In the face of Tonisdak’s question, Diana had no intention of hiding it.

Wonder Woman Diana: My father is a god and my mother is Amazonian, so I’m a demigod with the bloodline of a god.

In fact, Diana hasn’t told all the truth.

For example, his father is not even an ordinary god, but the main god Zeus in the Greek god system!

Bruce Wayne: Gods? In my world… Is there actually a god?

John Constantine: There’s no need to be surprised by this, after all, there are even demons, and it would be strange if there were no gods.

Wanda Maximov: Hehe, look at Diana so beautiful, she and the god in his mouth, may be with us … Aliens who claim to be are different.

Thor: … God is God! Mortal! Show respect to the gods!

Wanda Maksimov: Ah! Great God of the Hammer, please forgive my faux pas. (*^▽^*)

Thor: How many times have I said that I am Thor, not Hammer! Convex (艹皿艹)

“A demigod on earth?”

Seeing Bairna’s speech, Young Master Wayne’s heart moved, and he instinctively rose a little alert.

The gods of ancient legends actually existed, and their descendants were still hidden among humans!

From here, Young Master Wayne thought of General Zod and the others who invaded not long ago!

It seems that although there are no purple potato monsters in their universe, there are still various threats!

In order to deal with these threats, maybe he really needs to touch the lightning man! And that weirdo under the sea!

Just as Bruce Wayne’s heart was up and down, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After stealing large pieces of kryptonite from Lex Luthor, Batman made several bullets, a sharp spear, and other weapons from this strange alien mineral. 】

[After everything was ready, Batman came to the roof of Gotham City, turned on the bat searchlight, prepared to lure Superman over, and then let him completely destroy! ] 】

[At the same time, in order to fight Superman, Lex Luthor also sent people to kidnap Superman’s mother Martha and Louis Lane. ] 】

[On the same night, both plans are being implemented, and both are aimed at Superman! ] 】

“Mother? Damn it! ”

Clark’s usually calm face finally changed color!

In his heart, he didn’t really care that someone wanted to kill him.

From childhood to adulthood, Clark’s father has always instilled in him… Humans will reject alien races, as well as overly powerful beings.

Therefore, for someone to dislike or even hate himself, Clark has long been mentally prepared.

But he really didn’t expect that Lex Luthor would be so frustrated!

He would actually do something to his mother!

To tell you the truth, maybe because I watched the video in advance, for Clark. Now Louis Lane is just an ordinary colleague.

But mother, that’s completely different!

Thinking of this, Clark suddenly became angry in his heart, and a cold light shot out of his eyes.

At that moment, a trace of killing intent really appeared in his heart.

Seeing Clark’s face change greatly, Bruce Wayne’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became solemn.

Sure enough, as long as someone hurts the nemesis’s relatives, it risks making his mentality unbalanced.

In the video, he ends up completely blackened and reduced to Darkseid’s subordinate, almost certainly… That’s because of this!

In other words, this Kryptonian, although he grew up in human society, is also a qualified hero.

But in his character, there is always an element of danger hidden …

【Image continues】

[Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor both want to find Superman, and their methods are different. 】

[Wayne’s method is to provoke with Batlight, and Luthor does it even more.] 】

[After catching Louise’s source, Luthor took her directly to the roof and pushed the woman down.] 】

[Sure enough, through super hearing, Superman heard Louise’s scream, flew over at super speed, and saved his girlfriend in the nick of time! ] 】

[After saving Louis, the angry Superman rushed directly to the roof, ready to find Lex Luthor to settle the score.] 】

[In the face of Superman, Lex Luthor was not afraid, and even pointed out Superman’s true identity in turn. ] 】

“If there is an all-knowing and all-powerful God in this world, then He cannot be perfect! “】

“If He is perfect, He cannot be all-knowing and all-powerful. “】

[In Lex Luthor’s view, the world sees him as a savior because of his superhuman salvation and great power. 】

[But this idealized image of a savior… Too perfect to exist! 】

[What Luthor wants to break is this myth in the eyes of foolish people! ] 】

[He wanted to prove to everyone, including himself… Superman is not an all-powerful God! 】

[Superman will also be injured! ] Will fail too! 】

[Will die too!] 】

“They must see that you are a liar, and they must witness the blood debt on your hands!”] “】

“But tonight… All will witness. “】

“Because you, my friend, have a date to go!”] “】

[Lex Luthor walked to the edge of the building and reached out to the opposite side of the sea with a smug smile on his face:]

“After two years of gestation, the man’s hatred has reached its peak. “】

“I didn’t spend much energy trying to incite him. “】

[“A small red note… Plus an explosion. “】

[“Now, you have to fly to him, fight him, and rest until you die!”] “】

[Speaking of this, Lex Luthor’s face also brought a trace of coldness:]

[“Blue and Black, the night of the decisive battle!”] “】

[“The greatest gladiator battle in world history! “】

[“Humans … Fight against the gods! “】

[“Day against night!”] “】

[“Children of Krypton against Gotham bats! “】

[Looking at Lex Luthor dancing in front of him, Superman also had a sarcastic smile on his face:]

“Do you think I’ll fight for you?” “】

[Facing Superman, Lex Luthor took out a photo of Superman’s mother tied up with a sly smile. ] 】

“Martha… Martha…… Martha. “】

“I have to say that the woman that every boy loves the most is always his mother. “】

[Looking at the photos that Luthor kept throwing, Superman was full of shock, and for a moment he involuntarily knelt on the ground. ] 】

[In extreme horror and anger, Superman’s eyes burst into red laser light and roared loudly:]

“Where did you get her?”] “】

“Hey, hey… I don’t know. “】

[Looking at Superman with a sad and angry face, Lex Luthor smiled even more heartily:]

“I won’t allow my men to tell me!”] 】

“So, if you kill me now, your mother will die!” “】

“If you fly away, your mother will die too!”] “】

[Facing this madman in front of him who seemed to have died of death, the laser red light in Superman’s eyes dimmed down, and his face also showed despair. ] 】

[Superman can see that this Luthor in front of him is really not afraid of death, he can threaten himself, he can’t threaten him. ] 】

“Hahaha, that’s right. “】

[Watching Superman weakly lower his head, Lex Luthor even stretched out his hand and stroked his head out of thin air, as if he were his own pet. ] 】

“Now even God has to bend to my will! “】

[With a smug look on his face, Lex Luthor looked at the helicopter passing in the sky and laughed loudly:]

“Even the cameras are in place, and the whole world is waiting to see God’s flaws!”] “】

[Speaking of this, Luthor’s face suddenly changed, and a hideous brilliance shot out of his eyes:]

“To save Martha. Just bring me the head of the bat! “】

“What? This…”

Bruce Wayne’s breathing jerked, his eyes widened, his face instantly turned pale, and there was a trace of dazedness in his eyes.

What his own variant did, from the very beginning … It’s all within this Lex Luthor’s calculation.

In Luthor’s eyes, the so-called Batman turned out to be just a pawn!

He has long known Batman’s true identity and his hatred for Superman!

For the past two years, Luthor has been hiding in the shadows, exacerbating this abomination with various small means, and directly directing this war between Superman and Batman!

It’s unbelievable!

This crazy billionaire actually has such a deep scheming and such powerful means!

In addition to his shock, a person’s name suddenly flashed in Young Master Wayne’s mind:


He raised his head in disbelief, looked at Clark next to him and asked loudly:

“Is that your mother’s name?” Her name is also Martha? ”


Clark listened a little confused, and nodded involuntarily.

“yes, what’s wrong with that?”


The muscles in Bruceway’s face twitched. The expression became extremely strange at this moment.

After tangling for a long time, he finally sighed helplessly and said in a low voice:

“My mother’s name is also Martha.”

“Ah, this…”

Tonysdak listened with black lines all over his head.

That is, the mothers of both of you have the same name, but… So what?

Do you need such a big reaction?

At this time, Little Wanda suddenly asked with some doubt:

“How do I think, this Lex Luthor’s style is a bit like that clown.”

“They seem to be crazy and don’t care about their lives.”


Seeing that Little Wanda frowned, it seemed that he didn’t know how to continue. The black widow standing on the side said calmly:

“Moreover, neither of these people did bad things for general motives.”

“The purpose of the clown is to lure others into depravity in order to prove that there is evil in human nature.”

“Lex Luthor’s purpose is to degenerate, even fall, Superman in order to prove to the world… He is not God. ”

Hearing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was speechless for a while.

Peter Parker looked at Bruce Wayne with sympathy and said regretfully:

“Your earth is really bad, full of neuroses.”


【Image continues】

[Superman flew to Gotham City and came to Batman. 】

[At this time, Batman has been replaced with the anti-Superman armor he made specifically to fight Superman. ] 】

[At first, Superman still wants to try to reveal Lex Luthor’s conspiracy to Batman. 】

[But Batman has been completely carried away by the idea of anger and revenge, and without giving Superman a chance to explain, he directly fired. ] 】

[However, conventional weapons are completely ineffective against Superman, and Superman directly uses heat rays to destroy all the traps set by Batman. ] 】

[Just as Superman continues to claim that he doesn’t want to fight, Batman fires kryptonite bullets at him! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Wrapped in green mist, Superman instantly became weak, unable to even stand steadily, and suddenly fell to the ground on one knee. ] 】

“You’re not brave! “】

[Empty-handed took the fist of the weak superman, Batman said coldly:]

“Human beings are brave. “】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Batman did not hesitate to punch in a series of punches and beat the weak Superman to defeat. ] 】

[During the battle, Superman also recovered from the influence of kryptonite bullets for a time. 】

[But due to the lack of combat experience and the hesitation of the next killer, Superman still missed the opportunity to take Batman’s life again and again. ] 】

[On the contrary, as his opponent, Batman is full of vengeful anger in his heart, doing his best to fight Superman at all costs! ] 】

[It was this alien monster in front of him who killed his employees and friends in that battle two years ago!] 】

[And the most hateful thing is that this alien is still playing a god on Earth! ] 】

[This kind of thing… Who can tolerate it? 】

[After a series of chaotic battles, with the power of kryptonite bullets, Batman finally defeated “Weak Superman”. 】

“You were never a god! “】

[Stretching out his foot and stepping on Superman’s neck, Batman raised the kryptonite spear in his hand and thought about the kryptonian in front of him! ] 】

“You’re not even human! “】

[At the last minute, Superman shouted with the only strength he had:]

“You’re letting him kill Martha!”] “】

“What are you talking about? “】

[As soon as he heard Martha’s name, Batman seemed to be struck by lightning, and his body suddenly stiffened. ] 】

PS: Super Battle is followed by Hulk World War! Blast all superheroes! Sentinel vs. Green Death! ^_^

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