S.H.I.E.L.D., underground base.

“Huh? I killed the Hulk? ”

Standing beside the brine egg and the black widow, Hawkeye was also confused at the moment, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Because of the brine egg, Hawkeye was fortunate enough to watch a lot of videos.

So, he also has a rough impression of the so-called “Avengers”.

In Hawkeye’s view, even in another universe, himself… At most, it is only counted in the Avengers.

If it is pure combat strength, except for Black Widow, any Avengers member can beat him.

But now you’re telling Hawkeye that he’s already present… Can you kill the Hulk alone?

That’s a little too big.

At the same time, the chat group was also very lively, and it seemed that everyone was shaken by Fang Cai’s series of images.

Wolverine: Hawkeye? Who’s that? How do I not remember this person?

Captain America: He is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., a subordinate of Nick Fury, and I have met several times.

Carol Danvers: I don’t remember at all, how can such a nameless person kill that green monster?

Captain America: This… I’m not sure either.

Sentinel: No way, the Hulk is my old enemy! It is a strong enough to fight against nothingness head-on! How could it be so simple to die?

Sentinel: Moreover, it still died at the hands of a mortal!

Tony Stark: Maybe that Hawkeye used some kind of black technology weapon! to kill the Hulk.

Tony Stark: This weapon may have been invented by my variant!

Rocky Odinson: Whatever it is, does it have to do with you? How narcissistic you are… I really admire it.

Bruce Banner: I think… You all seem to have missed an important point.

Bruce Banner: In the video just now, my variant, obviously shot through the head by a robber, was officially declared dead!

Bruce Banner: But in the middle of the night, he was alive again! What’s going on?

Bruce Banner: If you count this one, hasn’t he been resurrected twice?

Sentinel: Uh… Doesn’t the Hulk have the ability to be resurrected?

Bruce Banner: Of course not! The Hulk is also a creature, dead is dead!

Bruce Banner: And, “Bruce Banner” who was killed at the gas station! Not the Hulk! ‘

Bruce Banner: Can it be resurrected like this? Don’t…… Is this “Banner” an undead?

In the face of Bruce’s slightly alarmed speech, the crowd fell silent for a while.

After a long time, Master Mordo said with a bit of uncertainty.

Mage Mordo: In the wizarding world, there are indeed means to bring the dead back to the Yang world.

Mage Mordo: But these spells all come with huge costs, even resurrection… Probably a walking dead at all!

Mage Mordo: So I don’t think that Dr. Banner is a zombie or an undead.

Starlight: Undead? ( ̄△ ̄; )

John Constantine: Could it be… Vampires?

John Constantine: The Bruce Banner in the video died for a long time without moving, but it was in the middle of the night… Only to become the Hulk resurrection! So it seems…

Starlight: This… No, if it were a vampire, I didn’t see the Hulk sucking the blood of those speeding parties. (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Banner: Vampires………… →_→

Seeing these unreliable discussions in the group, Bruce Banner also sighed helplessly.

But at the same time, the doubts in his mind have not diminished, but increased.

In the video just now, the Hulk is not only resurrected, but also looks very sane, and even gives people an evil and eerie feeling.

What’s going on?

In Bruce Banner’s impression, the intelligence of that big green monster is only a few years old at most, and he usually can’t even speak!

Even if you want to talk about it, that is, the level of “smash you”!

Could it be that after being resurrected once, the Hulk’s IQ has become higher?

Just as Bruce Banner wondered, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[As the night faded and day came, the Hulk also changed back to Bruce Banner. 】

[But the Hulk didn’t go away completely. 】

[For unknown reasons, the Hulk has evolved a complete second personality after being completely resurrected. 】

[This Hulk personality is not only fierce and cruel, but also shrewd and cunning! ] and “he”, who only knew how to use brute force before, have been sentenced. 】

[And, as soon as the night comes, the Hulk’s personality begins to prevail!] 】

[Because of the fear of this “Hulk personality”, Bruce Banner even considered not sleeping at night! ] 】

[He was worried that once he closed his eyes, that green monster would control his body! ] 】

[Faced with an increasingly terrifying reality, Bruce Banner panicked, but also gave birth to an uncontrollable confusion in his heart. 】

He didn’t know why he rose from the dead again and again. 】

[Out of some unexplained sixth sense, Bruce Banner feels that there may be some incredible secret hidden in the “Hulk”! ] 】

[To avoid tracking by the authorities, Banner began to wander aimlessly.] 】

[But… It was as if there was an invisible hand controlling everything, and he still encountered one strange and bizarre event after another during his journey. 】

[Moreover, these events are all related to gamma rays.] 】

[After arriving in a small town, Banner heard about the recent mysterious disappearance. 】

[With his sensitivity to gamma rays, he found a “green skeleton” hidden in a mass grave! ] 】

[In the beginning, this green skull also wanted to kill Bruce Banner. 】

[But when the Hulk appeared, it immediately scared him to death! ] 】

[In extreme horror, the green skull revealed everything he knew. 】

[It turned out that this person was originally a scientist who developed a certain green agent through gamma rays. 】

[By injecting this potion, the old man became young and strong, as if he had been reborn.] 】

[Excited, he also injected his son with the green potion he invented, hoping to make him stronger.] 】

[After the injection, the son of this scientist actually learned from the seven tips… Green blood flowed! 】

[“Dad… I see a green door! “】

[The young son was bleeding, and his eyes were still glowing green, as if he was staring at something. 】

“There’s something… Looking through that door. “】

“It… It is under all things. “】

[After saying these inexplicable words, the son immediately vomited green blood in his mouth, fell to the ground and immediately lost his breath. ] 】

[It didn’t take long for the scientist’s body to begin to change. 】

[Eventually, he changed from a living person to the current green skeleton, so he had to stay away from the town and hide in the wilderness.] 】

[And he killed everyone who found him in the wilderness.] 】

[Hulk looked at the poor green bug in front of him, sneering while pointing out the sins he had committed. 】

[In the end, the Hulk ripped off the green skull’s limbs and threw him into a deep pit in the wilderness, where he could live in eternal pain. 】

[But this green skull is just the beginning…]

[On the following journey, Bruce Banner encountered one gamma ray victim after another. 】

[The Hulk solved them all. 】

[From the mouths of these unlucky eggs, the Hulk or Bruce Banner all heard the same description,]

[They all saw a green door! ] 】

[Moreover, from inside the door, you can also see some kind of… Something “under everything”! 】

[Finally, something finally came out of the door…]

When Bruce Banner was in college, he met a man named Ronkovowski. 】

[After learning on TV that Banner had transformed into the Hulk, Rankowski also decided to follow in his footsteps.] 】

[He wants to make himself an opponent of the Hulk, a peacekeeper who can suppress its destructive power.] 】

[In a sense, he succeeded. 】

[Through the strong radiation of gamma rays, this Langevosky… Turned into a giant monster called “Bigfoot”. 】

[However, this experiment also caused possible side effects.] 】

[On the night of the successful experiment, Langevosky, or Bigfoot… A green door was seen in the sky. 】

[Beyond the door, there is a dark world, a world full of monsters and demons. 】

[Moreover, something came out of that door and then attached itself to Bigfoot!] 】

[After learning that Bruce Banner has been resurrected again, Longkovowski begins to follow his tracks.

[During the trip, he was inadvertently seriously injured and in the hospital… Transform into Bigfoot! 】

[At the same time, following the gamma radiation released by Longkovowski’s body, Bruce Banner also came to the hospital.] 】

After informing others to evacuate, Bruce Banner rushed into the chaotic operating room. 】

[Several doctors’ corpses have been laid down here, and Rankowski has long since turned into a giant monster. 】

[Facing an old friend he hasn’t seen for years, Bruce Banner still wants to try to regain his sanity, but at this time Bigfoot seems to have become a completely different person. 】

[“Ha! I just want to talk to the real you! “】

[Bigfoot turned around, and the sharp claws immediately cut Bruce Banner’s throat, and blood flowed out like a fountain. ] 】

[“Uh You dare to hurt Banner…”

[With a dull roar, Bruce Banner’s body suddenly underwent a terrible change! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[This corpse turned into the Hulk Hulk! ] 】

[“You’re not Langevosky, who are you?”] “】

[The Hulk punched Bigfoot and roared at the same time:]

“That idiot… It’s taken too long to transform into Bigfoot…”

[“That’s why the door will be wide open for you to take advantage of the void! “】

[Grabbing Bigfoot’s throat with one hand, the Hulk growled while roaring.] While making a rational analysis :]

“You came out of that green door!”] “】

“Are you Mephisto?”] Or some other hell demon, hurry up and get named! “】


[The bigfoot monster who was pinched by the neck laughed coldly:]

[“Little ghost, why don’t you take a look for yourself? “】

[The Hulk turned his gaze and suddenly saw an incredible image from the glass window next to him. ] 】

“That’s Brian Banner. 】

[A man who should have died a long time ago. 】

[That is, Bruce Banner’s… Father! 】

MCU Universe, Tony Stark’s mansion.

“What? Dad? ”

Looking at the incredible image on the screen, Bruce Banner couldn’t help but gasp, his expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

Even in this universe, his father Brian has long been in the earth.

So, Bruce Banner really can’t imagine it… That old ghost could even escape from hell and possess a gamma-ray monster!

“Green Gate? Under all things? ”

Chewing these two terms carefully, Bruce Banner’s expression suddenly became extremely strange.

No way?

Behind that door, is it the legend… Hades?

It is precisely for this reason that the Hulk Hulk can continue to come back from the dead?

That gamma monster, can it still be related to hell?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Facing the loving father in front of him, the Hulk Hulk was also shocked. ] 】

[It seems that since childhood, Brian Banner has been abusing his son, so the fear in Bruce’s body seems to have infected the Hulk. ] 】


[In panic, the Hulk was accidentally blinded by Bigfoot. ] 】

[Even if he is in a desperate situation, the Hulk is still the Hulk! ] 】

[“Gamma rays! “】

[Although blind, the Hulk seized the opportunity and strangled Bigfoot fiercely. ] 】

[At the same time, he also roared in his ear:]

[“It was gamma rays that created this Bigfoot!”] “】

[“It’s also gamma rays that open that green door and let you out!”] Right? “】

“But Dad… Something you seem to have forgotten…”

[The Hulk pinched Bigfoot’s neck and laughed maniacally:]

“I feed on gamma rays!”] “】

[Grabbing Bigfoot fiercely, the Hulk actually put gamma ray energy in his whole body… All sucked into their own bodies! 】


[With the disappearance of energy, this huge monster actually changed back to human form. 】

The man named Rumwalski is back. 】

[And the most incredible thing is that Rumvorsky discovered that he had lost the ability to transform into Bigfoot! ] 】

[It’s like, the Hulk “took away” that monster from his body and then “ate it”! ] 】

[Meanwhile, after leaving the hospital, the Hulk Hulk strolled through the parking lot. 】

[Suddenly, he saw something terrible in the glass window of a car. 】

“That’s Brian Banner!] 】

[In the mirror-like glass window, the Hulk does not see himself, but Banner’s father! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded.

Deadpool: I wipe! What the hell is this? The Hulk is possessed by Bruce Banner’s daddy!

John Constantine: From Hades… Summon the souls of people who have long died? What kind of black magic is this?

Stephen Strange: Hulk! It must have been the Hulk who took Brian Banner’s ghost when he was “absorbing” Bigfoot just now… Also inhaled into my own body.

Wanda Maksimov: Absorb … A monster? Also absorbed his father’s soul by the way? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Sentinel: The Hulk turned out to be so powerful, I didn’t even know it before…

Bruce Banner: Even I… It’s the first time I know (⊙_⊙)

Thor: Odin’s beard! What kind of monster is this? What kind of evil magician would create such an evil existence?

Bruce Banner: Magic? No…… No, the Hulk is supposed to be gamma rays…

Halfway through, Bruce Banner himself couldn’t say it anymore.

By now, even he began to wonder if the Hulk was really caused by gamma radiation?

Or is there really some hellish demon… Ghosting?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After seeing more and more strange things that are difficult to understand, Bruce Banner finally can’t stand it. 】

[Since he can’t solve these mysteries himself, it’s better to let that green guy in his body… Come and get some guidance! 】

In a small hotel, Bruce Banner took a pen and paper, closed his eyes, and began to write unconsciously. 】

[He wants to try to make another personality in his body… The personality of the Hulk comes to take over the body! 】

[And, tell him the real answer.] 】

[When he opened his eyes, he found that only one noun appeared on the paper, that is, “home.] 】

[Bruce Banner immediately understood that the home Hulk was talking about was not Banner’s home. 】

[It’s the place where the Hulk was born, which is the secret base where the gamma experiment was carried out!] 】

[At this time, Bruce Banner has long been reduced to a penniless bum. ] 】

[He came to the road and held out his thumb to try to catch a ride.] 】

[But the hitchhiker did not wait, he did wait for some old friends.] 】

【“!!! “】

[Feeling a strong light behind him, Banner looked back and saw that it was not a headlamp, but Captain Marvel… Carol Danvers! 】

[In addition, Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain Steve Rogers, Thor, Black Panther T’Challa, Ghost Rider, and the female Hulk and others… And all of them came here. 】

[The most powerful combat power of the Avengers can be said to be all assembled at this moment. ] 】

[They put on such a posture with only one purpose, that is, to fight against the most dangerous monster on earth… Hulk Hulk. 】

[The big war, it’s about to start! ] 】

PS: Chapter 621 can already be watched. ^_^

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