DC Cinematic Universe.

After returning to his secret base, Bruce Wayne looked at the golden lasso in his hand and fell silent for a while.

This “obedience lasso” is said to come from a certain location Earth 3 and is the equipment of a woman named “Super Queen”.

Just be lasso. You can unconditionally control the other party’s mind and make the other party submit to yourself!

In a sense, this can almost be regarded as an artifact.

But when he thought of the “multiverse collapse” that might come in the future, Young Master Wayne couldn’t be happy at all.

In the face of this kind of catastrophe that is enough to sweep the entire multiverse, what use can a single lasso come in?

At this moment, a mobile phone in Young Master Wayne’s hand rang.

As soon as he looked at the number, his expression moved slightly:

“Diana Prince, why did she call me?”

As soon as Bruce Wayne turned on the phone, you remembered Diana’s calm voice:

“What you got, that obedient lasso, can you show me?”


X-Men universe, in a tavern.

Seeing the big screen disappear completely. Charles Xavier was silent for a while, then suddenly poured a glass of wine and drank it all.

Then, he suddenly turned around, looked at Wolverine seriously, and said in a deep voice:

“Next, I want to join forces with Eric to establish a mutant country, can you come and help us?”


Wolverine looked at him playfully and asked casually:

“You invited me because you wanted me to kill for you?”

Charles slowly shook his head:

“No, I want you to watch me.”


Wolverine blinked, seemingly not understanding what Charles was saying at all.

Seeing this, Charles sighed softly:

“If I want to find all the mutants in the world, I have to build that brainwave booster.”

“But you’ve seen it before, and if something goes wrong with this machine, it could well bring about a world-class disaster.” ,”

Speaking of this, Charles’s eyes also brought a trace of haze.

In the image of “X-Men Apocalypse”, Apocalypse controls “his” mind with the help of a brainwave enhancement machine… Launched all the black bombs in the world!

Fortunately, the purpose of the apocalypse is to return human society to the era of floods, not to destroy the world.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the dark winter has already arrived.

Thinking of this, Charles seemed to have finally made up some kind of determination, and looked directly at Wolverine and said:

“In the image of Wolverine 3, even if you are old, you can still resist my mental shockwave!”

“That is to say… Only you can stop me.! ”


Wolverine’s pupils shrank, and he suddenly came back to his senses:

“Are you trying for me to kill you?”

Charles nodded:

“In the worst case, if I am controlled, then … You’re going to kill me before I do something irreparable!” ”


Looking at Charles’s firm eyes, Wolverine was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed.

“Wow! Interesting! ”

“Just let me see… What can you do as a nerd. ”


MCU Universe.

An apartment in Brooklyn.

“Burning the little universe?”

Captain Steve Rogers stood in the apartment and seemed to be thinking about something.

Last night, he had already tried his new power.

This kind of sonic fist is indeed far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If there is a cosmic-level threat, it is still far from enough.

“To further enhance the power of the small universe, you need to awaken the sixth sense, or even the seventh sense?”

Carefully chewing the notice given by the previous system, the captain suddenly frowned.

The sixth sense is also understandable…

But what is the seventh sense?

He had never even heard of it!

At this moment, a golden portal suddenly opened behind him.

“Are you?”

Captain Huo Ran turned around and saw Tony Stark standing outside the portal, stretching out his hand to him.

Behind Tony, a group of ancient buildings can be faintly seen.

“Captain, come to Karma Taj with me.”

Tony looked solemn and said slowly:

“To prepare for future crises, we must come together.”

“It’s time to set up… The Avengers are gone! ”

Meanwhile, in another part of the MCU planet.

“Miss, are you really going to the universe?”

Looking at the devouring sister who had already shown her divine nature in front of her, the Evil Spirit Knight asked with some expectation:

“Do you want to take me with you, after receiving your cosmic energy, I can also travel through the universe now.”

“Since you said so…”

Swallowing Mei glanced at the Cosmic Evil Spirit Knight who was shining with purple light, and nodded slightly.

“Our trip is to find the living planet Igo!”

“Eating this guy can not only fill my stomach, but also eliminate a culprit for the universe in advance!”

The evil spirit knight Johnny Blazer nodded again and again when he heard it, that living planet actually wanted to use his own doppelganger to cover countless planets in the universe!

It’s just crazy!

Eliminating this guy is definitely to eliminate harm to the universe!

While speaking, Swallowing Mei also had a thought in her heart.

“When the matter of the living planet is solved, I will go to find my father!”

“As someone who has survived since before the birth of the universe, perhaps… He knows what a transcendent Protoss is! ”

In the next moment, the master and servant turned into two purple rays of light at the same time and disappeared into the sky.

Karma Taj.

“Do you need to comprehend the seventh sense?”

Looking at Captain Steve Rogers, who was standing in front of him in civilian clothes, the ancient mage nodded gently:

“This is a concept in Buddhism, which is to awaken the potential of the body through special methods, and Wang has studied this deeply, and you can go to the library and ask him for advice.”


Hearing this name, Steve Rogers’ mind suddenly flashed the face of an oriental man, and he was suddenly surprised and delighted.

Originally, he was simply confused about how to develop the small universe, but he didn’t expect to follow Tony Stark to this place, and immediately found the direction, and even the guide found it!

“Thank you Master for your guidance.”

Nodding respectfully to the ancient mage, Steve Rogers quickly turned and left to find the king.

Seeing the captain leave, Tony Stark moved his gaze to the ancient mage again, his eyes full of expectation.

Seeing this, Gu Yi Mage’s eyebrows moved slightly, but he finally nodded.

“Well, it turns out… I don’t support your research. You can imagine the reason. ”

“But now, there doesn’t seem to be any other option.”

Tonisdak was overjoyed to hear this, and quickly said:

“I’m also here just in case!

“I promise that unless I encounter a threat that surpasses the level of the Protoss, I will never use the two-way foil first!”

For the so-called dimensional knowledge, Tony still knows nothing.

So, since coming to Karma Taj, Tony has been trying to convince Koichi to study the two-way foil drawings with him, but Koichi has always refused.

Now, things have finally turned around.

“Two-way foil!”

Hearing this ominous term, the eyes of the ancient mage flickered.

Once used, everything can be reduced to a two-dimensional plane without limit!

Such a terrifying prop, I am afraid that there is only a single cosmic level… Even higher-level gods can resist it!

But in the face of the Transcendent Protoss race that is enough to destroy the multiverse, is this really enough?

“Let’s just rush to the hospital…”

Sigh secretly in my heart. Furuichi said calmly:

“Take out your drawings and I’ll take a look.”


Meanwhile, Asgard.

“What? Where is the Fountain of Wisdom? ”

Looking at Thor, the god of thunder with a face full of expectation in front of him, Heimdall, the patron god of Asgard, even his eyelids jumped, and there was a hint of crying and laughter in his eyes.

With clairvoyance that is enough to see through the nine realms, although Heimdall is not in the hall, he sees all the images played on the screen.

He naturally knew what Thor was asking this question for.

Shaking his head, Heimdall asked with a look of hatred that iron is not steel:

“Thor! The spring water of that fountain of wisdom has long dried up for thousands of years, what can you do when you go? ”

“Are you really going to gouge out both eyes and throw them into the well?”

“Uh… When did I say I was going to gouge my eyes? ”

Thor froze for a moment, and then suddenly threw his head back and laughed:

“I just wanted to go and see, maybe… That spring water just dried up, but the water source was not broken!

“Maybe if you dig a little more under the well, you can dig out the water.”

“Ah, this…”

Looking at Thor’s expectant expression, Heimdall was speechless for a while, and there was only one thought left in his heart.

How did His Majesty Odin give birth to such a son?


In another universe, on Earth.

“What do you say? Want me to hit you? ”

The Almighty Man…”Nolan Grayson” looked at his interested son in front of him, and his expression suddenly became very strange.

Next. Instead of hitting someone, he reached out and touched his son Mark’s forehead.

“No fever, what’s going on?”

“Oops! Daddy, don’t make trouble, I’m not talking nonsense! ”

Mark shook his head unhappily and broke free from his father’s clutches.

Next, he looked at his father angrily, and there was actually a hint of provocation in his eyes.

“Come on! Dad, if you’re afraid of hurting me, try it with your weakest strength! ”

“Maybe, I’ll surprise you.”


The almighty man’s heart moved violently, and he immediately thought of something!

“Could it be that this kid has awakened his superpowers, so he wants to show off in front of me?”

At this thought, the almighty man suddenly lost his smile.

I have awakened my superpowers for decades, and I have experienced hundreds of battles over the years!

Even if this kid really awakens his strength, in front of his fist, he is just a little rookie.

However, after remembering his son’s awakening ability… The responsibilities that may be faced, as well as the tasks he shoulders, the eyes of the almighty man immediately became a little gloomy.

Finally, it was Mark’s words that woke him up:

“Hey! Dad, what are you thinking? Come and hit me,”

“Hmph, little ghost who doesn’t know the height of the sky.”

The almighty man narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his finger, and flicked slightly on Mark’s head,

This shot, he didn’t even use one thousandth of his strength, he just wanted to teach this kid a lesson.

Having lived on Earth for decades, the Almighty has long learned to control his strength so as not to hurt those around him in his life.

If Mark just bluffs and does not awaken superpowers, his strength will be used greatly, and he will be beaten into a pile of meat in minutes.

But just as his finger was about to touch Mark’s brain, something incredible happened.


In an instant, the almighty man found him standing in place, and the index finger that had already popped out suddenly retracted.

It’s like… Everything went back a second ago.

“What? This is…”

The all-round man looked confused, sluggish and stiff in place, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his expression became extremely exciting

Then, he looked at Mark with a look of surprise, and an incredible thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

This kid… What did you do to yourself?

“Hahaha! Dad! You really should look at your expression now…”

Looking at the Almighty Man… From the look of not caring just now, suddenly became extremely serious, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells, Mark couldn’t help but laugh.

“This is the ability I just awakened! Awesome! ”

As a second-year teenager, Mark did not hesitate to describe the reward of the system as his own ability.

Listening to his narration, the almighty’s eyes widened more and more, and even his mouth opened involuntarily.

An extremely strange feeling of horror almost made his heart jump!

“In the face of danger, can you unconditionally go back in time?”

“It’s impossible, I’ve never heard of it… How can there be such an ability in the world! ”

And looking at his father’s stunned appearance, Mark simply smiled even more.

Marvel 616 universe

Smelling the familiar rancid smell in his nose, the sentry opened his eyes and looked at the dark cell, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At the beginning, he was controlled by the inner demon in his brain, thinking that he had killed his wife, so he took the initiative to surrender and run to this prison.

And now, he knows the truth.

His wife is still alive and well!

Soon, the joy on the sentry’s face turned to hesitation.

Now the question is… How is he going to get out?

Scratching his head, the sentry suddenly sighed as if giving up, and gently reached out and pressed on the cell door.


The incomparably strong alloy steel gate collapsed and shattered in an instant!


Immediately afterwards, a golden light shuttled through the raft prison at an incredible speed, rushed straight through the gate, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

After the figure of the sentry disappeared, a series of exclamations sounded one after another.

“It’s not good, there are prisoners who have escaped, hurry up and notify S.H.I.E.L.D.!”

“No, also notify the Avengers!”

A few seconds later, Baxter Tower, New York.

Divine Stick Virtue… Reed Richards was experimenting with his wife when suddenly the alarm sounded in the room.


Divine Stick turned his head and saw a man covered in dirt and messy hair, floating outside the glass window of the Baxter Building, looking at him silently.

“Are you… What people? ”

Looking at the man in front of him with an unkind look, Shen Guide’s brows frowned slightly, and his vigilance was raised at once.

The sentry lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said with a bit of hesitation:

“You don’t know me, that is… You have not received the message I gave you. ”

“Uh… It’s a bit of a hassle…”

Seeing that the sentinel seemed to be a little crazy, even the invisible woman Susan was like a great enemy, and quickly urged the invisible shield, covering herself and her husband.

Then. The sentinel finally stated his purpose:

“Actually… I want to meet your son, Franklin Richards. ”


The couple was shocked to hear it, but just when they were about to start, the sentry added:

“Sorry, I have to know how old Franklin is.”

There were only two roars that answered him.

“You bastard!”

“Damn madman, you are so daring!”

“Eh! Wait a minute! I’m not here to fight!!! ”

Faced with the angry attack of Mr. Fantastic and his wife, the sentinel frowned, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Modify reality!

Whether it is from the images on the screen or the words of other people in the live broadcast room, one thing is shown!

I have this ability myself!

But…… How to use it?

This thought only rose for a moment, Mr. Fantastic’s rubber fist… and the force field of the invisible woman Susan has already rushed in front of the sentinel.

Seeing this, the sentinel did not hesitate anymore, instinctively gathered energy, and roared loudly:



Accompanied by the burst of golden light, the terrifying sound wave was like thunder, shaking the entire Baxter Tower.

Almost all glass. All shattered!


Whether it was Mr. Fantastic or the invisible woman, all of them suddenly rolled their eyes, and they were actually stunned by the roar of the sentinel.

“Ahhh… This…”

Looking at the mess in front of him, the sentinel’s face showed bitterness again.

This one…… It seems to be a little different from the modified reality he imagined.

And at this moment, his eyes suddenly changed.

“Oops! Not good! ”

The roar he roared just now, it seems that the power is not small, will it hurt that Franklin?

Thinking of the future of the multiverse, which may be destroyed in his hands, the sentinel was suddenly shocked! The body turned into a golden light and penetrated through the shattered floor-to-ceiling glass window.

“Franklin! Where are you? ”

“You must be fine!”

Panicked sentinels roamed around the Baxter Mansion incredibly fast!

Within seconds, he found his two children.

I saw that in a children’s room, a blue ball of light enveloped two children, a man and a woman.

In the ball of light, a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was looking left and right with a confused face, as if he didn’t know what was happening.

Looking at the little boy’s unharmed appearance, the sentinel suddenly let out a sigh.

“Hmm… Looking at his appearance, he is probably five or six years old. ”

“In other words, the end of the multiverse is only four or five years at most?”

Scratching his head, the sentry sighed, stepped forward and crouched down, and said to the little boy in the blue ball of light:

“You’re Franklin, we need to talk…”

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