle monster that had easily beaten Doctor Strange into a serious injury was now completely vulnerable. ] 】

[“Hello… Bye. “】

[Doctor Strange waved his hand lightly, and the red light flashed like a sharp blade, cutting a large number of tentacles into pieces in an instant. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Doctor Strange did not hesitate to absorb these octopus tentacles into his body! ] 】

“Did you actually absorb the doppelganger of the eye demon?”

Seeing the red light flashing on the screen, and the appearance of his body fusing with countless tentacles, the ancient mage looked uncertain, but he sighed secretly in his heart.

Being able to control the power of so many demonic and evil god doppelgangers, it seems that even in other universes, Stephen Strange is still a rare magical genius in the world.

It’s just a pity… Such a talent, but obsessed, goes further and further on the wrong path!

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Captain America: Isn’t that tentacle monster the one sealed by Captain Kat?

Master Mordo: Yes, according to the words of the ancient mage, the real name of this monster cannot even be recited directly, otherwise it will cause terrifying consequences! And its nickname … Known as the Eye Devil!

Starlight: Uh… I don’t quite understand that the universe where this Doctor Strange is located, and the universe of that Captain Carter… Is it the same?

Starlight: Otherwise, why would the same tentacles appear?

Master Mordo: I would like to be a universe, but if not… It’s even worse.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Worse? What do you mean?

Master Mordo: The ancient mage once said that the body of this eye demon commands tens of thousands of dimensions! You can even travel through the multiverse!

Master Mordo: The same eye demon… Being able to appear in two universes at the same time proves the strength of this monster!

Starlight: Uh… I still didn’t understand, what’s wrong with this monster being powerful? Wasn’t he killed by that Doctor Strange?

Loki Odinson: What a stupid girl, even such a terrifying multiverse monster can defeat and absorb and devour! This demonized Doctor Strange… I’m afraid it’s already incredibly powerful!

Loki Odinson: If it really destroys the absolute point in time and saves that woman, the universe he is in will be completely destroyed, and everyone will die!

Starlight: ( ̄□ ̄; He was just there to save his girlfriend and would really lead to… Such terrible consequences?

Dr. Manhattan: Once the critical timeline is destroyed, the entire timeline will be erased, which is an inevitable consequence.

Stephen Strange: ………

Captain America: Sigh, it seems, I can only hope that there are other superheroes in that universe that can stop this… Demonize the Doctor.

【Image continues】

[Feeling that he has absorbed enough demonic power, Doctor Strange decides to return. 】

[But before leaving, he still goes to visit the librarian, Auban.”

[At this time, Oban was already a dying old man, dying, and seemed to be about to die. ] 】

[Thanks to Oban for bringing himself to the library, Doctor Strange came to prepare to use the time gem to reverse the other party’s time, so that he would rejuvenate, and even live forever. ] 】

[But Auburn refused.] 】

[Doctor Strange doesn’t want to accept death, but Oban says… Another “you” may be able to accept it! 】

[Only then did Doctor Strange realize that he was not a complete individual! ] 】

[At this moment, the observer’s deep voice suddenly sounded on the video.] 】

“Yes, he’s not complete, and he’s not even the only Doctor Strange in this universe. “】

[At this time, the picture turned to the modern era, and another Doctor Strange was sitting in the Supreme Sanctuary. 】

[He took a look at the Time Gem, suddenly sighed, and put the gem down. ] 】

“Wang is right, it’s enough to spend a whole night reminiscent of the past. “】

[It turns out that this Doctor Strange who has not been demonized has completely let go of Christine’s death. ] 】

[He did not choose to use the Time Gem to go back in time, but decided to protect the current earth as a supreme mage. 】

[That’s his responsibility now. 】

[Doctor Strange had just walked out of the gate of the Supreme Sanctuary, and was stunned by the sight in front of him. 】

[I saw that the entire city, whether it was buildings, streets, or people, all began to gradually disintegrate and turn into black liquid! ] 】

[This scene looks really weird and terrifying, making people thrilled! ] 】

“Did I take the wrong medicine?” “】

[Just when Doctor Strange was scratching his head, the light of the portal suddenly lit up behind him. ] 】

[And looking at the bald woman who walked out of the portal, Doctor Strange couldn’t help but widen his eyes in amazement for a while. ] 】

[“Ancient One Mage? Wait a minute…… You’re not…”

[“Dead? That’s right. “】

[Shining with a strange white light, Gu Yi Mage who looked like a transparent person said indifferently:]

“This is a spiritual projection that comes through the cracks of reality. “】

“Just treat me like a phantom. “】

“Uh… Actually, what I want to say is…”

[Doctor Strange looked at the disintegrating reality around him with some embarrassment:]

“It’s not going to be some kind of apocalypse. “】

“You’re absolutely right. “】

[Ancient Mage has a strange approval in his tone:]

“You’re always so perceptive. “】

“But I’m afraid our time is running out. “】

[Listening to what the ancient mage said seriously, Doctor Strange quickly asked:]

“Who caused this apocalypse?” “】

[Gu Yi put his hands behind his back, turned around and said:]

“It’s you. “】

“How is this possible? “】

[Doctor Strange listened with a confused look, and seeing this, the ancient mage explained:]

【“…… When you, as a Supreme Mage, used the Time Gem to escape into the past, not even I could track you down. “】

“So I can only draw power from the dark dimension and split the timeline in half with you. “】

“In this way, you alone are split into two timelines, but exist in one universe at the same time. “】

“So, I have an evil half-body now? The expression on Doctor Strange’s face became wonderful. 】

[He couldn’t seem to believe it… I didn’t do anything, I actually encountered such a disaster! 】

“You could also call it the lost child. “】

[Ancient Mage’s tone suddenly changed from relaxed to heavy:]

“But in any case, as long as another Doctor Strange succeeds in reversing the absolute point in time, then the time paradox he generated is enough to destroy the entire universe. “】

[It turned out that night, the ancient mage who had not yet died used the power of the dark dimension to split the strange doctor who came through time and space into two. 】

[One is the “Dr. Blackening” who is obsessed and falls into the magic path, and the other is this Strange who let go of his obsession and decided to step out of the past and protect the earth. ] 】

“We are running out of time, I’m afraid the mage who has the power to stop that Doctor Strange is yourself… Doctor Strange! “】

[The phantom of Gu Yi used his last strength to tell Doctor Strange to stop the destruction of the universe! ] 】

“The ancient mage split Strange into two?”

“What kind of magic is this?”

“You didn’t listen to the ancient mage, this is what he did by borrowing the power of the dark dimension.”

“No wonder I just said, Karma Taj should not have such strange magic.”

Feed! Be quiet!

Seeing this, there was an uproar in the big square of Karma Taj, and the whispering voices rose and fell one after another.

While speaking, people kept looking back at the ancient mage and Strange, their eyes were full of strangeness and amazement.

Even Strange’s own expression became a little strange.

To tell you the truth, this operation of the ancient mage was too weird.

He borrows the power of Dormammu and splits a Doctor Strange into two. One of them is light and the other is dark!

What the hell is she doing?

Feeling the strange gaze of everyone, the ancient mage looked unchanged and said indifferently:

“Facing Strange, who has mastered the Time Gem, even I can’t keep him”

“So… That’s the only way. ”

Hearing this, Master Wang said with a look of emotion:

“Split from one person into two, the power of magic should also be reduced by half!”

“But even so, that other Strange was able to subdue so many demons.”

“This guy’s secret talent is really amazing.”

Hearing this compliment, the bitterness on Strange’s face became deeper.

If…… His magic talent is not so strong, maybe he will not cause such a disaster!

In his life, Strange never thought that he would actually dislike his talent for being too high!

【Image continues】

[In order to prevent the blackened doctor from absorbing his soul, Doctor Strange and Wang teamed up to cast the guardian white magic of the Emperor Vishan to protect his soul. 】

[But the two of them had just finished casting their spells, and a crimson magic array suddenly lit up under Strange’s feet. 】

[That’s the portal!] 】

[Just listening to the smack, Strange’s body suddenly fell into the portal and fell down at an astonishing high speed! ] 】


[Faced with this unexpected situation, Strange could only scream. 】


In the live broadcast room, Loki suddenly covered his forehead and laughed up to the sky:

“This guy… Should it drop directly for 30 minutes? ”

“If so, then I’m really going to give that blackened doctor a thumbs up!”

Strange could still speak, and little Wanda glared at Loki fiercely:

“Now that the universe is about to die, are you still in the mood to shake your wits here?”

“Hmph, it’s not my universe anyway.”

Loki snorted softly and turned his head.

Strange ignored Loki’s nonsense, just stared at the screen with his eyes glued to the screen, while a hint of ominous thought flashed in his heart.

Although both sides only had half of their souls, that “blackened version” did not know how many years it took to absorb countless evil gods and demonic doppelgangers! The increase in magic power has probably reached an incredible point!

In the face of such a terrifying opponent, this battle… It doesn’t seem optimistic.

【Image continues】

[“Ah! “】

[Strange finally fell to the ground, he looked up, and saw that it was dark all around. 】

[In the distance, a strange and terrifying figure is approaching him. 】

[From a distance, this person seems to have been combined by countless monsters! ] 】

[Just looking at it makes the scalp numb, and the cold hair stands up! ] 】

[He is exactly Dr. Blackening Strange! ] 】

“Don’t be afraid, old friend. “】

[With deep sunken eyes and a gloomy face, Dr. Strange slowly walked to Strange and said softly:]

“Because of you, I… This is one! “】

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