【Image continues】

[In the face of Thanos the Punisher, Frank Custer said solemnly:]

“You’re doing this wrong, you’re completely throwing those people there to die. “】

[At this time, the little purple sweet potato standing on the side suddenly spoke:]

“But … When that big purple man landed on the planet to eat people, you also put them there to die. “】

[Little purple sweet potato’s cute eyes have already brought a trace of doubt at this time:]

“You tell me it’s wrong to kill people, but making them wait for death is not the same as killing them. “】

【“!!! “】

[Hearing Little Purple Potato recount what he had said in the past, Frank Custer stood still, his eyes showing indescribable remorse. 】

[It turns out that he was on the planet where the Swallowing Star first landed… What he said with the little purple sweet potato has implanted the wrong concept in the heart of this child. 】

[The big mistake has already been cast! ] 】

At this time, Frank Custer had a thought in his heart for the first time. 】

[Maybe… He shouldn’t have raised any Thanos from the beginning! 】

[This child may become a terrible tyrant in the future, but what kind of good person is he?] 】

[Originally, when I was a punisher, I don’t know how much criminal blood I had on my hands! ] 】

[And after becoming the Ghost Knight and even Thanos’ Dark Vanguard, Frank Custer has committed countless killings! ] 】

[Such a person, actually thinking of raising a good child? ] 】

[What kind of joke is this!] 】

[At this time, Thanos the Punisher continued to introduce the origin of this “hell”. 】

“Father, you have always taught me not to kill people, so I did not kill them. “】

“But I will never let these scum tarnish the beauty and peace that I have created with great difficulty!” “】

[It turns out that in addition to criminals, those who do not agree with Thanos’ rule, you have all been thrown into this “hell” to fend for yourself. ] 】

[And here, there were originally sentry robots guarding to prevent the people inside from escaping. ] 】

[Until recently, Thanos the Punisher’s miniature sentinel robot malfunctioned, allowing superheroes such as Cableway to seize the opportunity to escape.] 】

[I didn’t expect that these guys couldn’t do the Punisher Thanos head-on, but they started a crooked brain, wanting to use a time machine to go back in time and kill him as a child… to completely turn this timeline upside down! 】

[Hearing this, Frank Custer couldn’t bear it anymore, directly transformed into a cosmic evil spirit knight, and roared loudly:]

“You can’t throw people into this hell because they won’t listen to you!”] “】

“You should give him another chance.” “】

[Punisher Thanos’s eyes became cold:]

“Father, you have never been known for forgiving others. And…”

[Thanos stretched out his hand and pointed to the side:]

“You should also take a good look at what I did all this to protect! “】

[The Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight looked in the direction Thanos was pointing, but suddenly discovered… Myself! 】

[That’s a younger version of Frank Custer!] 】

[And, his wife who should have died in the gangster fire a long time ago! ] 】

[It turns out that in this timeline, none of these tragedies happened. 】

[Frank Custer is still with his wife and children, living happily in this piece of paradise. ] 】

“When I was three years old, you brought me to live on Earth. “】

[Thanos said in a deep voice:]

“And when the young version of you on Earth was in crisis, I rescued him and banished all the gangsters who wanted to harm his family to that hell. “】

[“You in this timeline, you have not become a punisher, but just lived a peaceful life here, do you think this is bad? “】

[Looking at that young version of himself and his wife… With a smile on his face, Cosmic Ghost Knight Punisher Frank Custer was completely sluggish. 】

[Due to excessive shock, he completely lost the ability to think for a while, and could only stay in this state of confusion. ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Stephen Strange: Sure enough, no matter what timeline, the Thanos of this universe. Destined to become a big devil born for disaster!

Stephen Strange: This… It could be his fate!

While speaking, Strange also recalled irrepressibly… Another variant of its own.

That Demonized Doctor!

Captain America: Sure enough! No matter what kind of environment this Thanos grows up in, he will become a terrible tyrant!

Thanos Thanos: yes. I also think this purple guy in strange clothes is completely wrong.

Captain America: Huh?

Deadpool: Wow! Purple potato monster, you will actually admit your mistake! That’s really weird!

Deadpool: Were you moved by this video and decided to change your ways?

Thanos Thanos: This guy… It seems that he was brainwashed by that Frank’s strange thought, so he became soft-hearted!

Thanos Thanos: According to me, he should kill everyone in that “Hell City”! In this way, all hidden dangers can be solved once and for all!

Captain America: You… You fucking lunatic! (▼皿▼#)

Wolverine: Shaking your head, it’s worthy of being a purple potato monster, still so cold and crazy, not changing at all.

Thanos Thanos: Hey, I didn’t see you guys so angry when those superheroes were killed by Ghost Riders.

Thanos Thanos: Besides, don’t you see the “plain of heaven” next to hell?

Thanos Thanos: If it wasn’t for the “big punisher” who locked up all those scum in hell, where did this “heaven” come from?

Captain America: That’s not right! Although there are also criminals in that “Hell City”, those who oppose “Thanos the Punisher” have also been banished here!

Captain America: This approach is absolutely wrong! Totally the actions of tyrants!

Thanos Thanos: Ah… Well said. So…… What do you want to see? A superhero descends from the sky and defeats this “big punisher”, or even kills it?

Thanos Thanos: What do you think will happen after killing this tyrant? People are living happy and peaceful lives again?

Deadpool: Hahaha! I guessed it! It should be hell.

Captain America: What? This…… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Thinking of a terrifying possibility, Steve Rogers breathed sharply, and horror shot out of his eyes.

Wolverine: Ahhh… I also thought that if this Thanos Punisher really died, the rule he established would also collapse!

Wolverine: The criminals and villains he banished to “Hell City” will also run out.

Deadpool: Hehe, not only that, but the superheroes in this timeline have also been killed by that Ghost Rider, so say…

Thanos Thanos: That’s why hell is coming!

Thanos Thanos: If that happens, any heavenly plain, any happy Frank Custer, will all be destroyed!

Thanos Thanos: What you heroes want… Is this it?

“How could it be !!!?”

Sitting in his apartment, Steve Rogers’ eyelids jumped, his cheeks twitched slightly, and his expression became extremely wonderful.

How could it never have occurred that under certain circumstances, defeating the wicked will not only not save the world, but may even push the world into a fire pit!

Although he wanted to refute, Team Mi only felt that his head was buzzing, his thinking became extremely chaotic, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Looking at the happy “self” in the distant cabin in front of him, Frank Custer was completely messy. 】

“No, this can’t be! “】

[Driven by unexplained anger, Frank once again turned into a cosmic evil spirit knight! ] 】

“If that man is really me, how can he tolerate you doing something so crazy?”] “】

“And… He lives such a happy life, but still works for you? “】

“This is absolutely impossible! “】

[When he was the subordinate of Emperor Thanos, the dark memories of when he killed the entire universe for him surged madly into Frank’s heart! ] 】

[Could it be… No matter what timeline, are you destined to work for Thanos? 】

[Thinking of this, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight almost went crazy. ] 】

“It’s you! It’s all because of you. “】

“No matter which dimension, no matter which timeline. “】

“You’re always going to turn me into some kind of monster!”] “】

“Now… I’m going to put an end to this. “】

[Driven by anger and madness, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight raised the little purple potato and aimed the gun in his hand at the head of this little ghost. ] 】

[“Old ghost, stop me! “】

[Punisher Thanos’s eyes were cold, and two strong energy rays immediately burst out, knocking out the Evil Spirit Knight in an instant! ] 】

【Energy release! 】

[This is the trick that Emperor Thanos relies on to kill the universe! ] 】

“Old fellow, who do you think you’re threatening? “】

[Looking at the evil spirit knight who fell to the ground, Thanos the Punisher raised his fist and slammed him fiercely, showing the true situation of fatherhood and filial piety. ] 】

“We could have ruled the world together!”] “】

“But even so, I still have a place for you. “】

[After “beating” the Ghost Rider back to Frank’s body, Thanos the Punisher finally said something that scared Frank:]

“Now… Accept my invitation and become my messenger! “】


[Looking up with a bloody face, Frank Custer looked at the familiar scene in front of him. My heart suddenly had mixed feelings. 】

Over the past millions of years, he has committed all the sins that man can do and sold everything he can. 】

[But now, do you still have to come this far?] 】

[Will you never be able to escape the control of this purple potato monster? ] 】

[Thinking of this, Frank Castor suddenly stood up and stretched out his hand to Thanos. ] 】

[But instead of grabbing Thanos’ hand, he shot out an energy wave that sent the Punisher far away and landed in the “Hell City”. ] 】

“I’ve already made the same mistake once, and I’m never going to make it a second time!”] “】

[Transforming into a cosmic evil spirit knight again, Frank also jumped into this hell city built by Thanos himself, ready to fight to the death with his fateful enemy! ] 】

“If you still understand, my answer is… No! 】

“I will never be with you again!”] “】

[With all the might, the Cosmic Ghost Knight and the Punisher Thanos started a big war. 】

“I’ve had enough at your feet… The groveling is alive! “】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Looking at the angry appearance of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight, Thanos the Punisher also laughed:]

“That’s what you said the last time we went to war. “】

“At that time, you opposed me building this damn place, and in the end… You died at my hands. “】

“So… The outcome of this battle will not change in any way now! “】

[It turns out that the cosmic evil spirit knight of this timeline died in his adopted son… Thanos’s hands! 】

[“Fighting? “】

[The Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight sneered, and his palms condensed terrifying cosmic energy and hellish flames, turning into a wave of energy light that poured out madly. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The intense cosmic energy flame completely drowned Thanos in an instant! ] 】


[Thanos let out a miserable cry, it seems that he didn’t expect it… The power of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight turned out to be so strong. 】

[“Idiot! Do you know how much power I usually keep? “】

[Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight said coldly:]

“This is because… I don’t want to destroy the planet under my feet, and… I’ve always wanted to change you. “】

“Don’t… Don’t! Father!!! “】

[Feeling that the body seemed to be falling apart, under the horror, Thanos involuntarily made a sound similar to begging for mercy! ] 】

“You are not my child! “】

[While exerting all his strength, tears actually flowed from the eyes of the Universe Evil Spirit Knight! ] 】

“My child is dead!”] “】


[After the terrible explosion, Thanos, who was covered in scaly wounds, knelt at the feet of the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight, and it seemed that he couldn’t even stand up. ] 】

“Hey… Is that all? You should aim for my head…”

[While kneeling on the ground and vomiting blood, Thanos was actually still saying cruel words. ] 】

[“No… And also……. “】

[The Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight stepped forward and pulled Thanos’ head up, forcing him to look directly into his eyes. 】

[“The Eye of Judgment? “】

[Thanos actually showed a smug smile on his face. 】

[He has personally tried it a long time ago, and the Eye of Judgment of the Evil Spirit Knight has no effect on himself. 】

[“Trial? What you need is repentance! “】

[The Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight shouted, concentrated the cosmic energy and hell flames in his body, and poured it into Thanos’ pupils. ] 】


[With an earth-shattering purple explosion, Thanos’ soul and body were all wiped out! ] 】

[Holding the skull of Thanos with all the blood and flesh burned in his hand, Frank Custer said coldly:]

[“Repentance means punishment, you purple potato bastard! “】

[As soon as the words fell, he violently crushed Thanos’ skull! ] 】

[This terrifying cosmic overlord… Finally, he died at the hands of his adoptive father. 】

[After killing Thanos the Punisher, the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight returned to the heavenly plain. 】

[I don’t know when, young Frank Custer has actually held the little purple potato in his hand, and the two are playing happily! ] 】

[Seeing this, Frank stepped forward with a gloomy face, picked up the little purple potato and turned to leave. ] 】

[Seeing this, the little purple sweet potato asked thoughtfully:]

“You’re going to send me back, aren’t you?”] “】


Frank Custer said heavily. 】

[“Will this timeline disappear?”] “】

[“It will…”]

With heavy words, Frank walked through the door of time. 】

[He returned to his timeline and put the little purple potato back on the cradle of Titan.] 】

[After all this, Frankka Ster has completely disbelieved that he has that ability… Changed Thanos. 】

[Before leaving, Frank Custer looked at the little purple sweet potato and said helplessly:]

“I can only hope that when you grow up, you will recall what I taught you. “】

“If you forget, then I will visit you again.” “】

[Listening to Frank’s threatening-like words, there seemed to be a trace of resentment in Little Purple Potato’s eyes. 】

[He didn’t understand why this man, who he regarded as his father, had abandoned himself again! ] 】

[And just left Little Purple Potato’s room, Frank actually saw a familiar woman in black next to him. ] 】

[That’s the goddess of death!] 】

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