
Hearing this term, the chat group was immediately lively, and everyone discussed it fiercely.

Invincible Young Man: This… It should be a clone, not really born of Wolverine.

Deadpool: Oh, what’s the difference, anyway, with his DNA, even if it’s his offspring! ^_^

Wolverine: This… I…… (⊙_⊙)

At this moment, Wolverine’s psychology is really complicated.

As a child, because of the trick of fate, Logan killed his biological father with his own hands.

Therefore, he has an inexplicable fear in his subconscious about leaving future generations.

Although he has lived for more than 100 years, he has always been alone, and it is for this reason.

And now, he knows… In some unknown universe, I actually have a daughter!

Although, the little girl was created by genetic technology.

But as Deadpool said, what flowed inside her… It’s your own blood!

As soon as he thought of this, Wolverine’s heart suddenly fluctuated, and he couldn’t calm down for a while.

At the same time, others bubbled up in the group.

Captain America: This girl not only knows tactics deeply, but also kills without blinking!

Captain America: It seems that she has not only received rigorous training, but also I don’t know how many times she has been on the battlefield!

Captain America: The company that made her… Really damn it!

Nick Fury: This company probably wants to use Wolverine’s genes to create good fighters.

Nick Fury: But I still don’t understand why they made a girl.

Natasha Romanoff: Nick, don’t look down on women.

Nick Fury: Ahem, I didn’t mean that.

Bruce Wayne: I think you’re all missing out on the most important thing.

Deadpool: Huh? The most important thing?

Bruce Wayne: This world has not given birth to a new mutant for 25 years!

Bruce Wayne: But this company uses mutant genes and the womb of South American women… Countless mutant children have been created!

Bruce Wayne: Why are these children born normally? Other mutants can’t?

Deadpool: Well, maybe, that company knows what methods to use to breed mutants?

Bruce Wayne: If your hypothesis holds, it means that these people also know… What causes infertility in mutants!

Wolverine: !!!

Charles Xavier: Wait a minute! Do you say…

Magneto: Abominable! Mutants can’t give birth to children, is it this company that harms them? (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

Bruce Wayne: I’m not sure, but it’s very likely.

“Abominable human!!”

In the live broadcast room, Magneto clenched his fists, his face was red, and his forehead was bruised, obviously he was extremely angry!

For many years, Magneto has wanted mutants to become the ruling race on Earth.

Even he never thought of exterminating humanity.

But in this universe, humans really use unknown means … Brought mutants to the brink of extinction!

How can this be tolerated?

And just when Magneto felt… When I was about to explode in anger, a new image finally appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

After settling Laura and buying a phone charger, Wolverine and Professor X began to watch the video on the South American woman’s phone. 】

[That company bred these mutant children, originally hoping to send them to the battlefield and become killing machines.] 】

[But after many years, the company finally developed a new product that was enough to eliminate all these children, so the company decided to clean up all the mutant children to avoid future problems.

[This South American woman was originally the nurse in charge of taking care of these children, and seeing that the situation was critical, she and her colleagues who sympathized with these mutant children started a riot! ] Saved as many children as possible. 】

[Among them, including Laura. 】

[And the South American nurse’s target is located in the north.] 】

[It is said that there is a mutant refuge there, called the Garden of Eden! ] 】

[After watching this video, Wolverine had an extremely mixed feeling, he had never seen this little girl before, but now… She became her own daughter! 】

[Although Wolverine didn’t know what to do, Professor X became sober at this time and directly instructed Wolverine to find a hotel to stay in first. 】

[After checking into the hotel, Wolverine opened the bag that Laura had been carrying with him and found some information inside. 】

[From these sources, he saw that Laura also had a code name named X23.] 】

[And the genetic source that ‘created’ Laura is him, James Howlett! ] 】

[In addition to these materials, there are actually several “X-Men” comics in the bag. ] 】

[In the comics, he also has Wolverine! ] 】

[Looking at these comics, Wolverine suddenly thought of his past days when he was in the X-Men, and driven by anger and frustration, he walked to Laura with the comics and said something as if venting:]

[“In this comic… The vast majority are fake. “】

“It’s ice cream to comfort losers!”] “】

“In the real world, people will die, and in times of danger, there will be no guys in tights to help them! “】

Seeing this, the chat group was stunned.

Invincible Heroes: Comics? In this world of X-Men. There are actually … Their caricatures? (⊙o⊙)

Deadpool: Wow haha! So much fun! In the comics, Wolverine not only wears a yellow tights, but is also so short. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Stephen Strange: That’s what Starlight said before… Is it a phenomenon to treat superheroes as the protagonists of comics?

Starlight: yes, in my world, this kind of thing is very common!

Starlight: There are several manga featuring me.

Loki Odinson: It’s boring to turn a living person into a comic, who would do such a thing?

Deadpool: Oh, I suddenly remembered something, what would it be like if these comic X-Men also came to the real world?

Nick Fury: Probably people just think they’re resurrected.

Nick Fury: After all, in this world… X-Men have long existed.

Charles Xavier: Resurrection… Damn it!

Charles Xavier: Until now, I don’t know who destroyed the X Academy and killed the X-Men! (▼ヘ▼#)

Nick Fury: This thing… It seems a little strange.

Nick Fury: That Wolverine obviously knew something, but he didn’t say anything to Professor X.

Invincible Young Man: Maybe the enemy is too strong and there is no hope of revenge, so he doesn’t want the professor to worry.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After venting his emotions, Wolverine goes out to buy a new car, but because it takes time to change the tires, he runs to a nearby pub to get drunk. 】

[While drinking in the tavern, he casually opened the comic book that Laura was carrying, but found something strange! ] 】

[In this comic, it is actually recorded that the so-called refuge holy place… Eden! Even the coordinates of the Garden of Eden were marked. 】

[What’s even more terrifying is that the coordinates of Eden in the comics are exactly the same as the coordinates given to him by the South American nurse! ] 】

[At this moment, Wolverine was completely dumbfounded. 】

[This female nurse actually took the things in the comic book seriously! ] 】

[Is she crazy?] 】

[Wolverine rushed back to the hotel angrily, wanting to tell Professor X about this. 】

[But when he came to the door of the hotel, he was surprised to find that the mercenaries under those companies had arrived here! ] Surrounded the entrance and exit of the hotel. 】


[Suddenly, an invisible fluctuation swept the entire hotel in an instant, and everyone fell to the ground in pain! ] 】

[This is a mental attack! ] 】

[Feeling this familiar fluctuation, Wolverine immediately knew that it must be Professor X’s illness again! ] 】

[As long as this old man enters a state of epilepsy, he will unconsciously release a strong psychic shock wave to the surroundings! ] 】

Struggling to get back to his hotel room, Wolverine immediately found that several mercenaries had broken in. 】

[But under Professor X’s psychic shockwave, they were all frozen in place, unable to move at all. 】

[“Ugh! Swish! “】

[Wolverine stretched out his Edman alloy claws and casually killed all these mercenaries! ] 】

[After injecting the drug, Professor X finally stopped the seizure. 】

[At this moment, all the people inside and outside the hotel, including those mercenaries who are the main entrance, have all poured all over the ground. 】

[It is precisely because of this that Wolverine and the others can leave the hotel without danger and start the journey again. ] 】

[Just as Wolverine was driving Professor X in the car and fleeing with Laura, the voice of the female announcer was also heard on the car radio. 】

[“Hallith Casino Lodge … At least 400 people are experiencing temporary paralysis…”]

[“The injuries … Most are very similar to the Westchester incident a year ago. “】

“More than 600 people were injured and seven mutants died. “】

In the tavern

“Westchester? Mutants? ”

See here. Charles Xavier gasped, only feeling numb.

At this moment, his shock was comparable to thunder, it was like the sky falling!

Westchester… That’s where X Academy is!

And the most terrifying thing is, according to the words on the radio … In the Westchester accident, the symptoms of the injured people were exactly the same as those in the wine hotel!

Doesn’t that mean that the accident a year ago… Was he also made by Charles Xavier?

“More than 600 wounded, and 7 mutants died!”

Charles’s face was extremely pale, and a terrifying thought arose.

Could it be… A year ago, the accident that caused the accident in Westchester… Also that elderly Professor X?

Was it he who caused so many deaths and injuries?

At this thought, Charles’s whole person was sluggish, even stupid, and even his brain could not function at this moment!

It’s terrifying!

In this unknown universe, “himself” actually personally destroyed the entire X-Men!

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: Westchester? This is really… Too bad.

John Constantine: Huh? Deadpool? Is there anything special about this place name?

Deadpool: X Academy is here! X-Men… All stay in this place!

Deadpool: That Steel Lux often invited me there to convince me to join the X-Men.

John Constantine: The Divine Horse? Doesn’t that mean…

Bruce Wayne: A year ago, it was Charles Xavier’s illness that triggered a psychic shock that destroyed that… A place that Wolverine calls home!

Starlight: There is such a thing, that old man… Unintentionally, kill your own students! (⊙o⊙)

Magneto: Charles… What an unfortunate guy you are.

Tony Stark: No wonder the old Wolverine never told Professor X.

Starlight: He should… I don’t want to break the old man’s heart, it’s pitiful. ╥﹏╥

Stephen Strange: It’s no wonder that Professor Charles is 90 years old.

Stephen Strange: If there is nothing wrong with an old man at this age, it is not normal.

Bruce Wayne: But, what he has… But the most powerful and dangerous brain in the world!

Bruce Wayne: Once such a brain is violent, the harm caused is unimaginable!

Speaking of this, Young Master Wayne also sighed a little, fortunately, in his world… There is no such troublesome and dangerous race as mutants.

Otherwise, this time bomb is all over the world, and there is no way to forcibly guard them, which is equivalent to saying that it may cause disaster anytime and anywhere!

Charles Xavier: I… Could it be that I set up the X-Men… Is it wrong? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Magneto: Charles! You weak fool, calm me down!

Magneto: What happens in other universes may not happen in our world!

Magneto: Besides, how old are you this year? 90 years old? How many years has that been? You’re going to worry about what happens more than 60 years from now???

Charles Xavier: Eric, you’re right, I’m really… Confused.

Starlight: Wow! You guys are so loving, I almost burst into tears. (ㄒoㄒ)

Deadpool: Please, you guys get together soon, like that… The earth can be peaceful!

Magneto: You idiots! Give me a mouth!

[Image continues.] 】

[On the highway, Wolverine and the others met a farmer. 】

[Because of the car accident, their horse escaped and ran all over the road.] 】

[Professor X controls the horse with his psychic power, and Wolverine also helps them]

[In order to thank this group of farmers, Wolverine and others are invited to be guests on their farm. 】

[After eating, the family also warmly invited them to stay.] 】

[Although Wolverine objected, they stayed at Professor X’s insistence. 】

[Professor X, who is 90 years old, obviously can’t bear the bumps of the journey,]

[He wants to be in a place that can be called home… Stay for one night! 】

[Charles Xavier, now, just wants to experience this ordinary happiness. 】

[Late at night, Wolverine goes out to work with his master, while Professor Charles rests indoors with Laura.] 】

[But after a while, Wolverine suddenly came back.] 】

[Professor X thought it was already dawn and wanted Laura to sleep a little longer. 】

[In his sleep last night, he also recalled the past. 】

“What happened in Westchester… I remembered it all. “】

[Professor X burst into tears, and his face was full of sadness and pain. 】

[He single-handedly founded the X-Men, but in the end, he single-handedly destroyed them in a seizure!] 】

Just as Charles was trying to say something to “Wolverine”, the man suddenly put his hand on his murderous mouth, and then only listened to the sound of “Om”. 】

[Edman alloy steel claw… It actually penetrated Charles’s chest! 】

[Only then did Professor X see the face of the “Wolverine” in front of him. 】

[I saw that this person was full of murderous and hideous, but he looked like he was in his twenties and thirties! ] 】

[This guy turned out to be a young version of Wolverine! ] 】

[In fact, this person is the company that used Wolverine’s genes to create … Perfect Clone! 】

[Codename X-24! ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[Just when X24 blatantly shot and hurt Professor X, Laura, who slept next to her, also sensed that something was wrong! ] 】

[She roared and jumped up, and the alloy claw in her hand stabbed into the body of this young wolverine! ] 】

PS: The “Red Notice” resource starring Wonder Woman and Deadpool is out. ^_^

In addition, if you want to solicit the opinions of readers, should I write the “Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”?

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