[When Brian Banner was young, he was also a wonderful scientist]

When he began studying gamma rays, he discovered a secret. 】

[This strange energy is not only in the form of waves and particles, but also in the unknown third type. 】

[However, even after using all means, Brian cannot determine what this third form is. 】

[And on the night that the third form of gamma rays was discovered, Brian Banner saw an indescribable green existence in his dream. 】

[This “weird” emitting green light obviously has no eyes, but Brian feels…”it” is looking at himself! ] 】

[It’s as if that green monster is peeking at him through a crack in a door!] 】

[Moreover, “it” seems to want to get through the crack in the door!] 】

When he returned home the next day, Brian’s wife told him she was pregnant. 】

[When he heard this “good news”, Brian’s face did not have a trace of joy, what he could see… Only consternation and fear! 】

[When Bruce was born, he tore her mother’s womb and almost killed her! ] 】

[Since then, Brian has never given this son a good face. 】

[In his heart, he has always faintly felt… This imp is not his child! 】

[It’s that green weirdness, a gift for him!] 】

[Brian firmly believes that this little ghost… It will definitely turn into a terrifying monster in the future! 】

[Driven by this suspicion and madness, he killed his wife and was then imprisoned in a mental hospital for 15 years! ] 】

[After Brian came out of the mental hospital, he really hated his son Bruce… Killed in front of his mother’s grave. 】

[In the abyss of hell, Brian met under all things. 】

[Only then did he know the truth.] 】

[The third form of gamma rays is not science at all, but connects to the deepest and darkest hell in the multiverse.] 】

[There, there contains all the sins of this world!] 】

[After seeing the sins of all living beings in the world, Brian Banner consciously volunteered… He became a servant under all things. 】

[Under all things, although it contains infinite evil power, “it” has no way to enter the main material realm. 】

To do this, “it” needs a host that provides him with a body. 】

[Brian Banner played this role. 】

[“Hmph! That guy didn’t mix with you, which is also a good thing for you. “】

[Looking at the “pure and non-Hulk” Bruce in the pillar of light, Brian Banner’s eyes actually flashed a trace of solemnity. ] 】

He was not a theologian, but he had read some books. 】

[Even the Almighty Creator has its opposite, which is the incarnation of chaos… Exterminator! 】

[In ancient Zoroastrianism, there was a god named Angora Newman. 】

[He is the opposite of all good, representing all evil in the world!] 】

[He is the Great Destruction! ] 】

[Angora Newman tore open the womb of time so that he could come to earth, and he was also the cause of the fall of mankind. 】

[Not only that, in the 19th century, a famous scholar once called Satan God’s angel! 】

[And Satan’s duty is to bring judgment to all those who do not meet the standards of the gods, and is an angel of wrath! God’s wrath incarnate! 】

[At the same time, Satan is also responsible for the time when the world is hopeless… Destroy it completely! 】

[So, also known as the World Breaker!] 】

[“Wu’er… Ascend to the third form carrying gamma rays and you will replace me as the new host! “】

[Just as Brian roared, the green pillar of light in front of him also became thicker and brighter, as if it was going to penetrate the world itself! ] Go to another dimension. 】

【The sun rises high! 】 】

[Hell noon has arrived! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With the raging green pillar of light, a terrifying green monster poked its head out from mid-air. 】

[It is under all things!] 】

[As long as this monster is possessed by Bruce Banner, then everything will end, and the world will come to an end.] 】

[Not only that, at the moment when everything appeared, endless demons and demons also rushed out from his body! ] 】

[They are the aggregate of all evil thoughts in the world! ] 】

[At this time, at the bottom of the cliff, among the group of humans who were wrapped up in this hell with the Hulk, there was a girl who couldn’t help but scream. 】

[“Ah! It’s over, such a big monster, how are we going to fight it? “】

“The end of the world is coming. “】


[Since the gamma energy has been absorbed by most of the absorbers, the Hulk is already skinny at the moment, looking extremely embarrassed, but when he heard the woman’s scream, he still drank coldly:]

“That freak is not the end of the world!”] “】

[The Hulk glanced at everything in the air, turned around, and his eyes flashed with a dazzling green light, like a burning flame:]

“Because I am!”] “】

And seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively again.

Deadpool: I wipe! What exactly does this mean? What exactly is the Hulk? Is it a demon or an angel?

John Constantine: Bryan this old man is afraid that he is crazy, and Satan has actually become an angel.

John Constantine: If you want to say that Lucifer was an angel, then forget it, after the fall, he was the king of hell!

Wolverine: Uh… I’m not very theological, but… Are Satan and Lucifer two people?

John Constantine: ……… I’m not an angel, how do I know about those things in the upper realm?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Angolan Newman? Zoroastrianism? All the evil in this world? What is this? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Sentinel: I don’t know what gods or demons are, but in the 616 universe where I am, there are indeed people… Call the Hulk a world breaker!

Bruce Wayne: World Breaker… Satan! God’s wrath incarnate! The 2nd Demon King…

Bruce Wayne: If that’s the case, it can be explained.

Bruce Banner: You… What can you explain?

Bruce Wayne: First of all, Brian Banner mentioned that in the darkest part of the universe, there is a … A hell made up of all the evils of the world!

Bruce Wayne: And in this hell, there are two demon kings!

Starlight: Two? What does that mean?

Bruce Wayne: One of them, undoubtedly, is under all things, but I suspect… “Under all things” may also be the name of this hell.

John Constantine: Huh? The whole hell is called under all things? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Wayne: I’m just guessing, but if it’s true, then everything is clear.

Bruce Wayne: “Under all things” is the consciousness of hell, and the other demon is the most powerful monster in this hell, the so-called Satan!

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, the more you say it, the more ridiculous, if you’re right, then Satan… Maybe it was sent to hell by that God!

Wanda Maksimov: My head is dizzy. (╯_╰)

Nick Fury: No… This is easy to understand.

Nick Fury: Probably, God has already discovered … “under all things” is ready to escape hell and enter the world.

Nick Fury: So, he sent his angel “Satan.” Go to hell to stop it all.

Starlight: Satan has become a good guy! How is this possible?

Bruce Wayne: At the end of the day, all of this is Brian’s words, and it’s possible… He’s all gibberish.

Bruce Wayne: I think the biggest possibility is that the Hulk and the two hostile demon kings under all things will fight from hell to earth!

Captain America: Phew… Excluding God, angels, I understood.

Bruce Banner: But if… What Brian said is true!

Seeing the discussion in the group deepened, Dr. Banner gradually broke free from the frustration and panic.

As one of the smartest people on earth, Bruce Banner is also a well-read man.

So, he soon had new hypotheses.

Bruce Banner: The apex of the Kabbalah tree of life, Keter above all things.

Bruce Banner: The corresponding tree of the inverse Kabbalah grows downward, representing the fall of life! Its apex… But it was Thaumiel under all things

Bruce Banner: If none of this is illusory, then it goes without saying that under all things, what the Hulk represents… Kate?

Bruce Banner: Is it the true God “above all things”, the messenger sent to hell? In the end, he became the king of demons!

Wolverine: “Above all things”?

Bruce Banner: Literally, that is… ONE-ABOVE-ALL!


Tony Stark: That is to say…, under all things, with the help of Brian Banner, the blues of the 616 universe were turned into a potential host.

Tony Stark: But just when he was attacking under all things, as a subordinate of OAA, Hulk also sneaked into Banner’s body and became an existence under all things!

Nick Fury: Above and below everything, two multiverse-level bigwigs, but around a Bruce Banner… There was a proxy war.

Nick Fury: It’s incredible.

Bruce Banner: ……… Sigh, if your inferences are true, then I in another universe… It’s also too unlucky.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[As the angel and spokesperson of the OAA, the Hulk’s duty is to protect Bruce Banner and prevent the door under all things from opening! ] 】

[Even in hell, facing the endless demons released under all things, the Hulk still forged ahead and tore all the enemies to pieces. 】

[But now the Hulk, most of the gamma energy in the body has been absorbed by the absorbers, and the combat effectiveness has long dropped to the bottom, and it seems that it will be overwhelmed by the demon army. ] 】

[At this time, on the other side, the absorbers who were also sucked into this hell saw the endless demons in front of them… And under the hideous and terrifying things in the air, the heart suddenly mixed with regret. 】

[The reason why he fought against the Hulk is purely for personal vendetta, but the scene in front of him is obviously the end of the world! ] 】

[Facing the coming of the end, the absorber suddenly plucked up courage. 】

[He even dares to fight the Hulk, and he is not afraid of death at all! ] 】

[In that case, even if you are desperate, the absorber wants to stop it… The end has come to earth! 】

[First, the absorber came to the vicinity of the cliff, and by touching the rock, he put on a layer of rock armor for himself. 】

[When he climbed to the top of the cliff, Brian Banner, who was a servant under all things, his eyes were suddenly full of contempt. 】

[“Absorbing people, are you here to fight me? “】

“Oh… I know I can’t beat you. “】

[A weird smile suddenly appeared on the absorber’s face, and at the same time he put his hand into the green pillar of light. 】

“But there is one person who must have beaten you!”] “】

“What? “】

[Seeing the absorbing hand, Brian Banner was shocked. 】

[Originally, this monster obtained the physique to absorb gamma energy through genetic modification! ] 】

[Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to “suck” the Hulk into the current skin-covered appearance! ] 】

[But Brian really never dreamed that absorbing people would actually come to absorb… Gamma energy in a green beam of light! 】

[“Don’t! Stop me.” “】

[“Stupid! It’s already too late! “】

[With a loud drink, the absorbing person’s body was like a green meteor, rushing down from the cliff and hitting the Hulk Hulk’s body. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a flash of green light, the gamma energy absorbed by the person from the green light pillar was immediately transmitted to the body of the Hulk Hulk! ] 】

[Now, the Hulk, it can be said that he is completely full of blood and demon, resurrected in place! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[With unimaginable gamma energy condensed in his body, Hulk felt that he had never been so powerful! ] An earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded! 】

[“Kill! “】

[After the Hulk was completely reborn, he swept everything at once! ] Where it passes. It’s like a storm! All demons are torn apart! 】

[Without anyone standing in his way, the Hulk rushed all the way to the top of the cliff and faced Brian Banner, who laughed out loud.] 】

[“Father! Are you proud to see me now, are you proud? “】

[“Stop! You are not my son. “】

[Looking at the big green monster in front of him, Brian roared in annoyance:]

“You are the son of all things! It’s the son of the devil! “】

[“Ridiculous! I Hulk… It’s the Hulk! “】

[The Hulk didn’t even bother to continue arguing with Brian, he just opened his hands and did his best… Snap! 】

[“Boom! “】

[At the moment when Hulk’s palms clapped together, the wind and clouds suddenly changed color and the sky shattered! ] 】

[Huge wind and waves, sweeping everything around like a hurricane! ] The clouds in the sky were suddenly swept away, revealing a clean sky! 】

[Even rolling and roaring in mid-air, under all the worldly things, they are like kites with broken lines, blown without a trace by the palm wind of this beat! ] 】

[As for those thousands of demons… and Brian Banner, who was swept away by a strong shockwave in an instant… I don’t know where to fly. 】

[One hit! ] 】

[After gaining full power, the Immortal Hulk only hit … And repelled all things! 】

[Although it is only an avatar of the other party, it is also enough to be scary! ] 】

[Immortal Hulk, the ultimate victory! ] 】

PS: The next chapter starts “Avengers 4 (Part II)”! This is followed by Joker and Black Widow!

PS2: By the way, have you played the game “Batman Arkham City”? ^_^

The Riddler gets out of Gotham!

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