“Eddie Bullock, you unconscionable fellow!”

In the apartment, Venom appeared in front of Eddie, opened his blood basin and gulped, and shouted and cursed:

“I’ve been following you for so long, you actually want to drive me away!”

“Please! Are you good at making some sense? ”

For Venom’s neuroticism, Eddie Bullock had long been mentally prepared.

He sighed, pointed to the screen and said:

“This is broadcasting things that happened in parallel universes, and it has nothing to do with me.”

“Hmph! You don’t want to fool around. ”

Venom snorted arrogantly, raised his head and said:

“The guy named Peter Parker told me just now that the image shown here may be a parallel universe, but it may also be our future!”

Speaking of this, Venom stared at Eddie with burning eyes, and said coldly: ”

“Do you really think… I’m an inferior symbiote who can’t even find a job cleaning toilets on Earth? ”


Eddie Bullock looked away a little weakly and whispered:

“Stop talking nonsense, I didn’t think so at all.”

“And, aren’t we okay now? You don’t have to bother yourself. ”

Venom raised his head with an unhappy face:

“Last time I was going to eat that scoundrel’s brain, you refused! I’m still hungry. ”

“Didn’t I just give you so much chocolate?”

Eddie sighed helplessly:

“It’s not that I won’t fill your stomach, but… If the police see a dead man without a head on the street, we could be in big trouble. ”

“It’s really troublesome…”

Listening to Eddie’s whispered explanation, the symbiote Venom muttered in a low voice while retracting his body back into Eddie’s body.

“Otherwise… I’ll eat the whole thing next time.”

“Although, it may be difficult to digest…”

“I’ll go!”

Eddie Bullock’s cold hair stood up when he listened, and he quickly said:

“Please, the one in Mrs. Chen’s shop last time is enough, don’t come again.”

Upon hearing this, Venom immediately became angry:

“How? Do you not want to meet this little request of mine? ”

Seeing that Venom was about to quarrel, Eddie immediately prodded again.

“Forget it, we’ll discuss this next time.”

At the same time, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On the night Venom and Eddie broke up, serial killers… Cletes Cassady finally ushered in his execution. 】

[Before the execution, the warden walked up to Cassady and asked in a deep voice:]

“Do you have any last words?” “】

[Cassady looked at the families of the victims outside the execution room, and suddenly shouted:]

“Just enjoy this show. “】

[Under the watchful eye of the victim’s family, Cassady’s dead-threatening venom began to be poured into his veins. 】

[But just as the venom was gradually injected into Cassady’s body, his body suddenly began to twitch violently! ] 】

[It’s like… Something is awakening! 】

[“Aaaa “】

[It was accompanied by a harsh cry, a large number of blood-colored tentacles suddenly appeared on Casady’s body! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[The glass windows were all shattered by tentacles for a while, and the spectators who were watching the execution fled one by one in amazement! ] 】

[“Click! “】

[Terrible tentacles, completely tear open the door of the execution chamber! ] 】

[And when the creatures inside appeared, everyone who saw “him” was stunned. 】

[That’s not a human at all, but an extremely terrifying blood-colored monster! ] 】

[This is the massacre! ] 】

[A newly born symbiote! ] 】

[After the massacre appeared, it immediately shattered the siren that made it uncomfortable. 】

[Immediately after. This new red monster went on a killing spree in the prison and killed the prison guards! 】

[“Help! Don’t kill me! “】

[“Run away! “】

[“Bang… Bang…”]

“Hell, bullets can’t kill this monster. “】

“Spare your life, I still have my family.”) “】


[Just when the massacre was going on, the other prisoners in the prison were actually standing on the side, cheering for him! ] 】

[Next, the slaughter directly rotated at high speed, forming a tornado in place. 】


[The terrible tornado formed a strong suction force, sucking the warden’s body over. 】

[The warden desperately grabbed an iron railing to stabilize his figure.] 】

[But Venom still refused to let him go, and directly stretched out a tentacle and pulled him into the whirlwind. ] 】

[In the whirlwind… Heart, the slaughter showed Cassady’s true face, laughed loudly :]

[“Warden, do you have any last words? “】

[“Don’t, aaaaaa

[The warden’s face was full of despair, and he only had time to let out a final scream. 】

[Soon. The massacre killed the prison guards. 】

[Then, he broke directly out of the wall and re-transformed into the prototype of Cassady on the ground.] 】

[Cassady first killed someone in the alley and stole his clothes.] 】

[He then jumped into a car.] 】

[As soon as Cassady stretched out his right hand, the tentacles of the slaughter were immediately inserted into the keyhole, and the whole car was immediately launched. 】

[Not only that, next, Cassady went to rob an electrical store! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, he also used the tentacles of slaughter to directly hack into the system on the network and found the location of his girlfriend “screaming” and detaining! ] 】

[For some mysterious reason, although this massacre is a symbiote that has just been born, it is naturally mastered… The ability to manipulate human electronics! 】

[Even on the invisible and intangible network, the massacre can show its skills! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Deadpool: I wipe! How do I think this slaughter is so handsome, much better than that dark venom!

Venom: Nonsense, you second-rate mercenary, why do you belittle me so much! o(▼▼▼;)o

Deadpool: Hahaha, what I said is true, that massacre can even directly control electronic devices, do you have that ability?

Venom:………… This…… So what?

Venom: I can control Eddie! And then let him go and control those electronics, does it make any difference?

Starlight: This… Is that human named Eddie completely controlled by you? (⊙_⊙)

Reed Richards: It feels a bit like the one Rick met… “consortium.”

Wanda Maksimov: Haha! According to you, is that Eddie Bullock Rick, or is it a hapless bastard assimilated by the complex? o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Reed Richards: Ahem, let’s change the subject.


In his apartment, Eddie Bullock looked at the barrage on the screen, and for a while he only felt that his vest was a little cold.

Just now, he also watched the video of “Rick and Morty”!

Those alien creatures assimilated by the union have all become her slaves!

If you say so, have you also become venom…

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was, and Eddie, who was already a little intimidated, only felt that his heart tightened.

At this time, in the C137 universe.

“Huh? This red alien creature still looks quite convenient. ”

Rick put down the wine bottle in his hand, and a hint of curiosity suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He didn’t know how many alien creatures he had seen that could merge with human bodies.

But this slaughter is not only very compatible with the host, but also reflects amazing ability in controlling scientific and technological equipment!

As a scientist, if he has such a thing, he can not only be used as a bodyguard, but also much more convenient when doing experiments!

At the very least, if “Slaughter Rick” wants a screwdriver next time, he doesn’t always have to direct that stupid Morty.

“Hmm… Interesting, which is the multiverse where the symbiote exists? ”

Rick pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he remembered the terms “symbiote” and “venom” in his mind.

After the live broadcast is over, he will try to search the “multiverse search device” he invented to see if he can find clues.

If he can find it, Rick is ready to use the dimensional teleportation gun… Travel to that universe.

Look…… Can you get the massacre back!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Relying on the information provided by the massacre, Cassady directly broke in… The mutant research institute that locked up his girlfriend. 】

[The female mutant “screamed” and was currently locked up in a soundproof cage.] 】

[One second, a female doctor laughed at her in front of screams, claiming that even if Cassady escaped from prison, he would not be able to find the place.] 】

[And in the next second, the massacre appeared in the prison! ] 】

[The massacre first strangled the female doctor, and then used the tentacles to strangle the soundproof prison cage! ] 】

[After more than a decade apart, Cassady and the female mutant Scream are finally reunited. 】

[After escaping from this mutant research institute, they were actually targeted by the group of police again. 】

[In the face of the police with guns and live ammunition, Cassady directly turned into a massacre, opened a killing ring on the highway, and killed the police to the top! ] 】

[Don’t say ordinary police, it’s those police cars… In front of the tentacles of slaughter, it is also like a toy! Thrown everywhere! 】

[At this moment, a gunship also joined the battlefield. 】

[In order to fight the helicopter, the female mutant screamed and directly released her super powers, and let out a heart-rending cry! ] 】


[In the face of the heart-piercing roar, the slaughter was so soft that it was almost impossible to maintain its body, and it directly retracted into Cassady’s body. ] 】

[As a symbiote, noise is the nemesis of the slaughter!] 】

[Seeing this, Cassady, quickly shouted at his girlfriend. ] 】

“Stop, you’re going to kill him.”] “】

[At the same time, the massacre was directly in Cassady’s head and said coldly:]

“If this woman dares to do this again, I will eat her face!”] “】


[With the last helicopter… Dragged to the ground by the slaughtered tentacles and exploded into flames, Cassady and “Scream” are finally ready to fulfill their long-cherished wish. 】

[That is, to hold a bloody wedding! ] 】

[The guests they want to invite are the enemies they want to slaughter!] 】

[Among them, naturally, this includes… Eddie Bullock who sent Cassady to the death table! 】

[On the other side, after Cassady escaped from prison, the police instinctively sensed that Eddie Bullock had something to do with all this, and brought him to the bureau for questioning.] 】

[But Eddie didn’t know what to say, so he could only remain silent. 】

[After learning about the massacre, Eddie only felt lonely, so he asked his ex-girlfriend “Annie” to persuade Venom to come back. ] 】

[But at this time, Venom’s situation is very bad. 】

[After he and Eddie fall out, he prepares to find a new human host. 】

[But somehow, no matter how many new hosts Venom changes, it seems that no one can withstand him! ] 】

[In the end, the weak venom simply poured into “Mrs. Chen’s” shop, and the whole person turned into a pool of black silt, and it seemed that they were dying soon…]

[“Chocolate… I need…… Chocolate…”]

[It didn’t take long for his ex-girlfriend to find Mrs. Chen, hoping to learn clues about Venom from him. 】

[But after only a few words, she found that something was wrong with Mrs. Chen, and soon realized it.] 】

[“Venom, you hurry up and give me out! “】

[Faced with the urging of her ex-girlfriend, Mrs. Chen’s face suddenly turned into the appearance of venom! ] 】

[It turns out that Venom has actually possessed this woman! ] 】

[Moreover, he seems to be still angry with Eddie and does not want to lend a hand at all. ] 】

“That bastard… Say I can’t even find a job looking for a toilet! 】

“But, I’m the real hero between the two of us!”] “】

[Looking at Venom’s arrogant appearance, his ex-girlfriend immediately understood how to deal with him. ] 】

[“Yes, you are a hero with the surname Sense…”]

[The ex-girlfriend put on a gentle expression like water and frantically blew a rainbow fart at Venom:]

“You are not only the coolest, but also the hottest, and even the bravest. “】

[“And my favorite thing to watch… It’s how you act. “】

“Of course. “】

[“Mrs. Venom” proudly raised her chin, her head looked at the sky at 45 degrees, and a forced breath suddenly overflowed. 】

“Now… Let’s just go and save that pen! “】

[Next, Venom came to his ex-girlfriend Annie.] 】

[Later, Eddie Bullock escaped from the police station with the help of “Female Venom” Annie. 】

[Faced with Venom, who still had resentment in his heart, Eddie apologized in the lowest tone, which ended the separation between the two. ] 】

[Meanwhile, Cassady and Scream weren’t idle. 】

[Cassady first went to kidnap the sheriff who shot and injured “Screaming” in the eye, and Scream came to the house of his ex-girlfriend Anne to wait for the rabbit and kidnapped Anne who came home. ] 】

[Through Annie’s unmarried, Eddie learned that his ex-girlfriend had fallen into the clutches of the devil. 】

[Although he has always been very intimidated, his beloved has encountered a crisis, and Eddie finally has courage in his heart! ] 】

[Next, he and Venom directly broke into the bloody wedding set up by Cassady! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[With a loud bang, Venom kicked open the church door and heroically rushed in. 】


[Watching Venom appear, Cassady immediately transformed into a slaughter, and at the same time released countless tentacles, emitting a terrifying roar! ] 】

“Prepare to die… Father! “】

“What? “】

[The priest who was holding the wedding next to him thought that the massacre referred to him, and he was immediately frightened! ] 】

[Seeing this, the massacre quickly comforted him: “It’s not you, Father! “】

[“I mean… It’s this bastard dad! “】

[“Oh my God. “】

[As soon as he saw the hideous and terrifying slaughter in front of him, Venom was actually provoked, and quickly retracted into Eddie Bullock’s body, not even daring to appear. ] 】

[“Can’t beat it! Can’t beat it! “】

“This red … I can’t beat it. “】

[“Huh? “】

[Suddenly beaten back to its original form, Eddie looked at the slaughter in front of him that seemed to be about to be killed, and suddenly the wind was messy. ] 】

[Boss Venom, what are you kidding me?] 】

[This is about to kill people!] 】

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