“Actually… Really exist to transform yourself! ”

Looking at the female Batman on the screen, the corners of Bruce Wayne’s mouth twitched slightly, but soon returned to normal.

To be honest, after seeing the various heartbreaking performances of the Laughing Bat, a female version of “herself” … It was no longer enough to shock him.

Soon, Master Wayne shifted his gaze to “Doomsday Batman”!

This monster is far taller than other nightmare Batman, and its face is completely out of human form, almost the same as the Doomsday that appeared in “Batman v Superman”… Generally the same!

But the weirdest thing is that this hideous and terrifying giant beast is still wearing a black Batman tights!

I don’t know… How are these clothes put on by it!

At this thought, Bruce Wayne couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Clark Kent.

I saw this big boy with a sunny face on weekdays… At this time, his brows were also wrinkled, and a hint of worry was clearly and faintly visible in his eyes.

At this time, Peter Parker, who was standing on the side, also muttered in a low voice:

“Too bad, even Doomsday Batman came out!”

“This guy… But the Vietnam War is getting stronger! ”

Hearing Peter’s muttering, Clark couldn’t help but raise his head and glance at Master Wayne.

For a while, both of them saw the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

In the Justice League image, even Superman joins forces with Wonder Woman. The day of destruction is still in the downwind,

In the end, it was Batman who weakened Doomsday with kryptonite bullets, and Superman seized the moment and killed the monster with one blow with a kryptonite spear.

But even so, Superman was taken away by the wave of Doomsday.

It can be seen that this Kryptonian monster is so powerful, it has simply reached the point of being unbelievable!

“The most troublesome thing, the day of doom in the image… It seems that there is no intelligence, only the instinct to fight! ”

“But now … He has the mind of a fallen Batman! ”

At this thought, Young Master Wayne also felt his heart sink slightly.

What he is worried about is not himself, but the main universe invaded by these fallen Batmen… Earth 0!

In the face of such a powerful 7 monsters, how can the superheroes of that world win?

Just thinking of this, a term suddenly flashed in Young Master Wayne’s mind.


“What is the metal mentioned in the mouth of the laughing bat that can cause them big trouble?”

And just as Young Master Wayne was deep in thought, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[And at this time, the steel bone still did not break the gas, but asked with his last strength:]

“Bruce,…… Why, exactly…”


[The Laughing Bat bent down, looked at the steel bones with a bloody face and a body almost torn apart, and said softly:]

“No, no, no, don’t rush to talk. “】

“I know that we look like demons emerging from the abyss of hell and trying to destroy your world. “】

“But actually we are here because your world is dark enough for us to survive here. “】

In other words, your world needs us! “】

“We have come from your hands… Save the world! “】

[The laughing bat cracked the blood basin and opened its mouth, revealing Bai Sensen’s teeth, and his tone was full of confidence and pride:]

“We are not the problem of your world, we are the answer to the problem of your world!”] “】

[And at the moment when the Laughing Bat spoke, the killing machine had already used the Alfred Agreement… Created a large number of mechanical monsters and launched an all-out attack on this No. 0 earth! 】

[Immediately after, the screen dimmed.] 】

[“Nightmare Batman Killing Machine”, end of playback.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Starlight: Whew… I feel that this Batman is so pitiful, he didn’t do anything bad at all, why did he have to end up like this?

Lori Jinx: He didn’t do anything bad, but he did something stupid!

Lori Jinx: In the face of dangerous machines that go wrong, you should not hesitate to destroy them all!

Lori Jinx: In Zuan, this is common sense! The mechanic, who didn’t even know this, had long since disappeared to death.

Lori Jinx: But that big young master actually regarded those machines as relatives! This is simply not stupidity, but madness!

Wonder Woman Diana: Little girl, you are a little too much, you don’t know at all… The relationship between Batman and his butler!

Lori Jinx: Hmph! Is that robot monster his butler?

Wonder Woman Diana: ………

Stephen Strange: That Bruce Wayne… It should be that the mental blow is too great, so that the wrong judgment will be made.

Stephen Strange: But from this point, one conclusion can also be drawn.

Stephen Strange: Although there are a lot of nightmare Batmen, they started out… Not all evil!

Nick Fury: Hmm… Even the wildest laughing bats were transformed into their brains by poison gas to become like that.

Bruce Wayne: The Multiverse of Darkness! Judging from the information revealed by the Laughing Bat, these universes are not only doomed to early destruction, but also… It is also easy to give birth to a crazy Batman.

Loki Odinson: Oh, the reason why a universe is called dark is because a dark version of you was born.

Rocky Odinson: Who are you? Children of the Universe? o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Bruce Wayne: I’m thinking about this too, but there’s no answer yet.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, so mysterious.

Deadpool: Wow! Your topic is so profound, I don’t even understand it.

Deadpool: One thing, I still want to ask,

Deadpool: In the previous impression, the Red Death easily defeated the Flash after coming to the main universe.

Deadpool: But the Flash was saved by a guy who can do magic.

Deadpool: And the steel bones were all beaten into slag by Nightmare Batman, why didn’t a magician come to rescue him?

Stephen Strange: This… It is estimated that this time… The enemy is too strong.

Loki Odinson: Hehe, 7 blackened Batmen together! No matter what kind of magical hero, if you dare to strike casually, I am afraid that you will end up with the same fate as a steel bone!

Bruce wayne:…………


At this moment, the screen that had been dim suddenly lit up again.

[Start playing Nightmare Batman Drowning Grudge.] 】

[Here is the dark multiverse, minus 11 Earth. 】

[In this parallel universe, the Amazons from paradise island rule the entire world. 】

[Because the supreme power in the world is the female Amazon, the whole world has become a society in which women are inferior. 】

[And all superheroes also have their own sexual versions.] 】

[Batman became Batwoman, Superman became Supergirl, Aquaman became Aquaman, The Flash became Flash, Steel Bones became Daughter of Steel…]

[But due to the unfortunate nature of the dark universe itself, Brucy Wayne, the Batwoman of this universe, also suffered a series of bad luck. ] 】

[First of all, her husband… Sylvester Kyle is killed by a group of supervillains. 】

[Driven by sadness and pain, Batwoman Brucy finally understood one thing. 】

[Gotham City, or the root of evil in this world… It’s the guys with superpowers! 】

[After comprehending all this, Brucy completely entered the killing mode. 】

[Using her intelligence, technology, and strategic mind, she killed Gotham City as all the supervillains and brought peace to this simple city.] 】

[Brucy’s revenge doesn’t end here. 】

[Next, she spent unimaginable time and energy hunting down all the superhumans on Earth, killing them all, and there was not a single one left! ] 】

[From now on, the earth will no longer need to worry… The harm caused by these superpowers has been done. 】

[Peace has finally come. 】

[But… This peace did not last long. 】

[Only 18 months after Brucy killed all the superhumans, the female Aquaman took the Atlanteans out of the sea and came to land. 】

The queen of the kingdom of Atlantis claimed that they had come for peace and would hold a “peace talk” with the people on the ground. 】

[But Batwoman Brucy, who experienced the death of her lover, has completely changed her personality. ] 】

[At this time, she is not only murderous, hypochondriac, and persecuted paranoia… It’s all in its late stages. 】

Brucy didn’t believe it at all. These super-powered beings emerge from the water. 】

[Otherwise… Why have the Atlanteans never appeared in front of humans for thousands of years? 】

[Just after she killed all the superhumans on the ground, they emerged from the water and wanted to coexist peacefully with humans?] 】

[Are you lying to a three-year-old?] 】

[In Brucy’s view, these underwater monsters just see the “emptiness” of the ground world, so they want to take the opportunity to invade under the guise of peace. ] 】

“Think you can conquer Earth without superhumans on Earth? “】

[“Naive! “】

Brucie Wayne trusts no one but her instincts. 】

[In her eyes, these seabed monsters are just another group of super-powered creatures that need to be killed! ] 】

[A bunch of intruders! ] 】

[With full of suspicion and hatred, Brucy Wayne rushed into the venue of peace negotiations! ] This led to a big war. 】

[Just as Brucy imagined, these Atlanteans showed strong fighting power. 】

[They are indeed a group of murderous creatures, and they must not be trusted! ] 】

[But unfortunately, no matter how ferocious and aggressive the Atlanteans are, they encounter… She is the most dangerous woman on earth! 】

[In this battle, Batwoman Brucy defeated the female Aquaman in the underwater “away” with her own technological equipment! ] And snatched the symbol of royal power in her hands … Aquaman Trident! 】

[Next, Brucy did not hesitate to use this trident snatched from the enemy’s hands to penetrate the opponent’s fierce chest and kill the female sea king! ] 】

[Originally, Batwoman thought… By openly killing the leader of the enemy, it is possible to make these Atlanteans retreat. 】

[But after losing the queen, the Atlanteans became more brutal.] 】

[In retaliation against Batwoman, these crazy underwater creatures unleashed a terrifying super tsunami that flooded the entire Gotham City.] 】

[The people Brucy vowed to protect were all drowned. 】

[Brucy, who suffered an unprecedented blow, was immediately enveloped in frustration and sadness. 】

[But she was not defeated by this, but gritted her teeth and stood up again, and an even stronger revenge anger surged in her heart! ] 】

[In revenge, Batwoman carefully studied the body structure of the Atlanteans. 】

[Then, she sacrificed her body and transformed herself into a creature that can survive at the bottom of the sea through a transformational operation! ] 】

【By surgery! 】 Brucy gained a strong body, extraordinary self-healing abilities, and the ability to breathe in water. 】

[Not only that. Batwoman has also completely modified her DNA, and he even has the superpower of “manipulating the flow of water” that only Atlantis possesses. 】

[In addition, Brucy has created a new creature that can survive and fight underwater, and as her army, she named this terrifying creature “Backwater”. 】

[After completing this series of makeovers, Brucy Wayne is no longer Batman.] 】

[She became a drowning grudge! ] A monster born for revenge! 】

[Commanding the army of backwater, Drowning Grievance Brucy successfully destroyed Atlantis, crushed, and wiped out all Atlanteans! ] 】

[She won the ultimate victory! ] 】

[But at this time… But no one could share the joy of this victory with Brucy. 】

[In this great war with the Atlanteans, the whole world is overwhelmed by the aftermath of the battle. 】

[All superhumans have long been killed by Brucy Wayne, and now, all ordinary humans have also been drowned in the raging sea. 】

[The entire earth, except Brucy and his army of backwaters, there is nothing else. 】

[She has become the supreme, but unique existence on this planet. 】

He won the war, but at the same time he lost everything. 】

[In order to cover up the emptiness and loneliness in her heart, Brucy Wayne, a drowned resentful soul, lit a bat lamp. 】

[The light of the searchlight passed through the darkness of the deep sea and shone into the sky. 】

[This lamp represents this world that has turned into the end of the sea… The last glimmer of hope. 】

In the live broadcast room.

It was as if some kind of mute switch had been turned on, and there was silence in an instant!

There was silence!

Almost all of them… At this moment, they all turned their eyes to Bruce Wayne, who was dumbfounded, and his eyes were full of amazement and disbelief.

“This… No way? ”

Young Master Wayne’s eyes were round, and he looked at the hideous-looking woman on the screen, his face full of shock.

At that moment, he only felt that his brain circuits were almost insufficient, and the psychological shadow was unimaginable.

What’s wrong with this woman?

First kill all the superheroes on Earth, and then… And because of the war with Atlantis that destroyed the whole world?

And the most terrifying thing is that she actually thought… Everything you do is right!

That’s scary.

At this time, the sentry suddenly scratched his head and muttered in a low voice

“Because of the death of a husband, is this woman completely crazy?”

“In the end, I actually wiped out all mankind, what a terrible lady…”


Standing aside, Loki suddenly thought of something and snickered in a low voice.

“Sylvester Kyle?”

“I see… It should be Serena Kyle! ”

“That woman’s dead husband must be a sexual transformation of Catwoman!”

“Perhaps, his nickname is Cat Man!”

“Shenma ???”

Hearing this brain-opening speculation, the corners of Xiao Wanda’s mouth kept twitching, and for a moment he didn’t know whether to laugh out loud!

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