“Morty! You are…”

Looking at his grandson with an excited face in front of him, Rick’s brows also wrinkled.

But with his clever head, he immediately judged that in this case, he must not hesitate, but must be decisive!

Only in this way can the doubts in Morty’s heart be cleared!

“That’s not right!”

Rick gulped and said without hesitation:

“You are the one and only Morty! Not a substitute for anyone! ”

Under normal circumstances, Rick said so, Morty would have jumped up excitedly.

“You… You’re not going to lie to me, are you? ”

But now this kid seems to have learned well, not only did not immediately believe it, but also asked rhetorically:

“That evil Morty, did you raise it?”


Rick lowered his head slightly, and there was actually a hint of confusion in his eyes.

“I don’t know…”

Next, Rick just drank in silence, no matter how Morty asked, and stopped talking.

The room suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

At this embarrassing moment, the screen that had been dim lit up again.

At this time, Rick and Morty’s attention was drawn again.

I saw that on the screen, a new image appeared.

[It’s a sunny holiday, and Jerry Smith is taking his wife Beth to visit a Titanic theme park. 】

[Before leaving, Beth told Rick with a serious face:]

[If you wait for them to come back and find any damage to the house and children.] 】

[Then from now on… Rick can no longer take Morty out on adventures! 】

[As soon as Rick heard this, he immediately swore that they would have everything at ease, and there would be absolutely no problems with the house and the children. 】

[But just after the Jerry Smiths drove away, in their garage… Several laser eels flew out and burned out a big hole in the garage door! 】

[These eels from the ectopic plane are exactly what Rick kept at home! ] 】

[Seeing that Rick and Morty have stabbed out Louzi, the eldest daughter of the Jerry family, Sangmei… Simply broke the jar and broke. 】

She called her classmates directly and prepared to throw a party at home. 】

[When Rick heard it, how could he be preempted by a little girl? ] 】

[At the moment, he also notified the aliens from various planets to hold a second party at home at the same time! ] 】

[It didn’t take long, along with cars, spaceships… Even the dimensional portal, all kinds of strange-looking cows, ghosts, snakes and gods suddenly gathered in Rick and Morty’s home. 】

[The most incredible thing is that Sangmei called ordinary high school students. 】

[But these teenagers, looking at the demons and ghosts in Morty’s house… I wasn’t afraid at all and communicated with them in English! 】

[Among them, Sammy’s female classmate Tommy also fell in love with a birdman from an alien planet! ] 】

[Seeing all kinds of weird and wonderful people gathering more and more, Morty was also a little alarmed. ] 】

“Rick, what the hell are you thinking?” These people will destroy our home! “】

“When Mom and Dad come back and see the chaos here, we won’t want to go out and adventure again.” “】

[Rick said nonchalantly:]

“Morty, you kid… It’s just too serious, you can’t enjoy the party first, and then things will happen… More on that later. “】

“It’s easy to say, it’s your party after all!”] It has nothing to do with me! Why the hell do I have to be here…”

[Morty was full of grumbling, only halfway through the words, and suddenly found out… Jessica, the school flower he dreamed of, actually came to the party. 】

[Watching the goddess come, Morty’s soul is about to be lost, and she chased Jessica stupidly. ] 】

[Can you take risks in the future, what will happen to the house… He couldn’t take care of it either. 】

[There are more and more weirdos at the party, and in the end, there is actually a genetically modified person with infinite strength, Lint… Strangle! 】

[This person was created by Rick using genetic technology.] 】

[He originally wanted to put the beautiful country in general… Unity and mustache fuse together to create one of the greatest leaders. 】

[But I didn’t expect that the personalities of these two people conflicted with each other, but they made a nervous weirdo. ] 】

【Lint··· Le made a mess of the party and Jessica away. 】

Seeing this, Morty quickly seized the opportunity and took Jessica to the garage. ] 】

[In the garage, Morty turned on the starry sky projector made by Rick and made a beautiful and romantic scene, ready to take the opportunity to confess to the goddess in his heart. ]

[But I didn’t expect that all this was actually smashed by the alien little monster hidden in the cabinet…”Guach”! ] 】

[In a panic, Morty accidentally knocks over a piece of equipment created by Rick. 】

[“Crackle! “】

[With a flash of blue light, the blue energy released from the instrument… Actually transferred Rick and Morty’s home, together with the foundation, to a different world! 】

[In the hall, looking at the strange scene in front of him, Rick opened the door and took a deep breath. 】

“Strange alien planets, terrifying monsters, and oxygen-filled atmospheres…”

“Everything is normal, let’s keep going.”] “】

[At this moment, a guy who was too high rushed to the alien planet and was eaten by a tentacle monster. ] 】

[Looking at this terrifying scene, Rick simply turned on the stereo, and the people in the room continued to follow the music as if they didn’t see anything… Rocked his body wildly! 】

[Of all the people, Morty seems to be the only normal person.] 】

[He was shocked to find that his entire family had been teleported somewhere else.] 】

[“Oh my God! We are now in a different dimension! “】

“What should we do?” “】

[Watching Morty shouting at the party, Rick immediately crouched down and told him that there was some kind of K crystal in this dimensional space.] 】

[As long as Morty can find this K crystal, he can teleport the house back to its original place.] 】

[In order to find this crystal, Rick also put that annoying Lint… Le and another girl who couldn’t blend in into the party atmosphere were also sent out. 】

[Morty took these two people and set foot on the dangerous land of another dimension. 】

[They soon found the K crystal in the wilderness, but at this moment, a hideous and terrifying two-headed beast suddenly rushed out. 】

【Lint··· Seeing this, Le heroically fought a bloody battle with this beast, and finally defeated the other party, and he also died of his injuries. 】

[Morty returned to the house with the K crystals that he had collected with great difficulty, and by the way, relayed Lynth to Rick… Le’s last words. 】

“He said he was sorry, and Lint… Le has always treated you like a father! “】

“All he does is get you to accept him.” “】

“This man sacrificed his life… Just to save everyone. “】

[In the end, Morty’s tears burst out of her eyes. 】

[But he never dreamed that Rick wanted this thing, and he actually took it! ] 】

“Well, at least he died a worthwhile death! “】

[Hear Lint… Le’s bad news, Rick’s face did not change color, just looked at the crystal in his hand, and his eyes lit up. 】

“These crystals … Make this party even more exciting! “】

[“Wow, no, no, no! “】

[After uttering a series of inexplicable “spells”, Rick led everyone in the party… Dancing like crazy. 】

[Seeing this, Morty was dizzy with anger, and directly rushed up to stop Rick and roared loudly. ] 】

“I thought this K crystal was used to take us home. “】

[“Lint… Le even gave his life for this crystal! And you bastard… It’s just for fun. “】

[Driven by extreme anger, Morty directly took out the remaining crystals and threw them outside. 】

[And the bag containing the crystal was immediately caught and eaten by the monster entrenched outdoors.] 】

[Rick said… He can send everyone back at any time, but that kind of k-crystal is very rare. 】

[Morty was so angry that he couldn’t say anything, and directly claimed that the party was over, so let’s go back to their respective homes.] 】

[Finally, this family was teleported back to its original dimension. ] 】

[The cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods from all dimensions and planets are also ready to go to Shiguach’s home to continue the party. ] 】

[Of all the people, the most angry is Morty.] 】

[Not only did he not get Jessica’s favor, but he also risked his life to bring a bunch of useless K crystals. ] 】

[Not only that, the whole house has been messed up by those alien monsters, and he is also responsible for tidying up! ] 】

[Looking at Morty with a bitter face, the strange birdman suddenly came up to him and asked him if he knew what the “spell” that Rick often nagged meant? 】

[Morty lowered his head and said while packing his things:]

“That’s just Rick’s senseless stupid mantra. “】

[Birdman said with a serious expression:]

[“This sentence is not illogical nonsense”]

“In the language of our planet, this phrase means…’I’m in pain, please help me.'” “】

“Morty, your grandfather, is indeed very painful. “】

“This is also him… The reason for having to paralyze yourself by all means. “】

[“No kidding! “】

Morty shook his head, he felt that he had seen through Rick’s true colors. 】

“You think of that guy too complicated, he’s a complete bastard. “】

[When the birdman heard this, he immediately asked rhetoric:]

[“If that’s the case, then why do you care so much, can you go on adventures with him in the future?”] “】

“If you really hate this person that much, then the chaos in the house… It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. “】

“Just leave it alone, and you’ll never have to hang out with Rick again.”] “】

[After speaking, looking at Morty with a hesitant face, Birdman directly brought Samami’s female classmate Tommy… The two flew away together. 】

[Watching from the window that his parents’ car had driven to the intersection, Morty gritted his teeth and finally made his choice. 】

[He quickly rushed to the sofa, shook the drunken Rick awake, and told him to do something to save the situation.] 】

[It seems, no matter how much Morty says he hates Rick.] 】

[He is still very eager to do it with Rick… That mysterious adventure! 】

[When Rick wakes up, he orders Sammy to go to the garage and bring him a remote-like device.] 】

[And when Rick activated this remote control, a strange fluctuation suddenly spread in all directions. ] 】

[It wasn’t until Rick and Sammy walked out of the house in surprise that they discovered that their parents were standing still on the sidewalk.] 】

[It turned out that at the moment of starting that device, Rick actually stood still in time! ] 】

[And, not just a static part!] 】

[He has stood still for the entire earth, maybe even the entire universe in time!] 】

Looking at his parents parked on the sidewalk like clay sculptures, Morty asked in disbelief. 】

“This… How long can it be stationary? “】

[Rick said nonchalantly:]

“I don’t know, how long do you want it to last?”] “】

“A week, or a month?” “】

In the live broadcast room.

“For a long time… Stationary time? ”

Loki gasped, the corners of his mouth twitching. There was a terrified look in his eyes, and he seemed to be smashed by such a terrifying thing!

With endless stopping time, how could there be such a thing in the world?

Even his stand-in “World” can only stand still for a few seconds now.

That old man named Rick actually mastered such power!

“I’m in pain, please help me?” At this time, on the other side, Bruce Wayne’s eyes darkened, as if he remembered some unspeakable past.

“All those crazy actions of his are hiding the extreme pain in his heart!”

“This man named Rick, his past… It’s not easy! ”

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