“What? Am I dead? ”

Watch the “self” on the screen being torn in half by Emperor Thanos. Tony only felt a chill rush from his vest straight overhead! The hairs all over his body stood up.

Seeing now, Tony is not without seeing his own variant hanging.

But such a cruel and bloody being torn apart alive is really terrifying!

At this moment, he only felt that his heart seemed to be frozen, and he almost stopped beating!

It’s terrible.

Tony never dreamed that in another universe, this monster known as “Imperial Thanos” would be so powerful.

In the image of “Avengers III”, his variant has also fought Thanos!

Although that purple potato monster also has good strength, it is not so perverted!

“That’s not right!”

Suddenly remembering something, Tony Stark’s face suddenly changed again.

In Avengers III, that Thanos wears the Infinity Gauntlet, and the Infinity Stones are also set in the Gauntlet!

And this Emperor Thanos is just barehanded!

“What a powerful monster.”

Suddenly, the black widow, who had been silent, also spoke with a solemn face:

“Not even the Infinity Stones, just using their own power to destroy the entire Avengers.”

“The strength of this Emperor Thanos may be even stronger than we think.”

Peter stood aside, and his eyelids jumped, and even his eyes were shaking.

He saw very clearly that in the video just now, the “self” wearing the spider suit was just a face, and it was flooded by the energy beam released by Thanos’ hand.

This cannot be called a battle at all, it is just a one-sided massacre.

Loki, who has always been rapperous, actually didn’t say a word at this time, and his face became extremely ugly.

After winning several rewards for answering the questions, Loki believes that his strength has greatly improved.

In other words, if he faced Thanos without the Infinity Stones, he felt that he not only had the power to fight, but even had a chance to win!

After all, the world’s time stops, and when used well, can work wonders.

But the strength of this Emperor Thanos really sounded the alarm in his heart!

Such a terrifying monster may only be able to deal with his father, Odin!

And at the same time, in the Merlot Heavenly Court.

“This evil maniac!”

Watching Thanos on the screen kill all sides and fight the superheroes on Earth, the angels in the hall are all changing color.

Angelic civilization seems to have an element of justice in its genes, so the more evil the behavior, the more it can stimulate their anger and fighting spirit.

And this Thanos on the screen is almost the embodiment of evil and fear!

“Not only killed his own mother, but even destroyed his own civilization!”

The angel clenched his fists, and his little face turned red with anger.

On the other side, Angel Yan set his eyes on the high throne and asked with a puzzled look:

“Why? Why…… Why didn’t a righteous man come out to stop this madman? ”

In the face of the question of the love general, Divine Kesha was silent for a few seconds, and then said with some regret:

“In that universe, it should be that the force of justice is not strong enough.”


Hearing this answer, the two divine wings were trembling, and their eyes showed horror.

As angels, they have always believed that good will triumph over evil! Light can eventually overwhelm darkness!

But now, in front of the eyes of these two angels, an unimaginably powerful evil existence appeared…

Imperial Thanos!

This evil monster has killed countless people across the universe, but no matter how powerful the righteous hero is, he is not his opponent!

Isn’t this the triumph of good over evil?

Just when the lovers were almost doubting life, Divine Kesha also frowned slightly at this time.

She saw very clearly that this Emperor Thanos did not master any incredible high technology.

His most powerful weapon… It’s your own body!

No matter how terrifying the attack, it seems that it is difficult to hurt the body of Emperor Thanos!

And he can tear tough superheroes to shreds with just his bare hands!

The energy waves shot out of Emperor Thanos’ hands were just the energy released from his body!

This guy’s body itself seems to contain power that is enough to destroy everything!

Looking at the divine power of Emperor Thanos, Keisha couldn’t help but think of the inadequacy of the “divine body”.

In the Shenhe universe, the invention of the divine body was originally to survive the Black War.

Therefore, the purpose of the existence of this high-tech body is to survive, not to fight.

This directly led to the fact that the divine body’s recovery ability was extremely strong, but its attack and defense power were insufficient.

Compared with Thanos’s incredibly strong body, the so-called divine body… The gap is too big.

In this case, Keisha quickly thought … Another seemingly indestructible presence.

Man of Steel.

“It seems that it is urgent to use the Kryptonian gene to supplement the angel gene.”

Keisha sighed secretly.

As the king of angels, she also has her own pride.

If it were not a last resort, Keisha would not choose to use alien genes to transform the angelic civilization.

However, after Kryptonians are exposed to yellow sunlight, they can not only gain unimaginable attack and defense power, but also awaken superpowers with infinite potential.

And these are exactly what the divine body lacks.

But just as soon as she thought of “God”, Kesha’s heart moved again.

The goddess of “death” who rules the universe?

This conceptual deity is actually real!

In the Shenhe universe, the so-called gods… In fact, it is just a life form with more powerful genes.

But this goddess of death seems to be some kind of completely different existence!

Moreover, what makes Keisha even more vigilant is that in the video, Thanos’ father Arals uses all scientific means, but he can’t even detect the existence of the goddess of death!

Don’t…… Is this conceptual cosmic god actually above science?

Just as Queen Kesha was lost in thought, the chat group was also lively.

Stephen Strange: Me! My variant was actually killed by that Thanos too!

John Constantine: You are not the only one, all the heroes on this universe, on earth… It seems to have been killed by Thanos!

Starlight: Superheroes are all dead, how is this possible? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Wolverine: The Last Left… It seems to be the same guy called the Punisher.

Deadpool: Who is he? Is it strong? Why are everyone else dead? Only he survived.

Nick Fury: Frank Custer, I know this guy. He was a Vietnam veteran and recipient of the Order of the Purple Heart.

Nick Fury: But after returning home, he was unlucky, and his family was all mistakenly killed by the mafia during a picnic.

Nick Fury: Since then, he’s been using his war skills to kill street villains.

John Constantine: What? War techniques? Are you trying to tell me that this punisher has no superpowers at all, just a veteran soldier? (⊙_⊙)

Nick Fury: Actually, that’s it.

Deadpool: Hey, are you looking down on veterans? The combat effectiveness of a tough veteran soldier may be far beyond your imagination! The most typical example is my Uncle Wade!

John Constantine: Forget it, if you didn’t have the superpower of self-healing, you would have been beaten to death.

Reed Richards: I’m a little confused, a purple demon who kills all over the universe, but in the end can’t kill a veteran? Is the luck of this punisher that good?

Starlight: Anyway, as long as there’s one more hero alive.

Starlight: Although it is against the doctrine to use the power of demons. But as long as you can defeat that hateful purple potato monster, it will be worth it! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

In the face of Thanos’ cruelty and evil, even Starlight, who has believed in piety since childhood, can’t care about any angels and demons at this moment.

Even if it is the power of the devil, as long as it can defeat this purple devil.

Bruce Wayne: I don’t want to splash you with cold water, but that Ghost Knight… I’m afraid it’s not an opponent of Emperor Thanos.

Ganata, daughter of Star Swallowing: Hey, hey! It doesn’t matter anymore! As long as I gain my cosmic energy, my Evil Spirit Knight can level up to become a Cosmic Evil Knight!

Star-swallowing daughter Ganata: At that time, no matter how powerful the purple potato monster is, if you dare to attack, you will still be defeated by him, and then it will become my plate! ^_^

Starlight: Huh? Are you going to eat Thanos? ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: How? Can’t you? Anyway, he is not an earthling.

Thanos Thanos: Huh… Ignorant little girl.

“Hmph! Dare to laugh at me! ”

Looking at Thanos’ disdainful speech on the screen, Swallow Sister stomped her foot on the wilderness, her face full of disbelief.

Next, she looked back at the evil spirit knight who had changed greatly around her, and suddenly rubbed her stomach with a bitter face:

“Johnny Blazer! You are now my number one messenger. ”

“Giving you so much cosmic energy makes my stomach even hungrier! Don’t make me regret it! ”

At this time, the flames that came out of the Evil Spirit Knight’s body had turned blue and white.

He looked down at his hands, feeling the surging cosmic energy, and the skeleton face actually showed obvious surprise.

“This kind of power is incredible.”

And along with the power, the heart of the evil spirit knight gushed out, and there was overflowing confidence!

With such strength, don’t say Mephisto, even if that purple potato monster stands in front of him, he dares to step forward and fight!

Anyway, the Evil Spirit Knight can’t die, so what else is he afraid of?

And at this moment, and at the same time as gaining new power, the Ghost Knight, or Johnny Blazer, couldn’t help but look up at the screen.

In another universe, can the Punisher, who has gained the power of evil spirits, really be able to defeat and punish the evil Thanos with his own power?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[In order to avenge the emperor Thanos, the Punisher finally signed a contract with Mephisto and became the spirit of vengeance… Ghost Knight! 】

[But after returning to the world, the Punisher discovered that Emperor Thanos not only killed all the superheroes on Earth, he even killed all the human beings in the world! ] 】

[There is no target to punish, and there is no object to take revenge on.] 】

[Day after day, year after year, the lone evil spirit rider drives the demon locomotive and runs on the empty earth. 】

[After hundreds of years, thousands of years, he finally fell into madness. 】

[In this complete despair, a terrible giant suddenly descended on Earth. 】

[This giant released powerful cosmic energy, and it was one of the five creation gods who fed on the planet… Planet Devourer. 】

[“Help! Help me! “】

[As soon as he came to Earth, the Planet Devourer went limp, knelt on the ground, and shouted helplessly:]

[“Help! Who will save me? “】

[I saw a large hole in the abdomen of the planet devourer, and blood poured down like a river, obviously extremely injured. ] 】

[It turned out that the Great Star Swallowing did not come to eat, but was seriously injured and came to Earth to ask for help. ] 】


Looking at the Planet Eater who was embarrassed on the screen and knelt on the ground for help, Swallowing Sister’s eyes were about to fall!

At this moment, Swallowing Sister’s pure heart suddenly suffered an unimaginable heavy blow!

It’s unbelievable!

What did she see?

To be fair, Swallow Mei actually looks down on her own father.

Obviously, as the god of creation, he will only look for food everywhere like a hungry beast all day.

This doesn’t seem great or noble at all.

It is precisely because of this that Sister Swallowing will set various rules for herself, not only will not swallow the planet casually, but also will only swallow those alien lifeforms that endanger the world!

But no matter what, deep down, she is still full of love for her old father.

But…… What is this scene in front of you?

The great planet devourer actually knelt on the ground for help?

What’s going on?

Was she hallucinating because she was too hungry?


“Planet Eater, crying for help???”

Sitting on the throne, Odin’s expression was slightly sluggish, and a bunch of strange question marks appeared in his heart.

He knew that Star Swallowing was never at its peak due to hunger.

In this state, it is not too incredible that he was defeated.

But…… Run to Earth for help???

That’s outrageous.

Do you want the pressure of the gods of the universe?

What’s more, now that this earth has been killed by the Emperor Titan, who can help you?

And looking at the appearance of swallowing stars, several people in the live broadcast room gasped.

“Can you beat the Planet Devourer into such a person, can’t it…”

Hearing Tony muttering beside him, Master Wayne did not speak, but his eyes were already narrowed.

“Imperial Thanos? What a scary guy. ”

At the moment, Bruce Wayne is not sympathizing with Star Swallowing.

He was thinking that if even the Planet Eater had been poisoned by Thanos.

So…… What has this universe been slaughtered by this purple potato monster?

Could it be that in order to please the goddess of death, did this madman really want to kill the entire universe?

Just thinking of this, Bruce Wayne only felt a chill instantly soak his heart and lungs! Almost cold to the bone! The whole person is like falling into an ice cellar.

With the power of only one person, with his bare hands, it took tens of millions of years to kill the entire universe!

What kind of attachment is this, and what kind of madness?

【Image continues】

[Since he was defeated by superheroes on Earth, after being severely damaged by Emperor Thanos, the Planet Eaters tried to escape here to find reinforcements that could help them. ] 】

[But he didn’t expect that there was only one evil spirit knight left on the entire earth. 】

[“Oh, that purple potato monster, not only killed the Kree Empire, but also prepared to slaughter Asgard, and even that observer was not spared. “】

[After listening to the narration of the Planet Eater, the Ghost Knight scratched his burning head:]

“It seems that we all have a common enemy. “】

[This half-mad knight looked at the Planet Eater and offered him a deal:]

[“Why don’t you do this, you give me your cosmic energy so that I can be your messenger!” 】

“Then, the two of us teamed up to punish that damn purple bastard. “】

[“Wait until the matter is done…”

[Ghost Rider points to Earth:]

“Anyway, there is no one on this planet, so you will eat it then.] “】

“How about this deal?” “】

[Staring at the crazy evil spirit punisher in front of him, the Planet Eater finally agreed to the deal. 】

[Obtained cosmic energy, “Star Devouring Messenger, Evil Spirit Knight, Punisher” was born! ] 】

[A total of three layers of buffs were stacked, and Frank Custer also gained unprecedented power. 】

[Next, the Planet Eater will take his new messenger to face the emperor Thanos, ready to destroy this terrifying crazy titan. ] 】

[At this time, Emperor Thanos was already full of gray hair and very old. ] 】

[But unfortunately, his strength has also reached an unimaginable level. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[As soon as the war began, Emperor Thanos raised his hand and released a terrifying purple energy wave! ] In an instant, the head of the Planet Devourer was cut off! 】

[Star Swallowing, one of the five gods of creation…]

[Just like that, it was killed in seconds.] 】


Watching the head of the Swallowing Star fly up on the screen, the swallowing sister’s eyes trembled with fear, only to feel a cold and bone-deep feeling, which instantly swept the whole body!

At this moment, the shock that Swallowing Sister felt was comparable to thunder and the sky falling!

She knew that her father couldn’t give his full strength when he was hungry.

But in any case, it shouldn’t be so simple to be killed in seconds!

“Kill the Creation God in seconds!”

In Asgard, Odin suddenly stood up from his throne, his eyes full of astonishment.

From just now, there was a faint ominous thought in his mind.

Even with the addition of that evil spirit knight, the planet devourer is probably still no match for Emperor Thanos.

But even Odin didn’t expect that Swallowing Star would actually lose so quickly!

It simply broke his imagination!

“How powerful is this Emperor Thanos?”

Thinking that in the video just now, Emperor Thanos seemed to be ready to attack Asgard, Odin only felt an inexplicable chill spread in his heart.

Even in another universe, he didn’t want to see Asgard destroyed before his eyes.

And at this moment, an even more terrifying scene appeared on the screen!

[After killing the Planet Devourer, Emperor Thanos discovered… You can’t kill the Ghost Knight yourself. 】

[But the Evil Spirit Knight can’t kill him. 】

“I can’t kill you, and you can’t beat me.”] “】

[Looking at the crazy knight in front of him, Emperor Thanos unexpectedly stretched out his hand. ] 】

[“Follow me knight, by my side, I will offer you… Let you never punish the eternal sin! “】

[Faced with the invitation of Emperor Thanos, Frank Custer signed the third and final contract with the demon. ] 】

[The already crazy Ghost Knight forgot his original goal of punishing Thanos and became the dark vanguard of Emperor Thanos. ] 】

[Two mentally disorganized bloodthirsty maniacs have set off a bloody storm in the universe! ] 】

[Phoenix Force, Observer, Celestial God Group, Inhumans, Asgard…]

[Countless universe powerhouses have been mercilessly slaughtered! ] 】

[It is the Nine Realms God King Odin, in the face of Emperor Thanos, he is also vulnerable! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[In the ruins of Asgard, the white-haired Emperor Thanos released an energy wave in his right hand, slamming into the one-eyed Odin! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[The Mjolnir in Odin’s hand flew out, and the gorgeous armor on his body could not play any defensive role at all. ] 】

[I saw that His Majesty the God King fell to the ground in an instant, and then did not stand up again…]

“This… Father!!! “】

In the hall of Asgard, Thor, the god of thunder, looked at the terrifying scene in front of him, and the whole person was stupid.

In his mind, God King Odin is a symbol of invincibility!

How could it have been defeated so easily?

Above the main hall, God King Odin first trembled, and then helplessly closed his remaining eyes.

In the face of absolute power, even he, the god king, had to bow his head!

“This… What kind of power is this? ”

And at the moment on Temple 2, even Thanos was dumbfounded.

With your bare hands, you can kill Odin in seconds with a single move!

This kind of thing, Thanos himself doesn’t even dare to think about it!

PS: Uncle Swallow is dead again… However, ^_^ it is still a little surprising that the punisher has become such a three-surnamed domestic slave.

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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