【Image continues】

[Face the imposing cable.] and his “Guardians of the Future Galaxy”, in order not to show violent tendencies in front of little Thanos, the Cosmic Ghost Knight can only turn around and escape. 】

[And this group of “Future Guardians of the Galaxy” all have unique skills! ] Captain Marvel, who was holding the shield of Captain America, directly threw out the shield in his hand and knocked out the Ghost Rider along with the motorbike. 】

[Due to the fear of bringing bad little Thanos, the Evil Spirit Knight did not dare to make a move until this time, and could only use his mouth cannon kung fu to deal with the other party. ] 】

[“Wait a minute, this Thanos is still a child, his future can be changed! “】

[Hearing the defense of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight, Captain Marvel directly pointed to himself excitedly and said:]

[“Say whatever you want!”] But if you see it, we are still standing here and have not disappeared, which proves that the future has not changed. “】

[“That kid is destined to become a terrifying devil! You idiot! “】

“Stupid? “】

[Facing the future Guardians of the Galaxy with a killing intent in front of him, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight suddenly spread his hands and shrugged:]

“That’s right, because I’m the one… The guy who completely forgot the existence of the giant purple bastard. “】

“What? “】

[The cable was stunned when he listened, and before he could react, he saw a terrifying cosmic energy falling from the sky. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Captain Marvel and the other 4 members of the Guardians of the Galaxy were blown up into mashed meat by cosmic energy waves in an instant. ] 】

[Although the cable stood far away and barely escaped, his only remaining intact right hand was also torn apart by the energy wave. 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Looking at the almost completely destroyed Guardians of the Galaxy in front of him, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight raised his head and laughed happily:]

[“Swallow the stars! You’re still that good! It almost reminds me of the old days…”

[However, maybe you don’t have to kill so many people, which may have a bad effect on little Thanos…”

[Looking at the evil spirit knight in front of him who seemed to have completely transformed into “daddy mode”, the Planet Eater’s eyes shot out an icy cold light. ] 】

“No one can harm his messenger in front of the Planet Devourer. “】

“However, this Thanos imp must pay for what he does in the future! “】

[Looking at the little purple potato monster in the arms of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight, the tone of the Planet Eater also became angry:]

[“Thanos kills the vendetta of the star swallowing in the future, I must repay the star swallowing today! “】

[Hearing such nonsensical words, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight was also stunned for a while. ] 】

[At this moment, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight heard a voice full of pain next to him:]

[“One person … Teleportation…”]

[“Huh? “】

[The Evil Spirit Knight turned his head unexpectedly, and saw that an arm was broken, and the electric cable that was lying dying on the ground did not know what device was pressed, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. ]

[“Teleportation? What is this guy talking about? “】

[When the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight was scratching his head, the Planet Devourer next to him suddenly let out a shocked cry. 】

[“What’s going on! Aaaaa

[I saw the Planet Devourer towering like a mountain, but at this time, it had become smaller than the palm of a human, and it was just grabbed by the electric cable! ] 】

[And the cable at this time.] It has changed from the original gray hair to full of silver hair, and it looks a lot older. 】

[Looking at the Planet Eater in his palm, he said coldly. 】

“Going back to my timeline, it took me 20 years to develop the perfect solution for the planetary devourer. “】

[“Hats off to Hank Pym! 】

“Nope! Let me go! Stupid humans! “】

[Caught by the cable, the tiny planet devourer struggled in vain, but was finally loaded into a launcher. ] 】

[“The Planet Eater will definitely come back for revenge! Aaaaaa

[With a small scream, the Swallowing Star was launched into the sky by the electric cable, and soon disappeared into the starry sky. ] 】

[The invincible Planet Devourer was unfortunately defeated again. 】

Seeing this, someone in the chat group bubbled up again.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Don’t! Dad…… ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3

Looking at the swallowing star who was shot into the sky and turned into a star, the swallowing sister’s expression was a little numb, her eyes were in a trance, and her mind was shaken blank! The whole person is like a dream!

What the hell is this?

Just now, Swallowing Sister was still proud of Swallowing Star’s mighty display and crushing the Guardians of the Galaxy in an instant.

Who knew that this was just a 180-degree reversal in the blink of an eye!

It’s so weird.

As a cosmic god, the Planet Eater was actually defeated so inexplicably!

What just happened?

Deadpool: Wow, that cableway can even crush the cosmic gods! It’s unbelievable!

Wonder Woman Diana: Cosmic God! This god should be very powerful, but why did it become smaller in an instant?

Nick Fury: Hank Pym, you’re a dangerous guy! I almost underestimated you!

In the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D., the black egg suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the picture in front of him with a strange expression.

At this moment, he almost forgot to breathe!

From the previous impression, the black brine egg has long known that Hank Pym’s Pym particles are very powerful, especially good at assassination.

But even with all his imagination, he couldn’t think of it… This kind of particle can’t even resist the gods of the universe!

That’s too much.

Is this guy Hank Pym really a universe-level super genius?

Thinking of Hank Pym, who was still locked up in the cell, the black egg was full of excitement, and quickly picked up the mobile phone next to him and gave several orders in the air, which was barely relieved.

Bruce Banner: Incredulous, what kind of science is this? Is this Pym particle invincible?

Reed Richards: I don’t know what the creation deity is constructed, though? Now it seems that if even the gods can’t resist, I’m afraid in the universe…

Carol Danvers: You guys think so beautifully, if this particle is really so godly, this cable, why not use it against Thanos in your own timeline?

Carol Danvers: It’s so troublesome to travel back in time to wipe out his juveniles?

Reed Richards: This…

Tony Stark: Oh, I didn’t expect it, Captain Marvel, your brain spins quite fast.

Carol Danvers: Humph! Tonis Dak, you wouldn’t think… You’re the only smart person in the universe.

Tony Stark: I didn’t think so, but I can guess now why cables can shrink stars so easily.

Reed Richards: Oh? I would like to hear about it.

Tony Stark: This old boy went back in time and studied for 20 years, and he should have further developed the Pym particle so that it can also work against cosmic gods like the Planet Eater!

Bruce Banner: This guy looks so rough, but he didn’t expect to be a scientific talent.

Tony Stark: Actually, I’ve always suspected that the time teleporter may have been invented by this cable!

Wanda Maximov: I still don’t understand, if this Pym particle is so godly, why doesn’t the cable want to study it and then use it to shrink Thanos?

Carol Danvers: I don’t know science, but I guess… It should be that he tried, but failed!

Bruce Banner: This !!! The difficulty of shrinking Thanos is even greater than that of the Planet Devourer! It’s unbelievable! (⊙o⊙)

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing family: Enough, how far do you want to underestimate my father? (艹皿艹)

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Facing the Planet Devourer who was launched into the sky, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight was extremely angry and swung a punch towards the cable, but saw a flash of blue light, and the cable teleported back. ] 】

[And when he came back again, not only did he become older, but he also had several murderous superheroes by his side. ] 】

[Among them are the King of Cards, the Stone Man, and even the Iron Spider-Man… Cute girl Penny Parker! 】

[Looking at the little Thanos in the pocket of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight, the cable said coldly:]

“You know what? In the future beg me to bring them to this timeline… The one who kills both of you can queue up for a mile! “】

[“Up! Kill these two bastards! “】

[The cable shouted loudly and rushed directly to the future guardian he brought.] 】

[Seeing the enemy’s fierce momentum, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight grabbed the little Thanos in his arms and casually threw it to the observer standing aside. ] 】

[“Observer! Be optimistic about this kid, and don’t let him see what happens next. “】

[After placing little Thanos, there is no need to worry that he will learn bad after seeing the killing, the whole person’s demeanor of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight suddenly changed, and the terrifying hell flames and cosmic energy were frantically released on his body! ] 】

[Once served as the Dark Pioneer Officer under Thanos for millions of years, I don’t know how much blood is stained on the hands of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight! ] 】

[At that moment, this once crazy executioner is about to go on a killing spree! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[In an instant, the terrifying purple energy flame surged like a tsunami, frantically sweeping everything around! ] 】

[“Oops! “】

[Stone Man! Iron Spider-Man! The Emperor of Cards…]

[With screams and screams, these famous superheroes didn’t even catch a move, and in an instant they were torn into countless pieces by the energy flames, and then burned out! ] 】

[“Not good! “】

[The cable who was standing on the sidelines and watching the battle saw that the situation was not right, and immediately activated the time teleportation again! ] 】

[“Ten people teleported! “】

[This time, the cable brought Wolverine’s adopted daughter X-23, the Nightcrawler in the X-Men, and the famous Doctor Strange! ] 】

[But the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight, who has completely entered the killing mode, is actually more and more courageous in battle, and every move will take his life! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[X-23 was instantly headshot by the cosmic flames, the Night Stalker was burned to ashes in one face, and Doctor Strange was trampled to death by the Evil Spirit Knight! ] 】

[The cable is full of blood, gritting his teeth and shouting:]

[“Twenty people teleported! “】

[At this time, he brought the rest of the Fantastic Four, Colonel Rhodes the War Machine, the little naughty in the X-Men and others. 】

[“Kill!!! “】

[But the Evil Spirit Knight was murderous and directly swung out of Setorak’s crimson bone chain! ] 】

[Under the crazy swing, the Crimson Bone Chain will soon split these superheroes into corpses! ] Turned into countless fragments and scattered in all directions! 】

[“Drink! “】

[It seems to recall the murderous days when he killed the entire universe under the imperial karma. ] Cosmic Ghost Knight… No! The Dark Vanguard is covered in flames, wielding crimson chains in his hands, frantically harvesting the lives of superheroes. 】

[Seeing that the superheroes he found from the future were slaughtered like cattle and sheep, the cable seemed to have been opened. ] 】

[“Thirty people teleported! “】

[“Fifty people teleported! “】

[“One hundred … Transmission! “】

[With the blue light brought by time teleportation, countless superhero reinforcements poured out like a tide! ] 】

[Captain Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier, Hulk Hulk, Anti-Hulk Iron Man… Black Bolt, Medusa…]

[Spider-Man, Laser Eye, Stormwoman, Vision, Wolverine… Scarlet Witch! 】

[All kinds of imaginable, unexpected, famous, famous… Countless superheroes flock to the dark vanguard officer Frank Custer from all directions, vowing to take his life! 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a terrifying loud noise, I saw thick smoke billowing into the sky, and countless scorched black mushroom clouds continued to rise…]

[The terrifying hellfire burned the surrounding earth into countless scorched black rifts. 】

[Magma firebombs containing terrifying energy shot in all directions during the battle! ] 】

[The anti-Hulk Iron Man was smashed to pieces, the Hulk was cut off by the block, and the captain of the United States was cut by the chains…]

[These tough superheroes were all like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, and they were killed by the dark vanguard officer, the evil spirit knight, Frank Custer, and the corpses were everywhere! ] 】

[For a while, no one could beat him! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Oh my God.”

“How could that Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight be so strong?”

“He… How many superheroes did he kill? ”

At this moment, the countless viewers in front of the screen almost widened their eyes, their faces were full of horror, all frozen in place like clay carvings and wood sculptures, their eyes staring straight at the screen, completely unable to move.

A strong shock poured into everyone’s hearts like a tide!

It’s scary!

It’s terrifying!

The more powerful the existence, the more you can feel the horror of the evil spirit knight of the universe.

This guy, relying on just one person, slaughtered nearly a hundred superheroes!

The Avengers, the X-Men… I don’t know how many famous superpowers, against this flame skeleton, they couldn’t even take a move, and they were burned into char and torn to pieces in an instant!

The strength of this monster is simply beyond everyone’s imagination.

“Fifty, sixty … Oh, my God! ”

In the live broadcast room.

Peter Parker swallowed his spit hard, and couldn’t help but fight a cold war for a while.

“The superheroes this guy killed are about to catch up with Thanos snapping his fingers!”


Tony Stark’s face was extremely ugly, and he exhaled heavily:

“This cosmic evil spirit knight is almost single-handed… What a superhero who slaughtered this universe! ”

PS: The battle of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight is really incredibly strong. Even if it is replaced by Emperor Thanos, it may not be much stronger than him.

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support! Encourage! O(∩_∩)O

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