[After Eddie broke the glass in the room of the homeless girl Maria, an alarm sounded throughout the Life Foundation. 】

[Finding that the situation was wrong, and not knowing what was integrated into his body, the panicked Eddie Bullock stood up and desperately fled out. ] 】

[On the road, as long as the guards he bumped into, they were all knocked down by Eddie,]

[In the end, he even kicked a door off!] 】

[But in extreme panic, Eddie did not realize that his physical strength had been greatly improved. 】

[With this extraordinary physical support, Eddie not only escaped from the base of the Life Foundation, but even quickly climbed to the top of a tree hundreds of meters high in the chase with the guards! ] 】

[However, due to excessive shock, he didn’t even notice the abnormality of his body. 】

When he finally returned home, Eddie suddenly felt a hunger that came from nowhere. 】

[Driven by hunger, he ate like crazy and almost ate all the food in his home. 】

[But even so, Eddie Bullock’s behavior became very strange, and he even ate the large crab displayed in the water tank in the restaurant, stunning everyone around.] 】

[Eddie’s ex-girlfriend, thinking that he may have some disease, quickly took him to the hospital for various examinations. ] 】

[But as soon as he received the MRI, Eddie’s body was like turning over the river, and a lot of bruises appeared on his forehead, as if something was about to rush out of his body! ] 】

“Resonance, is this creature afraid of resonance?”

In the live broadcast room, Tonis Dak nodded thoughtfully.

Regardless of where these creatures, known as symbionts, come from, they still have obvious shortcomings.

At this time, Peter Parker, who was standing on the side, also hurriedly said:

“To be precise, it seems to be sound waves, and every time I hear a loud sound, the venom in my body reacts.”

“Moreover, Venom seems to be very afraid of fire.”

“Once a house was on fire, and I was wearing a venom suit and wanted to go in to put out the fire, but he was so scared that he hid inside my body…”

Speaking of which, Peter is still a little afraid.

At that time, the situation was really dangerous, and almost a flame was about to burn in his face.

Tony muttered.

“It’s sound waves and fire again, and there are too many weaknesses in this symbiote.”

But Bruce Wayne stood aside. But the brain turned quickly, memorizing all the information and weaknesses provided for the body.

Perhaps this symbiote only exists in other multiverses, but it doesn’t hurt to know a little more intelligence.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

After returning home from the hospital, Eddie Bullock also felt that something must be wrong. 】

[His ex-girlfriend, on the other hand, got some sort of diagnosis from his current doctor’s boyfriend.] 】

“Eddie, you have a parasite in your body. “】

“So it is. Eddie looked at the phone in his hand and wanted to stop talking, but finally plucked up the courage to ask:]

“Can that parasite make me hallucinations?”] Can…… I was able to climb a very tall tree in a very short time. “】

[Just then, a loud voice appeared in his ears. 】

“Of course, we just did. “】

【“!!! “】

[Hearing this voice, Eddie’s face changed greatly, and he looked left and right in panic, but he didn’t see anything. 】

While Eddie was panicking, his neighbors started playing music in the middle of the night.] 】

[Already distraught, hearing this loud noise, Eddie’s heart suddenly erupted with an uncontrollable anger! ] 】

[He rushed to the neighbor’s door and knocked on the door, and then his expression instantly changed into a hideous monster. 】

“Is it okay to turn down your music sound?” “】

[“Roar!!! “】

[Looking at the green-faced fangs monster in front of him, the neighbor was almost so frightened that he took several steps back, and the whole person was stunned. ] 】

“Okay, no problem, I’ll listen to you. “】

[Just when Eddie thought… His body is purely infected with parasites. At the Life Foundation, Director Drake has asked Dr. Dora for his intelligence and sent his pursuers. 】

[There are two targets for these pursuers, one is Eddie, and the other is a symbiote parasitic on him! ] 】

[Eddie, who still didn’t know the situation, was rushed in by these pursuers as soon as he opened the door. ] 】

[Facing the stun gun in the enemy’s hand, Eddie’s body trembled, and he instinctively raised his hands. 】

[And at this moment, the deep voice in his head sounded again:]

“What are you doing?”] Your approach makes us look intimidating! “】

At the same time as the words sounded, Eddie’s raised hands suddenly hung down automatically. 】

“Wait… I didn’t. “】

“Nope! You have. “】

“I didn’t! “】

[Looking at the stun gun in the enemy’s hand, Eddie raised his lowered hands again, and then involuntarily put them down, repeating this several times, which looked funny. ] 】

[Looking at the man who seemed to be crazy in front of him, the chaser of the Life Foundation directly pulled the trigger without saying a word. ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[Several shotguns hit Eddie at the same time, and a strong electric current spread throughout his body. 】

[And at this moment, Eddie squirted out jet-black tentacles in his hand, knocking a little minions out of the window! ] 】

[“Bang! Whoops! “】

[Eddie looked confused, but the black tentacles on his body kept appearing, and instantly beat these pursuers to pieces. ] 】

[“Hahaha, this is called cool. “】

[Looking at the enemies crawling all over the ground in front of him, that strange voice shouted in Eddie’s head again:]

“Now let’s bite off their heads and pile the bodies in the corners.”] “】

[“Bite your head? “】

[Eddie Bullock broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it, but before he could figure out what was going on?] More pursuers rushed over with guns! 】

[With the power of venom, Eddie managed to escape to the street. 】

[But at this time, he encountered the pursuit and killing team of the drone again! ] 】

[In panic, Eddie quickly rode on a motorcycle on the side of the street and launched a thrilling street chase with the drone that chased him. ] 】

[Relying on the power of venom on his body, Eddie not only solved the drone, but even knocked over two enemy SUVs. ] 】

[“Wow, this trick is too handsome, I’m not joking…”

[Looking at the overturned vehicle behind him, Eddie’s face was full of surprise. 】

[But at this moment, an SUV hit him from the side, knocking his whole person off the motorcycle, and even breaking his arms and leg bones.] 】

“You can really find me something, Eddie!”] “】

[After driving Eddie away, the enemy leader walks up to him with a victorious smile on his face. 】

[At this time, black mucus began to gush out of Eddie’s body, and the fractures and wounds throughout his body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. 】

[Soon, Eddie’s whole body was covered with black mucus and turned into solid armor! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[I saw that as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the little leader’s throat and lifted him high.] 】

[At this moment, black slime finally covered Eddie’s head, turning him into a fang-toothed monster with huge white eyes! ] 】

[This is Venom!] 】

[“Eyes, lungs! And the pancreas! So many snacks, but not enough time! “】

[Looking at the terrified little leader in front of him, Venom actually stretched out his long tongue and filled his face fiercely! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[At this moment, gunshots sounded in the back! ] 】

[Venom looked back and saw that it was just a small minions with a shotgun in his hand, looking at himself with a horrified expression. ] 】

[“Ha! “】

[Venom showed a hideous smile on his face, casually threw the little leader far away, and then opened his big mouth and bit off the little man’s head in one bite! ] 】

[After eating the enemy’s head, in the face of the police who rushed, Venom did not choose to attack, but directly jumped up and fled. ] 】

“Isn’t it, this symbiote actually eats people?”

Little Wanda’s brows furrowed, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Peter, who was standing on the side.

After watching so many zombie-related videos, by now, she is not as afraid of eating people as before.

But little Wanda really didn’t expect that Peter, who usually looks at thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually hides a man-eating monster on his body!

“Eh! Don’t get me wrong. ”

Looking at Little Wanda staring at himself strangely, Peter’s face changed suddenly, and he saw him swinging his hands together, and said busily:

“Venom just says weird things in my head, and he can’t do anything without my orders!”

“I’ve never eaten it… Haven’t eaten anyone! ”

Hearing Peter’s explanation, Bruce Wayne’s expression suddenly became solemn.

“After possessing humans, symbiotes want to devour humans?”

At this time, Young Master Wayne couldn’t help but think of another thing.

According to the report on the spaceship of the Life Foundation, this spacecraft found a whole comet full of symbiotes!

The symbiote above is afraid that it is already thousands.

“I don’t know about these monsters… Whether it can still reproduce. “

Young Master Wayne shook his head slightly.

Even if it can’t breed, this kind of monster that feeds on humans must not be taken lightly.

【Image continues】

[After escaping, Venom appeared in front of Eddie. 】

“My name is Venom!”] Your body belongs to me. “】

[Looking at the weird and terrifying monster in front of him, Eddie said in a trembling voice:]

“You just bit off a man’s head. “】

“I need to replenish my strength. Venom said indifferently:]

[“Eddie, you listen to me, you will be my mount from now on! “】

“And then… We’re going to catch a ride on Drake’s rocket. “】

[Finding himself entangled in a monster, Eddie panicked, quickly recorded the truth he found, and sent it to the newspaper office that had previously fired him. 】

[But as soon as he went downstairs, he was attacked again.] 】

[In the face of the crisis, Venom reappeared and knocked out all the enemies in an instant.] 】

[Just as Venom opened his mouth and was about to swallow an enemy alive, Eddie’s ex-girlfriend suddenly appeared behind. ] 】

[“Ah!!! “】

[Hearing his girlfriend’s sharp exclamation, Eddie suddenly regained control and changed from venom form to a normal person. ] 】

Next, Eddie followed his girlfriend to the hospital. 】

[After the examination, he learned that after being possessed by venom, his physical condition began to have problems, and many organs even failed! ] 】

[The ex-girlfriend insists that Venom is killing Eddie! ] 】

[Under the dispute, his girlfriend moved wisely, activated the MRI again, and used high-frequency sound waves to expel the venom from Eddie’s body. ] 】

[But who would have thought that Eddie, who had returned to normal, was immediately captured by Dr. Drake’s minions, and Venom parasitized on a puppy, taking in this scene in full view. ] 】

[Next, Venom passed through the puppy and possessed Eddie’s ex-girlfriend Annie.] 】

[Now, female venom was also born! ] 】

[After being caught at the Life Foundation, Eddie was surprised to find that Dr. Drake had been possessed by the riot! ] 】

[It turns out that after the riot escaped, by constantly changing hosts, and finally, through a little girl… Finally possessed Drake! 】

[Discovering that Eddie no symbiote existed, Dr. Drake directly ordered his subordinates to pull him out and execute him. 】

[Just when he was pulled into the woods, thinking that he would die, female venom suddenly appeared in front of Eddie, and without hesitation, she bit off the head of an executioner and swallowed it into her stomach! ] 】

[“Hey! Eddie! “】

[Sticking out her long tongue to fill her mouth, Female Venom walked to Eddie and pulled him up, and then spoke deeply.] 】

[Through this article, Venom also returned to Eddie’s body from his girlfriend again. ] 】

[The girlfriend who lost the symbiote suddenly looked terrified, obviously remembering what happened just now. ] 】

“Oh my God, I bit that guy’s head off. “】

[Eddie is comforting his ex-girlfriend, and Venom is talking in his head again:]

[“Possessed by Drake is a riot! “】

“This guy is our leader, inside him… But weapons with an arsenal! “】

[After learning of the existence of the riot, Venom rushed back to the base without hesitation. 】

[Judging by the situation, he is actually preparing to fight with the riot! ] 】

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded in the live broadcast room.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Why did the riot possess Dr. Drake? 】

[This question is a special question that can be answered by all people in the live broadcast room and chat group.] 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

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