Seeing that Doctor Strange was inexplicably counter-killed by the Hulk, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Loki Oddinson: This Doctor is really stupid! Since you have already trapped the other party in the spirit world, then directly destroy the soul of that green monster, won’t you win?

Rocky Odinson: No matter how powerful the body is and the soul is destroyed, this big green monster is not only dead!

At this moment, Loki was really extremely angry.

Just now, it can be said that the Hulk is closest to defeat!

Such a great opportunity, but it was actually missed by Doctor Strange!

Starlight: It’s too simple for you to say, that big monster is so terrifying, how can it be defeated so easily.

Looking at the green Hulk like the devil, Starlight was so frightened that his little face turned a little white.

In the world of black-robed pickets, although there are superheroes who act recklessly, there are no supervillains who destroy the world.

And like Green Hulk… The monster like the incarnation of a natural disaster simply shattered her three views.

Stephen Strange: No! No matter how strong Hulk’s physical and physical strength is, he can’t bring it to the spirit world!

Stephen Strange: If that Doctor Strange had killed in the first place, the Hulk would have resisted.

Having personally experienced the “soul palm” of the ancient mage, Strange knew better than anyone else how terrifying this spirit blow was!

Mage Mordo: Well, that Stephen still values friendship too much.

Captain America: He still regards this Hulk as his friend.

Wanda Maksimov: But it also proves… Stark’s guess before was not wrong!

Wanda Maximov: This quirky Super Hulk is indeed a fusion of Bruce Banner’s personality!

Charles Xavier: That is, on that alien planet, the one who married the alien and gave birth to a child was Hulk and Bruce Banner?

Charles Xavier: That’s weird, isn’t it? Two personalities… Sharing a body? (⊙o⊙)

As a psychic ability, Charles was also shocked by this strange thing.

It is not that he has not seen patients with multiple personalities, but these personalities generally compete with each other for ownership of the body.

Charles really never expected that there were such multiple personalities living in harmony in the world!

Tony Stark: I care more about Hulk’s scheme than the trivial matter of sharing a body!

Stephen Strange: Scheme? You mean……

Tony Stark: I suspect that this Doctor Strange lost the battle because he fell for the Hulk’s scheme!

Tony Stark: Do you remember? After Doctor Strange showed the power of the spirit that could crush the Hulk, the big monster immediately transformed into Bruce Banner!

Tony Stark: Not only that, but he pretended to come to his senses!

Tony Stark: This made Doctor Strange let down his guard and think that his old friend had come to his senses, which changed the spirit body back to its original form!

Tony Stark: From this moment on, the failure of Doctor Strange is already doomed!

Bruce Banner: What? This…… ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

Seeing Tony’s statement, even Banner himself was taken aback.

He really didn’t expect that in another universe, Hulk would not only perfectly inherit his personality, but also use such a cunning scheme!

A Hulk who is both insidious and crazy, it is simply unbelievable!

Loki Odinson: Shhhh This monster is too dangerous, and the people of that world should have found a way to destroy it earlier!

Loki Odinson: Otherwise, the whole planet would have been destroyed by him.

Wanda Maksimov: Ouch, you, the weak chicken villain, actually want to protect the earth? ^_^

Rocky Odinson: Hahaha, you said I was a villain! But in my opinion, at least in the world of the screen, the image of these superheroes such as Tony Stark … It’s too bad!

Loki Oddinson: After they were defeated by the Hulk, passers-by on the street were still cheering for the Hulk!

Loki Odinson: And at the end of the day, this mess… Isn’t it these guys who pretend to be heroes, banishing the Hulk at will, that’s why they provoked it?

Tony stark:…………

At this point, Tony has nothing more to say.

In fact, after watching so many videos, Tony himself has almost summed up the pattern.

In countless multiverses, their own variants are either arrogant and self-defeating.

Either…… It is because of excessive conceit that it causes more terrifying chaos!

“Hell it.”

Tony sighed secretly.

Is there no reliable Iron Man in the parallel universe?

Is it so hard to be a hero?

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After defeating Doctor Strange in the spirit world, the Hulk, who came to his senses, immediately noticed General Ross and the others who were firing at him! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[With a terrifying roar, the Hulk rushed towards the army in front of him! ] 】

[Whether it is a combat vehicle or a helicopter, it is torn apart at will like paper paste in front of it! ] 】

[After Doctor Strange, the military’s all-out siege was also defeated by Hulk’s hands. 】

[In the White House, the black president of the beautiful country is being briefed by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. 】

[So, was Ross also defeated? “】

[S.H.I.E.L.D. Deputy Director Maria Hill nodded:]

“Yes, now we have no choice. “】

[The president asked in an icy voice. “What about black weapons?” 】

“Nope. Excellency. “】

[Maria Hill replied in an unwavering voice]

“All the scientists told us that attacks like that would only make the Hulk stronger! “】

“Right now, our only hope is sentinels!”] “】

“Although he is the strongest superhero on the planet, he is also a terrible … Schizophrenics! “】

“So he is very afraid that his actions will cause harm to the world and to himself.” “】

“Your Excellency, you must assure him that everything he has done is right. “】

“So… You want me to promise? “】

[The black president was relieved to hear this, this kind of thing, but he is best at. 】

[Soon, the black president called Robert Reynolds’s home:]

“Mr. Reynolds, I am your president. “】

“I have a mission for you, and those heroes need your help. “】

“They are your friends, they trust you just as I trust you!” “】

“So… Show your strength. “】

[Listening to this series of lines that were like reading a script, Robert Reynolds’ face was expressionless. And at this moment, a chaotic voice came from the phone :]

[“Your Excellency, this is the latest text of the speech provided to you by the consultant, and they want you to read it according to this…”

“What are you kidding me? “】

[After a period of noise, the general manager on the other side of the phone seems to finally get angry:]

“Well, Reynolds, you listen to me, my nerdy advisers told me you’re crazy. “】

“But they also said … You’re a hero!” 】

“So let me overcome your schizophrenia and hurry up!”] “】

[After giving a bunch of messy orders, the sentry… Robert Reynolds, there was still no movement. 】

Standing by the window of the White House, the black president gave up and muttered.] 】

[“Now we’re finished…”

“Good fellow.”

Seeing this, the expression on Tony Stark’s face also became extremely strange.

The grand and beautiful country has finally been reduced to the point where the general must personally come out and beg a mentally ill person to save it!

The worst thing is that the psycho can’t even move!

At this time, little Wanda glanced back at the sentry and asked curiously:

“So say… Do you really have schizophrenia? ”

“Still very serious?”

The sentry stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said with a kind face:

“I don’t know.”

“But every time I tell the doctors about nothingness, they’re scared.”

“Finally, the diagnosis … I have mental illness. ”

Glancing at the sentinel, Bruce Wayne frowned slightly:

“Strictly speaking, dual personality is not a disease, but a mental phenomenon, and schizophrenia cannot be equated.”


The sentinel nodded as if he didn’t understand at all, seemingly not understanding at all.

Seeing his appearance, everyone Xiao Wanda was too, his face was speechless,

This silly guy… Is that 616 Earth’s last hope?

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After defeating Black Bolt, Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man and others, the Hulk took these captives to the stadium in Madison Square Garden. 】

[It seems that he is planning to transform this stadium into a death arena! ] 】

[At the same time, Doctor Strange, whose hands were scrapped, finally made the last move to break the cauldron! ] 】

[He took out a bottle of forbidden magic potion and recited the spell. 】

[“In the name of eternity…”]

“By the ring of Raggador, The, Rings, of, Raggadorr…”]

[“Summon the power from the plane of hell…”]

[“The power of the demon king Zom will be resurrected again! “】

[Seeing the magic potion in his hand release a dazzling aura, Doctor Strange did not hesitate to lift the bottle and drink it down! ] At the same time whispered:]

“May those who die… Die well! “】

[At the moment of taking the potion, Doctor Strange’s body was suddenly filled with the power of the Demon King from the plane of hell! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[I saw that his body instantly swelled to several meters tall, and his head actually burned with terrifying hellfire, looking like a different kind of evil spirit knight! ] 】

[His hands that were originally scrapped by the Hulk actually turned into iron hammers shining with magical flames! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Without even a second of delay, this “Demonized Doctor Strange” immediately teleported to the square of the stadium with magic, facing the Green Hulk! ] 】

[“Come and learn the power of Doctor Strange!”] “】

[After a loud drink, Dr. Demonization Strange directly raised the magic hammer in his right hand and smashed it on the Hulk’s body! ] 】

[Caught off guard, the Green Hulk was suddenly hit by this thunderous blow and flew out far away. ] 】

[The alien subordinates of the Green Hulk rushed up to fight, but after the demonization, the strength of Doctor Strange skyrocketed, and he beat them to the ground. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[After being punched by Doctor Strange again, Hulk’s huge body… It was hit like a ball and flew into the sky, drawing an arc in the air, and finally fell on the street! 】

[“Come on! “】

[Teleported to the Green Hulk with magic, and the Demonized Doctor Strange punched him fiercely, and the terrifying hell flames penetrated from the Hulk’s body! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Hulk’s body was shot off again, piercing several buildings. ] 】


[Seeing that the collapsed building was about to fall on passers-by, Hulk actually rushed forward and protected these people. 】

[Seeing this, Dr. Demonization Strange was also taken aback. ] 】

[“My power… It’s not easy to control…”

[In order to obtain the power of the Demon King, Doctor Strange also paid a great price.

[Moreover, his demon king form is not lasting, so Dr. Demonization Strange is eager to divide the victory and defeat at the moment! ] 】

[Seeing the hesitation in the other party’s expression, Hulk suddenly roared. ] 】

[“Can’t control the power? Then let me teach you a lesson. “】

[“Bang! “】

[Although he was repeatedly shot away by Doctor Strange, the Green Hulk didn’t seem to be injured at all! ] 】

[He punched Doctor Strange away, and then rushed forward to hit him in a series of blows, giving the other party no room to fight back! ] 】


[With the fist of the Green Hulk falling like a violent storm, the hell flame on the body of Demonized Doctor Strange became dimmer and dimmer, and finally disappeared completely. ] 】

[Even if he obtains the power of the Hell Demon King through the magic contract, Doctor Strange still can’t beat this Green Hulk who is like a hanging! ] 】

Watchmen Universe.

“Gee… This variant of mine is usually poorly prepared. ”

Dr. Strange shook his head with some regret.

Just the power of a hell demon king, how is that enough?

At least like me, devour the power of a hundred demon gods and demon kings, which will come in handy!”

At this time, Dr. Manhattan said calmly:

“It took you hundreds of years to absorb the power of those demon gods.”

“Now that the blue guy has knocked on the door, how can your variant have such time?”

Dr. Demonization was speechless, but after a while, he suddenly discovered something,

“Huh? Judging by the situation, this variant of mine does not seem to have mastered the time gem. ”

“It’s a pity, if you have this artifact, what is a Hulk.”

【Image continues】

[At this time, all four leaders of the Illuminati have been captured, and they have all become prisoners of the Green Hulk. ] 】

[The Green Hulk did not simply execute them, but brought the four people to the square. 】

[At this time, the audience seats around the square were already full! ] 】

[Countless Hulk crowds and brain-dead fans are cheering here, applauding the upcoming good show! ] 】

[Next, Green Hulk found a group of victims to accuse these so-called superheroes, in the process of fighting chivalry… Damage and destruction to the population. 】

One victim exclaimed impassionedly: “Some superheroes always like to talk about the law, but the law doesn’t seem to apply to themselves!”] “】

[After a series of accusations, Hulk installed control chips on these 4 people, and if they did not obey the order, they would be struck by lightning. 】

[This set of technology was originally used by the tyrant of Saka Star to control his slaves. 】

[After overthrowing the tyrant, the Hulk seems to have learned this set of methods intact. ] 】

[After everything was ready, the Hulk opened the door of the stadium and let an alien octopus monster in. 】

[It turns out that the Hulk wants to force 4 Illuminati superheroes to fight this octopus monster in the square like gladiators! ] 】

“The day your ship threw me to Saka Star, I was very weak! “】

[“I was caught, enslaved, and thrown into the gladiatorial arena! “】

“In order to survive, I have to keep fighting monsters. “】

[Green Hulk sneered and looked at the heroes in front of him:]

“Now, it’s time for you to experience that feeling. “】

[At this time, Hulk just wanted to make these … The heroes who exiled him in awe-inspiring righteousness were treated the same! 】

[The injured Iron Man, Black Bolt, Reed Richards, and Doctor Strange had to stand up for their injuries and use the most primitive cold weapons to fight this terrifying octopus monster. ] 】

[“Damn it! The Hulk crushed my hand, and I couldn’t use magic anymore. “】

[Doctor Strange desperately tried to condense the magic, but in the end he failed. 】

[“Hold on! Stephen. “】

[Seeing that Doctor Strange was entangled in the tentacles of the big octopus, Iron Man desperately rushed up and cut off the tentacles of the octopus with his long sword, saving his life. ] 】

[After a miserable bloody battle, these 4 superheroes finally killed the big octopus. 】

[However, worse things are yet to come.] 】

“On the second day I came to Saka Star, they threw me and a group of other slave gladiators into a canyon. “】

[Green Hulk opened a door next to the stadium and a bunch of various weapons fell out of it. 】

“Those slave owners ordered us to fight each other! Only one slave gladiator survived. “】

[This is the second trial prepared by the Green Hulk for these heroes, cannibalism! ] 】

[Only one superhero can survive!] 】

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