
[A long line of gun cabinets appeared in the empty pale space. 】

[Looking at the dazzling array of weapons on the gun cabinet, Trinity said in a deep voice:]

“Neo, no one has ever been able to save someone from an agent. “】

[Neo looks at the miniature submachine gun in his hand, and his face shows confidence:]

“Because no one has done it before, we must succeed.” “】

[Next, Neo and Trinity enter the matrix, carry a bag full of firearms, and rush head-on into the building guarded by three agents! ] 】

[As awakened beings, the physical abilities of both are far beyond human imagination, and although the guards of the building are fully armed, they are still killed by Neo and Trinity. ] 】

[After cleaning up the guards on the 1st floor, the two rushed to the roof. 】

[Soon, through the method of “seizing the house”, the two agents also caught up! ] 】

[Facing the black-suited agent, Neo fired both guns in burst, but all the bullets flashed easily at each other. ] 】

[Just when the agent shot, it was like blessing to the soul, and Neo actually did a similar “flash” method. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[At that moment, time seemed to slow down many times! ] 】

[In slow time, Neo’s body actually managed to dodge all the bullets fired by the agent! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Due to the first time he used a similar “skill”, Neo fell to the ground a little embarrassed, and his body was still scratched by bullets in many places. 】

[But he survived!] 】

[While Neo was lying on the ground in shock, the black-clad agent had already walked up and pointed his gun at him:]

[“Humans in the District…”]

[The black-clad agent was about to shoot, when suddenly a woman’s voice came from behind his head. 】

[“Have the ability to avoid this!”] “】

[Trinity almost stabbed the muzzle of the black agent in the head and pulled the trigger.] 】

[“Bang! “】

[The black-clothed agent fell to the ground, and a burst of light suddenly appeared on his body. 】

[His body then turned back into a helicopter pilot, which looks like the prototype of “him” before he was taken by agents.] 】

[After pulling Neo up from the ground, Trinity also expressed her surprise to him:]

[“How did you do it?” I’ve never seen anyone flash a bullet like an agent! “】

In the live broadcast room.

“Oh, kind of interesting.”

Watching Neo dodge the bullet in a method similar to the slowdown of time, little Wanda also showed a hint of curiosity on his face.

This method easily reminds her of Quicksilver in the X-Men universe.

Of course, Quicksilver is not even bullet time, but solidification time.

In a time close to stopping, he can do anything, almost absolutely invincible!

At this time, next to him, Tonis Dak nodded without a trace:

“The reality of the self has begun to be modified, and it seems that the power of this savior is finally about to awaken.”


Just now still thinking about Quicksilver, little Wanda pouted lightly:

“Connecting several bullets are hung up, such strength … What other savior to talk about? ”

Upon hearing this, Tony smiled and said:

“This is just the beginning, and now this Neo can only modify his own reality, allowing him to gradually become a superman similar to an agent.”

“And when he can use his self-awareness, modify the matrix itself, that really becomes… A savior enough to turn everything upside down! ”

At this time, Bruce Wayne sighed softly next to him:

“These agents turned out to be incorponsive, and if you kill them, it would be equivalent to killing those… Humans whose shells are occupied by them. ”

In fact, if you want to talk about killing, in the shootout on the 1st floor of the building, Neo and Trinity don’t know how many people were killed!

Although these “people” are just a group of consciousness data, but dead in the matrix, their shell in reality is also dead.

Listening to Young Master Wayne’s words full of regret, Loki said coldly:

“Put away your hypocrisy, if it were you, would you stand there waiting to die?”

“If the speed of the woman’s shooting just now had been a little slower, and the agent dodged the bullet, both of them would have died!”

“Moreover, if you can’t save that Morpheus, then the bases of these exiled humans will also be finished!”

“By then, there will probably be thousands of dead people.”

Young Master Wayne was silent when he listened.

Of course, you know that the culprit of all this is actually the “matrix” that created this virtual space!

If you think about it further, this struggle is actually a continuation of the war between humans and robots decades ago!

Then. Humans are completely defeated by machines!

Therefore, now Neo will gamble everything and fight to free the remaining humans from slavery!

【Image continues】

[After killing the agent, Trinity uses data transmission to quickly learn to fly a helicopter. 】

[Next, the two drove a helicopter and suppressed it with heavy machine gun fire, successfully rescuing Morpheus! ] And fled the building. 】

[Not only that, after the helicopter’s fuel tank was hit by agents, Neo even single-handedly pulled Trinity up from the helicopter that was about to crash! ] 】

[Seeing this incredible scene, the pilot brother who remained in the spaceship was stunned and exclaimed in disbelief:]

“I knew he really was the savior!”] “】

[By the time the three agents arrived at the roof, Neo and the others had fled without a trace. 】

“Their place in reality has been locked. “】

“The mechanical sentinels have attacked. “】

[After sending the mechanical squid, the other two agents left directly. 】

[In their eyes, Morpheus and others are dead. 】

[Agent Neo is still standing on the roof, with an ugly expression on his face, obviously still uneasy. 】

“Those humans haven’t left the matrix yet. “】

[In addition to super strength and speed, as an agent of antivirus, there are other terrifying abilities.] 】

[All the things that humans see in the entire matrix, they can see!] 】

[Moreover, as long as they want, they can take away anyone!] 】

[Just when the three escaped to the telephone booth of the subway station and left the matrix one by one, this scene was seen by a homeless man! ] 】

[After perceiving all this, Agent Smith directly took the homeless man, then pulled out his gun and burst the microphone of the phone with one shot! ] 】

[Although both Morpheus and Trinity have returned to the real world, Neo has stayed! ] 】

“Mr. Anderson. “】

[Releasing an astonishing murderous aura, Agent Smith walked up with a hideous face. ] 】

[In the face of this terrifying super agent, Neo seems to have finally gained confidence, not only did not escape, but turned around and prepared to start a decisive battle with him. 】

[The two first engaged in aerial shootouts, and then switched to hand-to-hand combat after running out of bullets.] 】

[Although Neo’s strength is not what it used to be, and he once fought back and forth with Agent Smith, the agent’s body is almost indestructible, and Neo himself will be injured. ] 】

[“Poof! “】

[In the end, Neo’s body in the spaceship actually began to vomit blood. ] 】

[Seeing that the situation was not right, Neo could only use Agent Smith’s arrogance and carelessness to let him be run over by the speeding subway at the right moment. ] 】

[However, for agents, the concept of death does not exist, and they can take away new humans at any time.] 】

[Having personally experienced the invincibility of the agent, Neo can only choose to escape. 】

[Unfortunately, at this moment in the real world, those mechanical squids have also searched for the location of the spaceship and are killing all the way! ] 】

[In this case of calamity, one can only pray that Neo will return from the matrix as soon as possible.] 】

[Because once the eMP impact bomb is used against the mechanical squid, all the electronics of the spacecraft will be paralyzed, even the human-machine interface that Neo is using.] 】

[If he hadn’t come back by then, he would have died in the matrix!] 】

And when I saw this, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: These agents are also too outrageous, not only are they so strong, but they can’t be killed, this is simply cheating!

Bruce Banner: These guys are not simply unkillable, but they can transfer themselves at will.

Bruce Banner: Even if you kill them, it’s just killing a human!

Starlight: To be honest, I really can’t understand what this Agent Smith is trying to do?

Reed Richards: This program is supposed to be for unknown reasons… And gained evolution! The ability to think independently is acquired. Just like those intelligent robots at the beginning!

Reed Richards: Well, if left unchecked, he could grow into a terrible computer virus!

Starlight: Isn’t Agent an antivirus? How did it become a virus now?

Reed Richards: Hehe, you don’t understand this, actually, a lot of antivirus software… It is actually a virus in disguise!

Starlight: Huh? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Captain America: That Agent Smith…

Bruce Banner: Captain? What’s wrong?

Captain America: I remember, it’s a red skeleton! This guy looks a lot like the Red Skull!

Nick Fury: Red Skull? This variant of Hydra commander has actually become an antivirus program?

Wanda Maksimov: Whew… Hahaha! Laugh me to death! This guy really doesn’t behave anymore! Even the life form has changed! O(∩_∩)O haha~

John Constantine: Hey, don’t care who he is a variant, I just want to know now, what exactly can be done… You can eliminate these agents!

Seeing Neo running desperately on the screen, Constantine’s heart also lifted.

In any case, he didn’t want to see his own variant and die in front of him like that!

Reed Richards: This is a bit of a hassle, and to turn off antivirus software, you need very high system privileges, unless…

Tony Stark: Unless this Neo fully awakens as a savior and controls part of the Matrix authority, he will never defeat the Agent!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[While chasing Neo, Smith came to a hotel and suddenly stopped. 】

[It turns out that this hotel… It was the family where he found Trinity in the first place! 】

[So, Agent Smith remembers very well which room in this abandoned hotel had telephones.] 】

[Just when Neo tried his best to rush into the room with the telephone, he found Smith waiting for him here! ] 】

[“Bang bang! “】

[Agent Smith shot randomly and killed Neo on the spot.] 】

[At the same time, those mechanical octopuses have also locked the position of the spacecraft and started to attack. 】

[Seeing Neo’s heartbeat stop, Morpheus and the others suddenly felt like death. ] 】

[The savior they finally found died like this! ] 】

[In this way, isn’t humanity finished?] 】

[In this darkest moment of despair, Trinity looked at Neo, who was no longer breathing, and said the prophecy that the prophet had made to her. 】

“The Prophet told me that I would fall in love with the Savior. “】

“So you can’t die because I love you. “】

[Next, Trinity, who had put life and death on the line, made a final kiss goodbye to Neo. ] 】

[But just after this kiss, a miracle happened!] 】

[Neo’s heart that had stopped began to beat again! ] 】

[In the matrix, Neo, who had stopped breathing, also stood up again. 】

[As if sensing something, Agent Smith turned sharply and glanced at it, and he was immediately shocked.] 】

[How come?] 】

[Just now… This man is obviously out of breath. 】

[“Shoot! “】

[In an instant, three agents pulled out their guns at the same time and fired dozens of bullets at Neo. ] 】

[Looking at the bullets that were in a hurry, Neo just stretched out his hands and gently spit out a word:]

“Nope! “】


[The speed of dozens of bullets began to decrease continuously, and finally “froze” in front of Neo. ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Seeing this incredible scene, the three agents involuntarily put down the guns in their hands, and their faces showed an incredible look. ] 】

[Stop the bullet out of thin air? 】

【What is this operation?】 】

[Even their agents who have been given super permissions by the matrix can’t do this kind of thing!] 】

[Picking up a bullet frozen in the air, Neo glanced at it curiously and threw it to the ground. 】

[After experiencing a death, Neo discovers that he can now fully see through the entire matrix. 】

[In his line of sight, everything around him, including those three agents… All are reduced to binary numbers. 】

[“Ah! “】

[Driven by extreme anger, Agent Smith simply threw away the gun in his hand and rushed up to swing his fist at Neo.] 】

[But his fist, which was originally enough to make Neo vomit blood, is now like a child’s trick, and it is easily parried. ] 】

[Next, Neo kicked Agent Smith out, and then the whole person flew up like Superman and drilled straight into Smith’s body! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Agent Smith showed a terrified look on his face, his body trembled wildly, and finally only heard a bang. 】

[“Boom! “】

[This agent’s body disintegrated into countless fragments, and the bright light during the explosion even the remaining two agents could not look directly! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, I saw Neo standing in the corridor of the hotel. 】

With his breathing, the surrounding space itself even began to stretch. 】

[It’s as if he exists… can interfere with this side of the world! 】

[Exhaling softly, Neo opened his eyes again. 】


[The two agents glanced at each other, and then fled to the left and right as fast as they could.] 】

[In the face of Smith’s unimaginable way of death, these two “antivirus agents” even lost the courage to fight! ] 】

“I actually blew up that agent. Well done! ”

Seeing that Neo’s strength increased greatly after coming back from the dead, and directly killed Smith in seconds, little Wanda was very excited to see it, and almost applauded.

And Peter stood on the side with a confused face, and asked in a shocked tone:

“What’s going on? After being hit by a bullet, shouldn’t he have died? ”

“How did he come back to life again… And it has become so strong! ”

Bruce Wayne said in an uncertain tone:

“Maybe… To die is to become a savior… Indispensable procedures”


Loki had to listen to the laughter:

“You have to die to become a savior, what is this setting? It’s a dead laugh! ”

Tony stood aside, silent and thoughtful.

“Resurrection from the dead, how does this look a bit like… Reboot? ”

“Does he have to go through such a reboot to awaken his full capabilities?”

“Or do you say… This function has been implanted in Neo’s body from the beginning, and it takes a specific condition of death to activate? ”

Originally one of the best computer programmers on the planet, Tony came up with all kinds of possibilities in an instant.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[The phone rang again, and Neo took the opportunity to leave the matrix.] 】

[In the real world, Morpheus also pressed the button of the EMP pulse bomb at the last moment to eliminate the mechanical squid.] 】

[After experiencing this resurrection from the dead, Neo finally recognized himself and awakened to become a savior! ] 】

[Then he entered the evidence again, and through the phone, issued his own challenge to the mastermind of the entire system.] 】

“I know you’re there. “】

“I also know you’re afraid of us. “】

“I will show these humans … A world without you. “】

[Immediately after, Neo left the phone booth, put on his sunglasses, and then… Soared into the sky! 】

[After thoroughly understanding the essence of the matrix, he can now even subvert the law of gravity and directly let himself fly into the sky! ] 】


Watching Neo walk out of the phone booth, and then soar into the sky without scruples, even Clark Kent was a little stunned for a while.

This scene… It looks too familiar.

PS: The next chapter is the coming of the heavens and the rise of Kesha! ^_^

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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