At this time, in the chat group, everyone who recognized the rice team was also in an uproar.

Nick Fury: Captain? This kid is a variant of the captain!

Stephen Strange: Incredible, no wonder this random on-demand broadcast is actually from the captain!

Reed Richards: Uh… Wait, what are you all talking about? Who is the captain?

Natasha Romanoff: In our universe, there is a person exactly like Johnny Stone. The two of them are variants in parallel universes!

Reed Richards: Parallel universes! By the way, you guys explained it before! But I didn’t expect it… It was actually fulfilled in Johnny!

Bruce Wayne: That variant will come later. Can you tell me about the private space station?

Reed Richards: Huh? In fact, the space station is not Victor’s alone, but belongs to his company.

Reed Richards: But in order to go to space, we don’t have any other choice.

Bruce Wayne: Part of the company’s space station? How did I not expect this…

Reed Richards: Huh? Didn’t expect that?

Tony Stark: Wayne boy, aren’t you supposed to be… I want to launch a space station of my own.

Bruce Wayne: Also? It seems that you also have this idea?

Tony Stark: Hah! When I saw that Veronica satellite… A similar thought has long been thought.

Tony Stark: Wayne boy, do you want us to compete and see who builds their own space base first!

Previously, in the Avengers II image, Tony saw the Veronica satellite created by his own variant… Or rather, anti-Hulk armor!

Although after mastering the microwormhole technology, Tony can move any suit he wants directly from dark space, and there is no need for logistics satellites.

But as a scientist and an avid construction machine enthusiast…

Having your own satellite has always been a dream of Tonis Dak!

It’s just that there were too many things that needed to be done before, and he didn’t expect this aspect to go for a while.

But as soon as he heard that Bruce Wayne also wanted to be a satellite base, Tony immediately had a faint idea of comparison!

If this kid can do it, why can’t I?

Whether it is funds or the ability to manufacture machinery, even in the multiverse, he Tony Stark is not weaker than people!

And feeling Tony’s inexplicable fighting heart, Bruce Wayne was speechless for a while.

The reason why he wants to do the space station is actually to deal with the alien threat in advance… And get ready!

After watching the two videos of the Man in Black, Master Wayne’s vigilance against aliens has been mentioned to the highest.

He doesn’t think aliens are necessarily evil or a threat to Earth.

But in any case, you can’t go wrong with being prepared first, right?

Otherwise. What should I do if I really encounter an evil alien invasion?

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

Next, Reed Richards, Susan, Johnny, Ben, and Victor Doom enter the space station together to prepare to study the cosmic storm that passes by the Earth up close.] 】

[Ben put on a spacesuit and went to work outside the space station. 】

[No one expected that the cosmic storm actually arrived in advance, 7 hours faster than the time calculated by Reed Richards! ] 】

[In order to protect himself, Victor closed the hatch and closed Ben outside the space station. ] 】

[But just before he closed the protective shield, the terrifying cosmic storm poured directly into the space station! ] 】

[The strong radiation shot made all 5 people on the spaceship faint. 】

When everyone woke up, they had returned to the laboratory on Earth. 】

[Johnny jumped off by nature, and just woke up and dragged the nurse to the snow outside to ski. ] 】

[And just when he was having fun, a flame actually appeared on Johnny’s body! ] 】

[In a panic, Jonny fell off the cliff, his body turned into a fireball in the air, smashed into the snow, and actually smashed out of a hot spring! ] 】

[At this time, in the restaurant near the base, Reed Richards and Susan were eating together, and halfway through eating, Susan’s body suddenly became invisible, and Reed also became a rubber man, and his body could be freely retracted! ] 】

[At this time, Johnny also rushed back, claiming that he could set fire to it empty-handed, or even become a burning man! ] 】

[Only then did Reid realize that their bodies had encountered radiation from a cosmic storm, and their genes had mutated! ] 】

[The three hurried to the room where “Ben” was resting, but found that a large hole appeared in the wall, and “Ben” had disappeared. 】

[It turns out that it may be because Ben stayed outside the space station when the cosmic storm hit and suffered the most cosmic radiation! ] The body actually turned into an ugly huge stone man! 】

Frightened by his new looks, he rushed home alone. 】

[When the wife of the stone man saw his new appearance, she was immediately frightened and fled with a scream. 】

[On the second day, the stone man was sitting alone on the edge of the bridge depressed, and suddenly ran into a world-weary unlucky egg. 】

[The stone man wanted to comfort her, but scared this guy to death and accidentally fell into the road heart. ] 】

[In order to save this unlucky egg, the stone man bravely jumped onto the road and stopped the oncoming truck! ] 】

[But because the big truck suddenly stopped, the cars behind him rear-ended one after another, directly causing a serious traffic accident.] 】

[Reed Richards, Susan, Johnny and others also rushed to the scene, because there were too many onlookers at the scene, the three could not pass. ] 】

[Reid had a bad idea to make Susan invisible, and then take off his clothes and walk through the crowd. 】

[Who knew that Susan did not have a good control of her invisibility ability, and she was only halfway out, and her body suddenly withdrew from her invisible state. ] 】

[“Oops! “】

[Susan screamed, and the situation suddenly became extremely embarrassing. 】

The laboratory of the Fantastic Four.


Seeing her humiliating appearance on the screen, the invisible woman Susan suddenly turned red, turned her head and glared at Reid fiercely.

At the same time, I also secretly cursed myself in my heart.

As a scientist, Susan has always been a sensible woman.

He himself couldn’t figure out how he suddenly fainted at that time, so he took it off according to Reid’s words… Clothes!

Thinking about it now, Susan couldn’t wait to beat herself to death.

That’s the bridge, there are hundreds of people watching!

And looking up at the screen, Susan was even more repaired for a while… Mixed with anger.

By now, she also knows that this mysterious live broadcast system has crossed an unknown number of multiverses.

In other words, her humiliating appearance has now been seen by an unknown number of people in the multiverse!

“Reed Richards, it’s all your fault!”

Turning her head and glancing at Reed fiercely, Susan turned her head to look at the wall with an angry hum, and immediately made up her mind…

This time, it will take at least a week to ignore him!

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Starlight: Superpowered! These people… He actually changed from an ordinary person to a superpower!

Starlight: Is that cosmic ray really that amazing?

Magneto: Not necessarily! Maybe these people all have mutant genes, they just awaken the power of mutants in their bodies.

Reed Richards: Huh? Mutants, what species is that? (⊙o⊙)

Magneto: Mutants like me are a whole new direction for human evolution! In the future, it will replace human beings and become the master of the earth!

Captain America: I care more about other issues than what the earth dominates.

Captain USA: Reed Richards, that friend of yours “Ben” created such a large-scale traffic accident on the bridge in order to save someone!

Captain America: If someone dies, can you bear the responsibility?

Captain America: Are you super-powered people using your power like this?

At this moment, the captain was really a little angry.

Although he does not shout the slogan that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but Steve Rogers has always believed that those who have the ability should also use their ability more carefully.

At the very least… Don’t help more and more and cause disaster!

Reed Richards: Uh… In fact, the really serious accident is still to come.

Starlight: Huh? What does that mean? How do you know? (O_O)

Reed Richards: Because… This image actually happened a few days ago.

Reed Richards: Actually, what happened on the bridge next… A violent explosion.

Bruce Wayne: Explosive !!! What did you do? ( ̄△ ̄; )

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