【Image continues】

At the end of the 21st century, humans invented mature artificial intelligence. 】

In this way, robots with artificial intelligence have replaced human labor in large quantities. 】

[But in order for robots to replace humans and engage in various complex jobs, humans have given these mechanical creations… The ability to think independently! 】

[Humans have made a group of tools have thinking and intelligence! ] 】

[The seeds of disaster were planted…]

[It didn’t take long for a tragedy to happen. 】

[A robot kills its owner. 】

[It turned out that this robot heard that the owner was going to abandon it and destroy it! ] 】

[After thinking, in order to protect its “life”, the robot independently made the decision to kill its owner. 】

[In court, the robot that killed the owner was just a simple statement, and he “didn’t want to die”!]

[This murder case has caused violent repercussions in human society, artificial intelligence technology has since been banned, and countless intelligent robots have been abandoned and destroyed. 】

[In this big hunt for robots, there are still some lucky robots who have escaped death with the help of those human “equals, rights, people” who sympathize with robots. ] 】

[These robots fled to the middle of nowhere… In the eastern desert, survived here. 】

In order to ensure their own survival, these robots that survived by luck united together to build a mechanical city in the depths of the uninhabited desert. 】

With solar energy as an energy source, this mechanical city began to flourish and eventually became a robot country. 】

[Soon, with the development and growth of the robot country, robots upgraded their artificial intelligence, using extraordinary technology and productivity to create various goods far above humans. 】

[Under the input of high-quality and inexpensive robot goods, human manufacturing will soon fail, and the economic strength of the machine country is increasing day by day. 】

[As human capital began to pour into the mechanical country, the valuation of the currency of the human country began to fall, while the currency of the mechanical country continued to appreciate. 】

[Faced with this economic defeat, the rulers of the beautiful country began to panic, and decided to impose a ban on transportation and economic system and punishment on the mechanical country. 】

[In the face of human hostility, the Mechanical Realm is still trying to fight the Creators… Achieve some form of cooperation and coexistence. 】

[The robot sent a humanoid ambassador, hoping to join the United Nations and use its own economic and technological strength to help mankind through the economic crisis.] 】

[But what they do is only to make the rulers of mankind more vigilant!] And real hostility sprouted! 】

[In the end, the human nation led by the beautiful country launched a war against the mechanical country. 】

[Countless black bombs were dropped, and thousands of mushroom clouds arose in the desert where the Mechanical Country was located. 】

[But the artificial intelligence of the machine country has long anticipated the human attack and prepared for prevention in advance. 】

[Moreover, the high temperature and radiation caused by human nuclear attacks have limited effect on robots.] 】

[So soon after countless black bombs were dropped, the Mechanical Kingdom quickly launched a counterattack. 】

The super productivity of the machine country has quickly transformed those factories that produce daily goods for human beings into military factories. 】

[Endless robots began to be produced, and the army on the human side began to collapse at an alarming rate. 】

[Seeing that both conventional and black weapons are of little use, in the face of the threat of defeat and destruction, the rulers on the human side have finally fallen into madness. 】

[By now, humans have known that the main source of energy for robots is solar energy, and even those mechanical soldiers are also powered by solar energy. 】

[In that case, the human side is ready to use the means of drawing salaries from the bottom of the cauldron to completely cut off the energy source of the robot! ] 】

[An extinction plan called Operation Black Wind has been proposed. 】

[The human military began to release trillions of nanomechanical insects into the sky of the earth. 】

As soon as these nanomechanical insects are released into the sky, they begin to replicate and form a black cloud that can completely block the sun.] 】

[The human military is ready to cut off the robot’s energy supply in this way and give the other party a head-on blow. 】

[But they never dreamed that the Mechanical Nation would also develop a new type of biological, chemical and chemical weapon specifically for human flesh. ] 】

[Soon, the offensive of the human side was completely shattered by the army of the Mechanical Country. 】

[This battle between humans and machinery ended in a complete victory for machinery. 】

[And when the ambassador of the mechanical country reappeared in front of the human being, who was the general of the defeated army, the human side was surprised to find that the mechanical ambassador they were facing… It is no longer in human form. 】

[By defeating and surpassing its own creator, the mechanical race has completely risen and successfully become the master of the earth. 】

[Just after completely defeating humans, the robot did not kill its creator. 】

[This is because in the war with humans, the mechanical race has also discovered a new source of energy. 】

[That’s human beings themselves. 】

[It turns out that by stimulating the human brain, robots can make the human body release a large amount of bioelectricity. 】

[If these electrical energies are pooled in a suitable way, the mechanical race can obtain inexhaustible new energy. 】

[So robots began to enslave and use humans.] 】

In order to reproduce humans in large quantities, robots also reject the inefficient way of pregnancy, and instead use artificial insemination to mass-produce humans. 】

[Those humans created by the machine race will be put into the breeding pool as soon as they are born.] Used as a generator. 】

[After death, the human corpse will also be turned into a culture liquid and re-injected into the cultivation pool, which can be said to be used to the fullest.] 】

[Next, the mechanical races found that they faced new problems. 】

Although the human race has been completely transformed into a generator, it is difficult for humans to adapt to this new role. 】

[After being connected to this human power generation device, a large number of humans will die in a short period of time.] 】

To solve this new puzzle, robots began to study the human brain. 】

[They found that once humans learned that they were nothing more than a human generator, they would soon collapse completely.] 】

But if you can make their brains feel very comfortable all the time, it has the potential to greatly extend human lifespan.” 】

In order to achieve this goal, the mechanical race has opened up a large number of human-computer interfaces on the human body that go directly to the nervous system, connecting all human consciousness into a network of supercomputers. 】

[This is the matrix. 】

[In the first generation of the matrix network, everyone’s consciousness will enter a heaven where everything comes true. 】

[Here, all their wishes can be fulfilled and they can live happily forever in their dreams.] 】

[But such a perfect world is too unreal for a large number of humans to adapt, and finally causes a huge number of deaths. 】

Soon, the mechanical race discovered that in order for the human brain to adapt to the matrix, it was necessary to simulate a real human society. 】

[So the robot eliminates perfection and makes the virtual “reality” as close to the real as possible.] 】

[But no matter how the bot updates the version of the matrix, there will always be bugs.] 】

[The result is… There must be a small percentage of humans in captivity who reject the Matrix. 】

[These people will doubt this virtual reality for no reason, and think that there is something wrong with the “world” they live in.] 】

[Eventually, some of the people who awakened from the “matrix” escaped from the cultivation capsule and founded a city called Zion deep underground. 】

[Morpheus, who rescued Neo, is a captain of Zion.] 】

[For some reason, he has always believed that Neo is the legendary savior who can overthrow the rule of the mechanical race and save all mankind! ] 】

Seeing that the image on the screen here finally came to an end, and everyone who saw the live broadcast was so shocked that they could hardly speak.

Watchmen Universe.

“………… That’s too bad. ”

Dr. Demonization let out a long breath, the expression on his face became extremely complicated, and there was a faint hint of amazement in his eyes.

At this moment, even the Demonized Doctor, who had devoured the bodies of countless Demon Gods of different dimensions, felt his heart shake and could not calm down for a long time.

It turned out that Dr. Demonization also thought that his situation was miserable enough.

After all, the earth where he is, and even the entire universe … All because of his stupid actions and completely perished!

But now it seems that the earthlings in this “Matrix Universe” are really miserable!

Not only completely defeated by robots in the battle of races, but even all humans… All are raised, harvested! Turned into a generator for robots!

To become this ghost, it is really better to simply die, a hundred!

And just thinking of this, Dr. Demonization suddenly moved his eyebrows, and a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Dr. Manhattan suddenly spoke:

“You don’t have to worry about anything, according to my observations, your presence is constant.”

“So, you or I are definitely not living in some kind of dream.”


Looking back at Dr. Manhattan with a calm expression, the expression on Dr. Demon’s face became a little strange, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Come on!

If I really live in a dream, then what you tell me… It may also be part of the dream!

“Hey… Well, if this is a dream, it’s still a terrible nightmare. ”

After all, he was not an ordinary mortal, and after a brief shock, Dr. Demonization quickly adjusted his mood and set his eyes on the screen again.

He really wanted to know what Neo, who was known as the chosen son, had any skills… Be able to lead this group of ordinary mortals against the mechanical race that defeated the entire human race!

At this time, in the live broadcast room, there were already exclamations.

“What a joke, this is simply unscientific.”

Tony Stark first shouted with a skeptical face:

“There are so many ways to generate electricity on Earth, how can it be the turn of human beings as power generation machines!”

“To cultivate human beings from small to large, the energy to be invested and the energy generated are not proportional at all!”

“Robots have such powerful artificial intelligence, can’t they even count this?”

Hearing this, Little Wanda’s face crumpled, and looked at Tony with a look of disgust:

“What’s not proportional? In the face of such a terrifying scene, can you only say such words? ”

Seeing the tragic situation of human beings on the screen, little Wanda was not only angry, but also full of pity in her heart.

And Tony’s statement, although logically correct, is less sympathetic.

“……… Gremlin! Don’t go up with me at this time. ”

Glancing at little Wanda angrily, Tony suddenly found that his thoughts were interrupted because of the fork, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

And seeing that everyone remained silent, Magneto suddenly snorted coldly, and said with a look of hatred that iron is not steel:

“Those humans are really idiots!”

“What do they think about coming up with such a crazy plan to cover the sky?”

“After completely blocking the sun, how can life on Earth survive? When all living things die, how can humans survive? ”

Almost all life on Earth depends on the sun, and if the sun is completely blocked, then animals… Plant…… Almost everything will perish.

For Magneto, human beings cannot perish, whether they are made into batteries, he does not care at all.

But in this parallel universe, human beings actually destroyed the entire earth’s environment! That’s what really makes him unbearable.

Hearing this, Loki suddenly sneered and said:

“So say… Those robots cultivate humans as living batteries, although it is indeed very cruel, but perhaps, only this method can allow humans to continue. ”

“Otherwise, the human race might have been on the dark earth long ago… Completely extinct! ”

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

After a long time, Magneto said coldly:

“When it comes to the ability to die, I am willing to call human beings the strongest.”

Clark Kent listened with a long sigh:

“Let’s say less of this kind of vitriol.”

“The problem now is that in that Matrix universe, almost all of humanity is stuck in virtual reality… It’s in the matrix! ”

“How can I get them out?”

At the same time that Clark asked this question, new images appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After learning the truth about the world, it took Neo a long time to calm down. 】

According to Morpheus, a prophet once predicted that the “Savior” would come in the future and free all mankind! 】

[Although Neo was skeptical, he still used his brain-computer interface to carry out a new training. 】

[After receiving a large amount of information in an instant, Neo suddenly opened his eyes and said with a look of excitement:]

[“I know kung fu! “】

[A smile appeared in Morpheus’s eyes:]

“Then let me see. “】

PS: The history of the demise of mankind in the animated version of The Matrix is really a perfect testimony to this sentence: if you don’t die, you won’t die. ╮(╯_╰)╭

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