When Thanos snapped his fingers, the pupils of countless people in front of the screen contracted sharply, and the panic and horror in their hearts climbed to the peak at the same time.

“Oh my God, this purple potato monster really snapped his fingers.”

“Hell, which universe’s Thanos is this virtue!”

“This Thanos is even worse, he is already completely crazy, in order to please that goddess of death, he turned Nebula into a monster!”

“What to do? Now… I don’t know how many people are going to turn to ashes!!! ”

“Aaaaah! I don’t want to see !!! ”

In the previous “Avengers III” image. Thanos snapped his fingers, turning half of the creatures in the universe into ashes, and frantically surged into everyone’s hearts.


“Thanos, this damn crazy titan!”

Thor let out a furious roar, his forehead was bruised, and even his face was distorted!

His hands grabbed the Mjolnir hammer in his hand fiercely, hoping to find the purple potato monster immediately, and then smashed his head with a hammer.

At this time, on the throne of Asgard, although Odin did not say a word, his expression was also very ugly.

Although the power of the 6 Infinity Stones has long been known, seeing Thanos on the screen sacrifice half of his life in the universe just to please the goddess made Odin faintly feel a little frightened.

How much human life is like a mustard!

If that half of his life included Odin, would he be able to resist the power of the Infinity Stones?

As soon as this thought arose, a trace of bitterness appeared in Odin’s one-eyed eyes.

The answer is obvious… No way!

At this time, on Temple 2.


Looking at the screen in front of him, Thanos snorted coldly, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

At this moment, his heart was really full of incomprehension.


Why, in this universe’s own variant, is still the goddess of death?

He has gained the power of 6 Infinity Stones and is already above that goddess of death!

But he was still like a poor worm, using all means to make this woman look at himself!

At this thought, Thanos secretly shook his head.

It is very sad that the power that is enough to change the entire universe falls into the hands of such a person.

“This… I…”

Looking at the “Nebula Monster” on the screen who was turned into a non-human or ghost by Thanos’ power, Nebula trembled all over, his eyes were full of fear, and his expression was like seeing a ghost.

Although she has now been turned into a cyborg by Thanos, she can at least control her body.

If it really becomes that kind of… A monster that can’t even die, Nebula thinks that he might as well brake earlier!

But after a while, Nebula calmed down and found that Thanos was sitting on his throne without even looking at her.

At this time, she was relieved, but also a little lost in her heart.

Don’t…… Is he so out of Thanos’ eyes?

And at this time, the pot has exploded in the chat group.

Stephen Strange: Snap your fingers! Damn it! Could it be that no matter what world, this purple potato monster will snap his fingers?

Loki Odinson: No way, if in the words of those guys in the Time Authority, Thanos is set like this, this is his destiny!

Wanda Maksimov: Cut! I don’t believe in these fatalisms, in our world, that purple potato monster will definitely not be able to snap his fingers!

Invincible Young Man: You guys always say snap your fingers, what does that mean?

Stephen Strange: In each parallel universe, the purple potato monster always wants to collect 6 infinity stones and then erase half of the life in the universe with a snap of his fingers!

Invincible Hero: Half Life??? Are you kidding! (⊙o⊙)

In his room, the invincible young man Mark breathed sharply, his eyes widened in disbelief, and a trace of cold sweat even flowed on his forehead.

Just now, Thanos on the screen exploded the planet under his feet in an instant, which already scared him a lot.

Mark just recovered from the state of shock, and immediately fell into the ultimate shock again!

What a concept is it to kill half a universe of people in an instant!

This matter is too terrifying and terrifying, Mark only feels that his brain is about to be unable to handle it, and the three views are on the verge of collapse!


Is the multiverse so terrifying?

God of War Kratos: Universe? What does that mean? There are so many stars in the sky… Are all people living there?

God of War Kratos: If so, why didn’t they fall from the stars?

Stephen Strange: Uh… It’s really hard to explain this to you for a while.

Nick Fury: This is terrible, it seems… We’re going to see that snowflake fluttering scene again.

Sentinel: Snowflakes fluttering? What is that?

Nick Fury: After Thanos snaps his fingers, all living beings affected by the power of the Infinity Stones will turn into dust, and then drift away with the wind, looking… It’s like a black snowflake!

Invincible Young Man: God, don’t say any more, goosebumps are coming up from me. ∑( ̄□ ̄*|||

Ghost Knight: Abominable purple potato monster, committed such a terrible sin, even if he dies 100 million times, it is not enough to pay back!

Thanos Thanos: If any of you can kill that scum, I have no opinion.

Thanos Thanos: Has the power to change the entire universe, but is so abused, this kind of guy actually holds me in the face! It’s so persistent!

Invincible Young Man: Huh? We actually have a Thanos in our group! ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Deadpool: Huh… There is still a difference between this Thanos and the goddess of death.

Nick Fury: But it also makes him more dangerous!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On Earth, Spider-Man is soaring over the city with his cobweb. 】

[Looking down from the air, he was suddenly shocked to find that there were suddenly many places on the square. 】

[In an instant, the originally dense crowd suddenly disappeared by half! ] 】

[“My child! My God! “】

[A mother looks at the empty stroller, covers her head and screams. 】

[He couldn’t believe it, just blinking an eye, the child he put in the stroller actually evaporated out of thin air.] 】

[“Mary Jane! “】

[Seeing this terrible scene, Spider-Man was full of excitement, and the cold hairs on his back stood up. ] 】

[At this moment, he immediately thought of the woman he loved the most! ] 】

[Will Mary Jane disappear inexplicably like these people?] 】

[At the same time, in the Avengers base, Captain America is talking to other Avengers members as always.] 】

[Without warning, several Avengers, including Hawkeye, disappeared in front of the captain! ] 】

[The captain desperately tried to catch these disappearing figures, but in the end he could only catch the air. 】

“This… What’s going on? “】

[Lying helplessly on the ground, the captain’s eyes were full of horror, the whole person was completely in a state of panic, and cold sweat could not stop flowing out. ] 】

[In New York City alone, there have been passenger planes falling from the sky, because the pilot disappeared out of thin air! ] 】

[As for the various car accidents, there are countless more. 】

[At the same time, in addition to Earth, whether it is Asgard, Kree Star, Skuru… All races, all civilizations, all the races in the universe have disappeared half of the population! 】

[In response to this unprecedented and terrible disaster, all the superheroes on Earth have gathered in the Supreme Sanctuary of Doctor Strange. 】

[And at this moment, a strange magician suddenly descended from the sky and descended in front of the heroes. 】

“It’s you! “】

[Upon seeing this mage with golden skin, the silver glider immediately recognized him. 】

[Originally, cast a spell to bring him and Drax the Destroyer… The one who transferred out of the inside of the soul gem was this person. 】

[Facing a group of superheroes, the mage introduced himself and claimed to be Adam Warlock! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Adam Warlock? Who is this guy? ”

Looking at this strange mage dressed in gold, Little Wanda was a little confused for a while.

Standing next to her, Tony Stark raised his eyebrows lightly and immediately said:

“I remember… In the “Guardians of the Galaxy II” image, there is a video at the end. ”

“The golden-skinned Sovirin Starmen seem to have made some artificial creature and are ready to use it to take revenge on the Guardians of the Galaxy.”

At this time, Peter Parker also remembered:

“That’s right! The priestess of the star Sovelin seems to have named the artificial creature Adam! ”

“So, this guy is an artificial human created by Sovelin Star?”

Little Wanda understood at once.

“No wonder… His skin is also golden! ”

【Image continues】

[The picture comes to the other side.] 】

[In the temple built by Thanos for the goddess of death, this purple potato monster is roaring loudly at the goddess of death who does not say a word:]

[“Woman! You’re enough! “】

“I have fulfilled all your requirements, and even the entire universe has been destroyed by half by me! “】

“And you… But I don’t even want to give me a small smile, what do you want? “】

[Although the goddess of death sat on the throne created for her by Thanos, her face was still indifferent, and she didn’t even want to look at him. ] 】

[In the face of such an indifferent attitude, Thanos’s already unstable mind finally fell into madness completely! ] 】

[It turned out that he also thought that as long as he had the Infinity Gauntlet, he could do whatever he wanted in the universe. ] 】

[But only now did Thanos know that in front of women, even the power of the Infinity Stones may not be useful! ] 】

“I am willing to give you even the whole universe, and what I want… Just for you to shout my name! “】

“But you don’t even want to do this little thing for me!”] “】

[Under extreme madness and anger, Thanos finally unintentionally unleashed the power of the Infinity Stones! ] 】


[The terrifying energy burst out instantly, spreading in all directions at an unimaginable speed! ] 】

[And everything that stands in the way of this energy impact, whether it is planets, stars or galaxies, is instantly torn to pieces and turned into nothing! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Tens of millions of light years away, in a spaceship, a giant wearing purple armor and a strange crown on his head, gritted his teeth and looked at the space outside the window, his face full of anger. ] 】

[This person is the Planet Devourer, one of the five gods of creation. 】

[It turns out that the Planet Eater is preparing to take a planet as their food. 】

[But this planet was completely destroyed by the shock wave of energy unintentionally released by Thanos. ] 】

[“Abominable! “】

[Even though the Planet Eater was extremely angry, he still had to control his anger. 】

[Because… The energy released by Thanos is simply too strong. 】

[Even the cosmic power of the Planet Devourer is completely incomparable to it! ] 】

[According to the judgment of the Planet Devourer, the terrifying energy fluctuations released by Thanos have destroyed a quarter of the universe! ] 】

[Moreover, it won’t be long before this terrifying shockwave will reach the earth! ] 】

[Although by then, the destructive power of this energy will decay to only 2% of the initial amount, but… It can still cause horrible damage! 】

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: What? Father!!! (⊙_⊙)

See the Planet Eater on the screen… In front of Thanos’ infinite power, he sighed to himself, and Swallowing Mei’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

In fact, Swallow Mei has long known that due to years of hunger, her father’s strength… In the five gods of creation, it can only be counted as the countdown.

And in that universe on the screen, even the goddess of death believes that her strength is far inferior to Infinite Thanos!

Therefore, of course, it is impossible for Swallowing Star to beat this purple potato monster!

But even so, seeing the helpless look of that “Swallowing Star”, watching the “food” destroyed, but not daring to find Thanos to seek revenge, Swallowing Sister still felt a tingling in her heart.

“Hateful purple monster, you wait for me!”

Standing in front of the big screen, Swallowing Mei stomped her foot while gritting her teeth, as if she was tearing Thanos’ flesh.

And while making this act of venting anger, Swallowing Mei’s vigilance was also raised to the peak.

An explosion of energy released inadvertently destroyed a quarter of the universe!

What a terrifying force this is!

Even the strongest “eternal” god among the five gods of creation can be compared to the current Thanos?

【Image continues】

[Soon, the energy fluctuations that Thanos unintentionally released traveled through the endless space and came to Earth. ] 】


[Although in the process of crossing the universe, this energy has decayed to only 2%, it is still enough to destroy the entire earth to the ground, and the earth is shaken! ] 】

[In one fell swoop, countless buildings collapsed, and countless cities were razed to the ground! ] 】

[The entire west coast of the beautiful country was shattered by the terrifying shock and slid into the sea. 】

[In the East, Inazuma Country was actually in the midst of a huge earthquake… Directly sank into the sea! 】

[The most terrifying thing is that according to scientists’ observations, due to the impact of this energy wave, the earth has deviated from its original orbit! ] 】

[If this continues, the entire Earth will be far away from the sun and slide into dark space beyond the solar system! ] 】

[Of course, by that time, the creatures on Earth would have died a long time ago! ] 】

[Moreover, this energy shock did not only destroy the earth, but even severely damaged Asgard in the Nine Realms! ] 】


[The power of the Infinity Stones is simply like destroying the heavens and the earth, just the aftermath, destroying the home of this Nordic God Race to pieces! ] 】

[Not only was the rainbow bridge that was enough to penetrate the Nine Realms completely interrupted, but even Odin’s palace was shaken down! ] 】

[The gods of Asgard, standing up with difficulty in the ruins, looked at each other, and their faces were all filled with horror and disbelief. 】

[And among them, there is even the Lord of the Nine Realms… God King Odin! 】

[And this God King Highness was also embarrassed at this time, and his one-eyed eyes were full of regret and helplessness. ] 】

[Just now, Asgard inexplicably disappeared half of the population, but who would have thought that an even more terrible disaster would befall them again! ] 】

Can see here, in front of countless screens in the multiverse, almost everyone is frozen in place like clay sculptures, and their eyes are full of shock and panic.

Endless horror, impacting their hearts!


“This… How so? ”

Odin Huoran stood up from the throne, and the look of horror in his one-eyed eyes could not be concealed at all!

At this moment, even as the God King of the Nine Realms, he actually felt a bone-chilling chill hit him.

It’s terrible!

Just the energy released inadvertently destroyed a quarter of the universe?

Then if this purple potato monster goes all out, it can really destroy the universe!

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