In the live broadcast room.

“Godspeed force, this Batman wants to seize Godspeed power!”

Bruce Wayne’s expression remained unchanged, but his pupils shrank suddenly, and he secretly took a deep breath.

Just after seeing the flash point image, he had already secretly had the idea of seizing the divine speed.

However, what Young Master Wayne wants is not Barry Allen’s god speed power, but the reverse god speed force of anti-lightning!

Because only the reverse speed force can modify the past without causing too much fluctuation to the timeline.

But now it seems that this Batman on the screen in front of him… It seems to be in some kind of desperate situation, and there is no timeline at all.

At this moment, a thought flashed through Young Master Wayne’s mind.

Is this Batman in front of him also like himself, wanting to use his speed to modify the past and save the tragedy?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[At the same time, a voice with madness in its calm voice sounded.] 】

“Just imagine, if every trace of your fear, every wrong decision, a whole new world will be born. “】

“A deformed nightmare world. “】

“A world that shouldn’t exist,”

“A world destined to perish. “】

“These congenitally deficient worlds struggle desperately under the brilliance of the true multiverse, but are destined to corrupt and collapse, and then turn lonely into dust. “】

“Because these worlds have been a mistake since birth. “】

“Welcome to the Dark Multiverse, where every world is playing out tragedies that shouldn’t have happened. “】

“The existence of these universes is a joke across multiple worlds, but in these dark universes, no one can laugh. “】

“However, with the decline of these dark universes. You can also witness… Rise of the Dark Knight!!! “】

[And the moment this voice fell, Batman and the Flash appeared on the screen again.] 】

[Facing Batman, who has become strange in front of him, the Flash shouted loudly:]

“Bruce, I won’t give you the power of Godspeed! “】

“I know, you’ve lost someone you loved, but…”

[Without waiting for the Flash to finish speaking, the bearded Batman interrupted him loudly.] 】

“In that case, you should know what I mean! “】

“Since the death of my parents, I have traveled the world learning about science, martial arts, and everything else that can be used to defeat my enemies. “】

“But that’s not enough! “】

“I can’t save Dick Grayson, I can’t save Jason Todd, I can’t save Tim Drake!”] 】

“I can’t even save Damian!”] “】

[Thinking of his dead relatives, Batman’s tone has a hint of coldness. ] 】

[“Gotham City, will devour everyone! And I’m already old! 】

“I can feel every day that I am getting older… And sluggish! “】

“I lost all my family, and now, I need to get them back quickly!” “】

[Looking at Batman with a sad face in front of him, the Flash still wants to try to convince him:]

[“Bruce, I can feel your grief, but that’s not how the godspeed force is used! “】

“It’s just a path to darkness and destruction. “】

“I can’t manage that much!”] Batman shouted irritably:]

“If you ask me for help with anything, I will do everything I can to satisfy you.”] “】

“But you just won’t help me with your supernatural power!” “】

[It turns out that Batman originally wanted to ask the Flash to go back in time to redeem the tragedy that had happened. ] 】

[But was rejected by the Flash!] 】

[Under extreme pain and despair, Batman decided to do it himself! ] 】

[He wants to grab the Flash, absorb his divine speed power into himself, and then reverse the past with his own hands! ] 】

“Bruce, you’re doing this wrong! “】

[During the chase, The Flash uses his superpowers to knock out Batman and tries to regain his old friend’s sanity. 】

[Batman, who was knocked to the ground, seems to finally come to his senses and said:]

“The Flash, you are a good kind person, a good friend. “】

“And your compassion … Always comes in handy. “】

[Just when the Flash mistakenly thought that the other party had changed his mind, Batman who fell to the ground suddenly burst out and injected a tube of injection into the Flash’s body. ] 】


[The special injection in the syringe can freeze the Flash in three seconds, making him unable to move.] 】

[This is Batman by studying Gotham’s supervillain… After Dr. Freeze’s technology, a new invention was made! 】

[“Bang! “】

[In these three seconds, Batman threw a punch and knocked the Flash unconscious. ] 】

[When the Flash wakes up, he finds himself tied directly in front of the Batmobile.] 】

[Moreover, the whole car is still running forward at an amazing high speed. 】

[“Oh my God! Bruce, what are you doing? “】

[Facing the panicked Flash, Batman, who was driving, said coldly:]

“I studied your cosmic treadmill and improved my Batmobile with its engine. “】

“Now, I will rush with you into the torrent of divine speed, and from you… Take away this power! “】


[At the same time as Batman spoke, a torrent of colorful energy suddenly appeared directly in front of the Batmobile! ] 】

[This is the entrance to the Godspeed Force! ] 】

[This car, together with Batman and The Flash above… Rushed in, all the way forward! 】

[“Stop! Bruce, you’re crazy! “】

[In the torrent of divine speed, the Flash let out a desperate roar:]

[“That’s not how the godspeed force works, it will tear us both apart! “】

[Sure enough, at the same time that the two rushed into the vortex of divine speed, their bodies began to gradually disintegrate! ] 】

[Blood and flesh… It’s all starting to fall apart! 】


[Just before the body is completely shattered.] Batman laughed instead! 】

[“Barry Allen, I know what you say…”

“But from now on, we can … Together…… Saved the world…. “】

[“Bruce! Don’t!!! “】

[In Barry Allen’s scream, he and Batman were torn to pieces by Godspeed! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Lori Jinx: This man… With that Flash from ··· Brake? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Venom: Whahahaha! It’s strange that humans are, if this guy doesn’t want to live, he might as well donate his brain to me.

Bruce Wayne: No! This Batman doesn’t want to be self-conscious… Brake, he was thinking… Become one with The Flash!

Lori Jinx: Oh? That bearded batman, who is an old man, wants to martyr with that little white face?

The Flash Barry Allen: Huh? What the hell are you talking about? ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

Deadpool: I’ll go! Young Master Wayne, I didn’t expect that you also like this tune.” ^_^

Bruce wayne:………… You guys are less gibberish.

Bruce Wayne: I mean, that Batman wants to take the speed of his power by fusing the Flash!

Bruce Wayne: He played this idea from the beginning!

Reed Richards: By fusing another person to seize his superpowers? What is this scientific principle?

Reed Richards: Didn’t he die in vain if he failed? (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: I guess he’ll make it in the end.

Bruce Wayne: Since this guy is a variant of me, he should… Have done enough research and have a certain certainty!

Divine Kesha: Interesting, although I am not interested in what you call “superheroes”, this human named Bruce Wayne seems to have an amazing scientific talent.

Bruce Banner: Yes, in the previous video, the laughing bat actually destroyed the entire universe with his own power!

Bruce Banner: Now it seems that some kind of high-tech weapon is also used.

Carol Danvers: You overestimate that lunatic, I don’t believe it… This guy who laughs maniacally all day can have the power to destroy the universe!

Bruce Wayne: You can underestimate me in a normal state, but if I go crazy, it’s completely different.

Bruce Wayne: And, like this crazy Batman, there is definitely more than one!

Loki Odinson: What do you say? Don’t…… Are you ready to do the next one? O(∩_∩)O haha~

Bruce Wayne: You don’t have to worry, if I go crazy, Clark will naturally fix me as agreed.

Bruce Wayne: But… If I’m not mistaken, like that laughing bat, it’s a fusion of Batman and Joker!

Bruce Wayne: This crazy Batman in front of you wants to merge with The Flash…

Stephen Strange: I see what you mean! Are you trying to say that this by fusing other superpowers… Will there be more and more crazy Batman who gain power?

Bruce Wayne: Exactly! And that laughing bat, who had said before, wanted to recruit his own “kind”!

Clark Kent: A fusion of superheroes… Crazy Batman?

Bruce Wayne: Clark, I know what you’re thinking, I feel that in that so-called dark multiverse, the worse the situation, the more likely it is to become a reality!

Bruce Wayne: So, the Fallen Batman, which combines superhuman powers, will definitely appear.

Clark kent:………… →_→

Stephen Strange: Multiverse of Darkness! You know…… What is this?

Bruce Wayne: Well, from just a few words in the video, I have some guesses.

Bruce Wayne: Probably… These universes are the so-called “doom worlds”.

Bruce Wayne: In reality, there’s what’s called Murphy’s Law!

Bruce Wayne: It is… When doing something, there are two or more choices, and one of them will lead to disaster, then someone will make this catastrophic choice!

Bruce Wayne: If you apply this law to the multiverse, it means… Every time someone makes a wrong decision, a world of disaster is born!

Bruce Wayne: This is the reality fork of the nightmare!

Loki Odinson: Divine Horse? (⊙_⊙)

Hearing this, Loki’s heart suddenly shook, and an institution suddenly recalled in his mind.

Time Authority.

According to the theory of Kang the Conqueror, in a timeline, people make wrong choices everywhere and create a new multiverse.

And the existence of the Time Authority is to cut out these wrong choices.

If…… The so-called “dark multiverse” is the sum of the “nightmare worlds” caused by mistakes and even “catastrophic decisions”!

Deadpool: Good guys, I’m dizzy from hearing it.

Lori Jinx: I don’t understand either, what the hell are you all talking about?

The Flash Barry Allen: Instead, I understand that these dark multiverses are similar to the previous “flashpoint universe”?

Thinking of those terrible tragedies in the Flash Point universe, Barry Allen’s heart tightened for a while!

Due to someone’s wrong choice, it eventually led to the demise of the world!

And there is more than one such disaster universe!

Right at this moment. New images also appear on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[-52 Universe, Gotham City. 】

[Batman has disappeared for a while, probably because he is a hero who fights crime without knowing what to do, and the security of the entire Gotham City has deteriorated to an unimaginable level. ] 】

[There are rampant criminals everywhere, and innocent people are wailing under violence. 】

[In a dark alley, the scarecrow raises his scythe to kill the new victim in front of him. 】

[And at this moment, a red light lit up in front of him.] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Along with countless red bat phantoms, a man dressed in scarlet armor suddenly appeared from the void and punched the scarecrow in two! ] 】

[He is wearing a tights similar to the Flash, but the murderer is printed with a bat logo! ]

[Batman is back from the Superpower space! ] 】

[Now he not only masters the power of divine speed, but also pretends to be the spokesperson for revenge and justice! ] 】

[He’s no longer Batman, and he’s not The Flash, he’s…”

[Red Death! 】

[Relying on super speed comparable to the Flash, the Red Death swept the entire Gotham City almost in the blink of an eye, killing all the criminals on the streets! ] 】

[After all this, Bruce Wayne has completely abandoned the no-kill principle, and… Has degenerated into a supervillain! 】

[Just when the Red Death Demon was killing the killer, the voice of the Flash Barry Allen echoed in his head. 】

[“Bruce! No! Stop! “】

[It turns out that the encounter in the space of Godspeed really put Batman and The Flash … Including their personality and thinking, all fused together! 】

[However, in this new 2-in-1 body, it is still Bruce Wayne who dominates! ] 】

[After eliminating all the crimes in Gotham City, the newborn Red Death Devil wants to use his super speed to save the world! ] 】

[At this moment, a terrifying vision came. 】


[I saw a dazzling red light flash in the sky, and the whole world began to fall apart! ] 】

[It turned out that it was precisely because of the Red Death Demon’s excessive abuse of divine speed power that it directly accelerated the collapse of this world. ] 】

[It’s all going to be over.] 】

[Just when everything was about to come to naught, a crazy voice suddenly reached the ears of the Red Death Devil. 】

[This is the voice from the laughing bat.] 】

[The Bat of Laughter tells the truth about the Red Death’s dark multiverse. and their own identity. 】

“Like you, our world has been destroyed, but all because of some kind of dark fate. “】

“Our world is doomed from the day it is born. “】

“If I told you that there is another world, from birth … Are you destined to survive? “】

“Bruce, don’t listen to his nonsense! “】

[The Red Death’s face began to twist wildly, and he actually changed from Bruce Wayne to Barry Allen for a while! ] 】

[Even in this state, Barry Allen still wants to convince Bruce Wayne. 】

[But the Red Death Bruce… In the end, he regained dominance. 】

[He asked the laughing bat:]

[Go on. “】


[That crazy voice continues to sound:]

[“My master, Barbatos, sent me to the universes… Recruit people just like me. “】

“And we have only one purpose, to conquer that world of light and make it the home of our dark orphans. “】

“How about … Do you join? “】

“Sure enough!”

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne’s brows suddenly furrowed tightly, and his heart accelerated uncontrollably.

His guess was really correct.

Fallen Batman like Laughing Bat, Red Death, and more!

And these people will join forces and launch an invasion against other universes!

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