“That Morty shouldn’t have saved this crazy old man at all, it might as well have let him die.”

Wanda snorted coldly with a look of disgust:

“In that case, maybe… The universe he is in can still be a little more peaceful! ”

After seeing Rick put the C137 universe of humans… After turning into a monster, Little Wanda’s impression of him immediately fell straight to a negative score!

In the eyes of the little girl, a crazy villain who is so dangerous, it may be better to die!

Peter Parker laughed wryly as he listened to him:

Now what you said is simple, but these are the only ones who can solve this “time fork situation”! ”

“If he is allowed to die, what will the Morty sisters do?”

Hearing this, Clark nodded approvingly.

“In the 4 timelines, those 4 Morty… All bravely raised the fire extinguishing canisters! Stop Rick’s self-brake!

“It can be seen that courage is indeed rooted in this child’s heart, and he has the potential to become a hero.”


Loki smiled weirdly next to him:

“If you want to say so, the 4 Ricks all raised their guns in tacit agreement and prepared to commit suicide!”

“It seems that he also has the potential to self-destruct!”

Bruce Wayne’s eyes narrowed when he heard this, and his expression seemed to be a little gloomy.

Dealing with those crazy criminals in Gotham City all day, Young Master Wayne also has a deep study of mental illness.

In his opinion, this Rick’s mental problem is already obvious.

If you really catch him, compared to prison… Rick probably deserves to be locked up in Arkham Asylum!

At this moment, Tony Stark objected.

“Crazy? I don’t think so.

Tony scratched his chin and said lightly:

“Maybe there was an element of madness in their final suicide.”

“But before, these Rick who were on various timelines attacked each other… But it makes sense. ”


When Bruce Wayne heard it, he suddenly reacted:

“What are you referring to… Could it be a chain of suspicion? ”

“That’s right.”

Tony smiled gently:

“In 4 timelines, these Rick actually don’t know… What else is the self doing. ”

“So… He had every reason to suspect that the other Rick wanted to kill himself and eliminate the other timelines by the way! ”

“This is the chain of suspicion, which is the essence of the dark forest!”

“Everything is the enemy but me! Kill enemies before they start! ”

“And this kind of thing?” Clark listened aback.

He was late in the group, but he had not seen the Dark Forest. Therefore, it is difficult to understand this cruel rule of survival.

Peter Parker and Little Wanda looked at each other, and their faces showed stunned.

They really didn’t expect that this Rick would act so crazy… It can actually be rationalized.

C137 universe.

“Chain of suspicion? Dark Forest? ”

Rick stopped pouring wine into his mouth and rolled his eyes slightly. Immediately guessed the meaning of these two terms.

“Huh… The people in this small room seem to really have some knowledge? ”

Glancing into the picture-in-picture in the lower right corner of the screen, Rick’s heart was like dead wood… Suddenly there was a hint of curiosity.

What’s that room like?

After entering, can your own teleportation gun still come in handy?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[“Oh my God, what should I do now? “】

[Watching her brother knock down Rick with a fire extinguishing canister with one blow, Sammei could only stand in place stupidly, not knowing what to do? ] 】

[On the contrary, it seems that because he has been following Rick everywhere, Morty seems extremely calm at the moment:]

[“If in all the timelines, I knocked Rick unconscious, and Sammei you were all scared and peeed…”

“That means… We’re all in sync again. “】

[Based on what he learned from Rick before, Morty is clear that as long as all 4 timelines are synchronized, there will be no new reality. 】

“Ahhh… Right. “】

[Faced with this kind of problem involving timeline and reality, Sangmei didn’t know how to interject at all, and could only nod stupidly. 】

[Next, 4 Morty simultaneously picked up the weapon that was enough to penetrate the time barrier and took down the “time spar” on it. 】

[This practice is actually equivalent to unloading the bullet of this gun.] 】

[4 Morty put the time spar in his hand on the table and said at the same time:]

“From now on, we must synchronize everything we do, otherwise we will fork a new timeline.”] “】

[Sammei stood aside, completely at a loss, and could only follow her brother and say:]

“That’s right… You’re right…”

[After a while, 4 Ricks woke up at the same time.] 】

【“…… It hurts, what happened? “】

[When he touched his head and looked left and right, he found that he had been put in a cage. 】

[Morty stood aside and said with an unhappy face:]

“We put you in a dog cage because you just went crazy! You caused the 2nd time fork! “】

“You even want to kill yourself. “】

[“That’s not right! I’m just just in self-defense. Rick defended himself a little fiercely :]

[“It’s me who wants to kill me, if I don’t start first… That’s it! “】

[“Forget it, tell you, you don’t understand. “】

[Rick did comprehend the laws similar to the Dark Forest, but he didn’t mean to explain. 】

[Asked Morty for a time crystal, 4 Rick put the crystal on the mobile phone and began to use this time mobile phone to communicate across the timeline. ] 】

[After reaching a settlement with “himself”, Rick walked out of the cage directly. 】

[At this moment, a strange alien also appeared in front of them. 】

[“What the hell is this, you guys have ripped this timeline! “】

[The alien looked left and right, and immediately broke his mouth and cursed:]

[“You broke the timeline and did it twice, what’s going on?”] “】

[It turns out that this alien comes from a four-dimensional world and can control time. 】

[After figuring out the situation, the four-dimensional alien sent three collars to the grandfather and grandson and asked them to wear them around their necks. 】

[Although there is a timeline Rick, he is a little tsundere and refuses to wear it. ] 】

[But under pressure from other Ricks, he finally honestly put on the collar.] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Sure enough, with a sound, it was split into 4 timelines, and merged into one again.] 】

[Rick and the other three have also returned to their original dimensions, and everything seems to have returned to normal. ] 】

[After returning to normal, Rick immediately pointed to the collar around his neck and asked:]

“How long are we going to wear these things. “】

[The four-dimensional alien said with a smile:]

“Since you are about to be put in time prison, what do you want me to say… It should be forever! “】

[Before the words fell, the alien immediately raised a gun that was like a bug and aimed it at Rick and the other three. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the four-dimensional alien accused Rick of stealing the time crystal, so that he was able to create this instrument that is enough to manipulate time! ] 】

[First stealing the time crystal, and then causing temporal disorder…]

[Rick, Morty, Sammei and the other three will definitely be locked up in the time prison forever! ] 】

[Faced with this terrifying future, Rick was in a hurry, first using the infinite life of four-dimensional creatures… Tricked into turning his head to look behind him, he took the opportunity to snatch the bug gun from him. 】

[But Rick didn’t expect that this bug was really alive! ] 】

[Holding the sticky big bug, Rick was taken aback and threw the bug gun out. ] 】

[As a result, this bug jumped on the ground, actually jumped into the road, and was run over by the car! ] 】

[“Chris! “】

[Looking at the pool of blood left by the bugs on the highway, the four-dimensional alien was immediately furious:]

“You killed my gun!”] “】

[At this time, Rick immediately ordered the Morty sisters to take off the collar without hesitation, and he also took off his own collar. 】

[Seeing this, the four-dimensional alien suddenly shouted. 】

“Damn, what do you want to do?”] “】

[After taking off the collar, Rick suddenly sneered:]

“The answer is… I’m not sure. “】

[Due to the sequelae of time freezing, the three of Rick immediately caused new uncertainty without wearing collars! ] 】

[Morty saw it, and immediately reacted, quickly added Sangmei, and the three of them began to create more uncertainty together. ] 】

“I’m not sure what I’m going to do next!”] “】

“I don’t know! “】

[“Oh Lala…”]

[In an instant, two more bifurcated from them… 4 … 8 … Countless new timelines! 】

[In these timelines, all Rick, Morty, Sammei… They all started attacking the alien.]

[Since this alien is an immortal four-dimensional creature, its ontology exists… Unique in the timeline! 】

[In this way, it has become countless ancestors and grandchildren, surrounding an alien! ] 】

[“Beat him up!”] Bang! “】

[“Look at my fist! “】

[“Look at my feet! “】

[“Look at my head hammer!!”] “】

[“I don’t even know… Where will the next punch hit you! “】

“I’m not sure about anything! “】

[“Ahh!!!h “】

[In the face of this completely unequal battle of domination, it didn’t take long for the four-dimensional aliens to lose. ] 】

[After defeating the four-dimensional aliens, Rick quickly asked Morty and the others to bring that collar so as to restore the timeline that was about to collapse. ] 】

[Soon, all the sangmi put on their collars and disappeared in place. 】

[But in countless timelines, there is a Morty’s collar that can’t be closed!] 】

[Just at the moment of the moment, the collapse at the end of time caused a big hole to open under Morty’s feet! ] 】

【”Rick!!!! “】

[Morty only had time to shout this and fell into the black nothingness! ] 】

[“Morty! Damn it! “】

[Seeing his grandson in distress, Rick looked left and right, cursed in a low voice, and jumped into the crack without hesitation! ] 】

[In that endless nothingness, except for countless Schrödinger’s cats, Rick could hardly see anything. 】

[He still found Morty at the last minute and rushed all the way to his side.] 】

[“Morty! Where is your collar? I’ll fix it for you. “】

[Looking at his grandfather, Morty said tremblingly:]

“I lost that collar. “】


[Rick gritted his teeth and put his collar on Morty’s neck. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[With a flash of light, all Morty also disappeared from this time that was about to collapse. ] 】

[Watching Morty successfully escape, Rick floating in the endless nothingness… Said with an indifferent look :]

“I don’t care… Morty, as long as you’re well…”

[“You must become a better person than me…”

[Just when Rick was already in ashes, a collar suddenly floated in front of his eyes! ] 】

[This is the collar that Morty lost just now!] 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at this collar, Rick’s face suddenly changed, and his heart suddenly surged with a desire for life! ] 】

[“I’m not indifferent, I’m very socious! “】

“God, please let me live! “】

[While praying to God, Rick “swam” wildly in the void, and finally grabbed the collar. 】

“God, hear my prayers, I must live. “】

[At the last minute, Rick finally repaired the clasp on this collar and put the collar on his neck. 】

[At the same time, in other timelines, some Rick has fallen to his knees… Get ready for hell. 】

[“Oh God! If I have to go to hell, please have mercy on me and forgive my sins. “】

[“Ugh! “】

[With a sound, Rick in countless timelines all fused into one and returned to the normal world. ] 】

[“Wow! I finally did it! “】

[Seeing himself return to the laboratory, Rick, who was still kneeling, immediately got up from the ground and laughed proudly:]

“There is no God in this world, and there is no hell! Wha…”

[Looking at the excited grandfather, Morty still seems to feel a little dizzy:]

“My mind seems to be mixed with the memories of 63 other Morty. “】

[“In a certain timeline, it seems that one Rick died to save me…”

“Shut up, boy. “】

[Rick didn’t seem to be going to say what happened at all, just twisted open another wine bottle. 】

“Last time you thought something was going on, we almost died. “】

At this time, the screen also gradually dimmed.

In the live broadcast room.

“Huh? That neurotic Rick actually sacrificed himself without hesitation? ”

According to the scene that appeared on the screen, little Wanda’s eyes widened in disbelief, and his face was full of shock.

At this moment, the little girl is feeling… Something in my mind has been turned upside down.

In addition to her, the other people in the live broadcast room were also extremely surprised.

Judging from the previous images, Rick can be said to be absolutely selfish and does not care at all… Everything but himself!

Even if the world is over, human extinction does not care!

But how in this video, he seems to have changed as a person!

Without even hesitating for a second, he exchanged his life for Morty’s life?

“Something is wrong… What’s going on? ”

Yes, Young Master Wayne’s brows furrowed tightly, and he couldn’t come to a conclusion for a while.

Clark suddenly said in a deep voice at this time:

“If you don’t talk about what Rick did before, judging from his performance just now, he can be called a hero!”

“Heroes? Hahaha…”

Loki suddenly pointed at Clark and laughed, and the laughter was full of sarcasm:

“That old guy has destroyed a world, such a person can still be a hero?”

“You’re not kidding, are you?”

“Or do you say… Now heroes are already so cheap? ”

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