【Image continues】

[At this time, Star-Lord discovered that there was a crack in the neck of the tentacle monster. 】

[Next, Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord are responsible for attracting the monster’s attention, while Gamora, at the right time, stabs a sword into the rift and cuts the giant tentacle monster in half.] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[With a loud shout, he rolled out of the crack cut by the Kamora and rolled out of the drax.] 】

[After this big man came out, he was actually laughing:]

[“Hahaha! Fantastic, I defeated this monster alone. “】


On Temple 2, Thanos looked unmoving, but there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Can split this tentacle monster, Kamora’s knife, at least has his level of one or two percent.

But…… Still too weak!

At this time, under the main hall, Nebula gritted his teeth and looked at Camorra, and suddenly shouted loudly:

“Father! This woman may betray or even try to kill you in the future! I think…… Let’s kill her early! ”


Camorra was furious when she heard this, and pointed at Nebula and said:

“What qualifications do you have to say that I, you are not the same betrayal!”

“If you want to kill, I should kill you first!”

Thanos listened to the two women attacking each other under the Great Highness, and did not even move his eyebrows, but gently raised a finger to signal them to be quiet.

And the four obsidian generals looked at each other, and their expressions became a little strange for a while.

Lord Thanos, hero I, why are the two daughters with brain backbones?

The strangest thing is that he himself doesn’t seem to care.

【Image continues】

[Successfully repelled the monster and guarded the energy battery of the star Sawerin, the Guardians of the Galaxy received a reward from the High Priest of Sawerin.] 】

[The reward is… Kamora’s sister Nebula. 】

[When leaving, Rocket Raccoon still took the opportunity to steal a lot of energy batteries. 】

[Coming to the spaceship, Gamora tied Nebula up and prepared to send her to the prison of Shandar Star. 】

[But the Guardians of the Galaxy had just left when they found that the pursuit fleet of Sovelin Star had followed. 】

[The High Priest has discovered the theft of the Rocket Raccoon and is determined to make these thieves pay!] 】

[In the face of such a large-scale pursuit fleet, the Guardians of the Galaxy can only desperately escape. 】

In order to escape to the nearest habitable planet, they must pass through an extremely dangerous quantum asteroid group. 】

[But Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon both believe… You can lead everyone through the constellation and start fighting each other for control of the spaceship. 】

“I’ve been doing this since I was 10 years old. Star-Lord shouted:]

[Rocket raccoon said angrily:]

“I made it to fly a spaceship!”] “】

“I see you’ve been made into a bastard!”] “】

[In the process of this mess, the Guardians of the Galaxy ship was hit by an asteroid, and even the weapon system was damaged. 】

[Seeing this situation, Drax the Destroyer simply tied himself directly with a rope and jumped out of the warehouse to meet the enemy. ] 】

[Just when the spaceship was about to get out of danger, the enemy’s pursuit spacecraft actually circled and surrounded the Guardians of the Galaxy. ] 】


[Countless bullets and bullets immediately covered the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and it seemed that they would be blown to pieces in the next moment! ] 】

[At this moment…]

[“Boom! “】

[Flash of light suddenly fell from the sky, annihilating all the ships of the Sovelins in an instant. ] 】

[Immediately after, Rocket Raccoon saw a mysterious man standing on a spaceship passing in front of his eyes.] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Finally, the Guardians of the Galaxy ship successfully passed through the jump point and landed on a strange planet. 】

[But the spacecraft is also almost scrapped.] 】

[At this bad moment, the mysterious man who saved them, with a woman named Mantis, appeared in front of Star-Lord and the others. 】

[Looking at Xingjue, the mysterious man said with a smile:]

“Peter, my name is Igo, and Igo, is your father. “】

Seeing this, someone in the chat group immediately bubbled.

Carol Danvers: Igo! I seem to have heard the name…

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: I’ve heard that this guy seems to be a living planet.

Wanda Maximov: Huh? Living planet? What is that? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: It literally means. The planet is not only self-aware, but also able to fly freely in the universe.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: My father once wanted to eat it, but never found it, so he gave up.

Invincible Young Man: Eat… Eat the planet! ( ̄口 ̄)!! You’re not kidding, are you?

God of War Kratos: What is a planet? What you guys said… Could it be the stars in the sky?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Uh… These things are a bit complicated, let me talk about them…

Carol Danvers: So Star-Lord Peter Quill’s father could be the living planet? But this is obviously a human being!

Carol Danvers: What methods did he use to turn himself into a human being?

Stephen Strange: It’s too hard to turn a planet into a person!

Stephen Strange: I’m more inclined to be some kind of illusion, or doppelganger! It’s like magic.

Loki Odinson: I’m the best at this kind of doppelganger magic.

Wanda Maximov: Loki, don’t talk nonsense here, now you… Can I still use magic?

Rocky Oddinson: ………

Captain America: You guys are far away, whether this Igo is a living planet or not, he seems to be going to disadvantage his son!

Invincible Young Man: It’s hard to believe that a planet can have a son.

God of War Kratos: Humph, we actually live on a star? I find this even harder to believe…

【Image continues】

[Facing a skeptical Star-Lord, Iago confessed that after Peter Quill’s mother died, he had hired Courage to bring him back. 】

[But for some reason, Yongdu did not give Peter Quill to Igo, but left it himself. ] 】

[Next, Iago invited Star-Lord and his party to his place. 】

[Although Star-Lord had some doubts about this mysterious father, in the end Gamora convinced him to take a look. 】

[On Day 2, Star-Lord, Gamora, and Drax the Destroyer left with Igo.] 】

[When he arrived at Igo’s spaceship, Star-Lord learned that the alien girl Mantis’s greatest ability is to sense the emotions of others, and she generally uses this ability to help Iago sleep. ] 】

[It seems that Iago always thinks about his offspring, so he can’t sleep well. 】

[Shortly after Star-Lord and the other three left, Yongdu came to the place where their spaceship fell and caught both the remaining Rocket Raccoon and Groot. 】

[Facing Rocket Raccoon, Yongdu claims that as long as he can get back the battery of the Sovelin and sell it, it will not hurt Star-Lord. 】

[Upon hearing this, the people around Yongdu suddenly exploded:]

[“Captain! No matter how many times Peter Quill betrayed, you will always forgive him. “】

“It’s like, we’re all inferior to him!”] “】

[Brave’s subordinates all felt the same and raised their guns to point at him, as if a rebellion was imminent. 】

[At this moment of saber rattling, Groot uncuffed Nebula, and Nebula shot from a distance, hitting the weapon controller on Yongdu’s forehead, knocking the blue guy to the ground. ] 】

[Next, Nebula fired another shot, knocking down the rocket raccoon. ] 】

On Temple Two.

“Hmph!” Nebula suddenly snorted coldly, looked at the opposite Gamora, and said defiantly:

“I really didn’t expect that your taste in finding men would be so bad?”


Gamora’s face turned red with anger, but a trace of embarrassment actually rose in her heart.

She really didn’t understand, what is good about that stupid human being, who is actually worthy of her other eyes?

But when he thought of Star-Lord, another thought suddenly popped up in Kamora’s heart.

That guy named Yongdu is not related to this human male in any way.

But judging by the situation, he seems to really love Xingjue, and even hesitates to turn against him and his subordinates for him!

Could it be that Thanos and I… Is this relationship too?

Thinking of the information obtained from the chat group before, Kamora suddenly felt dizzy and her brain was confused.

In another universe, Thanos seems to really love “himself”!

But in order to seize the soul gem, he still threw “himself” under that cliff without hesitation.

What’s going on here?

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became, and Gamora felt that she was about to doubt her life.

【Image continues】

[At this time, on the other side, Star-Lord and Gamora, finally followed Igo to his planet. 】

[Coming to a palace inside the planet, Iago revealed his true identity to them. 】

[He claimed to be a god. 】

[Tens of thousands of years ago, since Iago had memories, he floated alone in the universe. 】

[Slowly, he learned to control the molecules around him, and then through continuous construction, he finally formed the form of the entire planet. 】

[Later, Iago wanted to experience the feeling of being another life, so it changed into various forms and explored in the universe. 】

[It was also during this period that he met Peter Quill’s mother.] 】

[However, Iago can’t leave his planet for long, otherwise his body will disappear, so he has to leave the woman he loves. 】

[Years later, when Igo heard that Star-Lord had picked up the Power Gem with his bare hands, but it didn’t fall apart, he knew that this man was definitely his son! ] 】

[Next, in the face of Star-Lord who still resisted, Igo directly helped him develop the energy hidden in his body. ] 】

[Feeling this powerful and incomparable ability, Star-Lord finally forgave him. 】

[At this time, the picture turned and came to the side of bravery. 】

[The instrument used to control the whistle arrow on the head was destroyed, and Yongdu was no longer able to resist at this time, and was locked up in a cage by the rebellious subordinates. 】

[With the rocket raccoon still in the cage, the two decide to let little Groot infiltrate into the captain’s room and get the prototype of the whistle arrow so that Brave can successfully escape.] 】

[But little Groot seems to have a problem with understanding, always bringing strange things, including a person’s toes!] 】

[Just when Yongdu and the others were helpless, the first one stood up to question, and Yongdu’s subordinates suddenly appeared in front of the prison cage with the prototype of the whistle arrow. ] 】

[It seems that he has discovered it in conscience.] 】

[Equipped with a prototype, the courage was suddenly resurrected with blood! ] 】

[I saw him whistle, and the red whistle arrow seemed to have eyes, shuttling around the spaceship! ] 】

[“Whoops! “】

[In an instant, along with a series of red flashes, countless betrayed subordinates were pierced through their bodies by sentinel arrows! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Countless marauders only had time to let out a scream, and their terrified expressions were still frozen on their faces…]

[Then, I just listened to a series of “crackling” sounds, and the corpse fell to the ground! ] 】

[Soon, the traitors on the entire spaceship were killed by Yongdu himself! ] 】

[Then he detonated the spacecraft and fled in a lifeboat.] 】

[In order to travel to Iago’s planet, Igo and Rocket Raccoon must undergo 700 interstellar jumps. 】

[In the process of their jumping, they actually passed over the heads of a group of weirdos.] 】

“Wow! It’s rude. “】

[Stan Lee, who was wearing a spacesuit, shrugged his shoulders and continued to say to the several big bald heads standing beside him:]

“Before I was interrupted, I said something, when… I am a FedEx courier. “】

[These big bald heads, both in appearance and clothing, are exactly the same as the observer Yuatu! ] 】

“Oh my God.”

“That was… Observer? ”

“How come there are so many?”

Looking at Stan Lee sitting with several observers on the screen, the people in the live broadcast room were almost stunned.

Shock…… Swept through their hearts!

“No, with so many observers, do they all have multiverse-level strength?”

Little Wanda gasped, his eyes full of deep shock.

And beside her, the rest of the people also changed their faces greatly, and the violent fluctuations of their emotions were completely unconcealable on their faces.

Just before, they had seen the Observer vs. Infinite Ultron with their own eyes!

Although it is still slightly inferior to Infinite Ultron, the strength displayed by this big bald head is still terrifying!

There is actually more than one such a powerful guy?

“That old man… Is it Stan Lee? ”

Peter Parker swallowed, his eyes wide and round, and he looked at the screen with stunned eyes.

He already knew before that this mysterious old man was definitely not an idle person!

But unexpectedly, he still knew so many “observers”!

“Stan Lee! Observer! ”

Tony Stark’s face suddenly became extremely solemn, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

What’s going on here?

Between Stan Lee and the Observer… What exactly is the relationship?

Have they known each other for a long time?

Or do you say… All aliens from the same planet?

Most importantly, does this mysterious white-haired old man also have as strong combat power as an observer?

There are more and more ideas, Tony only feels that his thinking is messy, and his head is almost out of use!

In the chaos, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

“It seems… This old man’s background is deeper than we think. ”

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Ganata, daughter of the star swallower: How is this old man again, I seem to have seen him in several places, how is he everywhere!

Carol Danvers: Besides, he actually mixed with those observers! Who are they?

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: Haha, I once heard my father say that these bald heads… It seems that this universe was born when it was formed.

Ganata, daughter of Star Swallowing: They don’t like to show their heads, but they are still very strong.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing family: But that old man, I really haven’t heard of it at all…

Bruce Banner: Don’t you even know about cosmic gods? This Stan Lee… What exactly is going on?

Sentinel: Why are you so surprised? I look at this old man… In the universe, you even have to wear a spacesuit, maybe the weak one!

Nick Fury: Don’t underestimate anyone.

Nick Fury: What’s more, the fact that this Stan Lee can sit with so many observers proves his status!

Sentinel: I think……… You’re even more nervous than I am.

Wanda Maksimov: What a big breath, don’t you need a spacesuit in space?

Sentinel: yes, I’ve flown out of the atmosphere before, and I don’t feel anything special.

Clark Kent: What? (⊙o⊙)

Bruce wayne:…… Sentinel, are you really not a Kryptonian?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[On the 2nd day, Iago led Star-Lord to the main hall and told him the terrible truth. 】

[It turned out that although Iago discovered countless other lives in the universe, he felt that these life rights were not perfect. 】

[So, he planted a large number of doppelganger seeds on countless planets! ] 】

“In this way, I was able to achieve my true goal in life, which is to grow and spread!”] “】

[“Cover everything in the universe and make all the planets a part of me!”] “】

“But there is a problem, an independent celestial god does not have the energy to accomplish such a great deed. “】

“Those two heavenly gods, maybe that’s enough. “】

[Looking at Peter Quill, Iago finally revealed his cruel true face. 】

[It turns out that he reproduced in various parts of the universe, and then let Yongdu take these children over, just to see if anyone of them inherited his Celestial God genes. ] 】

[It wasn’t until Peter Quill’s appearance that he saw a glimmer of hope. 】

[At this moment, Gamora, led by the praying mantis girl who found her conscience, came to a cave. ]

[Here, they saw mountains of corpses.] 】

[This… It is the burial place of those descendants of Igo! 】

[When he found that none of these offspring had their own genes, Iago killed them all without hesitation! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group finally exploded.

Invincible Young Man: Crazy, this planet is crazy, how can he kill so many of his own children? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Carol Danvers: This guy is not human at all, you can’t demand a planet with human values!

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallowers: Damn madman who actually wants to turn the entire universe into its appearance. This is disgusting!

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: Unfortunately, I don’t know where this living Mars ball is, or I would have found him and ate it!

Invincible Young Man: Eat… You really… Eating a planet?

Carol Danvers: Hehe, that Star-Swallowing Daughter, if you’re really going to do that, maybe… I can help you. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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