Watch Valkyrie hold a stellar weapon… The terrifying power of a shot to cut off a piece of the earth’s crust suddenly became lively in the chat group.

Agent J: ……… It’s too dangerous! If the woman’s muzzle sinks a few centimeters, maybe the earth will be gone!

Agent J: These two guys are too much, such irresponsible behavior, can they also be regarded as men in black! o(▼皿▼;)

At this moment, the black brother James was really angry.

Although he has not joined the Men in Black organization for a long time, through the image, he already knows… Your own task is very difficult!

Whether it is aliens, earthlings, or even the earth itself, it is his protection object!

But those two fools on the screen seem… Just treat this as a game!

Wolverine: One shot to burst Earth? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Reed Richards: If this shot really uses the blue giant star as an energy source, let alone explode, the earth is afraid that there will be no wreckage left. (⊙_⊙)

Captain America: Damn! What exactly is wrong with that Thor? Such a dangerous weapon, did he think it was a toy?

Loki Odinson: Something is wrong, my brother’s brain really doesn’t work, but it’s not this crazy type.

Thor: Loki, you always look down on me!

Thor: Hmph, when I drink the fountain of wisdom, you will know how smart I am!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The Fountain of Wisdom? (⊙o⊙)

Rocky Odinson: Ignore him, he’s probably drinking again.

Deadpool: Wowhaha, I suddenly felt… This desert looks so familiar, I don’t know… Is it the one that Tony Stark fell into.

Rocky Odinson: Oh? You say so, I also remembered, he made a steel suit in the cave and escaped?

Loki Odinson: Hehe, if this Men in Black universe also has Tony Stark…

Loki Odinson: So, that shell just now flew more than half of the desert, I wonder if it killed him? o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Tony Stark: Humph! I also think this desert is very familiar, very much like that Loki… The one who fell into it when relying on the Cosmic Cube to escape!

Tony Stark: So, Valkyrie’s shot, it may have killed Loki! O(∩_∩)O

Rocky Odinson: … →_→

Nick Fury: Ahem, by now, I probably know what’s going on.

Nick Fury: Those two Nebula killers attacked Wangers, supposedly trying to get it from him… Grab this star-class weapon!

Carol Danvers: Their planet has been ruled by the Beestarmen, so these two unlucky bastards are also doing things for their masters.

Nick Fury: Captain! Is it common in the universe to conquer other planets and then turn the natives of the planets into their own slaves?

Carol Danvers: It’s very common, after all, the universe is so big, there may be thousands of planets under the jurisdiction of those great empires! All under their own jurisdiction, the cost is too high.

Invincible Young Man: It seems… The universe is not very peaceful.

Carol Danvers: Can it be peaceful? Advanced civilizations in the universe often have Star Destroyers! One shot, the planet is gone!

Carol Danvers: So a real cosmic war can’t even be described as bloody, because you don’t have a chance to see blood.

Invincible Young Hero: ∑ ( ̄□ ̄ ̄*|||

Seeing Captain Marvel’s speech, the invincible young man’s heart suddenly tightened.

His father Almighty has always told him that his planet is very peaceful, and even has spare strength to send people to other planets to maintain order and help backward planets like Earth develop.

But whether it is the universe of the Men in Black in front of him, or Captain Marvel’s speech, it seems to point in another direction!

The universe is actually very dangerous, even cold!

Wars between civilizations, even slavery and destruction, are commonplace!

And just when the invincible young man Mark was terrified, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the desert, Thor and Valkyrie have seen the power of star-level weapons, but due to problems with their alien motorcycles, they can only temporarily stay to repair their cars. ] 】

[But they didn’t expect that when they were repairing the car, a little alien would pop out of the kettle of this alien motorcycle. ] 】

[It turns out that the aliens who provided this alien motorcycle to Thor, the god of thunder, were not at all safe. ] 】

[This alien has long known… Thor, the god of thunder and they have stellar weapons, that’s why he hides his men in this motorcycle! 】

[As soon as the little alien came out, he immediately grabbed the alien crystal, and then flew away directly. ] 】

[Although he watched the cooked duck fly away, Thor did not panic. ] 】

[Because he knew that even if that alien merchant got such a powerful weapon, he would not be able to find a buyer. The only way to sell it is to sell it to Lisa, the most notorious alien weapons dealer on Earth! 】

[And this alien Lisa happens to be Thor’s old friend. ] 】

[Next, the Asgard duo went to the island where the alien arms dealer Lisa was. 】

[In order to show kindness, Thor also specially gave him the little pawn soldier as a gift. ] 】

[However, Lisa can become the bearer of an arms dealer on Earth, and she is not stupid. ] 】

[After she accepted the gift, she directly ordered her subordinates to drive Thor out. 】

“H, give you a little advice. “】

[While looking at the little soldier in the glass in her hand, Lisa sneered:]

“Next time you want to give me a gift, don’t choose… The day I got the strongest weapon in the world. “】

[Just when Thor, the god of thor and Lisa were with the snake, Valkyrie, who was hiding in his motorboat, also took the opportunity to sneak into the island. ] 】

[But because of the weapon system defense, Valkyrie could not enter the interior of the castle.] 】

[Fortunately, when he was escorted back to the motorboat by two bodyguards, Thor directly turned his face, and sneaked into the main control room of the island, turned off the weapon system, and Valkyrie climbed in. ] 】

[It’s a pity that she was unlucky, and just entered the castle when she met Lisa, a weapons merchant, and the two immediately got into a fight. ] 】

[Valkyrie never expected that this beautiful Lisa actually had a 3rd hand on her back! ] Suddenly he was beaten dizzy. 】

[At the same time, in the main control room, Thor also encountered Lisa’s number one alien bodyguard, and facing this giant who was two or three meters tall, Thor was also beaten to the ground. ] 】


[After being shot away by the alien giant again, Thor lay on the ground, just saw a small hammer in front of him, and grabbed it. ] 】

[Raising the small hammer, Thor seemed to be full of strength again, and directly stood up and threw the hammer out. ] 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[The alien giant directly caught this hammer, and then came up with a punch, and knocked Thor away again…]

In the live broadcast room.


Looking at the silly look of Nursery holding the little hammer as a baby, but finally being caught by the alien, little Wanda laughed again.

Loki first lowered his head in disgust, but after a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“This guy should just be a variant of that iron bunch, but… He has such a special feeling for hammers! ”

“Did you say… Is this some kind of common denominator across parallel universes? ”

And just as Loki was thinking, little Wanda’s nasty voice came into his ears again.

“Oops, I suddenly remembered.”

Little Wanda clapped his hands and smiled:

“No matter which parallel universe, Loki wants to rule the world, but in the end he will definitely fail!”

“It seems that Thor’s situation is the same…”

“An obsession with the hammer, and an obsession with world domination?”

Bruce Wayne listened next to him, and his heart suddenly moved.

“If the two of them… The common denominator in parallel universes is this. ”

“So, what are the similarities between my variants, is it to uphold justice? Or fight criminals, or protect the planet? ”

Thinking of this, Young Master Wayne couldn’t help but glance at Clark Kent again.

【Image continues】

[The hammer didn’t work, Thor, the god of thunder, was completely knocked down by the blue alien giant and brought to the arms merchant Lisa. 】

[The worst thing is that Valkyrie has already gained the upper hand here, and even snatched the crystal! ] 】

[But looking at Thor, the god of thunder lying on the ground, she could only helplessly give this star-level weapon to Lisa. ] 】

[Thor seems to be unable to stand up, but even so, he still has a hard mouth and says with a smile:]

“It’s okay, everything is planned! “】

【“H! After so many years, your paranoia has actually become more and more serious. “】

[After Lisa got the crystal, she sneered and ordered the bodyguard:]

“Kill both of them, but… Torture this man first, don’t let him die too quickly. “】

【”Ahhh!! “】

[Directly pinched by the blue alien bodyguard and lifted up, Thor was struggling in vain, while actually still fighting with his mouth:]

[“Put me down!”] You Tarente scoundrel. “】

“Tarent? “】

[Upon hearing this name, Valkyrie, who was standing on the side, was suddenly startled. 】

[She remembered! ] 】

[When she was a child, she encountered a little blue alien who broke into her room! ] 】

[Moreover, through the words of the man in black outside the window, she also heard that this little alien is a Tarente! ] 】

[Remembering that after helping this little alien, the other party left her a sentence, Valkyrie did not hesitate and directly repeated that sentence. ] 】


【“!!! “】

[Upon hearing these words, the face of the terrifying blue giant bodyguard suddenly changed greatly, and he turned his head to look at Valkyrie in disbelief. 】

“It’s you??? “】

[It turns out that the little alien that Valkyrie let go is the terrible bodyguard in front of him! ] 】

[After 20 years, he has actually grown so big. 】

[Moreover, the sentence that this little alien spoke to him at the beginning refers to…”

“One day, I will use the most terrifying method to kill someone you want me to kill!”] “】

[Due to this past cause, the blue giant bodyguard jumped directly back, and the weapon merchant Lisa could only obediently hand over the star-level weapon in the face of the muzzle of the black hole hole. ] 】

[Thor, the god of thunder, and Valkyrie left Lisa’s castle without risk, but at this moment, the pair of nebula killers suddenly appeared:]

“For the sake of the Beestarmen, we must get that weapon!”] “】

[Thor shouted:]

“We will defend our world at all costs. “】

[Surprisingly, in the face of this declaration, these two terrifying alien killers actually responded:]

“So are we. “】

[“Huh? “】

[Valkyrie was stunned when he heard this, and at this moment, several energy light waves shot out from all directions! ] Suddenly the Nebula killer was all shrouded. 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a blue wave of qi, these two alien killers who seemed to be unable to kill suddenly disappeared. ] 】

[It turned out that the large army of the Men in Black Organization arrived and completely eliminated this pair of killers with their newly developed weapons! ] 】

[Face Agent T, who arrived at the last minute.] Although Valkyrie still had some doubts in his heart, he honestly handed over the star-level weapon. 】

[After returning to the London branch, Thor and Valkyrie received a heroic welcome. 】

[Things seem to have come to an end.] 】

[But when they thought of what Nebula Killer said before, both of them felt very wrong. 】

[Thor said thoughtfully. 】

“They said they wanted to get this weapon to protect their world. “】

[Valkyrie also nodded:]

“Maybe… They need these weapons to deal with the Beestarians and thus save their world! “】

[The two immediately thought that Agent T had said before that this pair of Nebula killers had been completely controlled by the Bee Starmen. ] 】

[Next, the two tried to call up the forensic file of the Nebula Killer, but found that the data had been deleted! ] 】

[The two ran to the storage room to check the weapons handed in, but found that the star-level weapon was also gone! ] 】

[What’s more troublesome is that Agent T also disappeared at this time! ] 】

[Combine these situations, the two immediately understand! ] 】

[T is the inner ghost! ] 】

[He made everything.] 】

[He engaged in so many conspiracies just to get this stellar weapon! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Sister Natasha, you guessed it! This agent T is indeed the 9-headed snake,…… Uh no! It’s an inner ghost!

Nick Fury: This guy really betrayed humanity and defected to those Beestarmen! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I remembered… Those “Earth Trisolaran Organization” that I have seen before. Could it be that this guy is the same, wanting aliens to rule the world?

Captain America: No matter what the reason, this kind of betrayal of all mankind is undoubtedly a traitor! (▼へ▼メ)

Natasha Romanoff: There’s no doubt about that, of course, but one thing is strange.

Natasha Romanoff: This agent T, who is supposed to be a veteran of black organizations, why did he suddenly change to serve aliens?

Bruce Wayne: Suddenly changed, you say that, I think of something.

Bruce Wayne: That Wangers also said that “Agent H” is completely different from him a few years ago.

Invincible Young Man: No, did Agent H also defect to the aliens? (⊙o⊙)

Natasha Romanoff: Agent H and Agent T, what these two people have in common… And the changes a few years ago… And the Beestarmen…

Nick Fury: It’s the Eiffel Tower!

Nick Fury: A few years ago, these two men teamed up on that tower against the Beestarmen, and in the end, they were said to have won.

Nick Fury: Over the years, Agent H’s personality has changed dramatically, and Agent T has directly become an alien lackey!

Bruce Wayne: That victory… Is it fake?

Natasha Romanoff: It seems that this is the only explanation.

Invincible Young Man: What are you talking about? What exactly happened? (⊙_⊙)

Nick Fury: Agent T should have been controlled and brainwashed by aliens after losing the battle! And Agent H… I don’t know what kind of hands and feet were passive, but now it seems that there is no rebellion yet.

Natasha Romanoff: We’ll see what is going on.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After seeing the true face of Agent T, Thor also suddenly realized. ] 】

[All this… It’s all related to the portal that the Beestarmen descended on the Eiffel Tower a few years ago! 】

[So, he and Valkyrie quickly got into the latest flying car and rushed to the Eiffel Tower! ] 】

[In the elevator of the Eiffel Tower, Valkyrie asked Thor, the god of thunder, how did he defeat the Windstarman in the first place? 】

[Faced with this problem, Thor just said the same sentence over and over again, but couldn’t remember the details at all. ] 】

[This symptom is exactly the same as after being cleared of memory.] 】

[At this time, the two men in black suddenly understood. 】

[Three years ago, Thor and Agent T did not defeat the aliens, but were defeated by the aliens. 】

[At the same time, Agent T was also controlled by aliens.] 】

[However, the Beestar people may be worried… Controlling too many people will show the horse’s feet, so, just clear Thor’s memory. 】

[After rushing to the top of the tower, the Asgard duo… Sure enough, I found Agent T who had been waiting here for a long time. 】

[Facing Thor, the god of thunder who asked Xingshi for guilt, Old T not only opened the portal to Bee Star again, but also directly transformed into a terrifying monster full of tentacles! ] 】

[This guy is not only controlled, but also transformed by aliens! ] 】

And looking at this familiar scene in front of him, an exclamation suddenly sounded in front of the screen of the multiverse.

“I’ll go! Alien portals, and tentacles? ”

“Isn’t this the first episode of the what-if series?”

“Captain Kat ran inside the portal himself to defeat the tentacle monster.”

“What does that mean? Is that Valkyrie going to enter the portal too? ”

“Just kidding, she’s not Captain Kat, she doesn’t have superpowers!”

“If this woman is transmitted to an alien planet, she will die!”

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