“Killer Eric Stevenson?”

The muscles on Tony’s face twitched slightly, and a complicated look appeared in his eyes.

This guy personally killed Tonis Dak of a certain universe!

Although Tony can’t get used to that guy’s arrogance and arrogance, this is also a variant of himself!

What’s more, Tonysdak couldn’t understand at all, what was so different about this murderer that allowed observers to pick him?

Although this kid has some strength, in front of Infinite Ultron, isn’t that just an ant?

And looking at Tony’s ugly expression, Loki, who was standing on the side, suddenly laughed:

“Why, do you see ‘your own’ enemy, so you are not angry?”

“But… When I think about it now, I realize that in the multiverse, your variants don’t seem to end well. ”

I saw Loki counting his fingers and said with a smile:

“First, you have a variant that was killed by Hank Pym.”

“Then, there was another one, which became a zombie in the zombie universe.”

“So, the one who was killed by this murderous demon king… Not the saddest death! ”

“And the worst one was to create Infinite Ultron and then be killed by his own robot!”


Listening to Loki’s heart-piercing words, Tony opened his mouth slightly, but he was speechless for a while.

At the same time, most of the other people in the live broadcast room also looked at the mustachioed man with strange eyes.

After Loki’s summary, he really didn’t say he didn’t know, but he was shocked!

In the multiverse, Tony Stark is either dead! And once it doesn’t die, it’s almost certain … What a big mess it will make!

Sensing the strange eyes of everyone, Tony also felt a resentment in his heart.

Why…… Are your own variants always so unreliable?

Except for the Tony who created Infinite Ultron with his own hands.

Even in the world where Gamora’s was, Stark, who luckily didn’t die, actually opened his mind and wanted to arm the galaxy with his battle suit!

These guys are simply the source of chaos in the multiverse!

And just as Tony was feeling sorry for himself, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Universe 4, Las Vegas. 】

[As soon as the observer appeared, he saw that “Party Thor” was fighting Ultron robots! ] 】

“We were about to go on a date, and you robots ran out!”] “】

[“Boom! “】

[Party Thor smashed an Ultron robot to pieces with a hammer, while muttering in his mouth:]

“No one dares to mess with Vegas. “】

[The big bald observer appeared in the air and spoke:]

“Finally … Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard… You were by…”

[Although the observer is talking, the party Thor doesn’t seem to care about him at all, and is still crazy hammering the robot. 】

“You were … Checked…”]

[The observer kept raising his tone, but in the end, he could only helplessly find that the party Thor seemed to have entered a certain state of frenzy and could not hear his words at all. ] 】

“Thor, calm me down. “】

[Finally losing patience, the observer stretched out his big hand and grabbed the party Thor in one fell swoop.] 】

[Looking at the big bald head that held himself in his hand, the party thunder god opened his mouth in amazement, the muscles on his face twisted wildly, and he let out a shocking scream like a little girl! ] 】


[At this moment, Thor’s whole person was frightened and stupid. 】

[He didn’t understand at all, where did this huge black bald head come from? ] 】

[“Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard… You’ve been chosen…”


[I didn’t hear what the observer was saying, and the party Thor was still screaming bitterly.] 】

[But just halfway through the call, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.] 】

[Still holding the head of an Ultron robot in his hand, the party Thor opened his eyes sharply, and his face immediately showed surprise:]

“Wow! We were in a bar. “】

[And in addition to him, Captain Kat, the Killer King, Black Panther Star-Lord, and Gamora. ] 】

[Everyone looked at the quaint, calm and peaceful bar in front of them, and they seemed to be confused. 】

[“I… I recognize this place. “】

[Captain Carter looked left and right, and saw that on the wall of the bar, there was actually a black-and-white photo of Steve Rogers.] 】

[It was in this bar that she got the vibranium shield from Howard Stark.] 】

“I made this bar. A man’s voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears. 】

[Captain Kat turned his head and saw Dr. Strange, who was already standing behind the bar of the bar. 】

“I read about this bar in your biography, I hope you like it. “】

[Next, Raytheon asked Dr. Demonization for a beer. 】

[With wine in hand, this Leng Tou Qing seems to have completely forgotten the fear and fear just now. ] 】

[And the attention of the murderer Eric is focused on the Ultron robot head brought back by the party Thor. ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Hahaha… That Thor is so interesting. ”

Looking at the clown-like words and deeds of the party Thor on the screen, little Wanda suddenly laughed forward and backward.

And halfway through the laugh, she suddenly realized, clenched a fist in her right hand, and hammered fiercely in the palm of her left hand!

“When I think about it, it’s exactly the same as the scene in the King Kong video, where the gorilla grabs Captain Marvel.”


Hearing this, Loki’s eyes trembled beside him, and even the corners of his mouth twitched.

When little Wanda said this, he also remembered.

On that Skull Island, Gorilla Kong once grabbed the variant of Captain Marvel in the palm of his hand.

But…… Even then, Captain Marvel didn’t shout so miserably!

Is this party to Thor’s boldness inferior to women?

At this thought, Loki was so angry that he even clenched his teeth.

Sure enough, no matter which parallel universe it is, this guy will always be the biggest stain on Asgard!

But the thought of Loki, the ice giant in that universe, made Loki himself deflated at once.

That rude and barbaric ghost, how can it not be your turn to inherit Asgard.”

And Tonis Dak didn’t say a word at this time, staring straight at the murderer on the screen.

“Ultron robot head, what exactly does this guy want to do?”

It’s Tony, but I remember that although this murderer is in blood debt, he is a top student at MIT!

Moreover, from the Tonysdak of that universe, this kid also learned a lot!

At this moment, Tony was even more puzzled in his heart.

Could it be that the observer specifically found this villain because he took a fancy to his mechanical genius?

But instead of choosing this “rebel”, why didn’t he just find Tony Stark?

And at this time in some old apartment.

Steve Rogers looked at Captain Kat holding a shield on the screen, and his eyes also showed emotion.

Although in that universe, he did not become a super soldier, but… As long as Peggy Carter is alive and well, that’s enough.

【Image continues】

[After finally summoning “heroes” from several parallel universes, observers also appear and explain to them about Ultron.] 】

[And the silly party Thor still doesn’t believe it, and is ready to open the bar and leave. ] 】

[As a result, as soon as the door was opened, it almost fell into the spatial vortex outside, and he was suddenly frightened and screamed again. ] 】

[It seems that Dr. Demonization is simply building this hidden small base in the narrow gap of the multiverse. 】

[After seeing that the people had finally accepted the facts, the observers gave them one… A name more powerful and domineering than the Avengers :]

[“Multiverse Guardians”! 】

[In order to fight against Infinite Ultron, the members of the Space Guardians also made a simple plan. ] 】

[First Black Panther Star-Lord stole the Soul Gem from Ultron, and then Gamora immediately used the Infinity Stone Crusher with him to destroy it! ] 】

[And the ultimate goal of the Multiverse Guardians is to destroy all 6 Infinity Stones on Ultron! ] 】

[Without the Infinity Stones, Ultron is a toothless tiger, there is nothing to fear. ] 】

[After drawing up the plan, the observer sent the heroes to a certain planet.] 】

[While waiting for Ultron, Party Thor suggested another party. Dr. Demon, on the other hand, simply conjured up a few glasses of wine. 】

[And after drinking the beer, the party Thor had a drinking seizure, smashed the cup, and then raised Mjolnir, summoning a strong thunderbolt. ] 】

[Who would have thought that this stupid boy’s unintentional move would really lead Infinite Ultron over. ] 】

[“Okay, now I’m going to cast some offending spells! “】

[Seeing the current enemy, Dr. Demonization directly pinched his gesture and added golden spell armor to everyone. ] 】

“Wow! “】

“What is this?”] “】

“Wow, that’s cool. “】

[Seeing the gorgeous golden magic armor on his body, everyone was surprised, and the party Thor screamed in amazement. ] 】

[According to the plan, the Killer King and Gamora first come to another universe through the Observer’s portal, ready to smash the Infinity Stones in advance.] 】

[And the party thunder god is impatient, without saying a word, he directly released his own thunder and lightning at Infinite Ultron! ] 】

【”Vegas!!! “】

[Infinite Ultron gently stretched out his hand, and the thunder released by Thunder God turned invisible, and there seemed to be a trace of disdain in his eyes. ] 】

“Your battle cry… I haven’t heard of it yet. “】

[Before the words fell, the Infinity Stones on Ultron’s body suddenly lit up, and the foothold mountain under everyone’s feet immediately collapsed and shattered, turning into invisible! ] 】

[“It’s just a piece of cake…”]

[I thought that the party Thor and the others had been shattered, and Infinite Ultron turned around and wanted to leave, but…”

[“Boom! “】

[With a loud bang, Dr. Demonization blasted the rock that was pressing on everyone! ] 】

[And under the protection of his golden spell, everyone was unharmed! ] 】

[“Huh? “】

[Seeing this scene in front of him, even Ultron was a little surprised. ] 】

“People like you … It’s usually not so hard to kill. “】

“Good guy, there really isn’t any scratch at all.”] “】

[The golden-clad Captain Kat looked at Dr. Demonization, his face full of excitement:]

“Your protective cover is really strong.”] “】

[Dr. Demonization responded with a serious face:]

“This magic does work, but it won’t last long!”] “】

[“Ha! “】

[The party Thor was still impatient, and directly threw the Thor hammer in his hand at Ultron. ] 】

[“Swoosh! Sou! Sou! “】

[Seeing this, Dr. Demonization used magic, and a Mjolnir actually divided into tens of millions in an instant, surrounding Ultron from all directions. ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Seeing the overwhelming Mjolnir, even Infinite Ultron was a little shocked for a while. ] 】

[“Bang bang bang…”]

[He brandished the spear in his hand and shot down countless Mjolnir in a row, but the number of hammers was too much, and he actually hit Ultron embarrassed for a while! ] 】

[Just when Ultron was overwhelmed, Captain Kat rushed into the sky with Black Panther Star-Lord according to the plan! ] And Dr. Demonization also seized the opportunity and added a stronger protective spell to Captain Kat’s shield! 】

[“Bang! “】

[As soon as Infinite Ultron turned around, Captain Kat rushed over with a shield and slammed him backwards. ] 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[Seeing the timing, Black Panther Star-Lord jumped on Ultron at once, as if he was going to shoot him. ] 】

[“Fuck off! “】

[Ultron grabbed Black Panther Star Jue, threw it out from afar, and released an additional energy wave! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Black Panther Star Jue was hit by Ultron’s blow, but the golden protective shield on his body was powerful again, and he was unharmed! ] 】

[And Captain Kat actually held a Mjolnir and flew back after beating Ultron fiercely. ] 】

[“Bang bang! “】

[Seeing that Black Panther Star Lord seemed to have to cast, Dr. Demonization cast a spell again, gathered all the Mjolnir in the sky, and forced Ultron to “pack” it! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[The party roared at Thor, and the “genuine Mjolnir” in his hand released a dazzling thunder, activating all the countless Mjolnir in the air and turning it into a “Thor Reactor”! ] 】

[For a time, a dazzling thunder burst out in the sky, illuminating the night as if it were day. 】

[But Ultron is extremely powerful after all, even such an attack is still not enough to destroy it. 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a deafening loud noise, Ultron violently broke free from the countless Mjolnir hammers wrapped around his body. 】

[But at the same time, Captain Kat also hurried to the side of the Black Panther Star-Lord who landed. ] 】

“Did you succeed?” “】

[The golden shield on Black Panther Star Jue’s body almost disappeared, but he had a triumphant smile on his face and an outstretched palm. ] 】

“As Yongdu once said, never doubt a good Goldfinger. “】

[I saw that in his palm, there was a soul gem lying impressively. ] 】

[At this moment, seeing that Infinite Ultron broke free from the Mjolnir hammer on his body, Dr. Demonization shouted at Black Panther Star-Lord and the others:]

[“Let’s go! “】

[Immediately afterwards, I saw him stretch out his hands, and three terrifying and hideous dragons suddenly grew out of his body! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[The three-headed fire dragon rushed into the sky, spewing out terrifying flames, and immediately drowned Ultron! ] 】

“Wow! “】

[Looking at the fire dragon that is almost enough to cover the sky, the party Thor is also surprised:]

[“Do you actually keep such a big move? “】

Seeing this, countless people in front of the screen were stunned.

Karma Taj.

“This… How is this Dr. Demonization so strong? ”

Archmage Wang’s pupils shrank, and shocking emotions instantly swept through his heart.

As a senior mage, he could see at a glance that the Mjolnir conjured by Dr. Demonization was not an illusion, but all of them were real and real!

Otherwise, how could a strong enemy like Infinity Ultron be embarrassed by the illusion?

Artifacts of this level like Mjolnir can be copied at will!

Such magical magic is probably too terrifying.

“It’s amazing…”

Watch your own variants show their might, and smash Infinite Ultron head-on. Strange’s heart suddenly moved, and he remembered something.

In the image of Avengers III, another variant of him once used a doppelganger spell to fight the four gems of Thanos!

At one point, he even tied it with a magic rope!

Unfortunately, in the end, it was defeated under the attack of Thanos’ power gem and soul gem.

But now it seems that the Doctor of Demonization has even taken this doppelganger magic to a whole new level.

The Quake doppelgangers he transformed are no longer illusions, but entities!

It’s really unbelievable.

And at this moment, the ancient mage also had a plan in his heart.

“It can destroy the absolute point in time and lead to the collapse of a universe, at least it is already a single universe level.”

Gu Yi’s eyes stared at the screen without blinking, and suddenly he only felt that his heartbeat accelerated slightly.

She had a feeling that her guess about Dr. Demonization might still be wrong!

This mage who single-handedly resisted the collapse of the universe may have become incredibly powerful!

Merlot Heavenly Court

“This is … Subverting the conservation of quality? And the object is not yet an ordinary substance! ”

Sitting on the throne, the eyes of the holy Caesar also shone brightly.

As soon as Dr. Demonization stretched out his hand, he turned Mjolnir into tens of millions, and ordinary people may not be able to see the mystery, but in her opinion… This in itself is a subversion of the laws of the universe!

That is, the anti-void that is powerful to the extreme!

“Magic? What is the principle of this? ”

Queen Kesha’s face showed an uncontrollable look of curiosity:

“In this magical universe, can you do this without relying on technology at all, relying on magic?”

What if… Before Infinite Ultron swallowed the galaxy in one bite, it still belongs to the category that Queen Kesha can understand.

Now the magic cast by Dr. Demonization is completely beyond her imagination!

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