“Flame whirlwind! In just an instant, so many tall buildings were burned to dust! That’s terrifying! ”

“Does that still need to be said? That guy claims to have the power of a million sun explosions! ”

“Incredible! If such a terrifying force were to be fully released, the earth would probably disappear. ”

“This crazy guy is actually so powerful!”

At this moment in the multiverse, countless people in front of the screen were stunned.

Although, they also learned from the image before that in this 616 universe, Sentinel is known as the strongest human in the universe and the most powerful superhero on Earth.

But no matter how they overestimate, it is impossible to imagine … This crazy guy actually mastered such terrifying power!

“Impossible, this guy’s energy reaction is actually stronger than me!”

In the universe, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers has been completely stunned.

Although he lost one-third of his strength because he answered the wrong question and was punished, Carol still has the confidence to be a strong man!

And firmly believe that he is the most powerful human in the multiverse!

For what Kryptonians, purple potato monsters, and even blue eagles or something, Captain Marvel directly treats them as aliens or aliens!

As for that Demonized Doctor Strange… Having absorbed so many demon gods’ bodies, can this still be considered a person?

But the sentry’s terrifying performance almost shattered Captain Marvel’s confidence.

Even just watching the video, Carol seems to be able to feel it for herself… The bottomless power of a million sun explosions on the sentinel!

“Unbelievable! With such powerful energy, how did he get it? ”

The muscles on Captain Marvel’s face continued to tremble, and his heart was in chaos for a while.

She herself obtained some kind of cosmic power through the energy of the space gem through the explosion of the light-speed engine.

This sentinel… Is it going through a similar process?

Otherwise, how could humans be so strong?

In the live broadcast room

“Good fellow!”

Little Wanda’s pupils contracted suddenly, her eyes were round, and her scalp was numb for a while, so shocked that she couldn’t even close her mouth.

Before this, seeing the sentry who was dirty and like a street man, little Wanda had always been very contemptuous in his heart, and even rejected him a little.

But now, she only feels that her three views have been refreshed.

This nervous guy is really incredibly powerful.

Most of the other people in the live broadcast room also changed their faces slightly, and the eyes that looked at the sentry were like looking at a monster.

Superman is also full of curiosity at the moment, as if he wants to ask Sentinel’s background to see if he landed on Earth on some spaceship.

“What’s going on in this 616 universe?”

At this time, Peter Parker finally couldn’t help it, and directly exclaimed.

“First that super hulk, then this sentinel of a million sun explosions, it’s just more terrifying than one!”

Bruce Wayne’s brows moved when he heard this, and a trace of bitterness suddenly appeared in his heart.

The two guys Peter just mentioned, whether they are Hulks or Sentinels, have one terrifying thing in common, that is, mental instability!

Two people who possess such earth-destroying power, but both have dual personalities!

It’s really bad to get home!

What if they go crazy one day to destroy the world, and when he wakes up, he doesn’t remember what he did?

Thinking of this, Young Master Wayne couldn’t help but peek at Superman, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

The scene in front of him once again proved to him what a terrible disaster once someone with great power loses control!

It seems that for the study of Clark Kent’s psychological state, it is necessary to add the schedule as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Magneto couldn’t contain the curiosity in his heart, looked at the sentry and asked:

“Where did this guy’s power come from? Don’t…… Are you a mutant? ”

After seeing that storm girl, Magneto can already be sure that there are mutants in this 616 universe where the sentinel is located!

If this ridiculously powerful sentinel is really a mutant, then he may lead his fellow mutants to rule this earth!

The sentry listened to the change in expression, lowered his head, and said slowly:

“I was a kid… Inadvertently drinking a potion invented by a certain doctor, this is … Got where it is now. ”


Magneto, Peter and the others were all dumbfounded.

How is the potion so powerful, drinking it can get the power of a million solar explosions?

Young Master Wayne’s eyes changed, and a conclusion suddenly appeared in his heart.

With such a swallow, this man is definitely lying!

But where exactly did he lie?

Is it his way to get energy?

Still is…… The potion was real, but he didn’t drink it unintentionally!

At this moment, the earth-shattering battle on the screen seemed to finally come to an end.

【Image continues】

[In the golden flame storm released by the sentinels, two terrifying monsters are frantically fighting each other. 】

[The billowing flames and golden limang released by the sentinels dyed a hundred miles of gold! ] 】

[The light is dazzling, it is difficult to see directly! ] 】

[The scorching air is constantly spreading around, impacting everything around! ] 】

[The solid earth, under this terrifying sea of fire, is as fragile as tofu, constantly falling apart! ] 】

[Countless streets seem to be shrouded in a sea of fire for a while! ] 】

[Incomparably strong terrifying power, as if the end is coming! ] 】

[Up to now, whether it is the Sentinel or the Hulk, their faces are covered in blood and covered in scaly wounds. ] 】

[However, the sentinel is still laughing! ] 】

[“Hahaha… Bruce! You have to tell me. “】

[The sentinel threw a punch and beat the Hulk to a mouthful of blood.] 】

[“Tell me! Always release all your energy without any scruples! Aren’t you cool? “】

[“Bang! “】

[After eating the sentinel’s punch, the Hulk immediately returned the color! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a deafening loud sound, the two fists slammed together! ] 】

[The shock wave generated by the collision turned into a violent wave like a terrifying wave, the ground collapsed, and the rock rippled like an inch burst! ] 】


[Not caring about the pain on his body, the sentinel laughed oblivious:]

“How many times?”] “】

[“For so many years, I was making you calm down! “】

“But this time, the person who couldn’t stop actually became me! “】

[Facing the sentinel in front of him who seemed to be completely unable to control the energy in his body, Hulk’s face actually showed a smile:]

“Stupid guy! “】

[“God or the destroyer of the world…”]

“No matter what others call you, what really matters is how you choose! “】

[“Boom! “】

[With an earth-shaking thunderous loud noise, the terrible collision produced a strong sonic boom, which shook everyone’s eardrums and made them dizzy! ] 】

[Those audiences who have no strength have long been stunned to death. ] 】

[With this last explosion, the golden flame tornado began to gradually disappear. 】

[In the center of the tornado, two ordinary-looking men… Still beating each other with your punch and I punching each other. 】

[Looking at the two familiar figures in the flames, Iron Man couldn’t help but exclaim. 】

“That is, Robert and Bruce? “】

[After the flames completely disappeared, I saw that the sentinel had changed back to Robert Reynolds, and the golden light on his body was gone. ] 】

“Bruce … Thank you for making me play so much…”

[After Robert, whose face was covered in blood and had a blue nose and a swollen face, said this sentence intermittently, he fell to the ground and fainted directly. ] 】

[Although Bruce Banner is also covered in bruises, he is still standing. 】

[It seems that this final showdown between Sentinel and Hulk seems to be the final victory of the Green Hulk. 】

[However, those alien subordinates of the Green Hulk have never met Bruce Banner. 】

[After a long time, they learned from the words of the people around them. The thin human in front of them turned out to be the Green King they worshiped! 】

[Moreover, looking at Bruce Banner’s appearance, it seems that she has put aside the hatred in her heart and is ready to shake hands and make peace with these humans in front of her. ] 】

[“Hulk! Give me back! “】

[Seeing this scene, an alien who looked like an upright bug suddenly picked up his spear and stabbed directly at Bruce Banner. 】

【”Be careful! “】

[When one of Banner’s friends saw this, he immediately pushed him away at the risk of his life, but he himself was stabbed by a spear and fell in a pool of blood. 】

【”Rick!!! “】

[Watching his friend being stabbed to death in order to save his life, Bruce Banner’s eyes flashed green again. ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[He transformed into the Hulk again!] 】

[After the transformation, the Hulk frantically beats the bugman, and the alien seems to want to kill him to avenge his friend.] 】

[At this moment, the insect man who fell to the ground and was seriously injured suddenly told the unbelievable truth! ] 】

[It turns out that the Hulk overthrew the rule of the “Red King” of Saka Star and became the Green King himself. 】

[The Hulk did not kill the Red King’s subordinates, but leniently let them go. 】

[But… His generosity did not get the gratitude of these people! 】

[In fact, the one who installed the bomb in the spaceship was the subordinates of the “Red King” who was overthrown by the Hulkers! ] 】

[What they want is revenge, and they want to use this bomb to kill this hateful green monster.] 】

[This Zerg man obviously saw all this, but did not remind Hulk. 】

[Because he knows that only such a tragedy can awaken the Hulk’s vengeance and make this green monster truly realize his essence! ] Become the murderous and violent green king again! 】

[“What??? “】

[Hearing the confession of the bug man, the string of reason in Hulk’s heart finally completely broke. ] 】

[It turns out that his wife, unborn child, and even the death of millions of people! ] All the consequences of his woman’s kindness! 】

[All this responsibility has to be borne by himself! ] 】

“Nope! No! No! “】

[Green Hulk let out an earth-shaking roar, and unimaginable green light was also released from him! ] 】

“It’s all your fault! “】

[Under the complete collapse of mentality, Hulk stared at Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man and others with crazy eyes. ] 】

“If you hadn’t banished me! None of this will happen. “】

[Under the pressure of anger and endless guilt, Hulk is completely crazy! ] 】

“I will always hate you, like… I hate myself the same! “】


[Under the full power of the Hulk, a terrifying green light suddenly illuminated the entire sky and earth. ] 】

[For a while, the ground cracked like an earthquake! ] 】

[Cracks like spider webs spread madly in all directions! ] 】

[At this moment, the ground was shaking and collapsing under the power of the Hulk, as if the world was turned upside down! ] 】

[The sky, the earth, and even the sea are shaking! ] The Hulk’s terrifying momentum… It even shook this side of the world! 】

[Everyone couldn’t help but exclaim. 】

[“Stop him, or the world will be destroyed by him!”] “】

[At this critical juncture, Iron Man finally succeeded in controlling the satellites of various countries! ] 】

[This is his last trick. 】

[“Maximum power output of all laser cannons, locked… Hulk! “】

[Under the control of Iron Man, these satellites unleashed terrifying laser beams that struck the Hulk from space! ] 】


[The dazzling light finally completely devoured Hulk’s body! ] 】

[At the last moment, Hulk’s mind flashed that his wife was exploded… Image of the explosion of bones. 】

When he opened his eyes again, he had become Bruce Banner. 】

By this time, Banner was completely exhausted. 】

[It’s all over. 】

[Bruce Banner was arrested and put into a sleeping pod deep underground.] 】

[From now on, he will sleep here.] 】

[In theory, never wake up again.] 】

[“Hulk World Wars” is over! ] 】

“Whew… Finally defeated this big monster. ”

In the live broadcast room, Tony Stark let out a long breath, and his face suddenly showed excitement again.

Even the Sentinel of the Million Suns Explosion failed to defeat the big green guy.

But in the end, the Hulk fell under the power of technology!

This proves that only technology can overcome everything!

At this time, the sentinel was indeed a little depressed.

“I actually lost!”

“Damn, before against the Hulk… I always win. ”

While shattering his thoughts, a terrible thought suddenly appeared in the sentinel’s heart.

Perhaps, the next time you run into the Hulk, you should let Nothingness come out and try…

That guy… It never seems to lose.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! Random live streaming continues to turn on. 】

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected: Clark Kent.] 】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Superman Red Son”]

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