Seeing the steppenwolf suddenly appear, most of the people in the live broadcast room were stunned and inexplicable.

Little Wanda blinked and asked with a curious look.

Who is this guy? Why did he suddenly appear in the Kryptonian’s spaceship, is he also a Kryptonian?

“How is that possible?”

Clark shook his head:

“You can see from me that the Kryptonians are not much different from the earthlings, and this guy…”

He glanced at Steppenwolf on the screen:

“It’s a monster!”

Then. Bruce Wayne whispered:

“This matter aside, why did Superman’s heroic sacrifice activate those strange boxes in this video?”

Upon hearing this, even Clark was speechless.

He barely knew anything about Kryptonians, and when it came to other aliens, it was a black eye.

Then. Loki, who has been silent. Suddenly glanced at Bruce Wayne and sneered:

“I really didn’t expect that your variant… Seeing Superman dead, he actually shed tears! ”

“If others see it, they think they have a deep feeling!”

Bruce Wayne frowned at hearing this, and glanced sideways at Loki, but did not answer the stubble.

Of course he knew that Loki’s words were sarcastic… I wanted to kill Superman before that variant! And now tears for Superman’s death!

However, seeing Superman’s death on the screen again, Master Wayne was still emotional.

This powerful man of steel could have become a god on earth, but in order to save the world… And sacrificed himself!

At this time, in the chat group, the two newcomers were already shocked.

The Flash Barry Allen: Robot! That black man turned out to be a cyborg!

The Flash Barry Allen: And there’s a monster that big, what’s going on? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Wayne: It’s funny that the black man is supposed to be a cyborg, I didn’t know he existed.

Venom: The big man in the cape, really noisy, heard his roar… I was numb.

Reed Richards: Huh… It is a symbiote and is very afraid of noise.

Clark kent:……… →_→

Wonder Woman Diana: Human! What you said… It was a valiant warrior who let out his last roar before dying in battle! Please be respectful.

Reed Richards: Uh… Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.

The Flash Barry Allen: Valiant Warrior? What’s going on? That caped man, why did he fight that big monster?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, let me tell you, actually, it started with a Kryptonian spacecraft…

Just as Peter Parker was popularizing common sense like a newcomer, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the Kryptonian spacecraft, the projection of Steppenwolf just appeared and dispersed into dust. ] 】

[Superman’s roar before his death actually spread all the way to the depths of the sea! ] 】

[At a depth of thousands of meters, another mother box is preserved in an underwater palace. 】

[After Superman’s roar arrived, this box actually shook! ] A beautiful woman next to him was shocked. 】

[I saw that this beauty was wearing a coat like scales, swimming freely in the deep sea, and it seemed that she didn’t need oxygen at all. ] 】

[Under the woman’s gaze, the mother box enshrined on the pillar shook for a while, and finally calmed down again.] 】

[Superman’s roar spread all the way to Paradise Island, and a mother box that was kept here also reacted violently, and the surrounding Amazon warriors immediately waited. ] 】

[Just listen to the “click”, the mother box actually cracked a hole! ] 】

[Seeing that the situation was not right, an Amazon warrior quickly shouted:]

“Hurry up and inform the Queen. “】

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne’s gaze was also sharp.

“Humans living deep under water … No! Maybe it’s just humanoids, just like Kryptonians. ”

“This woman, is it the powerhouse under the sea that I detected with the combat power detector before?”

“In addition, there are three boxes that react to Superman’s cry!”

“Looking at their appearance, it seems that they are still related to each other!”

At the same time, Diana, who was standing in her luxurious apartment, also frowned slightly.

As the princess of Paradise Island, he certainly knew about the existence of the mother box.

However, even Diana did not expect … Superman’s death in battle will actually directly trigger the movement of the mother box!

Thinking of the terrifying existence hidden behind the three mother boxes, even Diana’s eyes became extremely solemn.


In that heroic battle of the Golden Age… Defeated and retreating Dark Monarch!

At this time, after listening to Peter Parker’s brief introduction, the two newcomers also couldn’t help but bubble in the group.

The Flash Barry Allen: Incredibly, aliens came to Earth to protect the Earthlings and fight against other aliens!

The Flash Barry Allen: I’ve been looking for impossible miracles all my life. Never expected… I can actually see such an amazing scene with my own eyes!

Venom: This Doomsday brain, I don’t know what it tastes like, if only I could taste it

Invincible Young Man: What? Are you going to eat the brains of this alien monster? (⊙_⊙)

Venom: Hey, actually, we symbiotes eat the brains of all living beings! But I’m not one of those … Guys who only know how to follow instincts!

Venom: Now I… There is a principle that only eat the brains of the big bad! Definitely not eating ordinary people.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: Oh? It’s a little interesting, I didn’t expect that a lower symbiote like you actually has such a moral code.

Venom: Low? Abominable woman! Hurry up and take back your words, or else … I’m going to eat you. Convex (艹皿艹)

Just when the group was in chaos, a new image appeared on the screen

【Image continues】

[For some unexplained reason, after Superman, Bruce Wayne had a hunch that a crisis was coming. 】

[So he began to travel the globe and gather the superpowers of the world. 】

[His first stop was a Nordic town. 】

[Here, he found a man known locally as Aquaman. 】

[Although Aquaman has appeared, he does not intend to respond to Bruce Wayne’s call. 】

“Dress up as a bat. “】

[Aquaman soaked in the sea water and looked at Young Master Wayne and laughed:]

“Bruce Wayne, you’re crazy! “】

[Game 1 recruitment, failed.] 】

[Next, the screen moves to London.] 】

[Here, an empty organization has taken a large number of hostages. 】

[This organization does not seek fame and fortune, they just want to go back 1,000 years to Europe.] 】

[Their actions also attracted the attention of Wonder Woman Diana. ] 】

[Diana broke in directly and beat the members of this empty organization to the top. 】

[Finally, Diana grabbed the explosives, then broke through the roof and threw the explosives high into the air. 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a loud bang, the bomb exploded, but no one was injured.] 】

[Seeing this, the leader of the organization gritted his teeth, directly gave up attacking Diana, raised the automatic weapon in his hand and began to strafe the hostages. 】


But just after the bullet left the chamber, Diana fell violently from the sky and fell into the room.] 】


[I saw Diana’s figure like electricity, and the guardian silver bracelets of her hands flew up and down! ] 】

[The bullets fired by automatic weapons are like slow motion in a movie… He smashed them all with silver bracelets! 】

[None of the hostages were injured! ] 】

[“I… I don’t believe it! “】

[Seeing that he finished a bullet, but not even a single person was injured, the leader of the empty organization was stupid, and looking at Diana’s expression, it was like seeing a ghost. ] 】

[Facing this inhuman executioner, Diana said coldly:]

[“You’d better believe it!”] “】

[Seeing that the other party seemed to want to continue shooting, Diana stepped forward, and the guardian silver bracelets of both arms slammed together! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[The terrifying shock wave pours out like a wild wave! ] In an instant, this empty boss was completely overwhelmed. 】

[“Boom! “】

[The entire outside of the 2nd floor of the house was destroyed by the shock wave released by Diana. 】

[In the scattered sand, the leader’s top hat slowly fell from the sky and fell on the top of a police car outside.] 】

Seeing this, someone immediately bubbled up in the chat group.

The Flash Barry Allen: Unbelievable! This woman’s speed is so fast, she is almost catching up with me!

The Flash Barry Allen: And the bracers of her hands, what kind of scientific device is that, why is it so powerful? (⊙o⊙)

See Diana on the screen… Easily destroying the Void Organization, and also showing a dazzling superpower, Barry’s eyes were straight, and for a moment he didn’t even dare to blink, lest he miss some pictures.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): You said Diana’s speed… All about to catch up with you?

Wanda Maksimov: Poof! This time, the newcomer is really confident. ╮(╯_╰)╭

The Flash Barry Allen: Huh? Excuse me, did I say something wrong?

Wonder Woman Diana: Barry, you say you’re fast? How fast is that?

Barry Allen the Flash: According to the preliminary calculations of Star Lab, my current speed is about ten times the speed of sound.

The Flash Barry Allen: But Dr. Harrison said… This is far from my limit. It’s just that I’ve just awakened my ability and can’t control it yet.

Invincible Hero: Ten times the speed of sound? Sounds a bit like that red whirlwind of the Global Guard.

Wanda Maksimov: Huh? Mark, do you have such superheroes in your world?

Invincible Hero: Yes, Global Guards! The most famous superhero league in our world.

Invincible Young Man: And that red whirlwind, usually wearing a red tights, is so fast that he can’t even see clearly!

The Flash Barry Allen: Red Tights………

At this moment, Barry suddenly felt a little surprised.

Those companions in the Star Lab, the combat clothes prepared for themselves… It’s also red!

Is this a coincidence?

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne also nodded secretly,

“A town in Northern Europe? I remembered. ”

Young Master Wayne had decided at this moment that as long as he left this live broadcast room, he would immediately go to that town.

In any case, convince this Aquaman Arthur to join his side!

But at the same time, he is also very curious about the identity of Aquaman, who is this man?

Or is he human? Why can you survive under the sea?

And also…… And the beauty underneath, what is the relationship with him?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[The picture comes to Paradise Island, and the Queen of the Amazon leads her subordinates to the vicinity of the mother box. 】

[At this moment, with a violent vibration and a ray of light, Steppenwolf descended into this world with a large number of demons! ] 】

[This terrifying alien giant has just arrived, and his gaze is projected on the body of the mother box. ] 】

[In the face of the powerful steppenwolf, the Queen of the Amazon is not an opponent, and can only rely on the desperate interception of her subordinates, so she found an opportunity to escape with the mother box. ] 】

[Just after the Queen of the Amazon left the stone room, with a violent shaking, the entire building sank into the sea. 】

[But even so, Steppenwolf still didn’t die!] 】

[He led a large number of demons to rush out of the sea, still unrelenting to seize the mother box. ] 】

[Although the Amazons tried to stop him at all costs, they were finally successfully captured by Steppenwolf and teleported away. 】

[With the help of the teleportation device, Steppenwolf took his subordinates to an abandoned black power station. 】

[He used this place not to be close to the living as his base, and then issued orders to countless demons:]

[“Searching for the smell of the mother box, find the other two! “】

[“As long as the three mother boxes can be put together, a unified force can be formed! “】

[“This world will fall like other worlds! “】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively again.

The Flash Barry Allen: This… What does this weirdo want to do? Could he be some alien invader?

Wonder Woman Diana: You can also say that he should be the vanguard of an alien tyrant!

Wonder Woman Diana: As long as he can find the three mother boxes and merge them into one, he can open the door to that dark world,

Wonder Woman Diana: And the Dark Monarch will also lead his army… Wage a war of conquest against our world!

Clark Kent: With me, this won’t happen, so don’t worry.

At this moment, Clark’s words were really full of absolute confidence.

He has spent the whole month on the surface of the sun!

By absorbing a lot of yellow sunlight, Clark has awakened the amazing power of silver superman!

Now he really doesn’t even know how strong he is!

Right now, Clark even has to control his breathing, so as not to cause a hurricane that overturns the earth!

Wonder Woman Diana: Clark, I really want to see for myself… The source of your confidence.

Venom: Huh… Army of aliens? If I ate these people’s brains, Eddie wouldn’t be verbose.

Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: Please, can you stop talking about eating and eating, it sounds humiliating, is there?

Because of the Planet Devourer, Swallowing Sister has felt since she was a child… Being completely driven by hunger and only knowing how to forage everywhere is a shame.

Therefore, she will set various restrictions on herself, and she will never eat humans.

Venom: No way, I haven’t eaten bad guys in a long time, Eddie that guy, even chocolate can’t be bought for me!

Starlight: Chocolate and… Villain? (⊙_⊙)

Agent J: That’s too big a jump.

And in a certain apartment, Eddie Bullock looked at the screen in front of him and patted his head with an unhappy face:

“Venom, don’t talk around outside, it’s not that I won’t give you food, it’s just that you eat too much… And my salary has not been paid this month. ”

“Poor bastard, then you let me go out and eat the bad guys!”

“I said no…”

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