[“Crackle! “】

[Shazam and Diana fought from the ground to the sky! ] 】

[As Captain Thunder, Shazam can unleash powerful magic shocks! ] 】

[And Diana is full of artifacts, and she fights for a while. ] 】

[At this time, on the other side, Batman, Flash and others joined forces to fight Arthur, the sea king, but they still couldn’t take him. ] 】

[The battlefield instantly fell into a stalemate. 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Those little ghosts… How did it fit together? ”

Little Wanda blinked, a look of surprise on her face.

Before, she still couldn’t understand what Batman was doing with these little P children.

But now it seems that the Shazam after these imps merged… The strength is really strong!


Watching Shazam on the screen casually releasing thunder and fire, Bruce Wayne’s eyes flickered slightly.

Although this cloaked freak is a child, the combat experience he shows seems to be very rich!

And the “fit” of the previous six children is not normal no matter how you look at it.

“The water in this ‘Flashpoint World’ is really deep…”

But just then, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Thomas Wayne is old after all, and in the midst of a melee, he is still inevitably injured. 】

[Seeing that the situation was not right, the Flash quickly saved Batman aside and tried to save him:]

“Don’t worry about Batman, I’ll help you stop the bleeding. “】


[Thomas Wayne coughed up a mouthful of blood and said calmly:]

[“Don’t be stupid, my injury is fatal, and it is no longer saved…”

[“Boom! “】

[But at this moment, with a roar, the two people rushed into the house where the Flash was, pierced the wall on the other side, and flew into the sky again! ] 】

[It’s Wonder Woman and Captain Thunder Shazam!] 】

[But now Shazam’s situation is very bad, it seems that he was pressed and beaten by Diana, and he didn’t even have the strength to fight back! ] 】

[Seeing this, the Flash looked at Batman and shouted:]

“If you continue like this, you will die!”] “】

[Batman said indifferently:]

[“We’re all dead…”]

[Seeing the almost one-sided situation in front of him, Thomas Wayne seemed to be desperate. 】

[But then, Thomas still said in a deep voice:]

“Leave us alone, you have to find the speedster and change all that!”] “】

[It turns out that although Thomas has long set up his will to die, he still has one thing in his heart. ] 】

[That is to turn this crazy world around and return it to normal!] 】

“Nope! “】

[The kind Flash, shouted with anger on his face:]

[“I can’t just stand by while other people die…”

[As soon as he said this, the Flash turned his head and suddenly found that Thomas Wayne, who was lying on the ground, was gone. ] 】

【“??? “】

[Just when the Flash looked confused, a man in a yellow tights came out of the house:]

“Hello, Barry, long time no see. “】

[Reverse Lightning Alberd Swan even held a cup of coffee, looking as if he was entertaining friends in his own home.] 】


[Took a sip of coffee lightly, said with a smile:]

“Barry, I really appreciate what you’ve done to the world…”

“It’s all your fault! Looking at the culprit in front of him, Lightning Man was indignant, and he didn’t care what the anti-lightning said, and directly rushed up. 】

[“Ugh! Swish! “】

[The two speedsters suddenly launched a fierce high-speed duel. 】

[Two lightning bolts, one red and one yellow, suddenly galloped around on the island that had turned into ruins, and no one could see their figures clearly! ] 】

The Flash universe.

“That’s it, that’s it!”

Looking at the two lightning bolts in front of him, Barry Allen gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was almost blinded.

This scene, and the night his mother was killed as a child… What you see is exactly the same!


The person who killed his mother was this anti-lightning Alberd Swan!

Under extreme anger, Barry Allen stared at the screen in front of him and almost shouted.

“Beat him, you must beat this bastard!”

But, unfortunately, the situation did not turn out as he wanted …

[Image continues.] 】

[The Flash and Reverse Lightning face off at Superman’s speed! ] 】

[Under the high speed that ordinary people can’t see, they have exchanged thousands of times in an instant. ] 】

[But I don’t know why, the Flash actually fell to the downside! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Reverse Lightning punched Flash away, and then grabbed a steel bar next to him and violently penetrated Flash’s leg. ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[The Flash raised his head and let out a cry of pain, but was quickly knocked to the ground by the reverse lightning. 】

[“Touch! Touch! “】

[Reverse Lightning punches and kicks at the Flash who can no longer run, and he can’t even stand up. ]

[Even at this extreme disadvantage, the Flash is still concerned about the chaotic battle situation on the island… And countless lives lost, shouting with all their might:]

[“Swan! What exactly have you done to the world? “】

[“Huh… Barry, you got one thing wrong. “】

[Reverse Lightning stretched out his foot with a proud face, stepped on Barry Allen’s head, and laughed arrogantly:]

[“Actually… I didn’t do anything. “】

“You did it!”] “】

“What? “】

[The Flash was full of disbelief, but the reverse lightning immediately rushed behind him and strangled his neck. ] 】

[“In this matter, you are the villain! “】

“And now… I’ll remind you! “】

[Reverse Lightning put a hand on the Flash’s head and violently released an amazing vibration with super speed! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Strong vibration, mixed with thunder and lightning rushed into the Flash’s mind, and the extreme pain made him scream involuntarily! ] 】

[Under the extreme pain, a brand new memory actually popped up in his head! ] 】

[At the same time, the voice of the reverse lightning entered the Flash’s mind like a demon’s whisper. ] 】

“You remember, Barry Allen! “】

“On your mother’s birthday, you stood at her grave…”

“At that time, you already knew that I was the real murderer who killed her! “】

“On that day, the defenses in your heart collapsed. “】

“You can’t bear the pain of losing your mother, so you finally broke your vows and went back in time with divine speed, back to the day I killed him! “】

[The tone of the reverse lightning is full of joy and joy, as if… His hard work finally bore fruit. 】

[“Remember? You stopped me before I could do it, and you managed to keep your mother alive! “】

【”Impossible! “】

[The Flash tried his best to break free from the shackles of the reverse lightning, and shouted in disbelief:]

“No, I just saved my mother, how can it affect what happened before she was killed?” “】

[“Bruce’s parents, the fall of Clark’s spaceship, this is all years ago…”

[“But you did influence…”

[Reverse Lightning also stopped the attack on the Flash and triumphantly started science popularization:]

[“Breaking the sound barrier will produce a sonic boom. “】

[“And if you break through the time barrier, it will naturally produce a time explosion! “】

“The distortion of time will start from the point in time you break… Spread around! “】

[“Twist everything! “】

“Even if it’s just a little, it’s enough to make everything… It’s all completely different from before! “】

[Reverse Lightning squatted down with a satisfied look and said in the Flash’s ear:]

“Barry Allen, it’s all your fault! This hell was created by you! “】

“You traded the lives of other people in the world for your mother’s!”] “】

[“For your own selfish desires, you have broken the timeline and made the whole world… It has become a living hell on the verge of destruction! “】

“Now… Are you still embarrassed to say I’m a badass? “】

[Listening to the sound of the reverse lightning as sharp as a sharp knife, the Flash recalled the memories that suddenly welled up in his head, and could only close his eyes in pain. ] 】

[At first, he really just wanted to save his mother. 】

[Who would have thought that such terrible consequences would actually be triggered! ] 】

The Flash universe.

“How could it be !!!?”

Barry Allen froze in place with horror, only to feel that his head buzzed as if it was about to explode, and for a while even his spirit became trance.

The low sound of the reverse lightning on the screen was like a hammer, striking him fiercely on the heart!

It almost smashed his heart to pieces!

If the lightning bolt is correct, doesn’t that mean he will never be able to save his mother?

If he did, it would be tantamount to… Indirectly destroyed the whole world!

Thinking of this, Barry Allen only felt dizzy, his body shook, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

This blow was so great that it almost broke his will!

In the live broadcast room


Bruce Wayne pursed his purity, his pupils dilated, and a trace of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Just before, he thought about traveling back in time to correct the tragedy that happened in the alley of crime.

But who would have thought that the Flash just did the same thing, but created a flashpoint world!

This crazy world can fall apart and be completely destroyed in war at any time.

And all this because he saved his mother!

And if he also travels back one day and saves his parents, it will be two people!

The resulting “time quake” is only bigger than the Flash!

At this thought, Bruce Wayne’s face suddenly became difficult to see.

Psychological shadows… It’s too big to describe in words.

At this moment, Tony Stark glanced back at him and suddenly shook his head slightly.

“Something is wrong.”


Young Master Wayne was still in deep shock, and did not react for a while, or Peter Parker asked:

“Mr. Stark, what’s wrong?”

Tony’s face showed a thoughtful look and said slowly:

“What if … Modifying the past can lead to a ‘timequake’ and cause confusion throughout the timeline. ”

“So, go back in time and kill Barry Allen’s mother… Isn’t it a revision of the past? ”

“Why did he do that… Nothing happened? ”


Upon hearing this, Bruce Wayne was like being struck by lightning, and an amazing thought flashed in his mind, and he couldn’t help but blurt out:

“It’s a negative god speed force!”

“Before, the Flash had done something to my father… Thomas Wayne said that the negative god speed force of reverse lightning gave him a superpower like no other! ”

“He can change his age, and he can freely change the past history.”

“That’s right.”

Tony Slack said lightly:

“If I’m not mistaken, this negative god speed force should be immune to the so-called ‘time shock’!”

“As long as you master this power, you can freely travel through the timeline and even modify the past! But don’t worry about the scary butterfly effect! ”

Although he had already guessed this, Bruce Wayne was still shocked to hear it, and there was an uncontrollable trace of longing in his eyes.

If you want to save your parents without causing a catastrophe that destroys the world, you may… Only rely on this negative god speed force!

“Barry Allen!”

Chewing the name in a low voice, Bruce Wayne suddenly clenched his teeth secretly.

After leaving this live broadcast room, he must find this person as soon as possible, just…

Young Master Wayne’s heart suddenly moved again.

That Barry Allen in his universe, and the one in the group… Is it the same exactly?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On the battlefield, Wonder Woman finally knocked out Thunder Captain Shazam, and strangled him by the neck with a mantra lasso:]

“This is not your true form! “】

[Holding the lasso of truth, Wonder Woman asked her question aloud.] 】

[“How do you break your transformation?” “】


[Shazam was in extreme pain, but in the end struggled to tell the truth:]

[“Just say a spell…”

[“You! Say this spell to me now! “】

[Under the order of Wonder Woman, Shazam involuntarily opened his mouth and said the magic spell. ] 】

【”Shazam!!! “】

[A golden thunder slashed again! ] 】

[The shock caused even shocked Wonder Woman. 】

[Under this thunder, Shazam actually separated again and turned into 6 children! ] 】

[His transformation has been broken! ] 】

[“Not good! “】

“We have to come together quickly… Ahhh! “】

[The leading child, only had time to shout this sentence, and was suddenly grabbed by Wonder Woman’s hair and lifted up. ] 】

[“Little ghost, don’t think about playing the same trick for the second time. “】

[Wonder Woman raised the sword in her hand and stabbed into the murderous mouth of the boy in front of her without hesitation. ] 】

[Only 5 of the 6 children are now left, and Shazam has transformed and can no longer be cast. ] 】

[Diana, who has been completely blackened, now… I don’t even have any scruples about killing children. 】

[After killing Shazam, Wonder Woman did not delay and rushed directly to Arthur, the sea king. ] 】

[However, this time she did not do it again, but shouted loudly:]

“Arthur, listen to me! “】

[“Maybe we have broken our righteousness, but what makes me turn against me are actually two conspirators hidden around us! “】

“That’s my aunt, and your brother Orm!”] “】

[“Come to think of it, they planned all this! “】

“What? “】

[Hearing this, even the angry Sea King Arthur was shocked, and the whole person was immediately stunned. ] 】

PS: If the master obtains the negative god speed force, what should he be called? Yellow Reaper? ^_^

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