Seeing the amazing picture of all humans turning into monsters on the screen, Rick and Morty “changing dimensions”, the chat group is also very lively.

Captain America: That guy named Rick is so irresponsible, destroying a world! Actually just left? (▼ヘ▼#)

Bruce Banner: From a scientist’s point of view, maybe… He can’t help it.

Charles Xavier: No way? That’s not right!

Charles Xavier: The dimension that Rick and Morty are now in, Rick’s variant, solves the problem of monsterization of all mankind!

Bruce Banner: The Rick you are talking about has blown himself up! Even if he still has some secret antidote, he can’t ask it.

Starlight: After all! It’s a world of science. Even if Rick is an amazing scientist, he can’t interrogate the souls of the dead!

Deadpool: Amazing scientist? Haha, you think too highly of him.

Deadpool: You should not forget, in addition to the unlucky ghost who was blown up, there is also Rick from the monster world… Technology to turn monsters into humans was also invented!

Deadpool: But this guy was born a monster, so… On the contrary, he couldn’t adapt to humans, so he simply opened the portal and escaped to this monster dimension!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That is, in the multiverse, there are at least two Ricks… Solved the problem of monsterization?

Deadpool: That’s it! So…… This Rick may be smart, but in the multiverse, there is something smarter than him!

Captain America: This… If so, why didn’t he go to other dimensions and ask those “smart” versions of himself for an antidote?

Captain America: If you can get the antidote to monsterization, it is equivalent to… Saved all mankind on earth!

Deadpool: Who knows, Spread Hands… I’m not a psychologist.

Charles Xavier: Ahem, if I were to guess, I think… It may be that this Rick is too arrogant to pull his face and ask for help from himself in other universes.

Wanda Maximov: What? What kind of joke is this? Because of the mistakes he made, the entire human race of the earth turned into monsters!

Wanda Maksimov: Until now, he still wants to save his face! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Charles Xavier: Uh… I’m not talking about face, it’s just… Some people are not naturally used to bowing their heads.

Magneto: Hell it! Charles, do you mean yourself?

Magneto: No wonder… After spending so much time with you, I haven’t seen you apologize to me!

Charles Xavier: ……… →_→

Deadpool: Wow, you have such a lot of information, can you make it clear to me.

C137 Universe.

“Damn, these bastards dare to slander me so much behind my back!”

Looking at the crowd in the chat group… Choreographing himself without scruples, Rick was suddenly furious, and bruises appeared on his bare forehead.

At this time, looking at the grandfather in front of him who seemed to be a little strange, Morty gritted his teeth and suddenly sank his thoughts into the chat group.

Morty: Uh… You guys say… Is this Rick really not my grandfather?

Nick Fury: Judging by my decades of experience in the secret service world, your grandfather definitely has a problem.

Morty: Yes… Is it? (⊙_⊙)

Tony Stark: We’re just guessing, after all… There is no conclusive evidence that Rick is not your original grandfather.

Nick Fury: That Rick himself said that immediate family members can be immune to that love potion, which can be seen… The DNA of these variants is all the same, in this case… How do you prove it?

Tony Stark: I don’t need to prove anything, it’s you who said this Rick must be a fake, but… Is that really the case?

Nick Fury: Humph! Would a man who abandoned his wife and daughter 20 years ago turn back so easily?

Nick Fury: Besides, this Rick can still make a world bomb!

Nick Fury: Why would such a character come and hide in his son-in-law’s house and still live in the storage room?

As the king of agents, Black Egg’s suspicion may be even more serious than Master Wayne’s.

In his opinion, if this guy named Rick… Living in his own world, the black brine egg has long sent someone to arrest him!

How can this kind of guy who can destroy the world if he is not careful, put him outside?

Moreover, Hank Pym, who is locked up in a black prison, happens to lack a cellmate.

Tony Stark: Ha, let’s talk about it, in this dimension on the screen, the pair of Rick and Morty who were blown up… Isn’t it also living together?

Tony Stark: Did you say… This dead unlucky ghost Rick is also a fake?

Nick Fury: This…

Tony Stark: So this Rick is likely to be someone who crosses dimensions and steals other people’s identities, but it’s just “maybe”! There is no evidence.

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! Stark, I actually think what you said makes sense.

Tony Stark: Nonsense! My words always make sense! ( ̄︶ ̄)

C137 Universe.

“Is that so?”

Hearing Tony’s explanation, Morty let out a long breath and immediately put his heart back in his stomach.

If, this Rick, who is inseparable from him all day… It’s really a fake, then Morty doesn’t know … How to face him in the future!

Rick, who was standing on the side, still had a gloomy face, holding the wine bottle, but seemed to have forgotten to stuff it into his mouth.

At this time, the screen that had been dim lit up again.

[In a new dimension, Rick and Morty have fully adapted to family life here. 】

[On this day, in order to celebrate the first anniversary of her father’s return to the family, mother Beth made a hearty pancake breakfast for her father Rick. 】

[At this moment, a dimensional portal suddenly appeared in the living room in front of the Smith family. 】

[From the green door, three Ricks actually walked out! ] 】

[These three Ricks accuse C137 Rick… Murdered Rick in other dimensions. 】

[Next, the three Ricks couldn’t help but bring Rick and Morty to Rick City. 】

“Oh my God, what is this place?”] Seeing countless Rick and Morty in the city, Morty was shocked. 】

“Don’t fuss, Morty, this is where Rick’s council is headquartered. “】

Rick explained impatiently. 】

[It turned out that because Rick in the multiverse all made countless enemies, Rick from thousands of parallel universes gathered together to warm up and established this place called Rick City. ] 】

[Rick and Morty were taken to the council hall in Rick City. 】

[The 6 Rick councilors sitting high accuse C137 Rick… Brutally killed dozens of Ricks in several dimensions. 】

[“Of all the central finite curved Rick, you are the most famous rebel and outlier! “】

[And C137 Rick was angry when he saw these parliamentarians:]

“I’m just Rick, just like you guys before!”] 】

“You idiots want to avoid being destroyed by ZF, so you made this stupid ZF yourself. “】

[So, of all the Ricks here, I am the most Rick of Rick! “】

“Besides, if you want to accuse me of committing a crime, at least you have to show evidence. “】

[In the face of C137 Rick’s accusations, Rick City personnel directly investigated his teleportation gun. 】

[The results show that C137 Rick… Been to all those places where Rick’s murder took place! 】

[This proves that he is the biggest suspect! ] 】

[Seeing that the evidence was conclusive, 6 Rick councilors directly stood up and pronounced the verdict… C137 Rick is guilty! 】

[Faced with this kind of vain disaster, Rick did not wait for death, but directly snatched the gun and escaped with Morty. ] 】

[In the process of fleeing, C137 Rick also opened with a teleportation gun, and various portals emerged from which countless strange creatures emerged, making those Rick chasers embarrassed. ] 】

[Not only that, but it also passes through portals.] Enter a strange world,

[Inside… Pizza calls and asks for the weird dimension of human takeaway! 】

[There is even a world where humans sit on sofas and order phone takeout with pizza! ] 】

[In these worlds, humans, pizza, sofas, telephones, takeaways… They all switched roles for each other! 】

[Despite experiencing so many strange worlds, C137 Rick still used the dimensional teleportation gun to open a series of portals, thus covering his escape and successfully escaping Rick’s pursuit. ] 】

After escaping the pursuit, C137 Rick took Morty to a restaurant, sat on a “human chair”, and ordered a bunch of phone takeout. 】

At this time, Morty’s expression became very depressed. 】

[It turns out that he saw in Rick City… Hundreds of Rick are surrounded by his Morty! I suddenly felt that the relationship between myself and Rick was not so special. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Starlight: What the hell is that, pizza is ordering “human” takeout, am I mistaken? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Stephen Strange: Is this also part of the multiverse? It’s just black humor.

Tony Stark: Wow hahaha! Nick Fury, look, there are so many Ricks in Rick City, all with Morty, is it… Have they all been replaced by their own variants?

Nick Fury: ……… Hum! This old man is so spoiled for his grandson, this is not normal.

Invincible Young Heroes: Bringing the Multiverse Itself Together to Ward Off Evil? A good idea indeed!

Invincible Young Man: When I find that Angostron, I can do the same!

Morty: Uh… Rick once said, you better not do this.

Morty: Because, in the usual multiverse, there may be an evil version of you!

Invincible Young Man: Evil version of me? Speaking of which, it seems that there is indeed a “me” who joined forces with the Almighty Man and conquered the earth where he is!

Nick Fury: Oh… This C137 Rick is so clear about the evil version of himself, shouldn’t he… He had encountered one before.

Morty: Well, I don’t know.

“Rick! You know that evil version of you…

In the C137 universe, Morty originally wanted to ask Rick a question, but when he saw his grandfather’s expression, he was suddenly frightened.

“What did you say?”

I saw that Rick’s face was livid, and an icy cold light shot out of his eyes, and his whole body seemed to release a murderous aura.

“Eh! No! I’m not asking about this. ”

Chilled by the murderous Rick, Morty’s brain suddenly became a mess, and instinctively said casually:

“Do you know what that Rick City is?”

“And… What curve is that, and what’s going on? ”

“Rick City?”

Hearing this term, the murderous aura on Rick’s face dissipated a little, and said coldly:

“It was a mistake I made back then, and I don’t want to mention it again.”

“As for the curve, you’re talking about the central finite curve. Well…”

Rick pondered for a moment, but still said calmly:

“In this world, there are infinite multiverses, but not every universe is the same.”

“As the most Rick, if you take me as the center of gravity, around my fluctuating curve… It is the central finite curve. ”

“The farther away Rick is from this curve, the greater the change! Some…… Not even human! Or…… I haven’t met you at all! ”

“Oh… So that’s what happened. ”

Morty nodded stupidly, not knowing how much he understood.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the “Human Chair” restaurant, Rick explained impatiently to his grandson:]

“Because of being a genius, my brainwaves are very unique and easy to track. “】

“In order to avoid the enemy’s radar, the easiest way is to find someone who can complement my brain waves. “】

“And this person is you!”] “】

“Simply put, as long as I stay by your side, the enemy can’t track me down.”] “】

[“Huh? “】

[Hearing this somewhat cruel answer, even Morty, who was not very smart in his head, was stunned in place for a while. ] 】

[My brain waves can complement the genius brain waves, what does this mean?] 】

[How do I feel… As if offended? 】

[At this time, C137 Rick also cracked his dimensional teleportation gun. 】

[Sure enough! ] The gun was remotely hacked and the transmission records were tampered with. 】

[With his genius mind, C137 Rick immediately reverse-cracked the opponent’s signal and traced the location of the signal. ] 】

[This is a remote castle located on an unknown planet. 】

[But the most frightening thing is that this castle is densely tied to thousands of Morty. 】

[And these Morty still have some kind of device on them that makes them feel pain all the time.] 】


[Under the torment of this device, thousands of Morty’s wails resounded throughout the heavens and earth. 】

[Faced with such a terrifying situation, Morty suddenly trembled with fear, and C137 Rick just indifferently claimed that if he wanted to avoid the tracking of ordinary people, it was enough for him to have a Morty by his side. ] 】

[If you want to avoid the search of those Ricks in Rick City, then… It takes thousands of Morty to form a matrix! 】

[Moreover, it is necessary to put these Morty in extreme pain in order to emit enhanced brain waves! ] 】

“This is actually a very crude application of technology. “】

[Rick said with a look of disdain:]

“If it were me, it would only take 5 Morty and one cable. “】


Looking at the terrifying image on the screen in the C137 universe, Morty was first frightened and cold sweat.

And when the fear subsided a little, extreme anger suddenly rose in his heart.

“No wonder you’re venturing anywhere… You have to take me with you, so it is! ”

Morty looked at Rick and became furious:

“You don’t think of me as your grandson at all, but just as a shield! A living cloak. ”

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