MCU Universe, Tony Stark’s mansion.


Seeing the absorber split in half on the screen, Banner’s eyes widened, his face was full of shock, and he didn’t seem to have recovered from the series of shocks just now.

Previously, the amount of information revealed in the video was too large, even for him, it was difficult to digest for a while.

And what shocked Bruce Banner the most was the origin of the Hulk!

For many years, he had thought that… The Hulk is a monster born from the gamma experiment accident.

But now he knows, but the Hulk on the screen says that long before Bruce Banner was born… The Hulk already coexists with him!

The gamma bomb only “activated” the Hulk in Banner’s body.

“How could there be such a thing?”

“Hulk and I… All born to my mother? ”

With this thought, Bruce Banner suddenly gasped, only to feel goosebumps on his skin.

That’s scary!

Where did this big green monster come from?

In addition, Brian Banner’s evil spirit also caused him a great impact.

Bruce Banner can be said to have no feelings for this dead ghost dad at all.

But from what happens on the screen, in another universe, Brian Banner seems to have completely turned into an enemy!

Whether it is the Hulk or his own variant, he has already fallen into his conspiracy and is involved with the terrifying existence called “Under All Things”!

“The soul of the deceased… Hell, terrifying devil! ”

Bruce Banner is, after all, one of the smartest people on the planet, and his brain is spinning, and he soon has his own guesses.

In that 616 universe, “own” father Brian may have defected to some terrifying demon in hell after he died!

Become a devil’s lackey!

And the only purpose of Brian’s plan may be to bring that demon to the world!

After all, don’t all demons want to do this?

Like the son of Satan in the “Constantine” video, his heart is in mind… That’s what I thought!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[“Bang! “】

[In a trance, absorbing people’s souls, seeing that… Known as the most evil horror being in the multiverse… Under all things! 】

[Immediately afterwards, his body in this world exploded into two pieces! ] The bare skull and spine all fell into the air. 】

[But on the two hands that absorbed people, they actually held the fiery red iron ball! ] 】

[This terrifying monster is not even dead! ] 】

[Corrupted by the magic under all things, the absorber seems to have fallen into madness, constantly wielding iron balls, fighting with the Hulk. ] 】

[At this moment, in the distance of the experimental field, a sniper from the Shadow Base was aiming his sniper rifle at the Hulk. 】

[It turns out that the absorber has received the DNA modification gene modification of the Shadow Base, which has obtained the new ability to absorb gamma ray energy. ] 】

[This sniper is preparing to take advantage of the gap between the Hulk battle to absorb people and use special firearms to kill this hateful green monster! ] 】

[In the sniper mirror, the sniper saw that the Hulk was fighting more and more bravely, and actually grabbed the exposed vertebrae of the absorber, and beat his body like a baseball and flew out. ] 】

[But then…]

[“Bang! “】

[With a violent gunshot, the bullet fired by the sniper suddenly pierced the Hulk’s head, and even blinded one of its eyes. ] 】

[But… The Hulk couldn’t care about these serious injuries anymore. 】

By now, he fully understood Brian Banner’s conspiracy. 】

[The reason why Brian went to great lengths to lure the Hulk to this gamma bomb experiment site is to absorb the residual gamma energy here, so as to open the green gate to the depths of hell! ] 】

[Now, it’s all late. 】


[Taking advantage of the Hulk’s injury, the absorber ran all the way to the original explosion site of the gamma bomb! ] 】

[Then, the absorber whose body split in half actually raised his head to the sky and let out a strange scream. ] 】

[“Boom! ”

[With the screams of this monster, a green pillar of light connecting heaven and earth rushed straight into the sky from the body that absorbed people! ] 】

[The incomparably strong green energy swept in all directions like a terrifying wave, shrouding everything within a hundred miles of the experimental field. 】

[When the green light dissipated, everyone opened their eyes, only to find that they had arrived in a scarlet strange world. 】

[As far as the eye can see, there are ruins everywhere, and you can only see desolation, darkness, eerie, and horror. 】

[Here, it’s the real hell. 】

[Just above a cliff in the distance, a succession of green pillars of light rushed straight into the sky, illuminating almost the entire hell! ] 】

[Out of some instinct, the Hulk feels that under that green light, there may be the answer to all this! ] So he started walking towards the cliff. 】

[Halfway up, he met two dead people. 】

[One of them is Rick Jones, a friend of Bruce Banner.] 】

[The other, this is Banner’s father-in-law, Thunder General Ross. 】

[After a verbal exchange, General Ross violently transformed into the Red Hulk and fought with the Hulk. 】

[Facing the burning father-in-law in front of him, the Hulk showed no mercy and first punched fiercely! ] Then grabbed the body of the Red Holk and tore him in half. 】

“You’re dead? Okay very! Ross! I’ll let you die again now. “】

[The angry Hulk frantically pounded the remnants of the Red Hulk, and his anger instantly broke through the peak and reached the critical point. ] 】

[At this moment, something seemed to have left the Hulk’s body and came to the pillar of light on the cliff. 】


[Standing on the edge of the cliff, Brian Banner turned his back to the green pillar of light behind him, looked at the Hulk roaring up to the sky below the cliff, and said calmly:]

“In both Genesis and Revelation, it is recorded that there was a tree of life in the Garden of Eden. “】

“The tip of this tree is called Keter, which symbolizes the crown above all things. “】

“And the shadow of the tree of life is the tree of evil, and the tip of the tree of evil is called Thaumiel. “】

“If the tree of evil is the image of life, then this shadow area is the lowest point in the world, below all things. “】

[“It is said that … In this realm beneath all things, there is a king of demons, known as the only ruler. He is the legendary Lucifer… Satan, whose arrogance caused him to fall from heaven. “】

[Brian suddenly smiled to himself:]

[“Wu’er… After being in hell for so long, I have seen it clearly. “】

“The realm under all things is full of darkness and evil, but there is no such thing as a king. “】

[Brian turned his head to look at the green pillar of light behind him, and saw a man in the pillar of light! ] 】

[This person is his son Bruce Banner!] 】

[Looking at his son, Brian’s eyes are extremely complicated. 】

[Among them, there is both hatred and pity, and more… Just a pity. 】

[At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.]

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the system sounded.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Who is the host under all things? 】

[This question is a special question that can be answered by all people in the live broadcast room and chat group.] 】

[Answer A: Hulk.] 】

[Answer B: Bruce Banner. 】

[Answer C: Both the Hulk and Bruce are. 】

[Answer D: Brian Banner. 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

MCU Universe, Tony Stark’s mansion.


Seeing this question, Bruce Banner couldn’t help but swallow his spit with difficulty, and his heart beat violently like a drum.

Under all things!

A real hell in the multiverse!

And the most terrifying thing is that judging from the intelligence revealed in the video, he is actually with this hell … It’s involved!

“What is underneath all things?”

“Is that the name of this hell? Or the name of the Helllord? ”

Bruce Banner spins wildly, with smart brains.

But all kinds of information and intense emotions were intertwined, making his brain unable to function for a while.

At this moment, a thought suddenly rose from her heart.

“Hulk! This monster is more like the king of demons! ”

“Moreover, that Thor said so about him!”

Bruce Banner immediately remembered Thor, the god of thor who was knocked down in the previous video, and his evaluation of the Hulk.

He is a monster close to the devil!

And the Hulk himself simply calls himself “Demon Hulk”!

In this way, the so-called Demon King must be him!

Out of a certain rebellious mentality, Bruce Banner instinctively did not want to admit it… Himself, or his own father, will be the king of demons!

So, the moment this thought arose, he instinctively shouted.

“I choose A! The host under all things is the Hulk. ”

Soon, the sound of the system sounded.

【Ding! Bruce Banner finished answering, and the Q&A system began to decide…]

【Ding! Bruce Banner answered incorrectly. 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Oops! This idiot! ”

Hearing the sound of the system, Tony Stark covered his forehead at once, and his face showed a look of crying and laughter.

According to the rules he had previously summarized, those that seemed most likely to be the correct answers. On the contrary, it is most likely to be wrong!

It’s just a pity, Banner this guy… Maybe when it comes to “yourself”, you can’t calm down, so you make such a low-level mistake.

At this moment, the sound of the system continued to sound.

[Bruce Banner gets random punishment… Get SCP-426 (I’m a toaster) and execute it now! 】


In the mansion, Bruce Banner was still frustrated by failing to answer the question, but as soon as he heard the sound of the system, a strange look immediately appeared on his face.

Wasn’t the previous systematic punishment all random deprivation, something for the respondent?

How…… This time it actually turned into a reward,

And, what is that toaster?

At this moment, an ordinary toaster suddenly appeared in front of Banner and was suspended in mid-air.

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