[“Boom! “】

[Just when countless fireballs landed, accompanied by earth-shattering explosions, even the earth shook! ] 】

[The scorching airflow, wrapped in a terrifying shock wave, swept madly in all directions. ] 】


[“Kratos!!! “】

[The exclamations and screams of the Spartans were instantly drowned out by a thunderous noise. 】

[In the face of this attack like a natural disaster, the existence of human beings is really as small as ants! ] 】

[“Hula la…”]

[When the remaining warriors opened their eyes with difficulty, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them. 】

[I saw it in the place where those fireballs fell. A series of hideous and terrifying craters appeared. The rocks that were directly hit by the fireball turned into powder. 】

[At the bottom of the deep pit, there are even raging flames, thick smoke, and flames burst into the sky! ] 】

[Except for some who survived, some of the Spartan warriors who were directly hit by the fireball, some even their bones were melted by the flames, and all the corpses could not be found. ] 】

[After experiencing this blow from Hades, the entire Spartan team suddenly died more than half. ] 】

[But due to some unexplained strong luck, Kratos was not hit by the fireball, and still survived tenaciously. 】

Seeing what the gods did, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Deadpool: Groove! Do those gods still want faces? Actually took action to deal with these mortals himself?

John Constantine: Seeing that he is going to lose, he simply went out of the old thousand! Where is this God? It’s a rogue! And so are the little riffraff on the streets of London!

Bruce Wayne: No! Judging from the situation just now, whether it is Sea King Poseidon or Hades Hades, they have only made one move.

Bruce Wayne: In other words, these gods still have a minimum dignity and will not hunt down a mortal over and over again.

Nick Fury: Mortal? This Kratos, at this time, is actually just a mortal?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I also find it unbelievable, the action when he fights off the sea serpent, this physical ability… I’m afraid it’s no longer under me!

John Constantine: Uh-huh, it seems… That Ares chose him as his champion, and it still makes sense. This guy may be a gamble… What a veteran.

Bruce Wayne: No… If it’s just courage, but the physical strength shown by Kratos is indeed a little too strong.

John Constantine: Oh, so what do you mean? Do you think… He’s not human?

Bruce Wayne: I had an idea, but I didn’t have proof.


At this time, on the God of War Temple, Kratos looked at the barrage rolling under the screen in front of him, and his heart also shrugged.

As a child, he also had various conjectures about his biological father. But as he grew older, Kratos left these things behind.

But now it seems that his father is really not an ordinary person, but…


Kratos shook his head sharply, his eyes showing determination.

No matter who his father is, his hatred and revenge for the gods will not change in the slightest.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although it is not clear what happened to this fireball falling from the sky, in order to obtain the fairy fruit, the Spartan team continued to embark on the journey after burying the remains of their companions. 】

As they were heading towards their destination, Alec, the barbarian prince, was standing on the top of a mountain, staring coldly at these Spartan warriors. 】

[It turns out that Alec’s plan is to catch cicadas with praying mantises, and the yellow finch is behind! ] 】

[He is ready to wait for Kratos to capture the Immortal Fruit, and then kill him halfway! ] 】

[In this way, Alec can become the final victor! ] 】

[Completely different from the rough appearance, this barbarian prince is actually so cunning! ] 】

[Led by Kratos, the Spartan team finally reached the temple of Asclepius. 】

[Kratos ordered his men to guard outside the temple and entered the interior alone. 】

[Through the gloomy tunnel, he came to the deepest hollow of the temple. 】

[On a small island here, a tree of life grows, and the fruit of this divine tree is the legendary “fairy fruit”! ] 】

[Seeing that his daughter would soon be saved, Kratos rushed over excitedly, plucked a fairy fruit, and squeezed the juice that was enough to cure all diseases into the water bladder he carried. 】

[At this moment, a golden light fell from the top of Kratos’s head, and a loud voice sounded at the same time:]

[“Spartans! The fairy fruit belongs to me! “】

[“Danger! “】

[Kratos’s eyes flashed, and he saw a scorching golden glow shooting over! ] 】

[Because the temperature is too high, the air around the golden light is distorted, emitting a burning smell! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[In the nick of time, Kratos dodged this terrible attack with his water bladder in his hand. 】

[The golden light shot on the ground, which immediately caused a terrible explosion! ] 】

[“My ears! “】

[The ultra-close explosion almost deafened Kratos’s ears, but the enemy’s offensive did not stop, but came one after another. 】


[I saw a figure covered in golden light standing in the void, and he could release a terrifying beam of sunlight with every move! ] 】

[This person is the champion of Helios, the sun god, Cyrion! ] 】

[“Spartans! “】

[“You think the great sun god … Won’t it give his champion some divine power? “】

[Serion hit casually, and the terrifying sun beam almost hit Kratos! ] 】

[It turns out that Helios, the sun god, simply gave part of his divine power directly to Serion! ] 】

[In order to win, these Olympian gods can be said to be completely faceless. 】

[Facing this strong man like the incarnation of the little sun in front of him, Kratos did not have the slightest fear. 】

[He looked at the terrain around the island and immediately had a plan. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Looking for an opportunity, Kratos rushed to Serion’s side like a desperate person! ] 】

[He did not attack the champion of the sun god, but rushed out of the island with him in his arms and fell into the surrounding seawater! ] 】

[“Poof! “】

[At the moment of falling into the water, the sun flame on Serion’s body was immediately extinguished. 】

【”Give me death! “】

[Borrowing the power of seawater to destroy the opponent’s superpower, Kratos pinched Serion’s neck until he completely lost consciousness and sank to the bottom of the sea. ] 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Rushing out of the water with a water bladder filled with fairy juice, Kratos’s face was full of joy. 】

[Mission… Looks like it’s about to be done! The daughter is saved! 】

Just as he returned to the exit of the temple and was about to take the Spartan team home, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared and blocked the entrance to the cave. 】

“Don’t rush to go! “】

[I saw the barbarian prince Alec leading his soldiers and launching a fierce attack on the Spartans! ] 】

[“Hahaha… Thank you for killing the other champions for me and getting the fairy fruit, you must be very tired now. “】

“Let us help you… Rest in eternal peace! “】

[In the face of fierce battles, Kratos’s physical strength has indeed consumed a lot, but the immortal fruit has been obtained! ] How could he tolerate the fruits of victory in his hands being snatched away by this barbarian in front of him? 】

[At this moment, the Spartan warriors under Kratos started a big battle with Alec’s barbarian warriors! ] 】

[The winner of this battle will be able to take the immortal fruit and become the ultimate winner of this game of gods.] 】

[Alec laughed loudly while fighting Kratos :]

[“Haha! Your subordinates are no longer physically strong, and they will soon die! “】

[“Stop! “】

[At this moment of the battle, Kratos was covered in blood, but he still said stoically:]

[“Dying in battle is a soldier’s duty! That’s what they were born for. “】


[Looking at the Spartan champion in front of him, who ignored life and death, Alec sneered, and suddenly removed a hideous head from the saddle. ] 】

[“You are indeed a great opponent, if it were under normal circumstances, I would definitely fight you for life and death! 】

“It’s just that my father’s life is in danger, and I have no time to waste with you. “】

[Lifting the head in his hand, Alec showed a weird smile on his face:]

[“This is the champion of Hermes, the god of messengers! Killed by my own hands. “】

“He has the ability to manipulate beasts, relying on his head… I can do that too! “】

[“Hula la! “】

[I saw Alec raise the first level in his hand, and soon, several huge peng birds flew down from the peak! ] 】

[These ferocious giant birds, which have been manipulated by the remaining divine power on the first level, began to frantically attack Kratos! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[In the face of the siege of these giant birds of prey, Kratos was immediately bitten by Dapeng’s fangs and claws, and his body was covered in blood! ] 】

[“Hahaha! Tear his flesh and blood and eat his guts! Let this Spartan man only have a bunch of skeletons. “】

[Laughing and watching the blood-covered Kratos fall to the ground, Alec casually picked up the water bladder containing fairy juice from Kratos’s body. 】

“Spartans, you did succeed, but the final victor was me! “】

[After leaving this declaration of victory, Alec directly sat on a huge roc bird and flew away with the fairy fruit! ] 】

[“Abominable! My daughter! “】

[Remembering his daughter who was about to be thrown to the bottom of the Spartan valley, covered in blood, Kratos, who had been injured countless times, actually stood up again and choked a big peng bird that attacked him! ] 】

[The love for his daughter has given him endless power! ] 】

[At this time, in the temple, Hades saw the scene in front of him through magic, and muttered in his heart. ] 】

“This kid’s life is simply more tenacious than Prometheus. If he continues to fight, I’m afraid my championship will really lose. “】

[Thinking of this, Hades no longer hesitated and urged his underworld divine power again! ] 】

[In order to win the final victory, these gods really do everything.] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[For a time, the screams on the battlefield sounded one after another! ] 】

[I saw countless purple claws burrowing out from under the ground, and those claws not only possessed terrifying power, but were also extremely sharp! ] 】

[As long as the Spartan warriors move a little slower, they will be immediately injured by claws, and some unlucky eggs are even directly disemboweled, and even their bodies are pierced by claws! ] 】

[This is the stunt of Hades… Claws of Hades! 】

Seeing this scene, the chat group suddenly exploded again.

Tony Stark: I’ll go, these gods are too much! This is the first time they’ve struck?

Tony didn’t really appreciate Kratos’ slaughtering personality, so he hadn’t spoken before.

But now this situation really makes him unbearable!

Deadpool: It’s really dark! What else to bet on in this way, it is better to have the gods descend into the world in the first place and slaughter Kratos!

Loki Odinson: Poof! Laugh to death, just now that Bruce Wayne also said that these gods will only strike once! Now look again…?

Bruce wayne:………… (⊙_⊙)

Ghost Knight: It seems, this little young master… Still overestimating the temperance of the Olympian gods.

Wonder Woman Diana: Sigh, those scum really tarnished the name of Olympus.

Ghost Rider: Hehe, are you really that confident in the gods of your world?

Wonder Woman Diana: ………

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: That sun god gave his own champion, I think he did the right thing to do, in other words, I would do the same.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Protecting one’s messenger is what the gods should do! The only strange … Instead, it is Ares, the god of war!

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: This guy seems to have done nothing from beginning to end, doesn’t he want to win?

Tony Stark: Who knows, maybe… He doesn’t care if Kratos lives or dies at all! Not even the game itself.

Bruce Wayne: Perhaps, Ares is confident in Kratos and thinks he can win no matter what!

Bruce Wayne: After all, this man did show extraordinary courage and wisdom in previous battles!

Young Master Wayne, who has always advocated fighting wits and not fighting power, is also extremely impressed by Kratos’ method of using the terrain to kill the sun god champion.

Of course, he doesn’t like Kratos’s murderous methods, but Bruce Wayne will not impose modern laws on a warrior of the mythical era.

Wanda Maksimov: But… Now this situation is too bad.

Wanda Maximov: Unless that god of war Ares also strikes, how can Kratos win?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

“Nope! No one can stop me, not even God. “】

[Thinking of his daughter in crisis, even if he was seriously injured, Kratos still burst out with unimaginable power! ] 】

[Whether it is the Dapeng Bird controlled by the enemy or the extremely sharp claws of Hades, they were torn apart by him empty-handed! ] 】

[The terrifying power shocked both warring sides! ] 】

[At this time, Kratos’s subordinates also sent him a request for help:]

“Captain, these arms are going to pull us into hell! “】

[“We must regroup our formation! “】

[“Calm me down! “】

[Kratos was fighting with enemies in the sky and on the ground, but his eyes were fixed on Alec, who flew away on a roc bird. 】

[He knew that if he let this barbarian leave with the immortal fruit, it would be over. 】

[Taking one last look at his subordinates surrounded by the claws of Hades and a large number of enemy troops, Kratos jumped onto a large peng bird that he had caught and flew directly off the battlefield. 】

[“Captain, don’t go, save us!”] “】

[Looking at Kratos, who was flying farther and farther away in the roar, the Spartan warriors under his command let out a desperate cry. 】

[Listening to the screams coming from below, Kratos gritted his teeth and said:]

[“I… I never asked you to follow me! “】

[Without Kratos, the powerful and incomparable combat power, the remaining Spartan warriors… It was soon slaughtered by the “Claws of Hades” and barbarian warriors. 】

[In order to save his daughter’s life, Kratos abandoned his subordinates and the glory of a Spartan warrior, just to catch up with the enemy! ] 】

[In order to win, he is willing to sacrifice everything! ] 】

[Finally, he rode the Roc Bird and caught up with Alec, the barbarian prince in the air ahead! ] 】

[The gamble of the gods… The two remaining champions fought the ultimate death match above this high altitude! 】

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