With the big screens located in various universes, Franklin’s shocking actions suddenly shocked countless people located in the multiverse!

Merlot Heavenly Court!

“That blue ball… Is it the universe? ”

“Isn’t it! How is this possible? ”

Above the main hall, the shock in the eyes of angel Leng and angel chase was extremely rich, and the mind was blank, and for a while it was like a dream, and the brain was almost useless.

The two of them were just low-level angels, and they had just had the honor to come to the main hall to watch the video, where had they seen such an amazing sight?


Next to them, Angel Yan swallowed his saliva, took a deep breath in horror, and finally eased up.

At this moment, Angel Yan’s mind suddenly flashed, and he instinctively exclaimed:

“Marbles universe, isn’t this the same as the previous marbles universe?”

Upon hearing this, except for the angels chasing these two newcomers who were still confused, the rest of the angels, including Hexi and Kesha, were all moved in their hearts.

They remember very well that just dozens of days ago, an equally amazing sight appeared on the video!

The universe known as Men in Black… In fact, the whole thing is packed in a marble!

Moreover, this “cosmic marble” is even just a toy for some “high-dimensional alien race”!

After pondering for a while, Queen Caesar suddenly looked at Hexi and asked:

“Hexi, do you think that this child’s superpower… Where did it come from? ”

“Is it because of his mutant gene, or that cosmic control stick?”

Hexi’s face also showed a pensive look, and after a long time he replied:

“I don’t know how powerful mutants are.”

“But from the current previous images, their superpowers, whether it is magnetic or psychic abilities… There also seems to be a limit. ”

“But this child’s strength is inevitably too strong.”

Keisha listened and nodded slightly, seemingly agreeing with Hexi’s judgment.

After all, he had also seen several images related to mutants before this, and although the superpowers of these humanoid creatures were not weak, they were only at the planet level at most.

And this Franklin … Even jumped to the level of “creating the universe” in an instant!

If this is the power of mutants, the gap should not be so big.

“Oh my God!”

In the Baxter Building, Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards trembled, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and even bulged out of his sockets, and his jaw fell directly to the ground!

At this moment, if someone walks into the laboratory, they will find that the man who is known as the smartest man in the world is just like the character in the ancient animation, and the whole person looks funny and weird!

“Whew… Whew… Whew…”

It was hard to restore his rubber body to its original state, and Reid breathed desperately for a long time, only then he could barely calm himself down.

However, his eyes were still bulging out of the sockets, but Reid couldn’t care about it at this time.

“My child, my child and Susan’s child, can create the universe?”

Looking at the blue sphere held by the child in his hand on the screen, Reed was covered in cold sweat on his forehead, his mind was messy, and for a while he had a ridiculous idea.

If I and Susan also had a baby, would it be so powerful?

Now go after her a second time… Is it still time?

At this time, in the live broadcast room, everyone was also shocked.

“God, what is this!”

“Mutants! Are mutants that strong? ”

“That was… Reed Richards’ son? ”

Tony, Wayne, Clark, and even the Sentinel were all shocked and stunned, and it took half a day to come to their senses.


The sentinel opened his mouth wide, and it took half a day to say this sentence.

As a strong man who has mastered the explosive power of a million suns, he has always considered himself the most powerful man on earth.

But looking at the small blue sphere on the screen, Robert Reynolds suddenly felt only a moment of dizziness in his head.

Compared to such a creation power, his little superpower… It doesn’t seem worth mentioning at all!

At this moment, Little Wanda suddenly showed a look of sudden realization and shouted loudly:

“Marble universe! This imp also created a marbles universe! ”

Bruce Wayne took a deep breath and nodded solemnly:

“Marbles universe, pocket dimension, whatever you call it… But essentially all the same. ”

“To be able to do this kind of thing, this Franklin’s strength is probably among all the characters we have seen so far… the strongest…”

As soon as he said this, Young Master Wayne’s tone suddenly froze, and then he added:

“The strongest people… One of them”

Although Brucevie didn’t make it clear, another person flashed in the minds of many people in the live broadcast room.

A blue man.

At this time, Tony’s face showed a thoughtful look, and he muttered in a low voice:

“Creating the universe? Are mutants’ superpowers that strong? ”


Upon hearing this, Magneto was immediately annoyed.

I saw him pointing at Tony and asking in a fierce voice:

“What do you mean by that? Do you look down on people like us? ”


Speechless, with a sideways glance at Magneto, Tony spread his hands and said:

“Don’t blame me for thinking so, this kid’s ability… I don’t know how many billions of times stronger than you and that Professor Charles! ”

“Everyone is a mutant, why can he be so strong?”


Magneto was speechless for a while, but after a while, his eyes lit up, and he said with a loud laugh:

“Maybe… This kid is the savior of our mutants, and his appearance … Will lead all mutants to the top and become the true ruling race of this world! ”


Seeing his appearance, don’t say Tony, even Loki shook his head and said with a sneer:

“I see, you should really go find your old friend and let him use his psychic abilities… Diagnose your brain and see what’s the big deal! ”

“You !!!”

Watchmen Universe.

“Life, the earth, the universe, all created in one breath.”

Looking at the big screen, Dr. Lan Dadiao Manhattan showed appreciation in his eyes.

And next to him, Dr. Strange couldn’t help but take a gentle breath.

“Good fellow, this kid is really amazing, better than me.”

With his demon god power, if he wanted to create a bare half-finished pocket universe, it would not be difficult.

However, it is impossible to describe the difficulty of creating a planet and even life on it!

And Dr. Demonization quickly thought of another thing.

This little ghost named Franklin turned out to be unconscious… Created the universe!

This kid’s abilities… How could it be so strong?

Where are my limits?

Just as these thoughts popped up in Dr. Demon’s mind, new images appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Although a pocket universe about the size of a bowling ball has been created, but… Franklin Richards didn’t know what the ball was or what it contained! 】

[Fortunately, out of instinct, he still felt that this blue sphere was important, so he carried it with him all the time.] 】

[It was because he created this pocket universe that Franklin also attracted the attention of the Celestial God Group. ] 】

[A group of celestial gods who came to Earth as a female human and found Franklin. 】

[The Celestial God Group told Franklin that he had to make a choice:]

“You resurrected all the dead heroes and put them into this pocket universe. “】

“But … That’s not how the universe works. “】

“You either leave those heroes in that pocket universe forever, or you bring the Earth in that universe to the real world and replace the current Earth!”] “】

[“This is 2 out of 1, you can only make one choice! “】

[In the face of this aggressive female god group, Franklin Richards made an amazing move. 】

[He chooses… All of them! 】

[He did not choose to destroy the current earth, nor did he choose to give up those heroes…”

[Franklin broke the boundary between reality and the pocket universe, bringing all the resurrected heroes to the real world! ] 】

[Just after doing all this, Franklin Richards destroyed the pocket universe he had created, and all the life in it was wiped out. 】

“I’ll go!”

Watching Franklin destroy the blue sphere, Peter Parker suddenly felt cold, and the whole person trembled involuntarily.

This kid… Just like that, a universe was destroyed!

Moreover, there is at least one more Earth in this universe.

Before that, those superheroes who were resurrected by him lived like normal people on that earth!

But now everything is gone!

“This is God… No! Is this God? ”

Bruce Wayne let out a long breath. The complexion changes erratically. It can be seen that the mood is extremely complicated.

To be fair, he wasn’t unable to understand Franklin’s actions.

After all, he did not choose to keep the world he lived in, and he brought back all the superheroes who were resurrected by him.

As for the universe he destroyed, he created it from the beginning!

But no matter how many reasons there are, this move to destroy the universe at the snap of a finger is still to everyone, including Wayne… All brought unprecedented horror and shock!

In legend, God was interested in His creation… It is to have the absolute power of life and death.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Because Franklin was so young, he didn’t know how to control his abilities. In many cases, it is not even used! 】

“One day, that all changed. 】

[That night, an alarm suddenly sounded in the Baxter Building! ] 】

[Fantastic Four, heard the alarm and rushed over. ] 】

[They found a bearded middle-aged man standing at the door of Reed Richards’ two children’s room, as if he wanted to walk in! ] 】

[Seeing this scene, the magical four were so frightened that their hair stood up. ] 】

[But just as they were about to stop the man, a barrier suddenly appeared in the corridor. 】

[“Bang! “】

[“Hula la! “】

[Whether it is the fist of the stone man, or the flame of thunderbolt fire, even the position of the invisible woman cannot break through this invisible barrier. 】

[The middle-aged man just grabbed young Franklin Richards with his superpowers, said something in his ear, and left. 】

[At this time, the Fantastic Four did not know that this middle-aged man was actually Franklin decades later! ] 】

[In the future, Reed Richards will die in an accident.] 】

[So, this adult Franklin decided to travel back in time to teach his younger self how to control the superpowers in his body! ] 】

[He thinks. Only help yourself to become stronger as soon as possible. to stop Reed Richards from dying! 】

[Under the call of “adult self”, Franklin Richards’ superpowers have improved very quickly. 】

[It won’t be long before he can create a mini universe on his own legend as he wishes. ] 】

[But this is just the beginning!] 】

[Next, the adult version of Franklin began to constantly shuttle back in time, teaching himself to create life, create humans, create the solar system…]

[Create everything imaginable!] 】

“This… Is that a sun? ”

Looking at two Franklins, one big and one small, standing in front of a sun that had just been created, the sentinel’s pupils instantly froze, setting off monstrous waves inside, and his mouth was even more open enough to stuff a duck egg.

A million sun explosions?

People simply made the sun directly!

“Sure enough…”

Bruce Wayne nodded heavily with an uncontrollable shock in his eyes.

That adult version of Franklin is really teaching his past self… How to become a qualified God!

At this time, Tonisdak also said in a voice full of shock:

“This kid… In the future, he will become the supreme god of this universe. ”

“I’m afraid even that Eternal, or Thanos the Infinity Gauntlet… None of them compare to him. ”

Hearing this, the live broadcast room fell into endless silence again.

Not the slightest sound, no longer exists!

【Image continues】

Just as the young Franklin was being taught by his future self, something big happened suddenly. 】

[A group of Celestial God groups from another dimension invaded the 616 universe. 】

[These guys are called crazy gods, and their goal is to destroy the Planet Devourer! ] 】

[Not long after, they found the Planet Eater in the starry sky of the universe beyond the earth, and a battle broke out between the two sides. 】

[The Planet Devourer used his cosmic power to first knock out a crazy group of gods. 】

[No one expected that the three surviving Heavenly God Groups would actually fuse together! ] Become an incredibly strong supergiant! 】

“Nope! “】

[Looking at the giant in front of him who released infinite amounts of energy, the Planet Eater’s face finally showed horror. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The giant of the Celestial God Group just stretched out his palm and fired an energy cannon… Just beat the Swallowing Star into a serious injury! 】


[The body of the star swallowing fell from outer space to the earth. Smash a big hole in the earth! 】

[The invincible Planet Eater has been defeated again. ] 】

[Next, this Celestial God Group giant was divided into three crazy Celestial God groups again. 】

[They landed on Earth, fought the Fantastic Four, and effortlessly crushed them.] 】

[At this critical moment, a dazzling golden light lit up in the air. 】

[Looking up at this golden light, the invisible female Susan’s eyes suddenly burst into tears of excitement. 】

[A man and a woman, two people descended from the sky from the golden light. 】

[They are the future Franklin Richards and Valea Richards!] 】

[Children of Reed Richards, from the future to the present to help!] 】

[After the advent, the future version of Franklin showed his might, knocking out a celestial god with one punch! ] 】

[Even if he is hit head-on by the attacks of these crazy heavenly god groups, it will not hurt him a single cold hair. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Next, the future version of Franklin effortlessly smashed the head of a Celestial God group! ] 】

[And then he did something unbelievable.] 】

[The future version of Franklin concentrated the cosmic energy in his body, turned it into a ball of light, and then threw this ball into the body of the fallen planet devourer who seemed to have died. ] 】

[Immediately after, he shouted:]

[“Get up! Planet Devourer! “】

[“Get up! And then…… Be my messenger. “】

[“Boom! “】

[The Planet Eater, who was originally lying on the ground and had no breath, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up again after receiving the energy of the future version of Franklin! ] 】

[Next, the Planet Devourer seemed to obey the master’s call, and with the cosmic energy filled in his body, he easily defeated the last crazy Celestial God Group! ] 】

[After World War I, the Planet Eaters also recognized the young version of Franklin Richards as their master. 】

[Young Franklin, on the other hand, simply took this creation god… Treat yourself as your own pet. 】

“Shenma ???”

Above the wilderness, the swallowing sister who had just recovered her original size, the boss with her eyes widened, her eyes were full of disbelief!

What are you kidding?

My dad… I actually became a pet!

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