【616 Universe】

One day, Charles Xavier, whose legs were healthy, sat on a park bench enjoying the sun. 】

Suddenly, a woman dressed in green approached her and greeted him like an old friend. 】

[Looking at this woman he had never met, Charles fell into doubt. 】

[Finally, at the invitation of the other party, he read the woman’s heart. 】

[Charles cautiously activated his psychic powers. Reading the memory of the woman in front of him,

[And then… He was deeply shocked! 】

[Charles Xavier saw the ninth reincarnation of the green-clothed woman in front of him. 】

[Her name is Moira. 】

[After reading Moira’s memory of the ninth dynasty, Charles’s three views were almost subverted. 】

[He became judgmental and found Magneto! ] 】

[With the joint efforts of two of the strongest mutants in the world, a new mutant country “Krako” has been established! ] 】

[After going through many difficulties.] The mutants have finally built a nation united to stand up to humanity! 】

[After the establishment of “Krako”, Franklin Richards, who is a mutant, was also very excited. 】

[After creating the multiverse, his superpowers have never returned. 】

[His father, Reed Richards, also doesn’t seem to be very interested in restoring his abilities. 】

[In this case, Franklin, who has become a teenager, is very eager to live in a new environment! ] 】

[Just as he was preparing to move to the mutant country of “Krako”, Charles Xavier used his psychic powers to enter Franklin’s brain. 】

“Franklin Richards, I know what you’re thinking, I’m in your brain. “】

[Charles Xavier said to Franklin with his psychic power:]

“You want to live in our kingdom, and you want us X-Men… Be able to find a way to restore your mutant superpowers. “】

“But unfortunately, none of this is possible. “】

“Why? “】

Franklin was taken aback. 】

[According to the external propaganda of the mutant country “Krako”, they should unconditionally accept all mutants, why would they turn themselves away? ] 】

[Charles Xavier’s voice is very calm, but there is also an irreversible flavor in it:]

“Because… You’re not a mutant at all! “】

[“I read your deep memories with a brainwave booster, you have been a human since you were born!!”] “】

“When you’re a child, you want to be different, so you use your power to modify reality, tamper with your genes and cells, and ‘modify’ you into a mutant! “】

“This… I didn’t know anything like that…”

[Franklin Richards was struck by lightning, and the whole person was stupid. ] 】

[He never dreamed that his identity as a mutant would actually be “fake” from the beginning! ] 】

[This blow was so great that it shook Franklin’s thinking to a blank, and his brain almost crashed.] 】

Seeing this scene, countless people in front of the screen were also stunned.

“What? This kid is actually not a mutant. ”

Magneto’s eyes widened, and the expression on his face completely froze.

Just now, he was proud and proud of this young mutant powerhouse, but who would have thought… Only after a while, the situation was completely reversed!

This Franklin Richards turned out to be a human being!

And the reason why he became a mutant is purely because this kid wants to be different and modifies his genes with superpowers!

At the thought of this, Magneto’s face turned red with anger.

“Damn it, you damn humans would do such a thing!”

How excited Magneto was before, and now he, after falling from the peak… How disappointed and annoyed!

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: I wipe! It turns out that this stinky boy is not a mutant.

Divine Kesha: Sure enough, as I expected, I felt that if the ability of Charles Xavier and that Magneto was used as a benchmark, the power of this Franklin… It’s too strong.

Tony Stark: Yes, I also find it strange that Magneto’s peak ability is only to destroy the world, and this Franklin simply created the destruction universe!

Tony Stark: Now it seems that his superpower still comes from the “cosmic control stick”

Deadpool: Huh? What awesome?

Carol Danvers: Did your cancer cells grow into your brain? It is the cosmic artifact that Reed Richards ran to negative space and snatched back!

Reed Richards: Ahem, it seems that in this 616 universe, “I” am using the cosmic control stick… When he helped Franklin be born, he also inadvertently gave him cosmic-level superpowers.

Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: cosmic level? You this is the multiverse level… No! It may even be the Almighty Universe, or higher!

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: It’s good to have a good father, just born, already destined to become a god who created the multiverse!

Ghost Rider: Miss, speaking this in your capacity, why do I feel a little unconvincing?

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: … Don’t mention that stupid dad…

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowers: how he just can’t grow a little, why in every multiverse… He always loses? ╥﹏╥

Invincible Young Man: I said you guys… I seem to have forgotten one thing!

Invincible Young Man: If what is said in this video is true, it may be a little beyond the Protoss in the future… Aren’t you worried about destroying the multiverse? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: It’s useless to worry about this kind of thing, is it possible… Not killed by the enemy, but scared to death first.

Tony Stark: I don’t think I need to worry too much, first of all, that Mr. Sentinel is from the 616 universe, and I have told him to contact Franklin first and prepare early.

Invincible Young Man: This… What if that child is still very young?

Invincible Young Man: Judging from the video, it seems that he only accepted the teaching of his future self after the age of seven or eight and controlled his own abilities!

Tony Stark: Haha, if that’s the case, it’s even more gratifying!

Invincible Young Man: Huh?

Tony Stark: I didn’t notice just now, when the “Doujie” collapsed, Franklin was at least 10 years old when he created the multiverse!

Tony Stark: That is, if he is very young now, then far from the collapse of the multiverse… There are still years left for us to prepare!

Wonder Woman Diana: Well said, a cool head is a must if you want to make a battle plan.

Bruce Wayne: Not only that, but even if the multiverse does collapse, everyone may not necessarily die.

Wonder Woman Diana: Oh? Bruce, what do you think of again?

Bruce Wayne: I was thinking… That legendary “Doukai”!

Bruce Wayne: From the information in the image, it can be interpreted that this “fighting world” is made of fragments after the multiverse is crushed, spliced!

Bruce Wayne: In other words, even if those endless multi-universes are destroyed, there are still fragments left! There should still be people inside!

Wonder Woman Diana: Bruce, you’re too big for this brain.

Tony Stark: No, if there is no intelligent life in this fighting world, then what is the point of creating it?

Tony Stark: “Someone” spent so much effort putting together the fragments of the multiverse, probably not for fun.

Invincible Young Man: “Someone”? Who’s that? (⊙o⊙)

Tony Stark: I don’t know, but from the information available. The remaining superheroes finally launched an attack on this fighting world and crushed it!

Tony Stark: So who’s ruling this “spliced world”? Definitely not a good person!

Thanos Thanos: Hahaha, as long as you heroes are enemies, are you necessarily bad people? Human values are ridiculous.

Deadpool: Eh, I think what Thanos said this time also makes sense, after all, Tony Stark, didn’t you also fight with that American captain? So which of you is a good guy and which one is a bad guy? ^_^

Tony stark:………… →_→

At this moment, the screen gradually dimmed.

[“The Strongest Mutant: Franklin Richards” is finished.] 】

Deadpool: Huh? That’s not right! Didn’t that Professor Charles on the screen just now say that Franklin was not a mutant?

Charles Xavier: It’s unbelievable, in the 616 universe… I would actually dress like that!

Magneto: Charles, your focus is always so strange.

Magneto: Didn’t you find out that in that universe, we mutants finally succeeded in establishing a nation?

Magneto: That’s what really makes you happy!

Reed Richards: I don’t know much about mutant countries, but it seems to me that Franklin Richards is indeed a mutant.

Magneto: Human! What do you know?

Reed Richards: I know that this son of “my” has the ability to create the multiverse!

Reed Richards: In that case, if he wants to turn himself into a mutant, he can do it!

Wanda Maksimov: Eh! Yes, but at the end of that image, Franklin even made the Planet Devourer!

Wanda Maximov: Is it so difficult for such a powerful person to just become a mutant?

Magneto: ………

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: … Stupid dad. (╯_╰)

Charles Xavier: Uh… If so, then in the 616 universe, why did “I” not allow Franklin to enter the mutant nation?

Reed Richards: Probably… You are more concerned about the “pureness” of mutant blood.

Reed Richards: That Franklin is an acquired mutant who wasn’t born with the X gene, so “you” can’t accept him.

Magneto: Humph! Stupid to the extreme. See, this kid has the potential to create the multiverse! It was so stupid to turn him away because of such a boring theory of blood.

At first, after learning that Franklin was not a pure mutant, Magneto was indeed a little angry, but after calming down, he also reacted.

This kid… But you can rub the universe empty-handed!

If Franklin were to turn himself into a mutant, he would definitely be a 100% mutant!

Moreover, the human has turned himself into a mutant, doesn’t this just represent his recognition of the mutant race and group?

This is obviously a good thing!

Charles Xavier: Eric, you actually accuse me of “blood theory”? Are you mistaken? (▼ヘ▼#)

Magneto: Strength is the most important thing! If that kid can really awaken his abilities, the perpetuity of the mutant kingdom will be unshakable!

Magneto: Everything else is meaningless in front of this premise!

Charles Xavier: Forget it, I’m not arguing with you. In fact…… When it comes to mutant countries, I care more about that Moira!

Charles Xavier: I really want to know that this woman’s nine memories are all divine horses! Why did I watch it after … Will you decide to work with you?

Magneto: … Do you hate working with me that much?

Charles Xavier: Do you hate talking to me so much? (艹皿艹)

Wolverine: Enough, you two idiots! Change places to flirt.

Wolverine: I have also heard about the memory of the ninth life in the East… There is a kind of person in the world who can be reincarnated and reborn! , As long as you die, you can be reincarnated again with the memories of your past life!

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! This is very handsome, with this ability, can’t you live forever!

Charles Xavier: It shouldn’t be that simple, otherwise Moira wouldn’t have asked me for help, and I wouldn’t have decided to establish a mutant nation after reading her memory!

Magneto: Moira…………

At this moment, the screen that had been dim lit up again.

[Next, start playing “The Strongest Thor Rune King Thor”]

“Rune King?”

In Asgard, Odin on the throne was originally not good-looking, but when he saw this title, his spirit was suddenly lifted.

In his memory, the so-called runes should be the rune magic of the Asa God Clan!

However, this magic is too ancient and powerful, so it has long been lost.

If Thor was really able to master rune magic, perhaps… In the face of the future disaster that pervades the multiverse, he will have a greater chance of surviving!

Soon, new images appeared on the screen, as well as narration.

【616 Universe】

[At the beginning of Norse mythology, Odin and his brothers killed the world’s original giant, Ymir, and then used his body to create the world. 】

[The skull of the giant Ymir turned into the sky,]

【Brain turned into clouds,】

【Blood turns into ocean,】

【Hair turns into trees,】

[Bones turned into mountains and boulders.] 】

[And the maggots that grew in the body of the giant Ymir were brought to life by Odin, and they became dwarves. 】

[In the ancient mythological era, in order to defeat his enemies, Odin found the greatest dwarf craftsman and ordered him to forge an invincible divine weapon in the nine realms]

[The dwarf craftsman made a mold with the Heart of the Sun, and then cast Mjolnir in the mold! ] 】

[This is the greatest artifact that the Nine Realms have ever seen! ] 】

[And in the process of casting Thor’s hammer, the divine power turmoil caused by it shook the entire Nine Realms! ] 】

[Just the Mars sputtered during casting turned into meteors and fell to the earth, exterminating dinosaurs! ] 】

[After casting Mjolnir, this magical mold is still left, and unimaginable divine power is still left inside! ] 】

[As long as you can find the mold, you can cast a powerful artifact similar to Mjolnir!] 】

[Loki, the evil god of Asgard, also set his sights on this mold in order to defeat his brother Thor! ] 】

[He plans to use it to create a large number of Mjolnir, and then use these mass-produced artifacts… Destroy the gods of Asgard once and for all! 】

“Shenma ???”

Asgard, the original look of anticipation on Odin’s face instantly disappeared, replaced by extreme astonishment and a trace of anger.


In this unknown world, Loki has actually become a villain who goes against his brother.

And what is even more disgusting is that he even wants to destroy all the gods of Asgard!

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