“Supernova explosion?”

Sitting on the throne of Merlot’s Heavenly Court, Keisha fell into a deep groan.

Such an attack is undoubtedly the most destructive means in the known universe.

Even his fourth-generation divine body couldn’t resist.

But the strongest place of the divine body is always the ability to heal itself, and Kesha’s divine body is undoubtedly the strongest of them.

Every atom in the divine body is stored with powerful energy. Even recorded all Kesha’s data!

As long as there is a divine atom, Kesha can come to life through energy conversion!

In other words, unless some kind of attack is strong enough to… Can crush every atom in Kesha’s body, otherwise… She just can’t die!

Kesha is certain that supernova explosions can’t do that.

“Karl, the god of death who thinks he knows the first wise man in the universe, is this the plan to kill the gods you came up with?”

Sitting on the throne, Kesha’s eyes showed a cold light.

If so, then you really disappointed me.

At this time, an excited cry suddenly came from under the hall.

“Queen Kesha!”

I saw Angel Yan’s face full of anger, and said angrily:

“Carl the Grim Reaper actually colluded with Morgana to plot against you!”

“Allow me to lead the army immediately to the Styx galaxy! Destroy the enemy! ”


Looking at the love general, Keisha waved her hand nonchalantly:

“It’s okay, let’s see what trick Carl is making.”

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[In the face of Queen Kesha, who finally moved to the truth, the demon queen Morgana was defeated and was about to be defeated. ] 】

[“Buzz! “】

[With a grand sound, a huge metal colossus appeared from the void. 】

[This metal colossus wears a helmet, looks like a woman, and holds a flame giant sword containing infinite energy! ] 】

“What? “】

[At the moment when the metal colossus appeared, the Demon Queen Morgana, her expression changed, her reaction slowed down, and her body was suddenly entangled in a large number of silver apertures! ] 】

[This is Queen Kesha’s Divine Realm! ] 】

[As long as it is a creature within her realm, unless the life level or computing power surpasses her, it will be calculated by the treasure house of divine knowledge! ] 】

[Keisha thought together, the object that was completely calculated would become a turtle in the urn, a flesh on it, and she could only be slaughtered! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[The metal colossus raised its giant sword and slashed straight down, and Morgana, who was standing in the air, could not dodge because her body was bound by the aperture! ] 】

[“Not good! “】

[One of Morgana’s demon subordinates was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly rushed straight up, knocking Morgana out at the last moment. 】

[“Bang! “】

[In an instant, the metal colossus’s longsword swept over that demon! ] 】

[Under one blow, the demon’s body turned into dust in the air, disappeared into smoke, and was actually annihilated by this sword! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at the horrible scene in front of her, Morgana’s face changed greatly in shock, and she tried desperately to turn around and escape. 】

[But her movements were still one step slower, and she was grabbed by the colossus, and then thrown to the ground. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[The Colossus stabbed down with a sword, and it seemed that Morgana would immediately destroy Morgana’s soul.] 】

[But at the last moment, the colossus’ sword stopped.] 】

[Reaching out to teleport the Colossus back to the dark plane, Keisha manipulated the Silver Wing and picked Morgana’s body up. 】

【”You this…”】

[Morgana seems to be still unconvinced and wants to scold, but she is already injured so lightly that she can’t scold for a while. 】

“What do you say? “】

[Sitting on the throne, Queen Kesha’s tone actually added a hint of banter. ] 】

[“After you finish speaking, I will use this pair of silver wings to make your life… Freeze on today’s special day when the sisters meet. “】

[“You Bichi! “】

[With her last strength, Morgana poured out the anger in her heart loudly! ] 】

【”Good! “】

[Queen Kesha nodded lightly, and her right hand swung down sharply. 】

“Farewell, my stupid sister…”

[At this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared! ] 】

[A strange transparent grimace suddenly appeared from the void, swallowed Queen Kesha, and then disappeared again. ] 】


Seeing this scene, the three angels in the Merlot Heavenly Court Hall were all stunned.

Even Kesha’s own eyes became a little solemn.

Being able to take her away invisibly, what is the origin of this grimace?

“The Grim Reaper… Carl? ”

A flash of understanding flashed in Kesha’s eyes, and at the same time, a murderous intent was born in her heart.

I really didn’t expect that this young man had grown to the extent that he could threaten himself unknowingly!

【Image continues】

[“Hmm! “】

[Queen Kesha was suddenly teleported into a void, and when she looked up, she saw a huge red star standing in front of her eyes. 】】

[This is a supernova, when a star’s life is about to reach the end, it will become this terrifying appearance.

[Once this supernova explodes, it will cause the most terrifying disaster in the universe after black holes! ] 】

[In front of the red supernova, there is also a woman in a war armor. 】

[The woman’s seven tips all shot golden light, and the whole person seemed to have lost consciousness. 】

And seeing the red supernova that seemed to be ready to explode at any time, countless people in front of the screen were shocked.

“Oh my God! Really supernova! ”

“Use the supernova explosion as a weapon! Unbelievable! ”

“This… Is this the power of aliens? Even supernovae can be controlled! ”

Temple Two.

“Is this the battle of this universe?”

“A showdown between gods!”

Thanos’s eyes were extremely solemn, and for a moment he felt that his heartbeat was slightly faster.

His Titan body is enough to withstand most attacks and damage in the universe, and it also allows him to survive in space.

But if it really encounters a supernova explosion, I’m afraid there won’t even be a little slag left!

In another universe, these gods actually use supernovae as weapons to attack and kill enemies!

What a powerful trick!

In fact, as a person cursed by knowledge, Thanos understood it with just one glance.

The woman standing in the void in the image and spewing out the sun’s brilliance should have been captured by the other party… Control the introduction of supernovae!

Even supernova explosions can be controlled!

Such a cosmic-level powerhouse, in the duel between true gods, can only be reduced to a tool!

What a horror this is!

As soon as he thought of this, Thanos only felt that his heart was a little throbbing, and even his eyes changed.

【Image continues】

[“Sun’s Light Rena?”] “】

[With just one glance, Keisha seemed to be clear about her situation. 】

[But she didn’t show a panicked look on her face at all, but waved her right hand. Summoned a meteorite and sat down. 】

“It’s really beyond my comprehension. “】

[At this time, a young man wearing a robe suddenly appeared in the void. 】

[Karl, the Grim Reaper. 】

[His real body has not arrived, but he used special technology to transmit his own images.] 】

[Obviously just sitting on a meteorite, but Keisha still acted as if she was in the Merlot Heavenly Court, sitting on the throne, and said condescendingly:]

“Explain, Carl, how did I get here?”] “】

[Carl, who looks like a young man, didn’t care, but said calmly:]

[“In your cosmic mind, space-time is stable, but in fact… It is unstable. “】

“You will use wormholes to go from one point of space to another. “】

“But the void is the opposite, I didn’t change your position, I changed the position of space. “】

[Keisha listened thoughtfully:]

“So, I’m theoretically still above Earth. “】

“It’s not easy. “】

[Sitting on a meteorite in space, Queen Kesha nodded gently. 】

[“This supernova in front of you, it will explode in less than a minute? “】

“It can literally up. “】

“Hopefully. Karl said calmly:]

[“Morgana also proposed that with a large clock… Disperse your pieces throughout the known universe. “】

“In this way, even if you reassemble your body, you can guarantee that you will not be able to do it for at least 300 million years.” “】

[Queen Kesha listened and smiled indifferently:]

[“Death is death, why do you have to gather after death?”] “】

“I’m not afraid, just rest when I die.” “】

In the live broadcast room, everyone was stunned by what Keisha said.

“Can it be aggregated if it is blown up by a supernova? This…”

Tonislak’s eyes widened, and the expression on his face completely froze.

After modifying his body with angel genes, he has now also obtained three generations of angel super bodies.

With the exception of nuclear bombs, any conventional weapons are ineffective against him.

And, as long as it is not fatally wounded. can reply endlessly.

But…… Kesha’s words were still like a depth charge, shaking Tony’s mind blank…

Even a supernova can’t be killed, and even after 300 million years, it can be reborn!

Where is this still human!

There is no doubt that it is the real God!

At the same time, in a barren place on Earth, the swallowing girl who has returned to the costume of the Earth Girl… but pouted.

“It’s just 300 million years, what’s so great.”

Looking at the red supernova on the screen, Swallow Mei actually licked her lips gently.

“The energy value of this thing should be quite a lot, but it’s a pity… This kind of dying planet tastes terrible. ”

Looking at the swallowing sister drooling while thinking about it, the evil spirit knight standing behind her also turned his face helplessly.

He had a hunch that he might have encountered a troublesome master.

【World of Watchmen】

“Space instability? What does that mean? ”

Looking at the remarks of Karl, the god of death, Dr. Demonization’s face also showed doubt.

At this time, Dr. Manhattan said calmly:

“If it were me, I could directly move not that woman, but the universe itself! Change her position in this way. ”

“But this young man named Karl should not have such means.”

“According to my estimation, he should have transferred the space around that Kesha to the vicinity of this supernova.”

“It’s a clever approach, but if used well, it works wonders.”

“Moving the universe itself?”

Dr. Demonization was taken aback by Manhattan’s words and didn’t even pay attention to the other words.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Keisha looked at the supernova that was about to explode in front of her, and her eyes showed deep thought. 】

“This is the first time I’ve heard of the knowledge of spatial instability you mentioned. “】

[“It’s really scary…”]

[Give me some time, I have to digest it slowly.] 】

“There are only 30 seconds left. “】

[Looking at Keisha sitting on the meteorite, Karl the God of Death was also a little puzzled:]

“Queen Kesha, why don’t you try to escape? But to sit here waiting to die? “】

[“Escape? Where to run? “】

[Keisha laughed uncaringly:]

“I can kill Rena with a knife and make her doomed.”] “】

“But I won’t do it. “】

[Got up from the meteorite.] Queen Kesha showed a relieved look on her face and walked step by step towards the supernova that was about to explode :]

“Come on. I would like to see, how do you destroy my justice? “】

[Keisha opened her hands and showed an expression of nonchalance on her face. 】

And looking at this, the people in front of the screen were stunned again.

“Is this angel crazy? Isn’t he afraid of death? ”

Clark Kent swallowed his spit hard, and suddenly only felt that his scalp was a little numb.

Even with the Man of Steel, he doesn’t know… I can’t carry a supernova explosion!

More importantly, he heard clearly just now, this Queen Kesha herself said that this supernova can blow her body to pieces!

Under the conspiracy of the other party, even if she can’t be blown up, it may take hundreds of millions of years to resurrect!

In the face of such a terrible threat, she was not afraid at all!

Could this be… The magnitude of the gods who rule the universe?

“Something is wrong.”

Bruce Wayne’s brows furrowed deeply, and a strange sense of discord suddenly rose in his heart.

Even such a terrible means as a supernova has been used, it can be seen … The enemy really valued this Queen Kesha.

And such a powerful goddess, the mind is absolutely rock solid!

How is it possible to give up life so simply?

Something must be wrong with this!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the system sounded.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Why did Queen Kesha refuse to escape, but took the initiative to welcome the explosion of supernova? 】

[This question is a special question, as long as there are variants that appear in this broadcast, people can answer even if they are not in the live broadcast room.] 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

PS: The next chapter is Sherlock Season 1! ^_^

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