[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[One by one, superheroes in tights descended from the sky and set up a formation on the lawn in front of the White Palace. 】

[“Red Whirlwind! Quickly evacuate these people! “】

[Standing directly in front of everyone, the order given by the bearded immortal man. 】

“Empty this area first, and then concentrate on dealing with these two guys. “】

[Subsequently, these superheroes immediately began to act tacitly. 】

[Immortal hero pioneered and fought with a bald blue-skinned giant. ] 】

[The fastest moving red whirlwind among superheroes, dressed in red tights, his body is like lightning, for a moment… The people on the lawn were moved to a safe place. 】

[“War Woman, can’t you just dodge aside? “】

[The blue giant, who had been blinded by one eye, roared, pounced, and was immediately knocked away by a hammer from the war woman dressed in ancient battle armor. ] 】

[In addition to them, there are fish people who can spit water out of their mouths, “green ghost girls” who can take others through objects, and aliens whose bodies are like rubber…]

[Of all these superheroes, the most conspicuous… There is nothing more than the “black mask man” who pedals on a flying skateboard, but does not show any superpowers. 】

Seeing these superheroes with different shapes on the screen, the chat group was also lively.

Starlight: Uh… Did I think too much? How do I feel… These superheroes seem familiar?

Wanda Maximov: It’s not just you, I think so too.

Deadpool: Wow hahaha! What a familiar eye! These guys are simply a replica of the Justice League! ^_^

Deadpool: I can tell at a glance. The guy in red… It’s the Flash of this world! War Woman is Wonder Woman!

Deadpool: The funniest thing is the fishman! Why is Aquaman so miserable? Even people can’t do it, turn into a fish! O(∩_∩)O haha~

The Flash Barry Allen: Me? That red whirlwind, is my variant in this world? It really looks like that.

Bruce Banner: Actually, it’s not necessarily all Justice League, at least… That green woman could be a variation of me,

Bruce Banner: He doesn’t seem to have the power of the Hulk, though.

Invincible Young Man: The female name is Green Ghost, and her ability is to make the body spiritualized.

Bruce Wayne: What is the name of the guy in the poncho who strains on the skateboard?

Invincible Boy: I don’t know his real name, but his superhero nickname is “Darkwing”.

Deadpool: Haha, let me guess, this guy’s superpower is probably rich. ^_^

Bruce wayne:…………

Invincible Young Man: This… I don’t know if the Darkwing family has any money.

Tony Stark: Do you still need to ask? Looking at the equipment on him, if it is not a big family, how can he afford to play?

Bruce Wayne: These things aside, now I just want to know that in this global guard… Are there any characters similar to Superman?

Invincible Young Man: The captain of the Global Guardian is named Immortal, his superpower is infinite regeneration, but individual combat power… Not the strongest in the world.

Bruce Wayne: Oh? Who is the strongest then?

Invincible Young Man: It’s my father, the Almighty Man! ^_^

When he said this, the invincible young man Mark only felt a sense of pride, and even his face flushed with a hint of redness.

And at this moment, there was also a new change on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Just when the Global Guard was fighting against these two blue-skinned giants, a sudden mutation occurred! ] 】

[A female civilian was suddenly swept in. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Looking at the hideous and terrifying bald blue-skinned man in front of her, the woman suddenly screamed loudly. ] 】

[And the blue-skinned man looked back, directly grabbed the woman’s head, and threw her into the sky. ] 】


[The woman’s body draws a parabola in the air, and she is about to fall to death alive! ] 】

[Seeing this, the dark wing of the flying skateboard directly shot out a hook, firmly entangled the woman’s body, and then pulled it back hard. ] 】

[But just as Dark Wing fell to the ground holding the woman, one of the blue-skinned giants… Unexpectedly, a chariot was raised and thrown at them! 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Seeing that the situation was not right, Dark Wing ran away with the woman in her arms. ] 】

[But because he didn’t have superpowers, he was still one step slower and was suppressed by the chariot! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With the loud sound of the chariot falling to the ground, the exclamation of women also sounded.] 】

[It turns out that at the moment of the attack, Dark Wing used the high-tech equipment on his body… A stand was set up, barely supporting the weight of the giant chariot. 】


[Even so, Dark Wing looked at the sparks flickering on the bracket and knew that he couldn’t support it for long! ] 】

“Don’t worry, we’ll escape.” “】

[While comforting the woman, Darkwing took out a hook gun and entangled the street lamp in the distance.] 】

[But his body has been crushed too hard to move! ] 】

[In the end, Darkwing could only hand over the device to the woman, activate the hook, and pull her out! ] 】

[“Click, click… Rumble! “】

[At the moment when the woman was rescued, the high-tech bracket of the dark wing had been overwhelmed by the chariot! ] Even his whole person was pressed underneath! 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Just when Dark Wing couldn’t help but let out a scream, the chariot weighing thousands of pounds on his body suddenly flew up. 】

【“??? “】

[Dark Wing looked back with a shocked face, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a red and white tights and a mustache gently lifting the chariot and looking at him calmly. ] 】

[This person is the strongest superhero on earth, and he is also the father of the invincible young man… Almighty Man! 】

[Seeing the Almighty appear, the global escort team also all boosted their morale, joined forces to besiege the two blueskins, and soon knocked them all down. ] 】

[In the end, the almighty man didn’t even have a chance to strike, and the enemy fell to the ground. ] 】

Looking at this middle-aged superman with white sideburns, the chat group became lively again.

Starlight: This is a variant of Superman, and he looks so old.

Invincible Young Man: My dad is only in his 40s this year, and he is not that old.

Bruce Wayne: I have a question, if you think it’s rude, you don’t need to answer, excuse me, your father… Is it an earthling?

Invincible Young Man: Spread Hands… Forget it, until now, there is no point in hiding it.

Invincible Boy: My dad comes from a planet called Vitrum, which is full of super powerhouses!

Clark Kent: What? Could this be a variant of Krypton? (⊙o⊙)

Clark Kent: Was the planet that gave birth to your father also destroyed?

Invincible Young Man: No. According to my dad, people on this planet … Because of its great power, he is determined to protect the entire universe!

Invincible Heroes: When the Vitrums reach adulthood, they are sent to other planets in the universe to help the locals develop technology and maintain peace on these planets.

Invincible Young Man: To put it simply… It’s about being a superhero. (*^▽^*)

Invincible Young Man: This is how my dad came to Earth and became the defender of this planet!

Starlight: A planet that has given birth to countless superheroes! Wow, that’s really enviable!

Starlight: If only in our universe… It would be nice to have such a planet too!

Starlight: Minecraft is full of garbage under the guise of superheroes! It’s really exhausting to deal with these people all day. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Clark Kent: A strong, peaceful “Krypton”? It’s fascinating.

In the live broadcast room, Clark also let out a long breath, and his face showed a look of relief.

After learning about the history of Krypton, Clark felt that even if his home star was not destroyed, he would probably only be in that kind of closure. Guan·· Lock·· The state of the country … Continue to be isolated.

Compared with the dull Kryptonite, this “Vitrum” star is obviously much more vigorous!

But standing beside Clark, Bruce Wayne did not continue to speak, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

“A planet that gave birth to countless strong people, but sent these strong people to other planets for free… To be a superhero? ”

“What are they doing this for? Maintain peace in the universe? ”

Thinking of the end, Young Master Wayne’s eyes also showed a trace of doubt in the depths of his eyes.

There must be something strange about this!

But in the state of unfounded evidence, he was not good to say anything directly, but moved his gaze to the screen, ready to continue observing.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, the picture turned and came to the home of the Almighty Man, that is, the invincible young man Mark. ] 】

[Mark is eating breakfast while watching the live broadcast on TV. 】

“It seems… Dad is saving the White Palace. “】

[“Oh? Looks like we can’t have breakfast together. “】

Mark’s Asian mother sighed with some regret. 】

[“Mom, is that Bai Gong? Isn’t it more important than breakfast? Mark asked, turning his head. 】

“It doesn’t matter. “】

[The old mother walked away without caring :]

“Anyway, that place will be razed to the ground every six months. “】

[“What Dr. Shockwave, Lizard Alliance… These supervillains always run to the White Palace. “】

“I suspect that the president may not live there at all. “】

[Just when the old mother was spicy, the almighty man also fell into the yard of their house. ] 】

[Seeing her husband come back, my mother immediately rushed forward, and the two hugged each other happily. ] 】


[Seeing this old husband and wife showing affection in front of him, Mark’s face immediately showed disgust. ] 】

[But the almighty couple didn’t care about Mark’s feelings, hugged each other directly, and flew to Baozhou for breakfast. ] 】

[Watching his father and mother disappear in the air, Mark lowered his head a little uncomfortably. ] 】

[He is almost 18 years old, but he still has not awakened superpowers. 】

[Could it be… Didn’t he inherit his father’s bloodline? 】

[However, although he has not awakened superpowers, Mark is still a teenager with courage. ] 】

[At school, he saw a school bully harassing black female classmates, and immediately bravely stepped forward to stop it.] 】

[Of course, he was also beaten without suspense. ] 】

[Finally. It was also the black female classmate Amber who fought off the bullies and saved Mark. 】

[Heroes save beauty, but become beauty rescue heroes…]

[After school, the depressed Mark came to work at a fast food restaurant according to the custom. 】

[But no one expected that he threw it casually and actually threw a bag of garbage without a trace! ] 】

[Looking at the empty sky, Mark finally showed an excited smile on his face. 】

[His superpowers… Awakened! 】

[When Mark went home and told his parents, the expression on the almighty man’s face was a little stunned in surprise, and he couldn’t see the excitement and joy at all. ] 】

[On the morning of the 2nd day, the Almighty Man began training, and his son mastered superpowers, but he seemed to be a little impatient, and he also knocked his son to the ground. 】

[Back home, the almighty man whispered to his wife:]

“I’m starting to feel… If he doesn’t have superpowers, it’s a good thing. “】


In his room, Mark looked at the screen in front of him, and his face was suddenly full of stunned and unbelievable.

What’s going on?

Soon, he also recalled that after he showed the Golden Experience Requiem in front of his father… The weird eyes of the almighty.

For a month, Mark has been more or less able to feel… My father’s eyes looked at him differently!

And until now, he stood from the perspective of a third party, looking at the almighty man on the screen, which was clearly visible…

There was actually a trace of fear in that look!

Dad is in fear… Master the ability yourself!

How is this possible?

The more I thought about it, the more unbelievable it became, Mark’s eyes widened, his pupils dilated, and the whole person fell into a state of confusion.

Although he has obtained the Golden Experience Requiem, Mark does not think… Now he can be compared with the almighty.

At the end of the day, Requiem just gave him an “absolutely undefeated” plugin.

Other strength, speed, agility, etc… The gap is too big.

Not to mention, the “self” on the screen has just awakened his ability, and the almighty man is afraid that he can defeat him with only one finger.

But…… What’s going on?

Why is his own father afraid?

What the hell is he afraid of?

Just as Mark was full of doubts, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Being bullied at school, the process of mastering superpowers is not smooth. 】

[After school, Mark covered his face with a piece of cloth and began to look for the object of chivalry on the street. 】

[As a result, he really let him defeat a small villain who is not in the flow. ] 】

[But because of this, Mark’s behavior was also discovered by Dad Almighty. ] 】

[Seeing the frustration in his son’s heart, the almighty man took him to find his tailor and customized a superhero suit for his son. ] 】

[After obtaining the official prisoner of war, Mark Grayson also gave himself a nickname… Invincible Young Man! 】

[Mark’s superhero journey is finally on track, and things seem to be going very well. 】

[At this time, the picture on the screen suddenly turned and came to the secret base of the Global Escort. 】

[All members of the escort team received an urgent call and gathered in the base. 】

[After everyone came, they found out… The person who summoned them was not any of the members. 】

[“What’s going on? “】

“Who called us here?” “】

[Just when everyone in the Almighty Guard was a little soldier, the red whirlwind in a red tights… The gaze is fierce! 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In an instant, it rushed to the side of the immortal man and pushed him away. 】

[Thanks to the push of the red whirlwind, a thunderous fist… He didn’t hit the immortal man in the head. 】

[Looking at the person who punched, everyone in the Global Guardian was shocked. 】

[“Almighty Man! “】

“What are you doing?” “】

[In addition to everyone’s shock, the all-powerful man with an indifferent face mercilessly launched a rapid surprise attack on the global escort! ] 】

[At the beginning, the Almighty immediately targeted the person who threatened him the most! ] 】

[That is, the person who just saved the immortal man from him…]

[Speedster, Red Whirlwind! ] 】

[“Snap! “】

[Seizing the opportunity, the almighty man grabbed Red Whirlwind’s fist, and then stretched out his hands and pinched his head fiercely! ] 】


[Under the weight of the all-round man’s hands, the goggles of the red whirlwind smashed! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, his skull was also creaking, and it seemed that the next moment, it would be completely crushed! ] 】

[lest this speedster seize the opportunity to escape, Almighty Man… It seems that he directly wants to crush the red whirlwind alive! 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Feeling that his brain was about to crack, the red whirlwind with bloodshot eyes began to punch madly, slamming the almighty man’s murderous mouth at a speed thousands of times faster than the speed of sound! ] 】

[“Bang bang bang…”]

[Under that terrifying series of blows, the all-powerful man’s suit was shattered! ] 】

[However, his body, which is harder than alloy steel, is completely unscathed! ] 】


[Facing this seemingly unbeatable enemy in front of him, the red whirlwind that fists madly… Break your finger bones! 】

[“Poof! “】

[In the face of this crazy attack that is almost “lightspeed fist”, the corners of the almighty’s mouth also overflowed with blood! ] But the strength on his hands not only did not weaken, but also strengthened. 】

[“Poof! “】

[The terrifying weight of the Almighty Man first pressed out the eyes of the red whirlwind, and then… It was Sheng Sheng who crushed his head to pieces! 】

[“Pon! “】

[Blood mixed with brain… The pulp splashed everywhere, and the almighty man naturally bore the brunt of it, and his face was sprayed! 】

[Looking at the bloody and cruel scene in front of them, the other members of the Global Guardian Team were shocked and involuntarily exclaimed. 】

[“Don’t! “】

[“Red Whirlwind! “】

[They never dreamed of it, Almighty Man … The strongest superhero on the planet would unexpectedly attack them! 】

[Moreover, he is such a murderous killer from the beginning! ] 】

[This guy… Do you want to kill them all? 】

“Dad!! How can it be? ”

Looking at the terrifying scene on the screen, the invincible young man Mark weakened his legs, involuntarily collapsed on the ground, and his face showed a terrified expression!

At this moment, Mark’s whole person was like falling into an ice cave, and his eyes were about to jump out of his eye sockets!

The emotions of horror and panic completely drowned him like a tide.

How so?

His own father is a hero and will not kill people casually!

How could he suddenly break into the base of the Global Guard and kill the Red Whirlwind?

Don’t…… Is this a nightmare?

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